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Condiții generale bancare

Documente valabile din 01.08.2024





CUPRINS: 1.Introducere;
2. Principii generale; 3. Conditii generale aplicabile conturilor; 4.Dispozitii
privind operatiunile de plata; 5. Prevederi contractuale
aferente emiterii si utilizarii Cardului; 6. Servicii
speciale oferite de banca prin intermediul serviciului telefonic Call Center al
Raiffeisen Bank; 7. Termeni si conditii pentru Serviciul Debitare Directa; 8.
Dispozitii finale; 9. Declaratiile Clientului si Semnaturile Partilor.




1.1. Prevederi Introductive

Prezentele Conditii Generale de Derulare a Operatiunilor Bancare (denumite in
continuare ”CGB”) stabilesc cadrul juridic general in care se va desfasura
relatia contractuala dintre Raiffeisen Bank S.A. (denumita in continuare
“Banca”) si fiecare dintre Clientii sai, persoane fizice.

Raporturile juridice dintre Banca si Client vor fi guvernate de prezentele CGB,
care impreuna cu dispozitiile prevazute in fiecare dintre documentele
contractuale specifice fiecarui tip de produs sau serviciu bancar, încheiate
între Banca si Client, vor reprezenta contractul dintre parti. Prezentele CGB
completeaza documentele contractuale specifice produselor/serviciilor bancare,
cu exceptia cazului in care se prevede expres contrariul in continutul celor
din urma.

1.1.3. In
masura in care ramân aspecte nereglementate in mod expres, raporturilor
juridice dintre Banca si Client li se vor aplica actele normative in vigoare,
reglementarile Bancii Nationale a României, normele Bancii, precum si uzantele
si practicile bancare interne si internationale.

1.1.4. Banca
va intra in raporturi contractuale doar cu persoanele care accepta expres
prezentele CGB. Clientul va primi un exemplar al CGB, în vigoare la data
înregistrarii sale în evidentele Bancii.

Prin semnarea oricarei alte
cereri in forma pusa la dispozitie de catre Banca sau a oricarui contract,
Clientul accepta ca, in toate raporturile contractuale cu Banca, sa respecte
CGB in vigoare in acel moment, cu posibilele modificari periodice ce pot fi
aduse de Banca in conditiile prezentelor CGB.


1.2. Conflicte

1.2.1. In
caz de conflict intre prevederile exprese din orice contract sau document
semnat intre Client si Banca si prevederile generale cuprinse in prezentele
CGB, vor prevala prevederile exprese din contractele sau documentele specifice.

1.2.2. Daca
sunt acceptate de catre Client, atât versiunea in limba româna a CGB, cât si
versiunea in limba engleza a acestora, in cazul oricarui conflict sau
neconcordanta intre versiunea in limba engleza si cea in limba româna,
versiunea in limba româna va prevala.


1.3. Interpretare

1.3.1. Orice
referire facuta la Banca in cuprinsul prezentului document va fi inteleasa ca
incluzând si oricare dintre unitatile sale teritoriale (punct de lucru,
reprezentanta, agentie, sucursala).

1.3.2. Orice
referire facuta la Client in cuprinsul prezentului document include si
categoria de Co-debitor si/sau Garant, daca este cazul conform Contractelor

1.3.3. Orice
referire facuta la Clientul persoana fizica in cuprinsul CGB, va fi considerata
a fi facuta si la oricare din succesorii acestuia.

Referirea facuta la Imprumutat in contractele de credit se va considera facuta
la Client, asa cum este acesta definit in prezentele CGB.

Oriunde in cuprinsul prezentelor CGB si/sau in cuprinsul fiecarui Contract
specific, si daca din context nu rezulta altfel, dupa caz, pluralul va include
singularul si invers.

Referirea la „efecte negative semnificative” sau „afectare semnificativa” va fi
interpretata ca reflectând opinia calificata a Bancii.

Referirea la orice Contract specific/Contract de garantie/orice alta conventie
incheiata intre Client si Banca sau la orice prevedere legala va include orice
modificare, reiterare sau repunere in aplicare a acestora.

Titlurile din prezentele CGB si/sau din orice Contract de credit/Contract de
garantie/documentatie contractuala specifica au fost introduse numai pentru
facilitarea referintelor si nu afecteaza interpretarea prevederilor
respectivelor documente contractuale.


1.4. Clauze independente

In cazul in care orice prevedere
din CGB si/sau din oricare dintre Contractele specifice incheiate intre Banca
si Client, este sau devine la un moment dat nula, invalida sau neexecutabila
conform legii aplicabile, legalitatea, validitatea si aplicabilitatea unei
asemenea prevederi, in limita admisa de lege, precum si a celorlalte prevederi
ale CGB, nu vor fi afectate sau prejudiciate de aceasta. Partile vor depune
eforturile necesare pentru a realiza acele acte si/sau modificari care ar
conduce la acelasi rezultat legal si/sau economic care s-a avut in vedere la
data incheierii CGB.


1.5. Definitii

In scopul prezentelor CGB,
termenii si expresiile de mai jos au urmatoarele semnificatii:

ATM (Automated
Teller Machine)/MFM (Multi-Functional Machine) –
terminale electronice ale Bancii sau ale altor prestatori de servicii de plati
care permit Clientilor, care detin un Card, sa efectueze tranzactii sau alte
operatiuni bancare (cum ar fi spre exemplu retrageri de numerar, interogare
sold, plata facturilor, depunere de numerar - doar la MFM etc.);

Stricta a Clientului - autentificare care se bazează pe utilizarea a două sau
mai multe elemente incluse în categoria cunoștințelor deținute (ceva ce doar
Clientul cunoaște, spre exemplu PIN, parola), posesiei (ceva ce doar Clientul
posedă, spre exemplu cardul) și inerenței (ceva ce reprezintă Clientul, spre
exemplu amprenta digitala, recunoastere faciala) care sunt independente, iar
compromiterea unui element nu conduce la compromiterea fiabilității celorlalte
elemente și care sunt concepute în așa fel încât să protejeze
confidențialitatea datelor de autentificare;

Banca -
Raiffeisen Bank S.A in calitate de institutie de credit, prestator de servicii
de plată si/sau furnizor al oricarui alt serviciu si/sau produs bancar, in
conformitate cu obiectul de activitate autorizat in conditiile legii;

Card -
instrument de plata emis de catre Banca, prin intermediul caruia Clientul are
acces la disponibilitatile banesti proprii din Contul curent si/sau la o linie
de credit, in vederea efectuarii Tranzactiilor prin Card;

Client -
persoana fizica, rezidenta sau nerezidenta in Romania, care deschide o relatie
contractuala de afaceri cu Banca ce include dar fara a se limita la deschiderea
si operarea Conturilor si/sau prestarea/furnizarea de catre Banca a diverselor
servicii/produse bancare;

beneficiar - Clientul care beneficiaza de fondurile ce fac obiectul
unei Operatiuni de plata;

platitor - Clientul care da un Ordin de plata;

Cod de
identificare interna/Cheie CIF/Cod client - cod unic
alocat de catre Banca persoanelor inregistrate in baza sa de date, necesar
pentru identificarea unica a persoanelor aflate in relatie cu Banca;

Comision de conversie valutara – comision perceput de Banca,
exprimat ca procent din cursul de schimb valutar aplicat de organizatia de
carduri Visa conform prevederilor cap.5.4 din prezentele CGB si care se adauga
la acest curs de schimb; Valoarea acestui comision se regaseste inclusiv pe
site-ul Bancii in sectiunea Curs Valutar – Tranzactii prin card;

Cont -
cont bancar in care sunt evidentiate disponibilitatile banesti ale Clientului
si/sau dupa caz, sumele puse de Banca la dispozitia acestuia;

Cont de plati -
Cont utilizat pentru executarea Operatiunilor de plata;

Cont de plăţi
accesibil online – cont curent detinut de Client care poate fi accesat
prin intermediul unei interfete online, precum aplicatiile online de internet
banking/mobile banking puse la dispozitie de catre Banca;

specific - contractul care reglementeaza furnizarea/prestarea
oricarui produs/serviciu furnizat de Banca si orice alte raporturi juridice
accesorii sau in legatura cu acesta. Alcatuiesc Contractul specific documentele
cu continut standard si/sau negociat, care reflecta intelegerea dintre Banca si
Client, precum, dar fara a se limita la, cereri aprobate de Banca, oferte
acceptate de Client, Contracte de credit, contract de garantie, conventii,
comunicari, notificari, formulare si/sau orice alte documente in legatura cu
Contractul specific, acceptate de Banca;

Cursul de
schimb valutar al Bancii - cursul de schimb utilizat de Banca pentru schimburi
valutare sau Operatiuni de plata efectuate in cont, exprimate intr-o moneda
diferita de cea a contului platitorului, respectiv a contului beneficiarului,
calculat dupa cum urmeaza: (i) in cazul conversiilor valutare de tip
valuta/lei, se va utiliza cursul de cumparare al Bancii pentru valuta in care
se exprima suma transferata catre contul beneficiarului, respectiv cursul de
vânzare al Bancii pentru valuta in care se exprima suma transferata de catre
platitor; (ii) in cazul conversiilor valutare de tip valuta/valuta, se
va utiliza raportul dintre cursul obtinut din cursul de cumparare valuta/lei al
Bancii pentru moneda in care se exprima suma transferata de catre platitorul cu
cont la o alta banca si cursul de vânzare valuta/lei al Bancii aferent monedei
in care este exprimata suma creditata in contul beneficiar, respectiv cursul
obtinut din raportul dintre cursul de vânzare valuta/lei al Bancii pentru
moneda in care este exprimata suma transferata catre beneficiarul cu cont la
alta banca si cursul de cumparare valuta/lei al Bancii aferent monedei debitate
din contul platitorului.

In cazul operatiunilor de plata
autorizate prin intermediul Cardurilor se vor aplica cursurile de schimb
mentionate in mod expres in prezentul document in cadrul dispozitiilor privind
utilizarea Cardurilor;

Valutele pentru care Banca ofera
servicii de conversie valutara sunt publicate pe site-ul Bancii

Cursul valutar
pentru Tranzactiile cu Cardul - cursul intern al Bancii de schimb valutar,  de
vanzare, respectiv cumparare valuta de referinta,  utilizat pentru
efectuarea Tranzactiilor prin Card afisat 
pe site-ul Bancii;

Contract de
card de debit - contractul specific ce reglementeaza raporturile
contractuale dintre Banca si Utilizatorul de card, derivate din utilizarea
cardului de debit atasat unui cont curent, format din clauzele prevazute in
prezentele CGB si clauzele ce se regasesc in documentatia specifica de emitere
si mentenanta Card de debit;

Contract de
cont curent - Contract specific ce reglementeaza raporturile
contractuale dintre Banca si titularul de cont curent, format din clauzele
prevazute in prezentele CGB si clauzele ce se regasesc in documentatia
specifica de deschidere si mententanta cont curent, in formularele utilizate
pentru definire si actualizarea datelor personale ale Clientului si pentru
numirea si revocarea Imputernicitilor pe cont;

privind Serviciul de debitare directa - contractul specific ce
reglementeaza raporturile contractuale dintre Banca si Platitor, derivate din
activarea Serviciului de debitare directa, format din clauzele prevazute in
prezentele CGB si clauzele ce se regasesc in cuprinsul formularelor de emitere,
modificare si denuntare a Mandatelor de debitare directa;

CRS (Common
Reporting Standard) - reprezinta standardul global pentru schimbul automat
de informatii financiare intre tari. Sunt vizate veniturile din investitii
(inclusiv din dobanzi, dividende, castiguri de capital, etc) detinute de
contribuabili in conturile institutiilor financiare din tarile participante la
schimbul global de informatii financiare. Standardul global pentru schimbul de
informatii financiare si acordul multilateral pentru schimbul automat de
informatii au fost initiate de OECD (Organizatia Economica de Cooperare si
Dezvoltare) si Comisia Europeana. Standardul are trei directii: informatiile ce
trebuie raportate, institutiile raportoare si conturile care fac obiectul
raportarii.Romania asigura cadrul legal prin transpunerea prevederilor europene
in cadrul Codului de Procedura Fiscala, care a intrat in vigoare incepand cu 1
ianuarie 2016.

Data efectiva -
data de referinta folosita de catre Banca pentru a calcula dobânda generata de
executarea unei Operatiuni de plata;

Data postarii
tranzactiei pe cont – sau Data tranzactiei este data la care suma aferenta
Tranzactiei prin Card este debitata din Cont si transferata beneficiarului
platii prin intermediul schemelor de carduri.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) - este un pachet legislativ emis
in Statele Unite ale Americii, care poate fi consultat la adresa,
promulgat la data de 18 Martie 2010 si care a intrat in vigoare la 1 Iulie
2014, prin care se impune in sarcina contribuabililor Statelor Unite ale
Americii („SUA”), inclusiv celor care locuiesc sau isi desfasoara activitatea
in afara SUA, obligatia de a raporta detinerile directe sau indirecte de active
financiare din afara SUA. Aceeasi cerinta de raportare este prevazuta si pentru
institutiile de credit, care detin active in numele contribuabililor SUA.

Imputernicit -
persoana cu capacitate deplina de exercitiu, autorizata de Client, prin
intermediul formularelor speciale furnizate de Banca sau prin procura
notariala, sa aiba acces in numele si pe seama Clientului la un Cont deschis pe
numele acestuia, actionând in limitele prevazute in Contractele specifice;

Instrument de
plata - orice dispozitiv personalizat si/sau orice set de
proceduri convenite între Client si Banca in conditiile contractuale agreate cu
Banca, folosit de Client pentru a initia un Ordin de plata, cum ar fi Cardul,
serviciile de tip internet banking, home banking, mobile banking etc.;

Mandatar -
persoana autorizata de Client prin procura sa il reprezinte in relatia cu Banca
pentru incheierea si/sau executarea unui contract. Procura de reprezentare
trebuie autentificata de un notar public din România sau la un consulat
românesc; in cazul procurilor emise la un notariat din strainatate, procura va
fi apostilata sau supralegalizata, dupa caz, si se va prezenta si traducerea
legalizata a acesteia, daca este redactata intr-o limba straina;

primirii Ordinului de plata - ziua în care se considera ca Ordinul de plata,
transmis direct de catre Platitor ori indirect de catre sau prin intermediul
unui beneficiar al platii, a intrat in posesia Bancii, in functie de Ora
Limita; ca regula, pentru Ordinele de plata primite in zile lucratoare pâna in
Ora Limita, momentul primirii este ziua receptionarii de catre Banca, iar
pentru Ordinele de plata primite dupa Ora Limita, momentul primirii este ziua
lucratoare urmatoare; Daca Ordinul de plata este receptionat într-o zi
nelucratoare, Momentul primirii este considerat ziua lucratoare urmatoare,
indiferent care este instrumentul de plata sau modalitatea utilizata pentru
transmiterea Ordinului. Un Ordin de plata a carui executare a fost refuzata de
catre Banca se considera ca nu a fost primit;

Exceptie fac: (i)
serviciile bancare de tip debitare directa, care permit Beneficiarului platii
sa initieze Operatiuni de plata, precum si cele de tip ordine de plata
programate, prin care Clientul Platitor ordona plati cu frecventa prestabilita,
in cazul carora Momentul primirii este ziua convenita de Banca si Client in
cuprinsul Contractului specific; (ii) alte servicii sau tipuri de plati
oferite de Banca care permit primirea si executarea Ordinelor de plata in afara
limitelor de timp mentionate anterior;

Operatiune de
plata - actiune initiata de Clientul platitor sau de o alta
persoana in numele si pe seama acestuia sau de beneficiarul platii cu scopul de
a depune, de a transfera sau de a retrage fonduri, indiferent de orice
obligatii subsecvente exista între platitor si beneficiarul platii; Operatiunea
de plata poate avea caracter ocazional;

Optiune de
comisionare BEN - modalitate de comisionare a executarii Operatiunilor de
plata conform careia beneficiarul platii suporta toate comisioanele aferente;

Optiune de
comisionare OUR - modalitate de comisionare a executarii Operatiunilor
de plata conform careia platitorul suporta toate comisioanele aferente
executarii Operatiunii de plata;

Optiune de
comisionare SHA - modalitate de comisionare a executarii Operatiunii de
plata conform careia Clientul platitor suporta comisioanele percepute de
prestatorul servicii de plata al platitorului, iar Clientul beneficiar al
platii suporta comisioanele percepute de prestatorul de servicii de plata al
beneficiarului. Eventualele comisioane ale bancilor corespondente/intermediare
sunt datorate/percepute conform practicilor europene/internationale si ale
standardului SWIFT;

Ora limita
pentru primirea Ordinului de plata - ora stabilita de Banca pentru
a intra in posesia Ordinului de plata, in functie de care se stabileste
Momentul primirii acestuia. Ora limita poate fi diferita in functie de tipul
Operatiunii de plata/Instrumentului de plata si este comunicata Clientului dupa
caz, prin afisare in locuri special amenajate in unitatile Bancii si/sau in
pagina de internet
si/sau in cuprinsul Contractului specific/aplicatiilor informatice aferente
anumitor servicii prestate de Banca;

Ordin de plata -
instructiunea data de platitor sau de beneficiarul platii catre Banca, in
calitate de prestator al serviciului de plata, prin care se solicita executarea
unei Operatiuni de plata;

Parola Statica –
element de securitate inclus în categoria cunoștințelor deținute (ceva ce doar
Utilizatorul de Card cunoaste) pe care Utilizatorul de Card il seteaza la prima
Tranzactie prin Card efectuata pe internet (in cadrul e-commerce);

Parola de
securitate in relatia cu Banca – procedura de identificare,
utilizata in cadrul interactiunii Clientului cu serviciul telefonic Call Center
al Bancii, care face dovada deplina a identitatii Clientului/Utilizatorului de
card, cât si a vointei acestuia in legatura cu continutul acestor convorbiri.
Procedura de identificarea consta in solicitarea unor elemente de securitate si
a unor informatii cunoscute doar de Banca si de Client/Utilizatorul de card,
convorbirile telefonice urmând a fi inregistrate in scopul constituirii de
probe in acest sens. Obtinerea de raspunsuri corecte la intrebarile
operatorului virtual/operatorul Bancii echivaleaza cu validarea identitatii
apelantului / persoanei apelate de Banca. In cazul in care numarul de telefon de la care a fost initiat apelul in
Call Center nu corespunde cu numarul de telefon inregistrat in baza de date a
Bancii ca apartinand Clientului/Utilizatorului de Card al Clientului, Banca isi
rezerva dreptul de a nu da curs solicitarii apelantului decat dupa actualizarea
numarului de telefon prin parcurgerea procedurilor specifice de actualizare
date de contact ale acestor persoane;

PIN - este
un cod unic de identificare generat de Banca pentru fiecare Card, pentru
identificarea sau securizarea unor Operatiuni de plata efectuate prin
intermediul Cardulului precum operatiunile prin ATM/MFM, unele tranzactii prin
EPOS la comercianti sau la ghiseele bancare;

Plata de mica
valoare prin Card  - reprezinta operatiunea de plata a carei valoare
individuala este mai mica sau cel mult egala cu limita stabilita de 
organizatiile internationale de carduri, Visa/Mastercard,  dar care nu poate
depasi 50 de Euro sau echivalent pentru tranzactiile la EPOS,  respectiv  30 de
Euro pentru tranzactiile realizate pe internet (e-commerce); valoarea limitei
este stabilita de organizatiile internationale de carduri difera in functie de
tara si poate fi modificata oricand de aceste entitati; valoarea limitei
aplicabile pe teritoriul Romaniei este mentionata cu titlu informativ in
Contractele specifice de card de debit si card de credit si este afisata
permanent in unitatile si pe site-ul Bancii, orice actualizare a valorii
limitei urmand a fi  afisata pe site;

electronic - aplicatie informatica de plata instalata pe unul sau
mai multe dispozitive mobile de tipul telefon inteligent (smartphone), tableta,
ceas inteligent (smartwatch) etc. care permite inregistrarea Cardului si
efectuarea Tranzactiilor prin Card, utilizand un dispozitiv mobil cu functie de
plata, in conditiile stabilite in aplicatie de furnizorul acesteia si/sau de

Prestator de
servicii de informare cu privire la conturi - prestator
de servicii autorizat de catre o autoritate competenta din Romania si/sau din
UE/SEE, care are dreptul sa ofere servicii de informare cu privire la conturi
de plati pe teritoriul Romaniei, prin intermediul caruia Clientul poate
solicita informatii cu privire la conturile sale de plati, accesibile online,
detinute la Banca;

Prestator de
servicii de initiere a platii - prestator de servicii de plata, autorizat de catre o
autoritate competenta din Romania si/sau din UE/SEE care are dreptul sa ofere
servicii de initiere a platii pe teritoriul Romaniei, prin intermediul caruia
Clientul poate initia ordine de plata cu privire la conturile sale de plati
accesibile online, deschise la Banca;

Prestator de
servicii de încredere calificat = o persoană juridică care
prestează unul sau mai multe servicii de încredere calificate și căruia i se
acordă statutul de calificat de către organismul de supraveghere. Prin Serviciu
de încredere calificat intelegandu-se un serviciu electronic care îndeplineşte
condiţiile aplicabile prevăzute în Regulamentul (UE) nr. 910/2014, prestat în
mod obişnuit în schimbul unei remuneraţii, care constă în: (i) crearea,
verificarea şi validarea semnăturilor electronice, a sigiliilor electronice sau
a mărcilor temporale electronice, a serviciilor de distribuţie electronică
înregistrată şi a certificatelor aferente serviciilor respective; sau (ii)
crearea, verificarea şi validarea certificatelor pentru autentificarea unui site
internet; sau   (iii) păstrarea semnăturilor electronice, a sigiliilor sau
a certificatelor aferente serviciilor respective;

Rata dobânzii -
procent anual de dobânda determinat/determinabil, conform Contractelor
specifice si/sau Listelor specifice de dobânda, folosit ca baza de calcul
pentru dobânda;

Rata de
Referinta - rata a dobânzii ce provine dintr-o sursa publica ce
poate fi verificata atât de Client, cât si de Banca;

legal - persoana care reprezinta Clientul in relatiile
contractuale cu Banca, in limitele legislatiei aplicabile si/sau a
dispozitiilor autoritatilor/instantelor competente (de exemplu: parinte,
tutore, curator, alte categorii prevazute de lege); pentru demonstrarea
calitatii de Reprezentant legal trebuie prezentate documente prevazute de lege
(de exemplu, hotarâre judecatoreasca de incredintare minor, decizia de
instituire tutela/curatela si de desemnare a reprezentantului legal etc.);

electronica calificata(”QES”) - semnatura electronica calificata acceptata de Banca,
care indeplineste cerintele de validare prevazute de Regulamentul (UE) nr.
910/2014 al Parlamentului European si al Consiliului din 23 iulie 2014, privind
identificarea electronica si serviciile de încredere pentru tranzactiile
electronice pe piata interna si de abrogare a Directivei 1999/93/CE, si este
bazata pe un Certificat digital calificat valid (nerevocat/ nesuspendat) la
momentul semnarii;

Serviciul Call
Center - serviciu telefonic pus de Banca la dispozitia
clientilor care poate fi accesat la numerele de telefon *2000 (numar cu tarif
normal, apelabil din orice retea de telefonie mobila din Romania) si
+40213063002 (numar cu tarif normal, apelabil din orice retea, din Romania si
din strainatate), disponibile 24/7; Serviciul Call Center utilizeaza linii
telefonice publice, ce pot sa nu asigure un nivel corespunzator de protectie a
informatiilor, prin apelarea acestui serviciu Clientul asumându-si riscurile de
divulgare de date/informatii derivate din aceasta situatie;

Extras Electronic - reprezinta un cont electronic de utilizator cu acces
personalizat, pus la dispozitia Clientului de catre Banca pentru furnizarea
extrasului de cont si a altor informatii oferite de Banca Clientilor sai;

Specimen de
semnatura - semnatura Clientului ce se va utiliza in relatia cu
Banca pentru instructiuni valabile;

contactless - tehnologia care, utilizand undele radio, permite
efectuarea Tranzactiilor prin Card prin simpla apropiere a Cardului sau a
dispozitivului mobil cu functie de plata, de un terminal EPOS sau de alte
terminale compatibile cu aceasta tehnologie;

Terminal -dispozitiv
compatibil cu Cardul si/sau cu dispozitivul mobil cu functie de plata, prin
intermediul caruia se initiaza si se autorizeaza Tranzactii prin card. Sunt
Terminale urmatoarele dispozitive: ATM (Automated Teller Machine), EPOS
(Electronic Point of Sale), Imprinter, MFM (Multi Functional Mashine) si orice
alt dispozitiv cu functionalitati similare;

Transfer-credit -
serviciu de plată prin care se creditează contul de plati al beneficiarului
platii ca urmare a unei operatiuni de plată sau a unei serii de operatiuni de
plată efectuate din contul de plati al platitorului de către prestatorul de
servicii de plată care detine contul de plati al plătitorului, în baza unei
instructiuni date de plătitor; In prezentele CGB prin referirile la “operatiune
de plata”/ “plata” se intelege inclusiv o referire la “transfer credit”;

prin Card - este operatiunea de plata  (depunere, retragere, transfer sau incasare
de fonduri)  efectuata de catre/pe seama
Utilizatorului de Card prin intermediul Cardului, inclusiv al Cardului
inregistrat in Portofelul electronic sau in orice dispozitiv mobil cu functie
de plata;

recurenta prin Card - este o tranzactie efectuata ca urmare a autorizarii
acordate de Utilizatorul de Card direct comerciantului, pe site-ul acestuia sau
prin alte mijloace, in vederea debitarii contului de card la anumite intervale,
pentru plata de bunuri si servicii conform mandatului acordat comerciantului;

Utilizatori de
Card sunt oricare din urmatorii:

Utilizatorul principal de Card („Utilizator principal”) - este persoana fizica
cu capacitate deplina sau restransa de exercitiu, titular al unui cont curent
sau al unui card de credit, care solicita Bancii emiterea unui Card atasat

Utilizatorul suplimentar de card („Utilizator suplimentar”) - este persoana
fizica cu capacitate deplina de exercitiu care are acces la sumele din contul
utilizatorului principal, prin carduri suplimentare (câte un Card pentru
fiecare utilizator), in baza acordului exprimat de Utilizatorul principal de
card, fie in documentele puse la dispozitie de catre Banca, fie in cadrul
apelurilor telefonice derulate prin Serviciul Call Center, fie in cadrul
aplicatiilor de internet banking disponibile acestuia;

Zi lucratoare - zi
în care Banca desfasoara activitate ce îi permite executarea operatiunilor de
plata; in relatia cu Banca sunt considerate a fi nelucratoare zilele de
sâmbata, duminica, sarbatorile legale la nivel national, orice alte zile
considerate nelucratoare de Bancile corespondente/ Sistemele de decontare
externe in cazul operatiunilor de plata ce se deruleaza prin intermediul
acestora, precum si zilele pe care Banca le declara nelucratoare, in aceasta
situatie Clientii urmând a fi informati in timp util prin afisarea mesajelor
corespunzatoare in incinta unitatilor Bancii si pe pagina de internet a


Notiuni si prevederi privind combaterea spalarii spalarii banilor si finantarii
terorismului si aplicarii Sanctiunilor Internationale



Autoritati cu
atributii de emitere si administrare Sanctiuni Internationale - va
insemna oricare dintre:

Organizatia Natiunilor Unite (ONU);

Uniunea Europeana (UE);

Guvernul Statelor Unite ale Americii;

Congresul Statelor Unite ale Americii;

Secretariatul de Stat pentru Afaceri Economice din Elvetia;

f) Orice
Stat Membru al Uniunii Europene, incluzand, in orice situatie, fara nicio
limitare, Republica Austria;

Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii si Irlandei de Nord

h) institutiile si agentiile guvernamentale respectiv ale
oricaruia dintre cele de mai sus, inclusive dar fara a se limita la Oficiul
pentru Controlul Activelor Externe (Office of Foreign Assets Control - OFAC),
Secretarul Trezoreriei Statelor Unite ale Americii, Departamentul de Stat al
Statelor Unite ale Americii, Oficiul de Implementare a Sancțiunilor Financiare
(Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation – OFSI), parte a Trezoreriei
Majestatii Sale, sau orice (alta) institutie guvernamentala sau autoritate de
reglementare sau agentie relevanta care administreaza sanctiuni economice sau
financiare (fiecare autoritate dupa cum este modificata, completata sau
inlocuita periodic).


Embargo - act
de autoritate prin care un stat ia masuri de interdictie impotriva importului
marfurilor provenind dintr-o anumita tara, fie impotriva exportului de marfuri
catre alta tara, ca o sanctiune pentru nerespectarea unor reguli de drept
international sau ca mijloc de presiune politica.

Furnizor de portofel
digital - înseamnă o entitate care oferă
servicii de păstrare în siguranţă a unor chei criptografice private în numele
clienţilor săi, pentru deţinerea, stocarea şi transferul de monedă virtuală;
(Acest termen va fi utilizat in cuprinsul prezentelor CGB si al oricarui
Contract specific cu sensul definit conform Legii nr.129/2019 privind
prevenirea şi combaterea spălării banilor şi finanţării terorismului, precum şi
pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative; in cazul oricaror
modificari legale ale acestei definitii, acestea sunt de directa aplicare, fara
a fi necesara modificarea prezentului document);

de Sanctiuni - Lista
“Cetatenilor desemnati ca speciali si a persoanelor restrictionate” („Specially
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List” mentinuta de Oficiul pentru
Controlul Activelor Externe (Office of Foreign Assets Control), agentie
guvernamentala din Statele Unite ale Americii) si Lista Consolidata a
Persoanelor cu Sanctiuni Financiare mentinuta de Oficiul de Implementare a
Sancțiunilor Financiare (Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation) („OFSI’s
Consolidated List”) si orice lista echivalenta a Consiliului de Securitate al
Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite sau a Uniunii Europene si orice lista de persoane
sanctionate de Departamentul de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, dupa cum
este publicata in Registrul federal sau orice lista sau document similar
administrat de orice Autoritate cu atributii de emitere si administrare
Sanctiuni Internationale, fiecare dupa cum este modificata, completata sau
inlocuita periodic;

virtuale - înseamnă
o reprezentare digitală a valorii care nu este emisă sau garantată de o bancă
centrală sau de o autoritate publică, nu este în mod obligatoriu legată de o
monedă instituită legal şi nu deţine statutul legal de monedă sau de bani, dar
este acceptată de către persoane fizice sau juridice ca mijloc de schimb şi
poate fi transferată, stocată şi tranzacţionată electronic; (acest termen va fi
utilizat in cuprinsul prezentelor CGB si al oricarui Contract specific cu
sensul definit conform Legii nr.129/2019 privind prevenirea şi combaterea
spălării banilor şi finanţării terorismului, precum şi pentru modificarea şi
completarea unor acte normative; in cazul oricaror modificari legale ale
acestei definitii, acestea sunt de directa aplicare, fara a fi necesara
modificarea prezentului document);


Restrictionata - oricare dintre urmatoarele:

persoana/entitate desemnata sau care este detinuta/controlata de o
persoana/entitate desemnata (in masura in care se află in sfera de aplicare a
cerintelor referitoare la structura de proprietate sau control ale sancțiunilor
relevante) sau o persoana/entitate care actioneaza in numele unei
persoane/entitati desemnate; sau

persoana/entitate localizata sau organizata in conformitate cu legislatia unei
tari sau a unui teritoriu care face obiectul Sancțiunilor Internationale la
nivel de tara sau teritoriu sau care este detinuta/controlata de o astfel de
persoana/entitate (in masura in care se află in sfera de aplicare a cerintelor
referitoare la structura de proprietate sau control ale sancțiunilor relevante)
sau o persoana/entitate care actioneaza in numele unei astfel de
persoane/entitati; sau

persoana/entitate care face obiectul Sancțiunilor Internationale relevante in
alt mod.

Desemnate - guvernele
statelor, entitatile nestatale sau persoanele care fac obiectul unor Sanctiuni
Internationale si care sunt inscrise pe liste de Sanctiuni Internationale.

Sanctiuni - sanctiuni economice sau financiare (oricum ar fi
acestea descrise) sau embargo-uri impuse, administrate sau aplicate periodic,
de catre oricare dintre Autoritatile cu atributii de emitere si administrare a
Sactiunilor Internationale;


Sanctiuni Internationale - restrictiile si obligatiile in
legatura cu guvernele unor state, cu entitati nestatale sau persoane fizice ori
juridice, adoptate de Consiliul de Securitate al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite,
de Uniunea Europeana, de Statele Unite ale Americii, de organizatii
internationale sau prin decizii unilaterale ale Romaniei ori ale altor state
state în scopul menținerii păcii și securității internaționale, prevenirii și
combaterii terorismului, asigurării respectării drepturilor omului și libertăților
fundamentale, dezvoltării și consolidării democrației și statului de drept și
îndeplinirii altor scopuri, în conformitate cu obiectivele comunității
internaționale, cu dreptul internațional și cu dreptul Uniunii Europene.
Sanctiunile internationale vizeaza, in special, blocarea fondurilor si a
resurselor economice, restrictii comerciale, restrictii privind operatiuni cu
produse si tehnologii cu dubla utilizare si cu produsele militare, restrictii
de calatorie, restrictii de transport si comunicatii, sanctiuni diplomatice sau
in domeniile tehnico-stiintific, cultural ori sportiv.

SUA - sanctiuni
economice sau financiare sau embargo-uri impuse, administrate sau aplicate
periodic de catre Congresul Statelor Unite ale Americii, de Guvernul Statelor
Unite ale Americii, de Secretarul Trezoreriei sau de Oficiul pentru Controlul
Activelor Externe (Office of Foreign Assets Control - OFAC), (fiecare
autoritate dupa cum este modificata, completata sau inlocuita periodic);

Prevederi privind prevenirea si combaterea spalarii banilor si finantarii
terorismului si aplicarea Sactiunilor Internationale In
conformitate cu prevederile legislatiei mai sus mentionate persoane expuse
public sunt persoanele fizice care exercită sau au exercitat funcţii publice

Prin funcţii publice importante
se înţeleg:

a) şefi
de stat, şefi de guvern, miniştri şi miniştri adjuncţi sau secretari de stat;

membri ai Parlamentului sau ai unor organe legislative centrale similare;

membri ai organelor de conducere ale partidelor politice;

membri ai curţilor supreme, ai curţilor constituţionale sau ai altor instanţe
judecătoreşti de nivel înalt ale căror hotărâri nu pot fi atacate decât prin
căi extraordinare de atac;

membri ai organelor de conducere din cadrul curţilor de conturi sau membrii
organelor de conducere din cadrul consiliilor băncilor centrale;

ambasadori, însărcinaţi cu afaceri şi ofiţeri superiori în forţele armate;

membrii consiliilor de administraţie şi ai consiliilor de supraveghere şi
persoanele care deţin funcţii de conducere ale regiilor autonome, ale
societăţilor, cu capital majoritar de stat şi ale companiilor naţionale;

directori, directori adjuncţi şi membri ai consiliului de administraţie sau
membrii organelor de conducere din cadrul unei organizaţii internaţionale.
Niciuna dintre categoriile prevăzute la alineatul precedent nu include persoane
care ocupă funcţii intermediare sau inferioare.
Membri ai familiei persoanei expuse public sunt, în sensul prezentei legi:

a) soţul
persoanei expuse public sau concubinul acesteia/persoana

cu care aceasta se află în
relaţii asemănătoare acelora dintre soţi;

copiii şi soţii ori concubinii acestora, persoanele cu care copiii se află în
relaţii asemănătoare acelora dintre soţi;

Persoanele cunoscute ca asociaţi apropiaţi ai persoanelor expuse public sunt:

persoanele fizice cunoscute ca fiind beneficiarii reali ai unei persoane
juridice, ai unei entităţi fără personalitate juridică ori ai unei construcţii
juridice similare acestora împreună cu oricare dintre persoanele prevăzute la
pct. sau ca având orice altă relaţie de afaceri strânsă cu o astfel de

persoanele fizice care sunt singurii beneficiari reali ai unei persoane
juridice, ai unei entităţi fără personalitate juridică ori ai unei construcţii
juridice similare acestora, cunoscute ca fiind înfiinţate în beneficiul de
facto al uneia dintre persoanele prevăzute la alin. pct.

(Fără a aduce atingere aplicării,
pe baza unei evaluări a riscului, a măsurilor suplimentare de cunoaştere a
clientelei, după împlinirea unui termen de un an de la data la care persoana a
încetat să mai ocupe o funcţie publică importantă în sensul pct.,
entităţile raportoare nu mai consideră persoana respectivă ca fiind expusă
public. Notiunea de beneficiar real desemneaza orice persoană
fizică ce deţine sau controlează în cele din urmă clientul şi/sau persoana
fizică în numele căruia/căreia se realizează, o tranzacţie, o operaţiune sau o






2.1 Prevederi privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal


DEFINITII relevante
in contextul protectiei datelor cu caracter personal

Date cu
caracter personal - orice informatie privind o persoana fizica
identificata sau identificabila; 
o persoana fizica identificabila este o
persoana care poate fi identificata, direct sau indirect, in special prin
referire la un element de identificare, cum ar fi un nume, un numar de
identificare, date de localizare, un identificator on-line, sau la unul sau mai
multe elemente specifice, proprii identitatii sale fizice, fiziologice,
genetice, psihice, economice, culturale sau sociale;

datelor cu caracter personal - orice operatiune sau set de operatiuni efectuate
asupra datelor cu caracter personal sau asupra seturilor de date cu caracter
personal, cu sau fara utilizarea de mijloace automatizate, cum ar fi:
colectarea, inregistrarea, organizarea, structurarea, stocarea, adaptarea ori
modificarea, extragerea, consultarea, utilizarea, dezvaluirea catre terti prin
transmitere, diseminare sau in orice alt mod, alaturarea ori combinarea,
blocarea/restrictionarea, stergerea sau distrugerea;

Dreptul la
informare - dreptul persoanei vizate de a fi informata cu privire
la prelucrarea datelor sale cu caracter personal, inclusiv cu privire la
identitatea si datele de contact ale operatorului si ale Responsabilului cu
protectia datelor, scopurile in care se face prelucrarea datelor, categoriile
de date cu caracter personal vizate, destinatarii sau categoriile de
destinatari ai datelor, existenta drepturilor prevazute de legislatia privind
protectia datelor cu caracter personal pentru persoana vizata si conditiile in
care pot fi exercitate;

Dreptul de
acces la date - dreptul persoanei vizate de a obtine de la operatorul
de date (precum Banca ori Biroul de Credit), confirmarea faptului ca datele cu
caracter personal care o vizeaza, sunt sau nu prelucrate de catre acesta si, in
caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective si la informatii relevante cu privire
la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal;

Dreptul la
rectificare - dreptul persoanei vizate de a obtine, rectificarea
datelor inexacte care o privesc, precum si completarea datelor incomplete;

Dreptul la
stergerea datelor („dreptul de a fi uitat”) - dreptul
persoanei vizate de a obtine, in masura in care sunt indeplinite conditiile
prevazute de lege, stergerea datelor cu caracter personal care privesc acea

Dreptul la
restrictionarea prelucrarii - dreptul persoanei vizate de a obtine, in masura in
care sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege, marcarea datelor cu
caracter personal stocate, cu scopul de a limita prelucrarea ulterioara a

Dreptul la
portabilitatea datelor - dreptul persoanei vizate de a primi, datele cu
caracter personal care o privesc si pe care le-a furnizat operatorului (precum
Banca) intr-o modalitate structurata, folosita in mod obisnuit si intr-un
format usor de citit, precum si dreptul ca aceste date sa fie transmise de
către operator (precum Banca) catre alt operator de date, in masura in care
sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege;

Dreptul la
opozitie - dreptul persoanei vizate de a se opune in orice moment,
din motive intemeiate si legitime legate de situatia sa particulara, ca datele
cu caracter personal care o vizeaza sa faca obiectul unei prelucrari, in masura
in care sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege. Atunci cand prelucrarea
datelor cu caracter personal care o privesc are drept scop marketingul direct,
persoana vizata are dreptul de a se opune in orice moment prelucrarii datelor
sale in acest scop;

Dreptul de a
nu fi supus unei decizii individuale - dreptul persoanei vizate de a
cere si de a obtine retragerea, anularea sau reevaluarea oricarei decizii
bazate exclusiv pe prelucrari efectuate prin mijloace automate (incluzând
crearea de profiluri) care produce efecte juridice in privinta persoanei vizate
sau o afectează în mod similar într-o măsură semnificativă;

Dreptul de a
se adresa justitiei sau Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii
Datelor cu Caracter Personal - dreptul persoanei vizate de a se adresa cu plangere
Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter
Personal, respectiv de a se adresa justitiei pentru apararea oricaror drepturi
garantate de legislatia aplicabila in domeniul protectiei datelor cu caracter
personal, care au fost incalcate.

Raiffeisen - grupul format din urmatoarele entitati: Raiffeisen
Bank S.A., Raiffeisen Broker de Asigurare - Reasigurare S.R.L., Raiffeisen
Leasing Financiar IFN S.A., Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte S.A., SAI
Raiffeisen Asset Management S.A., Raiffeisen Bank International AG si
entitatile care fac parte din grupul Raiffeisen Bank International AG. Mai
multe informatii sunt disponibile la link-ul de aici .


2.1.1. In
vederea prestarii serviciilor bancare asumate prin prezentele CGB, Banca
prelucreaza date cu caracter personal, in conformitate cu prevederile legale
aplicabile in domeniul protectiei datelor cu caracter personal, respectiv
Regulamentul General privind Protectia Datelor nr. 679/2016 si legislatia

Datele cu caracter personal care sunt prelucrate de catre Banca apartin
urmatoarelor categorii de persoane vizate: Clientul (chiar si dupa incetarea
relatiei contractuale), inclusiv titularul solicitarii de lichidare a
carnetelor de economii la purtator/la purtator cu parola, reprezentantii legali
sau conventionali ai Clientului, Imputernicitii pe Cont/Utilizatorii ai
Clientului, Codebitori, Garanti, Beneficiarii reali, membrii familiilor
acestora (inclusiv soțul/soția Clientului), sotul/sotia Clientului in contextul
solicitarii de catre Client a suspendarii obligatiei de plata a ratelor in
contextul pandemiei COVID-19, alti membri de familie ai Clientului (parinti si
copii care locuiesc sau gospodaresc impreuna cu Clientul) – daca e cazul,
precum si orice alte persoane fizice ale caror date ar putea fi furnizate
Bancii de catre Client sau care ar putea fi prelucrate in contextul relatiei
dintre Banca si Client (denumiti impreuna in mod generic, in cele ce urmeaza,
„Persoane Vizate”). Aceste date cu caracter personal sunt transmise catre Banca
la initierea relatiilor contractuale cu Clientul sau sunt dezvaluite catre
Banca pe parcursul derularii acestora. Banca poate prelucra datele cu caracter
personal apartinand Persoanelor Vizate si dupa incetarea relatiei contractuale
cu Clientul, pentru a se conforma obligatiilor legale ce incumba in sarcina sa,
inclusiv a obligatiilor incidente in materia arhivarii.

2.1.3. In
anumite situatii, in vederea indeplinirii scopurilor de prelucrare mentionate
in prezentul document, Banca poate sa prelucreze date cu caracter personal
apartinand anumitor categorii de Persoane Vizate (de exemplu, Beneficiarii
reali, sotul/sotia Clientului, alti membri de familie ai Clientului - parinti
si copii care locuiesc sau gospodaresc impreuna cu Clientul, etc.) fara a
beneficia insa de modalitatea practica de a asigura in mod direct informarea
acestor categorii de persoane. De exemplu, acest lucru se poate intampla daca
Clientul transmite datele Persoanelor Vizate catre Banca. In acest context,
este responsabilitatea Clientului sa informeze in prealabil persoanele in cauza
cu privire la prelucrarea datelor lor cu caracter personal si sa obtina
consimtamantul acestora privind prelucrarea datelor, in masura in care este
necesar, in vederea indeplinirii conditiilor prevazute de lege. De asemenea, in
cazul in care Clientul furnizeaza Bancii date cu caracter personal apartinand
altor categorii de Persoane Vizate, Clientul are obligatia de a furniza numai
date exacte si actualizate. In acest sens, Banca poate utiliza datele de
contact apartinand unor astfel de categorii de Persoane Vizate in vederea
informarii persoanelor in cauza cu privire la prelucrarea datelor lor cu
caracter personal, daca este cazul.

In particular, in cazul in care
in contextul transmiterii unei solicitari de suspendare a obligatiei de plata a
ratelor in temeiul Ordonantei de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 37/2020 privind
acordarea unor facilitati pentru creditele acordate de institutii de credit si
institutii financiare nebancare anumitor categorii de debitori („OUG 37/2020”)
sau la un moment ulterior in contextul acestei solicitari, Clientul ne
furnizeaza date cu caracter personal ale membrilor sai de familie (date privind
starea de sanatate, situatia sociala, financiara, profesionala sau orice alte
date cu privire la acestia relevante in contextul solicitarii) Clientul are
responsabilitatea de a se asigura ca informeaza membrii sai de familie cu
privire la prelucrarea datelor lor cu caracter personal de catre Banca,
anterior furnizarii datelor lor catre Banca conform celor descrise in prezenta

2.1.4. Banca
prelucreaza date cu caracter personal pentru urmatoarele scopuri, dupa cum
urmeaza: In
vederea indeplinirii obligatiilor legale, Banca prelucreaza datele cu caracter
personal pentru: executarea si imbunatatirea serviciilor bancare oferite prin
preluarea in aplicatiile informatice ale Bancii a datelor din actul de
identitate, conform cerintelor legale aplicabile; cunoasterea clientelei in
vederea prevenirii spalarii banilor si combaterii finantarii terorismului,
inclusiv prin crearea si utilizarea listelor de avertizare; efectuarea
operatiunilor de identificare a clientelei in contextul desfasurarii relatiei
contractuale, conform obligatiilor legale; prevenirea si reducerea riscurilor
legate de frauda si coruptie si garantarea secretului bancar  inclusiv prin verificarea autenticitatii
actului de identitate prezentat si prin intreprinderea demersurilor necesare
pentru identificarea clientelei; asigurarea conformarii
cu cerintele legale aplicabile in domeniul serviciilor de investitii financiare
inclusiv prin oferirea de consultanta si suport de specialitate salariatilor
Bancii in acest domeniu; verificarea modului de
conformare cu reglementarile interne si cerintele legale/de reglementare locale;
raportarea tranzactiilor si alte raportari legale; primirea, evaluarea si
gestionarea cererii Clientului privind suspendarea obligatiei de plata a
ratelor, in contextul pandemiei COVID-19; realizarea de audituri si
investigatii interne; gestiunea administrativ-financiara; gestionarea
conflictelor de interese; gestionarea controalelor efectuate de autoritati;
prevenirea abuzului de piata; indeplinirea obligatiilor de supraveghere bancara
asupra Bancii si a entitatilor din Grupul Raiffeisen si de raportare catre
entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen sau catre autoritatile de supraveghere si alte
raportari interne, gestionarea unor incidente care pot aparea pe parcursul
executarii contractului dintre Client si Banca; analiza datelor pentru
raportarea către autoritățile de reglementare, analiza portofoliului de risc,
analiză avansată pentru a îmbunătăți eficacitatea monitorizării și verificării
conformității, administrarea datelor prin sisteme unice în cadrul Grupului
Raiffeisen; utilizarea sistemelor informatice si a serviciilor IT inclusiv
pentru stocarea datelor prelucrate prin intermediul aplicațiilor si sistemelor,
gestionarea reclamatiilor si sesizarilor primite, atat cu privire la cat si
fara legatura cu produsele si/sau serviciile bancare contractate; conformarea
cu cerintele prudentiale aplicabile institutiilor de credit si grupurilor din
care fac parte, inclusiv cerinte de diligenta fiscala; gestionarea riscului de
creditare prin crearea de profiluri; evaluarea eligibilitatii in vederea
furnizarii unor produse si servicii bancare standard sau personalizate
(inclusiv in etapa de acordare/aprobare) din perspectiva de risc, prin analiza
si crearea de profiluri in vederea evaluarii solvabilitatii, reducerii riscului
de creditare si determinarii gradului de indatorare, incluzand verificarea unor
criterii de risc, calculul rating-ului de comportament de plata/rating-ului
tranzactional, calculul rulajului, determinarea clasei de risc; evaluarea
comportamentului investitional prin crearea de profiluri; managementul
portofoliului; managementul lichiditatilor si optimizarea bilantului;
furnizarea serviciilor bancare constand in operatiuni de plata/care implica
tranzactii bancare – (a) initiate de catre o Persoana Vizata (astfel cum
aceasta notiune e definita la sectiunea 2.1.2 de mai sus), in calitate de
initiator al platii sau (b) initiate catre o Persoana Vizata, in calitate de
beneficiar al platii, incluzand generarea unui document care atesta efectuarea
operatiunii respective (confirmarea operatiunii - daca este cazul, respectiv
extras de cont); procesarea operatiunilor de plati/incasari prin sistemele
SWIFT, SEP, SENT, REGIS, TARGET, dupa caz; desfasurarea in bune conditii si
facilitarea operatiunilor de procesare a tranzactiilor bancare, inclusiv
gestiunea calitatii datelor aferente operatiunilor de procesare a tranzactiilor
si asigurarea unui mod unitar de completare a mentiunilor din ordinele de plata
in mesajele electronice utilizate in acest context; furnizarea informatiilor cu
privire la conturi in cazul solicitarilor facute de catre Persoanele Vizate
prin intermediul unui Prestator de servicii de informare cu privire la conturi;
executarea ordinelor de plata initiate de catre Persoanele Vizate prin
intermediul unui Prestator de servicii de initiere a platii; furnizarea
serviciilor bancare constand in plata facturilor la MFM-urile Bancii, prin
Serviciul Raiffeisen Online/ Smart Mobile sau prin Oficiile Postale; furnizarea
serviciului de debitare directa; instituirea și gestionarea popririlor,
furnizarea de informații în legătură cu sumele poprite către organele de
executare sau autorități; asigurarea securitatii in incintele Raiffeisen si ale
sucursalelor sale; pastrarea, depozitarea (premergatoare arhivarii) si
arhivarea documentelor; gestionarea calitatii datelor; implementarea masurilor
de securitate a datelor cu caracter personal.

In cazul in care Clientul va
comunica Bancii informatii privind imbolnavirea sa sau a unuia/a unora dintre
membrii sai de familie cu COVID-19, Banca va prelucra aceasta categorie de date
exclusiv pentru motive de interes public major, in baza OUG 37/2020, care a
fost adoptata tocmai in interesul public major cu scopul de a lua masuri pentru
combaterea efectelor negative ale COVID-19 care influenteaza situatia economica
a unor categorii de debitori. In acest context, art. 5 alin. (3) din Normele de
aplicare ale OUG 37/2020, aprobate prin HG nr. 270/2020, prevad la art. 5 alin.
(3) ca debitorul trebuia sa precizeze in solicitarea adresata creditorului
motivul care determina imposibilitatea de a onora obligatiile de plata aferente
creditului, indicand inclusiv imbolnavirea cu COVID-19 ca posibila cauza.

Pentru indeplinirea scopurilor
anterior mentionate, Banca se va baza, in masura in care este necesar, si pe
interesul sau legitim in desfasurarea obiectului sau de activitate si/sau pe
contractul dintre Client si Banca. In
vederea incheierii si executarii contractului dintre Client si Banca, aceasta
prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal pentru: colectarea documentelor si
a informatiilor necesare pentru incheierea contractelor aferente produselor si
serviciilor financiar-bancare, inclusiv pentru desfasurarea evaluarii de risc
in vederea luarii unei decizii privind solicitarea unui produs sau serviciu
financiar-bancar; incheierea, derularea si gestionarea relatiei contractuale cu
Clientul, in vederea furnizarii produselor si serviciilor financiar-bancare
(inclusiv a serviciilor on-line si a functionalitatilor si operatiunilor
disponibile prin intermediul acestor servicii), inclusiv in contextul
gestionarii cererii Clientului privind suspendarea obligatiei de plata a
ratelor in contextul pandemiei COVID-19, precum si a produselor de asigurare –
pentru acest scop de prelucrare Banca si asiguratorul implicat pot actiona
drept operatori-asociati (informatiile relevante pentru alte situatii, in care
Banca si asiguratorul ar actiona in alta calitate, vor fi furnizate prin
documentele de informare specifice fluxurilor aplicabile in acele situatii) si
inclusiv in vederea lichidarii carnetelor de economii la purtator/la purtator
cu parola; asigurarea suportului tehnic si a activitatilor de mentenanta
necesare pentru derularea si gestionarea relatiei contractuale cu Clientul;
efectuarea inregistrarilor in RNPM, dupa caz; furnizarea informatiilor cu
privire la conturi in cazul solicitarilor facute de catre Client prin intermediul
unui Prestator de servicii de informare cu privire la conturi; executarea
ordinelor de plata initiate de catre Client prin intermediul unui Prestator de
servicii de initiere a platii; gestionarea unor incidente care pot aparea pe
parcursul executarii contractului dintre Client si Banca, prin crearea si
intocmirea unor liste de avertizare, de exemplu, in cazul descoperirii
neautorizate de cont; optimizarea serviciilor financiar-bancare, inclusiv prin
asigurarea suportului tehnic si a activitatilor de mentenanta; gestionarea
calitatii datelor; acordarea de consultanta si informare privind distributia de
asigurari; evaluarea bunurilor propuse in garantie; monitorizarea tuturor
obligatiilor asumate de oricare dintre entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen;
colectare de debite/recuperare creante si activitatile premergatoare acestora;
constatarea, exercitarea sau apararea unor drepturi ale Bancii in instanta;
gestionarea reclamatiilor si sesizarilor primite cu privire la produsele si/sau
serviciile bancare contractate; verificarea modului de conformare cu politicile
si reglementarile interne.

Pentru indeplinirea scopurilor
anterior mentionate, Banca se va baza, in masura in care este necesar, si pe
interesul sau legitim in desfasurarea obiectului sau de activitate. In
vederea indeplinirii intereselor legitime ale Bancii, in contextul
desfasurarii obiectului sau de activitate, Banca prelucreaza datele cu caracter
personal pentru: obtinerea si transmiterea de informatii prin accesarea
Sistemului Biroului de Credit inainte de intrarea si pe parcursul relatiei de
creditare ce intra in sfera de aplicare a regulilor privind Biroul de Credit –
pentru acest scop de prelucrare, Banca si Biroul de Credit SA actioneaza in
calitate de operatori asociati; furnizarea informatiilor cu privire la conturi
in cazul solicitarilor facute de catre Persoana Vizata (astfel cum aceasta
notiune e definita la sectiunea 2.1.2 de mai sus) prin intermediul unui
Prestator de servicii de informare cu privire la conturi si executarea ordinelor
de plata initiate de catre Persoana Vizata prin intermediul unui Prestator de
servicii de initiere a platii, in cazul in care astfel de activitati implica
prelucrarea datelor apartinand unor alte Persoane Vizate in afara de Clientul
Bancii; facilitarea indeplinirii de catre Banca a obligatiilor de supraveghere
care ii incumba fata de entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen; asigurarea unui nivel
corespunzator de cunoastere a clientelei entitatilor din Grupul Raiffeisen,
inclusiv prin transmiterea de date cu caracter personal ale clientilor comuni
Bancii si entitatii din Grupul Raiffeisen - Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte
S.A. - si, daca este cazul, ale Persoanelor Vizate in relatia cu respectivii
clienti comuni (daca este cazul) pentru gestionarea corespunzatoare de catre
Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte S.A. a relatiei contractuale cu Clientii
acestora, inclusiv pentru asigurarea posibilitatii practice a Aedificium Banca
pentru Locuinte recuperare a creantelor si trimiterea de notificari
contractuale in baza unor date cu caracter personal actualizate, inclusiv prin
transmiterea de informatii catre entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen, privind
potentialii clienti (lead-urile) ce si-au manifestat interesul cu privire la
unul dintre produsele unei alte entitati din Grupul Raiffeisen – pentru acest
scop de prelucrare Banca si entitatea relevanta din Grupul Raiffeisen
actioneaza in calitate de operatori asociati; obtinerea de informatii privind
desfasurarea procedurii de insolventa privind Persoanele Vizate prin accesarea
Buletinului Procedurilor de Insolventa; efectuarea de profiluri si analize
pentru prevenirea si reducerea riscurilor de frauda prin crearea si utilizarea
unor liste de avertizare; optimizarea proceselor si fluxurilor interne inclusiv
prin detectarea anomaliilor pe conturile curente si in tranzactii; asigurarea
posibilitatii de exercitare a drepturilor Bancii prin efectuarea de cercetari
pentru identificarea bunurilor aflate in proprietatea Persoanelor Vizate aflate
in evidenta Bancii cu sume restante; activitati de selectie, profilare si
segmentare in scop de analiza si marketing, inclusiv prin transmiterea de
informatii catre asigurator, in vederea furnizarii produselor de asigurare –
pentru acest scop de prelucrare Banca si asiguratorul implicat pot actiona in
calitate de operatori asociati si inclusiv prin transmiterea de informatii
catre entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen, inclusiv in vederea ofertarii celor mai
potrivite produse si servicii sau in vederea identificarii și evaluarii
potentialelor dificultati de plata prin determinarea indicatorilor de
avertizare timpurie, prin consultarea datelor furnizate in mod direct de catre
Persoanele Vizate, a datelor generate de catre Banca cu privire la Persoanele
Vizate si a datelor colectate de Banca din surse externe (cum ar fi, date
aferente listelor de avertizare si altor liste efectuate si tinute la nivelul
Bancii cum ar fi lista popririlor, lista litigiilor; date tranzactionale sau
care rezulta din utilizarea produselor si serviciilor Raiffeisen Bank; date
privind istoricul relatiei cu Banca sau cu alte entitati din Grupul Raiffeisen;
date colectate din surse publice si de la partenerii contractuali ai Raiffeisen
Bank); imbunatatirea produselor si serviciilor bancare furnizate si a
experientei Persoanelor Vizate, inclusiv prin optimizarea fluxurilor si a
reglementarilor interne, prin optimizarea costurilor si a bugetelor, prin
asigurarea suportului tehnic si a activitatilor de mentenanta; segmentarea
clientilor; incheierea, derularea si gestiunea executarii contractelor
incheiate cu alti clienti ai Bancii (persoane juridice) pentru furnizarea
serviciilor bancare constand in plata facturilor la MFM-urile Bancii, prin
Serviciul Raiffeisen Online/ Smart Mobile sau prin Oficiile Poștale, furnizarea
serviciului de debitare directa, proiectarea, dezvoltarea, testarea si
utilizarea sistemelor informatice si a serviciilor IT (inclusiv stocarea
bazelor de date in tara sau in strainatate); reclama, marketing simplu si
publicitate, precum si intocmirea/personalizarea de oferte (in masura in care
tehnicile de personalizare nu atrag incidenta consimtamantului mentionat la
pct. de mai jos), incluzand utilizarea datelor obtinute de la Biroul
de Credit in contextul monitorizarii portofoliului de credite active in vederea
personalizarii unor astfel de oferte, inclusiv pentru promovarea produselor
partenerilor contractuali sau prin canale on-line precum retele de socializare;
efectuarea de comunicari comerciale prin mijloace de comunicare ce nu intra sub
incidenta regulilor de marketing direct (de ex., prin scrisoare, apel telefonic
efectuat de un operator uman); 
eficientizarea procesului de creare si derulare de campanii/actiuni de
marketing, prin colectarea de informatii privind modul in care Persoanele
Vizate interactioneaza cu comunicarile de marketing trimise de Banca, de
exemplu, prin e-mail si/sau SMS, precum și prin generarea de statistici/date
agregate/informatii privind eficienta campaniilor/actiunilor de marketing
realizate; documentarea modului in care sunt executate contractele cu
partenerii contractuali ale caror produse sunt promovate de Banca; statistica;
gestionarea reclamatiilor si sesizarilor ce nu vizeaza produsele si/sau
serviciile bancare contractate de catre Persoana Vizata; generarea de extrase de
cont pentru imputernicit (cu exceptia imputernicitului pe cont), mandatarul
titularului de cont, respectiv reprezentantul legal al minorului titular de
cont; includerea unor mesaje care nu au natura comerciala in cuprinsul
extraselor de cont; efectuarea informarilor cu privire la popririle pe conturi (daca legea nu interzice). In
baza consimtamantului exprimat de catre Persoana Vizata cu ocazia
deschiderii relatiei de afaceri sau in alte situatii, dupa caz, pentru:

datelor de contact pe care Persoana Vizata le-a furnizat catre Raiffeisen
Bank S.A. si le-a actualizat periodic, in scop de marketing adresat
persoanelor fizice, prin realizarea de catre (i) Banca, direct si/sau prin
partenerii sai contractuali si/sau de catre (ii) Grupul Raiffeisen (astfel
cum este definit mai sus la sectiunea 2.1.) si/sau de catre (iii)
partenerii contractuali ai Bancii, dupa caz, a unor comunicari de
informatii si/sau oferte cu privire la produse, servicii si activitati, care
pot fi de interes pentru Persoana Vizata in mod personal (independent de o
eventuala relatie a sa cu un Client persoana juridica/entitate fara
personalitate juridica a Bancii), ale Bancii si/sau ale altor entitati din
Grupul Raiffeisen si/sau ale partenerilor contractuali ai acestora, precum
si a studiilor de marketing cu privire la produsele, serviciile si
activitatile Bancii si/sau ale altor entitati din Grupul Raiffeisen si/sau
ale partenerilor contractuali ai acestora;
preferintelor solvabilitatii, riscului de creditare, gradului de
indatorare si a altor detalii comportamentale necesare in vederea
generarii de oferte si comunicari personalizate de produse si servicii
bancare la cererea Persoanei Vizate, inclusiv prin consultarea bazelor de
date ale ANAF, precum si a oricăror baze de date puse la dispozitie de
autoritati publice in masura in care consimtamantul este necesar potrivit
cerintelor aplicabile;
datelor cu caracter personal de catre Banca si/sau Grupul Raiffeisen,
direct si/sau prin partenerii contractuali ai acestora, pentru generarea
de oferte si comunicari personalizate bazate pe analiza preferintelor si a
altor aspecte ce tin de Persoana Vizata (cum ar fi comportamentul
acesteia), prin utilizarea unor tehnici informatice (de exemplu, fisiere
cookies, pixeli si/sau alte tehnologii similare) care implica efectuarea
unui proces decizional automatizat (incluzand crearea de profiluri) si
care pot produce efecte juridice asupra Persoanei Vizate (astfel cum
aceasta notiune e definita la sectiunea 2.1.2 de mai sus) sau care o pot
afecta in mod similar intr-o masura semnificativa.

In acest scop, pentru a transmite
oferte si comunicari personalizate cat mai apropiate de interesele Persoanei
Vizate, inclusiv prin canale on-line precum retele de socializare, Banca si/sau
Grupul Raiffeisen pot prelucra toate sau numai o parte din datele pe care
Persoana Vizata le furnizeaza direct in contextul relatiei contractuale cu
Banca, date rezultand din utilizarea aplicatiilor puse la dispozitie de catre
Banca, inclusiv aplicatiile online prin care Banca furnizeaza servicii de tip
internet banking/mobile banking, datele pe care le furnizeaza partenerii
contractuali ai Bancii, precum si date ce rezulta din operatiunile de plata
inregistrate la nivelul conturilor / cardurilor pe care Persoana Vizata le
detine. Tehnicile informatice/algoritmii folositi permit Bancii si/sau Grupului
Raiffeisen sa identifice preferintele Persoanei Vizate in ceea ce priveste
unele dintre categoriile de produse si servicii puse la dispozitie de catre
Banca, de catre entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen si/sau de catre partenerii
contractuali ai acestora. In urma preferintelor astfel conturate si a altor
detalii care rezulta din comportamentul avut in contextul relatiei
contractuale, Banca si/sau Grupul Raiffeisen vor aduce in atentia Persoanei
Vizate oferte axate in special pe categoriile de produse si servicii care pot
fi de interes pentru aceasta. Prelucrarea datelor in acest scop prezinta
beneficiul de a se pune la dispozitia Persoanei Vizate oferte cat mai adaptate
nevoilor si intereselor acesteia. De asemenea, tinand cont de faptul ca Banca
si/sau Grupul Raiffeisen isi doresc sa ofere oferte personalizate, in functie
de preferintele si interesele manifestate, Persoana Vizata ia la cunostinta ca
este posibil ca ofertele vizand produse si servicii pentru care Persoana Vizata
nu si-a manifestat anterior interesul sa nu ii fie aduse la cunostinta

Consimtamantul exprimat cu
privire la activitatile de prelucrare de mai sus poate fi retras in orice
moment, fara a afecta legalitatea activitatilor de prelucrare efectuate
inaintea retragerii, prin transmiterea unei cereri scrise, datate si semnate,
la adresele oricareia dintre unitatile Raiffeisen Bank SA (pentru lista
completa a unitatilor, acceseaza pagina sau prin
transmiterea unui e-mail catre Banca in acest sens, la urmatoarea adresa de
e-mail: sau sau
prin intermediul Serviciului Call Center, de luni - vineri: 8:00 - 22:00,
sambata: 9:00 - 17:30, apeland numarul de telefon *2000 – numar cu tarif
normal, apelabil din orice retea de telefonie mobila din Romania sau 004 021
306 3002 - numar cu tarif normal, apelabil din orice retea din Romania sau din
strainatate sau prin intermediul aplicatiei Smart Mobile (pentru Clienții care
au activat acest serviciu).
Profilari si procese decizionale automatizate: Pentru indeplinirea scopurilor
de prelucrare mentionate anterior, in anumite situatii (de exemplu, in
contextul aplicarii masurilor de cunoastere a clientelei in vederea prevenirii
spalarii banilor si combaterii finantarii terorismului, inclusiv prin crearea
si utilizarea listelor de avertizare, in contextul identificarii și evaluarii
potentialelor dificultati de plata prin determinarea indicatorilor de
avertizare timpurie; in contextul evaluarii de risc desfasurate in vederea
luarii unei decizii privind solicitarea unui produs de credit, respectiv in
vederea prestarii serviciilor bancare aferente produselor de credit; in
contextul prevenirii si identificarii fraudelor, etc.), este necesara
prelucrarea prin mijloace automate a datelor cu caracter personal.

Astfel de activitati de
prelucrare pot implica si evaluarea anumitor aspecte referitoare la Persoanele
Vizate pentru scopul analizarii sau preconizarii unor caracteristici cu privire
la acestea, precum educatia, varsta, situatia economica, fiabilitatea sau
comportamentul acestora (inclusiv din perspectiva tranzactiilor, respectiv a
activitatilor vizand jocuri de noroc si/sau pariuri).

In baza acestor prelucrari
realizate prin mijloace automate se iau decizii, cu sau fara interventie umana,
care pot conduce la efecte juridice pentru Persoanele Vizate (de exemplu,
refuzul furnizarii unui produs sau serviciu bancar) sau o pot afecta similar
intr-o masura semnificativa (de exemplu, afectarea situatiei financiare a
Persoanei Vizate, cum ar fi eligibilitatea pentru un produs de creditare).

Atunci cand astfel de decizii se
iau fara o interventie umana semnificativa (respectiv o interventie care nu
este de natura sa influenteze rezultatul prelucrarii automate), prelucrarea
datelor implica un proces decizional automatizat. In cazul activitatilor de
prelucrare care implica un astfel de proces decizional automatizat, Persoana
Vizata are, pe langa drepturile mentionate la pct. 2.1.9 de mai jos si
urmatoarele drepturi:

de a obtine din partea Bancii interventia umana cu
privire la procesul decizional automatizat;

de a-si exprima punctul de vedere cu privire la procesul
decizional automatizat; precum si

de a contesta decizia luata exclusiv pe baza unei
prelucrari automate care produce efecte juridice sau afecteaza Persoana Vizata
similar intr-o masura semnificativa.

Drepturile pot fi exercitate prin
transmiterea unei cereri in acest sens (pe suport hartie/in format electronic,
prin e-mail) catre: sau
prin contactarea Responsabilului privind Protectia Datelor la nivelul Bancii,
la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail:

Datele colectate in scopurile
mentionate anterior pot fi prelucrate si in scopuri subsecvente, insa numai in
masura in care aceste scopuri subsecvente sunt compatibile cu scopurile
initiale in care au fost colectate datele. In acest sens, Banca va lua masurile
necesare pentru analizarea compatibilitatii scopurilor, potrivit cerintelor

2.1.5. In
vederea indeplinirii scopurilor de prelucrare mentionate mai sus, Banca

datele cu caracter personal care ii sunt furnizate in mod
direct de Persoana Vizata, inclusiv in contextul accesarii produselor si
serviciilor Bancii sau utilizarii aplicatiilor puse la dispozitie de catre

datele obtinute din urmatoarele surse externe: Biroul de
Credit (daca este cazul), ANAF (daca este cazul), Oficiul National al
Registrului Comertului, Buletinul Procedurilor de Insolventa, autoritati si
institutii publice, tabloul notarilor publici, disponibil pe site-ul Uniunii
Nationale a Notarilor Publici din Romania, tabloul avocatilor, disponibil pe
site-ul Uniunii Nationale a Barourilor din Romania, tabloul executorilor
judecatoresti, disponibil pe site-ul Uniunii Nationale a Executorilor
Judecatoresti, Registrul public electronic privind auditorii autorizati,
disponibil pe site-ul Autoritatii Publice pentru Supravegherea Publica a
Activitatii de Audit Statutar, Registrele disponibile pe site-ul Colegiului
Psihologilor din Romania, Tabloul Mediatorilor, disponibil pe site-ul Consiliului
de Mediere, Ordinul Arhitecților din România, parteneri contractuali (cum ar
fi, agentii de colectare a debitelor/recuperare a creantelor, furnizori de
servicii), entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen, partenerii contractuali ai Bancii
(inclusiv eMAG, Vodafone si alti parteneri cu care Raiffeisen Bank SA
colaboreaza in vederea furnizarii cardurilor de credit co-branded), evaluatorul
indicat pentru bunurile propuse in garantie (daca este cazul), notarii publici
(daca este cazul), angajatorii Persoanei Vizate (daca este cazul), societatea
de asigurare sau reasigurare (daca este cazul), Clientul (Platitor), institutii
de credit, surse publice (si anume, registre publice, World Check, presa, liste
sau documente accesibile publicului referitoare la insolventa persoanelor
fizice), initiatori ai operatiunilor de plata, executori judecatoresti, alte
organe de executare si  autorități care
pot institui masuri asiguratorii si popriri pe conturile Persoanelor Vizate
deschise la Banca,  titulari ai
mandatelor de debitare directa, reprezentantul legal al minorului titular de
cont, codebitorul care are calitatea de solicitant de extras de cont,
angajatorul gestionarului titular al contului de garantie deschis pe perioada
derularii raportului de munca - atunci cand acesta are calitatea de solicitant
de extras de cont, imputernicitul titularului de cont care are calitatea de
solicitant de extras de cont, alte Persoane Vizate (spre exemplu, in contextul
actiunilor pentru colectarea debitelor/recuperarea creantelor).

Urmatoarele categorii de date cu
caracter personal sunt colectate din aceste surse externe: nume, prenume, CNP -
colectate de la Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte S.A. (entitate a Grupului
Raiffeisen), datele indicate la sectiunea specifica privind detaliile de plata
in contextul realizarii unor plati (inclusiv CNP, daca o astfel de categorie de
date este furnizata in acest context), informatii referitoare la produse de
asigurare, date referitoare la condamnari penale si infractiuni, date privind
suspiciunea de frauda, date privind urmarirea penala, date publice privind
dosarele de instanta la care Clientul sau Persoanele Vizate sunt parte (numar
de dosar, instanta, parti, obiect, stadiu, termene, solutii, alte informatii
publice cu privire la dosarele de instanta), numarul de actiuni detinute intr-o
companie, numarul de rate, numar de card, data expirarii card, datele
tranzactiei, cod CVV/CVC, date privind infiintarea popririlor si stadiul
dosarelor de executare, date privind masurilor executorii, datele colectate
direct de la Client sau de la alte Persoane Vizate/generate de catre furnizorii
de servicii in contextul actiunilor pentru colectarea debitelor/recuperarea
creantelor, cum ar fi agentiile de colectare a debitelor/recuperare a
creantelor [date ce rezulta din inregistrarea apelurilor (dupa caz, date de
identitate, date de contact, situatie financiara, motiv neplata, voce, tip de
relatie cu Clientul, informatii cu privire la platile
realizate/produsele/serviciile contractate de Client, aspecte reclamate/solicitate),
date privind serviciile prestate in contextul actiunilor de colectare a
debitelor/recuperare a creantelor (dupa caz, actiunile intreprinse si detalii
in legatura cu acestea)].

Categoriile de date cu caracter
personal prelucrate in Sistemul Biroului de Credit sunt date de identificare
ale Persoanei Vizate, date referitoare la angajator, date referitoare la
produsele de tip credit solicitate/acordate, date referitoare la evenimente
care apar in perioada de derulare a produsului de tip credit (cum ar fi cele
referitoare la restructurarea/refinantarea, darea in plata, cesiunea
contractului de credit, cesiunea creantei, inclusiv informatii privind
suspendarea obligatiei de plata a ratelor in contextul pandemiei COVID-19),
informatii referitoare la produse de tip credit la care Persoana Vizata are
calitatea de codebitor si/sau garant, informatii privind deschiderea unei
proceduri de insolventa, numarul de interogari. Detalii suplimentare privind
datele prelucrate in Sistemul Biroului de Credit vor fi furnizate prin
documentele de informare specifice fluxurilor in care sunt utilizate astfel de

In vederea efectuarii
operațiunilor de identificare si inregistrare potrivit art. 24. din
Regulamentul (UE) nr. 910/2014 in numele Prestatorului de servicii de incredere
calificat, Banca prelucreaza urmatoarele categorii de date cu caracter
personal: prenume, nume, cod personal de identificare (CNP), seria și numărul
carții de identitate/alt document in baza caruia se face identificarea (de ex.
pașaport, certificat de rezidența), precum și alte informații pe care aceste
documente le pot conține (de ex. data și locul nașterii, cetatenia), semnatura,
datele de contact (de ex. numar de telefon, e-mail), inregistrari video* ale
interacțiunii cu agenții Bancii in scopul verificarii identitatii Persoanei
Vizate. Pentru a putea beneficia a Persoanei Vizate un certificat calificat
pentru semnatura electronica, emis de un prestator de servicii de incredere
este necesar ca aceasta sa comunice Bancii o adresa de e-mail si un numar de
telefon mobil.

Datele pe care Banca le genereaza
pe baza datelor furnizate in mod direct sau colectate din surse externe,
respectiv: cod identificare client, date de tranzactionare, informatii ce
rezulta din mesajele SWIFT, informatii ce rezulta din neconformitatile semnalate
de catre orice persoana, numar de card, tipul cardului, tipul clientului, numar
IBAN card, PIN, data expirarii cardului, motivele blocarii cardului, cod
CVV/CVC, tipurile de conturi detinute la Banca, cost de risc la nivel de
client, perioada pentru care este generat extrasul de cont, unde este cazul,
soldul initial si cel final, rulajul, dobanda acumulata la data extrasului,
data maturitatii, total rambursari capital, total rambursari dobanda curenta si
penalizatoare, zile de restanta, cuantum restanta, date privind gestionarea
restantelor, inclusiv segmentari in contextul actiunilor de colectare
debite/recuperare creante, date rezultand din desfasurarea
campaniilor/actiunilor de marketing.

Refuzul de a furniza datele cu
caracter personal poate determina imposibilitatea furnizarii serviciilor
bancare si/sau a indeplinirii celorlalte scopuri de prelucrare ale Bancii.

Unele date cu caracter personal
colectate de Banca pot avea un regim special potrivit legislatiei aplicabile,
context in care este necesara asigurarea unor garantii suplimentare pentru
prelucrarea lor. Spre exemplu, prelucrarea de date cu caracter personal
referitoare la condamnari penale si infractiuni sau la masuri de securitate
conexe este permisa fie sub controlul unei autoritati publice sau atunci cand
prelucrarea este autorizata de lege cu instituirea unor garanatii adecvate
pentru drepturile si libertatile persoanelor vizate. In cazul prelucrarii unor
astfel de date cu regim special, Banca asigura garantiile suplimentare
prevazute de legislatia aplicabila in domeniul protectiei datelor.

2.1.6. Pentru
indeplinirea scopurilor de prelucrare, Banca va dezvalui sau poate dezvalui
datele cu caracter personal catre urmatoarele categorii de destinatari:
Persoana Vizata, reprezentantii legali sau conventionali ai Persoanei Vizate,
debitorii creantelor ipotecate (daca este cazul), reprezentantii Bancii,
evaluatorul indicat pentru bunurile propuse in garantie (daca este cazul),
notari publici (daca este cazul), Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei - in
contextul inregistrarilor in RNPM (daca este cazul), Fondul National de
Garantare a Creditelor pentru Intreprinderile Mici si Mijlocii (daca este
cazul), alte persoane fizice sau juridice care prelucreaza datele personale in
numele Bancii, entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen, parteneri contractuali ai
Bancii si ai entitatilor din Grupul Raiffeisen, imputerniciti ai Bancii in ceea
ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, operatori asociati ai
Bancii in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal,
autoritatea judecatoreasca, autoritati publice centrale, inclusiv ANAF, Banca
Nationala a Romaniei si Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara, autoritati cu
atributii in domeniul prevenirii si combaterii spalarii banilor si finantarii
terorismului, autoritati publice locale, autoritati/organe cu atributii in
materie penala, institutii bancare in contextul platilor initiate de Clientul
Bancii, beneficiarul platii initiate de Clientul Bancii, Oficiul National al
Registrului Comertului, Prestatori de servicii de informare cu privire la conturi,
Prestatori de servicii de initiere a platii, organizatii internationale,
furnizorii de servicii si bunuri, birouri de credit, societati de asigurare si
reasigurare, organizatii profesionale, organizatii de cercetare a pietei,
prestatori de servicii de încredere calificati, agenti de colectare a
debitelor/recuperare a creantelor, executori judecatoresti, alte organe de
executare si  autorități care pot
institui masuri asiguratorii si popriri pe conturile Persoanelor Vizate
deschise la Banca,  institutii bancare
participante la Conventia interbancara privind debitarea directa, in ipoteza
mandatelor de debitare directa de tip interbancar; reprezentantii Companiei
Nationale Posta Romana in contextul serviciilor de colectarea de numerar prin
intermediul Oficiilor Postale, furnizori / operatori ai retelelor de
socializare si care pot avea calitatea de operatori, operatori asociati
impreuna cu Banca sau persoane imputernicite ale Bancii.

2.1.7. In
vederea realizarii scopurilor de prelucrare mentionate, Banca va prelucra
datele cu caracter personal pe durata necesara indeplinirii scopurilor de
prelucrare, cum ar fi pe durata indeplinirii serviciilor bancare, precum si
ulterior, atunci cand exista o necesitate de afaceri legitima pentru a proceda
astfel (de exemplu, pentru a va furniza informatiile solicitate sau pentru a ne
respecta obligatiile legale, fiscale sau contabile). Este posibil ca, in urma
indeplinirii termenelor legale de arhivare, Banca sa dispuna anonimizarea
datelor, lipsindu-le astfel de caracterul personal si sa continue prelucrarea
datelor anonime pentru scopuri statistice.

2.1.8. In
prezent, in vederea indeplinirii scopurilor mai sus-mentionate este posibil ca
Banca sa transfere anumite categorii de date cu caracter personal in afara
Romaniei, in state din cadrul UE/ SEE: Austria, Slovacia, Grecia, Ungaria,
Germania, Irlanda,  cat si in afara
UE/SEE, catre Marea Britanie, Statele Unite ale Americii, Kosovo. Pentru
transferurile in afara UE/SEE, Banca isi va intemeia transferul datelor cu
caracter personal pe baza clauzelor contractuale standard adoptate la nivelul
Comisiei Europene sau pe alte garantii recunoscute de lege.

In vederea indeplinirii
scopurilor mai sus-mentionate Banca va transfera confor prevederilor legale
aplicabile Grupului Raiffeisen datele Persoanelor Vizate referitoare la
tranzacții (ex: plăți, tranzacții, mesaje SWIFT si continutul mesajelor),
conturi, date AML, date de conformitate.

Este posibil ca pe parcursul
desfasurarii activitatii, statele de transfer mai sus mentionate sa se
modifice. Puteti obtine o lista actualizata cu statele unde se transfera datele
cu caracter personal accesand Politica privind protectia datelor cu caracter
personal si confidentialitatea, disponibila la link-ul sau
trimitand o cerere in acest sens catre sau sa
contactati Responsabilul privind Protectia Datelor la nivelul Bancii, la
urmatoarea adresa de e-mail:

Pentru a obtine o copie a
garantiilor de transfer implementate de Banca, va rugam sa transmiteti o cerere
in acest sens (pe suport hartie/in format electronic, prin e-mail) catre: sau sa
contactati Responsabilul privind Protectia Datelor la nivelul Bancii, la
urmatoarea adresa de e-mail:

Persoanele vizate beneficiaza de urmatoarele drepturi in contextul prelucrarii
datelor cu caracter personal: dreptul la informare, dreptul de acces la date,
dreptul la rectificare, dreptul la stergerea datelor („dreptul de a fi uitat”),
dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii, dreptul la portabilitatea datelor,
dreptul la opozitie, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale
automate, si dreptul de a se adresa Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a
Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal sau instantelor competente, in masura
in care persoana vizata considera necesar.

2.1.10. Este
posibil ca, in urma solicitarii de stergere a datelor, Banca sa anonimizeze
aceste date (lipsindu-le astfel de caracterul personal) si sa continue in
aceste conditii prelucrarea pentru scopuri statistice.

Pentru detalii suplimentare cu privire la activitatile de prelucrare efectuate
de catre Raiffeisen Bank SA, precum si cu privire la drepturile de care
beneficiati in acest context, va rugam sa va adresati printr-o cerere scrisa,
la adresele oricareia dintre unitatile Bancii (pentru lista completa a
unitatilor, acceseaza pagina sau
printr-un e-mail catre Banca in acest sens, catre:

De asemenea, aveti posibilitatea
de a contacta si Responsabilul privind Protectia Datelor la nivelul Raiffeisen
Bank SA, la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail:

Informatii actualizate privind
activitatile de prelucrare efectuate de catre Banca sunt disponibile accesand
Politica privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal si confidentialitatea,
disponibila la link-ul

Informatiile privind prelucrarea
datelor cu caracter personal ale Persoanelor Vizate in contextul diferitelor
produse si/sau servicii ale Bancii sunt furnizate prin documentele de informare
specifice acelor produse si/sau servicii care au fost ori care vor fi puse la
dispozitia Persoanelor Vizate in contextul colectarii aferente de date cu
caracter personal.


2.2 Confidentialitate


2.2.1. Banca
si Clientul vor depune toate diligentele necesare pentru mentinerea
confidentialitatii asupra informatiilor obtinute unul despre celalalt in
derularea relatiei Banca - Client, cu respectarea, totusi, a prevederilor
oricarei legi sau ordin al unei autoritati competente care permit sau solicita

Clientul autorizeaza Banca sa prelucreze, sa transfere si sa comunice orice fel
de informatii referitoare la Client catre si intre sucursalele, agentiile,
punctele de lucru, reprezentantele Bancii, societatilor afiliate Bancii si
agentilor si tertilor parteneri ai Bancii, pentru folosire confidentiala, in
legatura cu prestarea oricarui serviciu Clientului (inclusiv pentru plati
externe efectuate prin intermediul unui tert), precum si in scopul prelucrarii
de date, efectuarii de analize, recuperarii creantelor Bancii, obtinerii unor
finantari/garantii, transferului de creante ale Bancii, precum si in scopuri
statistice. Orice astfel de terta parte poate in acelasi fel folosi, prelucra
si transfera in orice mod datele si informatiile referitoare la Client primite
de la Banca in cadrul autorizarii acordate de Client prin prezentul document.

2.2.3. Banca
va pastra confidentialitatea si nu va dezvalui, publica sau divulga prin orice
alt mod informatii privind Conturile Clientilor, operatiunile inregistrate in
acestea, relatiile contractuale dintre Banca si Clienti, fara consimtamântul

Clauza confidentialitatii nu se va aplica daca:

informatia este ceruta de o autoritate competenta în cadrul unei proceduri

Clientul autorizeaza Banca sa dezvaluie informatiile;

c) în
orice alta situatie prevazuta de lege (spre ex. furnizarea de informatii la
cererea institutiilor financiare corespondente).

Clientul consimte prin prezenta în mod expres, renuntând sa invoce orice
restrictie impusa Bancii de legislatia în vigoare cu privire la secretul
bancar, ca Banca sa prezinte în cadrul relatiilor cu tertii implicati în
procese organizatorice si decizionale ale Bancii, orice informatii si date,
referitoare la Client sau la conturile sale, necesare acestor procese si care
nu vor afecta în nici un fel Clientul sau afacerile sale. Prin terti implicati
se înteleg, dar nu se limiteaza, orice societati române sau straine care fac
parte din grupul de societati din care face parte si Banca, consultantii de
specialitate agreati de Banca, intermediarii pentru anumite afaceri,
finantatorii etc. Banca va intra in relatii contractuale doar cu tertii
implicati care se obliga la rândul lor sa pastreze confidentialitatea
informatiilor astfel obtinute.

2.2.6. In vederea respectarii dispozitiilor legale in materia
prevenirii si combaterii spalarii banilor si finantarii terorismului, precum si
pentru prevenirea si combaterea fraudelor, Banca va putea sa ia, in relatia cu
Clientul, masurile
prevazute la pct. 3.1.4 din CGB si orice alte masuri pe care le considera
necesare in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare.


Raiffeisen Bank SA aplica cerintele FATCA si s-a inregistrat pe siteul Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) al SUA cu Statusul FATCA Registered Deemed-Compliant
Financial Institution, primind Numarul Global Intermediar de Identificare
(GIIN) 28CWN4.00008.ME.642. In consecinta, Banca va identifica contribuabilii
SUA si va raporta informatii despre persoanele relevante si despre conturile
deschise la Banca de catre acestia, respectiv despre acele conturi in care sunt
evidentiate detinerile directe sau indirecte de active financiare de catre
persoanele relevante prin prisma aplicarii cerintelor FATCA.

Raiffeisen Bank SA aplica cerintele CRS si, in consecinta, Banca va identifica
contribuabilii relevanti CRS si va raporta informatii despre persoanele
relevante si despre conturile deschise la Banca de catre acestia, respectiv
despre acele conturi in care sunt evidentiate detinerile directe sau indirecte
de active financiare de catre persoanele relevante prin prisma aplicarii
cerintelor CRS.

Clientul se obliga sa indice in mod corect cheia CIF (Codul de identificare
interna astfel cum a fost definit in prezentele CGB) ori de cate ori acest cod
este solicitat de Banca prin intermediul diverselor formulare utilizate de
aceasta in relatia cu clientii sai si exonereaza Banca de raspundere pentru
orice neintelegeri/daune generate de comunicarea eronata a Codului de
identificare interna de catre titularul Contului curent/Reprezentant
legal/mandatarul Clientul.


2.3. Dobânzi. Taxe, Comisioane si alte costuri.

Pentru produsele si serviciile bancare, Banca percepe Clientilor sai taxe,
comisioane, speze si dupa caz, percepe sau acorda dobânzi la valorile standard
cuprinse in listele specifice, cu exceptia situatiilor în care in Contractele
specifice se prevad alte niveluri ale acestora. Listele specifice pot fi
consultate de Client la oricare dintre unitatile Bancii sau accesând paginile
de internet sau

2.3.2. Banca
va informa Clientul asupra conditiilor standard de taxe, comisioane, speze si
dobanzi ale Bancii in vigoare la momentul solicitarii unei oferte privind
produsele/ serviciile bancare, dupa caz, la momentul incheierii unui Contract

2.3.3. Orice
dobânda este calculata zilnic la sumele inregistrate în soldul debitor, dupa
caz, sold creditor al Contului (curent/de depozit/de economii/de credit), pe
baza formulei: D - C*Rd*n/N, unde:

D - dobânda calculata;

C - capitalul asupra caruia se
calculeaza dobânda care poate fi suma din contul curent, capitalul depozitului
sau soldul creditului;

Rd - Rata dobânzii

n - numarul de zile din luna
(care poate fi determinat conventional de catre parti prin Contractele
specifice, ca fiind numarul efectiv de zile ale lunii pentru care se calculeaza
dobânda sau 30);

N - Numarul de zile din an (care
poate fi determinat conventional de catre parti prin Contractele specifice, ca
fiind numarul efectiv de zile ale anului, 360 sau 365).

2.3.4. Rata
dobânzii poate avea o valoare fixa si/sau variabila ce se modifica in functie
de (a) indici de referinta verificabili (cum ar fi Rata de Referinta) prevazuti
in Contractele specifice ori de (b) schimbarile legislative ce impun astfel de
modificari. In cazul conturilor de economii si de depozit la termen Rata
dobanzii si modalitatea de calcul a dobânzii aplicabile sunt precizate in
Contractul specific.






3.1 Reguli generale privind deschiderea si operarea

Conturile deschise pe numele Clientului la Banca vor fi guvernate de termenii
si conditiile continute in Contractul specific incheiat intre Banca si Client
si de regulile generale stabilite prin prezentele CGB, in masura in care
acestea sunt aplicabile.

3.1.2. Banca
va putea, fara insa a fi obligata la aceasta, sa deschida pe numele Clientilor,
prin unitatile sale operative si prin serviciul de internet banking in anumite
conditii, Conturi (precum conturi curente, conturi de economii, conturi de
depozit), ca urmare a cererii acestora si in conformitate cu procedurile
interne emise de Banca in acest scop.

3.1.3. Clientul are obligatia de a prezenta Bancii, la
transmiterea de catre aceasta a oricarei solicitari, cereri ori instructiuni
ori la simpla cerere a Bancii, orice informatii si documente pe care Banca le
considera necesare pentru deschiderea si operarea Conturilor, pentru
justificarea operatiunilor solicitate ori pentru indeplinirea periodica de
catre Banca, a obligatiilor stabilite prin lege si/sau normele si politicile
Bancii. Clientul se obliga ca, la solicitarea Bancii, sa furnizeze acesteia
orice informatii, documente sau declaratii suplimentare in vederea stabilirii
obiectului si/sau rationamentului economic al tranzactiilor, sursei si/sau
destinatiei fondurilor retrase in numerar si/sau a sursei fondurilor care fac
obiectul tranzactiilor, indiferent de canalul/instrumentul/serviciul de plata
prin care acestea au fost initiate, pentru stabilirea sursei fondurilor
investite (initial) in Monede virtuale si a circuitului financiar privind
Monedele virtuale (atat la achizitionarea cat si la incasari din Monede
virtuale) sau alte informatii necesare in procesul de cunoasterea clientelei,
de actualizare date pentru indeplinirea de catre Banca a obligatiilor stabilite
prin lege, prin normele interne ale Bancii si/sau Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA.

3.1.4  In
vederea respectarii politicilor Bancii de acceptare si cunoastere a clientelei
si a prevederilor legale privind prevenirea si combaterea spalarii banilor si
finantarii terorismului, a Sanctiunilor Internationale/SUA precum si a
prevederilor legale privind prevenirea si combaterea fraudelor, in  oricare din
urmatoarele situatii:

a) Clientul nu indeplineste oricare dintre obligatiile din
clauza 3.1.3; 

b) Banca nu primeste informatiile/documentele/declaratiile
solicitate sau daca primeste informatii incomplete, insuficiente, neconforme cu
realitatea sau care nu pot justifica respectiva Operatiune de plata/deschiderea

c) Banca are suspiciuni sau motive rezonabile de
suspiciune cu privire la realitatea/valabilitatea celor declarate, documentelor
si informatiilor furnizate de Client;

d) Banca are suspiciuni rezonabile sau motive rezonabile
de suspiciune cu privire la spalarea banilor, finantarea terorismului, fraude,
incalcarea Sanctiunilor Internationale/SUA /activitati ilegale prevazute de
legislatia penala in vigoare si/sau de alte reglementari in vigoare sau astfel
de suspiciuni au fost comunicate Bancii de alte banci sau autoritati; ;

e) Banca a primit restrictii de
tranzactionare pentru conturile Clientului de la autoritati competente;

f) Banca a primit solicitari de retur
fonduri de la banci ordonatoare/banci corespondente, pe motiv de suspiciuni de
frauda, spalare de bani, finantare de terorism sau nerespectare Sanctiuni

g) Clientul este
Persoana Desemnata sau Parte Restrictionata.

h) Clientul nu prezinta documente
justificative privind sursa fondurilor investite in Monede virtuale;

i) Clientul efectueaza tranzactii in
legatura cu Monede virtuale cu furnizori de servicii de schimb între Monede
virtuale şi monede fiduciare şi/sau Furnizorii de portofele digitale sunt
neautorizati/neinregistrati sau sunt autorizati in tari desemnate de Uniunea
Europeana ca fiind tari terte cu grad ridicat de risc si/sau jurisdicții
necooperante în scopuri fiscal;

j) Clientul efectueaza tranzactii cu
prestatori de servicii de plata din tari desemnate de Uniunea Europeana ca
fiind tari terte cu grad ridicat de risc si/sau jurisdicții necooperante în
scopuri fiscale;

k) Clientul nu se incadreaza in profilul de risc stabilit
de Banca in normele sale interne


Banca poate lua imediat una sau mai multe din urmatoarele


(i) sa refuze
contractarea de catre Client a unui Cont sau a unor
produse/servicii/instrumente de plata;

(ii) sa refuze
efectuarea  Operatiunilor de plata in Cont;

(iii) sa limiteze Operatriunile
de plata pe care Clientul le poate efectua in Conturile sale (spre ex.
limitarea incasarilor, a platilor in numer, a tranzactiilor prin intermediul
Cardului/ serviciilor de internet banking/mobile banking etc.) cu notificarea Clientului in prealabil
si precizarea termenului de la care aceste limitari se vor aplica;

(iv) sa blocheze
Contul, Cardul si/sau serviciile de internet banking/mobile banking si/sau
aplicatii/instrumente de plata atasate Conturilor/Cardurilor;

(v) sa inceteze
unilateral Contractul aferent Contului curent sau a oricarui Contract Specific
privind servicii/produse atasate Contului;

(vi) sa nu intitieze sau sa inceteze
intreaga relatie de afaceri cu Clientul.


3.1.5. In
cazul in care Clientul este reprezentat de un Mandatar la incheierea
Contractului specific de Cont, Clientul va putea dispune personal de fondurile
din Cont doar dupa depunerea Specimenului de semnatura la Banca.

Pentru conturile deschise in zilele nelucratoare, data deschiderii Contului va
fi ziua lucratoare imediat urmatoare, urmând a se aplica acestuia ratele de
dobânda in vigoare la data deschiderii.

3.1.7. Daca,
in conditiile si in conformitate cu legea sau cu reglementarile interne ale
Bancii, pentru deschiderea sau operarea oricaror Conturi, sunt necesare
verificari suplimentare si/sau periodice ale datelor furnizate de
Client/Reprezentantul legal/Mandatar/Imputernicit, Banca este abilitata sa
efectueze orice verificari, sa solicite si sa obtina orice informatii despre
acestia, precum si despre oricare alte persoane care efectueaza depuneri in
Conturi si/sau au mandat special pentru anumite operatiuni, de la orice
autoritate competenta, registru public, arhiva, baza de date electronica sau
organism abilitat, detinator de astfel de informatii. Toate costurile aferente
consultarii acestor baze de date, precum si orice speze, comisioane si taxe
aferente, inclusiv postale, sunt si ramân in sarcina Clientului, Banca având
mandat de debitare automata a oricarui cont al Clientului pentru recuperarea

3.2. Persoanele care pot opera in
Conturile Clientului

Indiferent de numarul si tipurile Conturilor, Clientul care are capacitate
deplina de exercitiu, in calitate de titular al acestora, poate numi in relatia
cu Banca un numar maxim de doi Imputerniciti pentru fiecare Cont, care au
dreptul sa dispuna de fondurile din Conturile indicate expres de Client
(efectuând in cazul Conturilor de plati si operatiuni de plata), neavând
dreptul sa solicite inchiderea acestor Conturi. Prin exceptie, in cazul
Conturilor de depozit la termen si a Conturilor de economii, Imputernicitul
poate solicita lichidarea depozitului la termen, respectiv inchiderea Contului
de economii.

3.2.2. (1) Numirea imputernicitilor pe cont, datele de
identificare si Specimenul de semnatura al acestora sunt consemnate in
formularele standard furnizate de Banca in acest scop, dupa caz (lista
imputernicitilor cuprinse in cererile de deschidere Cont curent, formularele de
inrolare si actualizare date ce trebuie completate pentru fiecare Imputernicit
in parte, Contractul specific), aceste documente fiind pastrate de Banca. In
cazul in care numirea Imputernicitilor se face prin intermediul unor canale de comunicare
la distanta, datele de identificare ale Imputernicitilor pe cont vor fi
consemnate in documentele/aplicatiile informatice specifice respectivelor
modalitati de acces.

(2) Imputernicirea de reprezentare data de Client va fi
considerata valabila pâna la revocarea acesteia efectuata de catre Client, prin
una din urmatoarele modalitati: completarea unei noi liste a Imputernicitilor
pe Contul curent pentru care va opera modificarea in unitatile Bancii;
completarea unei solicitari exprese de revocare in cuprinsul formularelor
standard ale Bancii, pentru alte tipuri de Cont.

(3) Banca poate refuza Imputernicitii pe Cont numiti de
Client, la data numirii sau ulterior, in cazul in care asupra acestora exista
suspiciuni sau motive rezonabile de suspiciune de spalare a banilor, finantarea
terorismului, fraude, incalcarea Sanctiunilor Internationale/SUA si/sau a
embargo-urilor sau in orice alta situatie in care normele legale sau interne
impun acest lucru. Banca nu va accepta Persoane Desemnate sau Parti
Restrictionate drept Imputerniciti pe Conturi. In cazul in care Banca refuza Imputerniciti
existenti, aceasta va notifica clientul in scris cu privire la data de la care
imputernicirea nu mai este acceptata de Banca.

(4) Numirea, respectiv, revocarea Imputernicitilor de catre
Client devin opozabile Bancii incepând cu ziua lucratoare imediat urmatoare
datei depunerii listei de Imputerniciti/cererii de revocare a Imputernicitilor.

3.2.3. Pentru a putea executa mandatul incredintat de Client,
Imputernicitul trebuie sa furnizeze Bancii informatiile si documentele
solicitate de aceasta si sa depuna Specimenul de semnatura la Banca.

3.2.4. Clientul are obligatia de a face cunoscute
Imputernicitului sau Utilizatorului de card suplimentar prezentele CGB si orice
modificari completari ale acestora.


Asupra sumelor aflate în Conturile curente, de economii sau de depozit deschise
în evidenta Bancii pentru acesti Clienti, pot dispune liber, cu respectarea
normelor în vigoare, urmatoarele persoane:

titularul Contului;

Imputernicitii pe cont, numai pe timpul vietii titularului;

mostenitorii titularului, care dovedesc cu certificat de mostenitor sau cu
hotarâre judecatoreasca aceasta calitate.

Utilizatorii Cardurilor suplimentare atasate Contului (numai prin intermediul
acestor Carduri), pe timpul vietii titularului Contului;

Reprezentantul legal al Clientului, in cazul in care Clientul este minor sau
major fara capacitate de exercitiu; in aceasta situatie, pentru a i se permite
Reprezentantului legal efectuarea de operatiuni de plata, acesta trebuie sa
furnizeze Bancii informatiile si documentele solicitate de aceasta si sa depuna
Specimenul de semnatura la Banca.


3.3. Contul Curent. Contul de
economii. Contul de depozit la termen. Contul de credit card

3.3.1 Contul curent este un Cont de plati. Banca poate
deschide, la cererea Clientului, maxim doua Conturi curente in aceeasi valuta.
Oricarui cont curent, pe masura oferirii de catre Banca si solicitarii de catre
Client, in conditiile legii si corespunzator normelor si procedurilor interne
ale Bancii, i se vor putea atasa Carduri de debit, servicii de internet banking
sau mobile banking, limite de descoperit de cont sau orice alte
servicii/instrumente de plata aferente contului curent.


Contul de economii si Contul de depozit la termen sunt conturi de depozit ale
caror caracteristici sunt detaliate in Contractele specifice.

Contul de credit card este un cont ce se deschide, se opereaza si se inchide in
conditiile din Contractul specific si din prezentele CGB, care are atasate unul
sau mai multe Carduri si o limita de credit pusa la dispozitie de catre Banca
la solicitarea titularului, conform Contractului specific.


3.4. Descoperit de cont neautorizat, acordat de Banca

3.4.1. Banca
va putea decide efectuarea unei plati cerute de catre Client sau recuperarea de
taxe, comisioane, speze, dobânzi, orice alte sume datorate Bancii in baza
Contractelor specifice etc., care depasesc limita soldului creditor al Contului
curent, chiar daca nu exista un Contract specific pentru o facilitate de
descoperit de cont deja incheiat cu Clientul. Astfel, simpla instructare a
Bancii de a procesa Ordine de plata care exced soldul creditor al Contului
curent, data direct de catre Client sau prin mandat incredintat Bancii sau prin
intermediul ori de catre un tert beneficiar, are valoare juridica de acceptare
anticipata de catre Client a unei facilitati de descoperit de cont
non-revolving (“descoperit de cont neautorizat”/”overdraft neautorizat”), daca
Banca va hotari acordarea acesteia la momentul procesarii Ordinului de plata.
Dobânda datorata de Client se calculeaza conform sectiunii 2.3.3, cu precizarea
ca ”n” este 30, iar ””N” este 360.

Sumele astfel avansate de Banca vor fi considerate datorate de Client incepând
cu data avansarii lor si vor fi purtatoare de dobânda calculata la o rata
anuala stabilita de Banca pentru astfel de situatii.

Clientul se obliga sa alimenteze
de indata respectivul Cont cu toate sumele astfel datorate, fiind de acord ca
orice creditare a Contului respectiv se considera efectuata in scopul
rambursarii cu prioritate a acestor sume si ca respectivele sume nu mai pot fi
reutilizate de Client.

Pentru scopurile constituirii unui titlu executoriu Banca si Clientul sunt de
acord ca prezentele CGB si extrasul de cont ce reflecta sumele acordate de
Banca in conditiile prevazute la 3.4.1. si 3.4.2. au valoarea juridica a unui
contract de credit de descoperit de cont (overdraft).

3.4.4. Banca
are dreptul de a recupera pe cai legale sumele datorate, fara o avizare

3.4.5. In
cazul neachitarii de Client la scadente a oricaror sume datorate in baza
Contractului specific, Banca va pune la dispozitia Clientului, la cerere,
informatii despre cuantumul sumelor datorate de Client, neavând obligatia de a
notifica acestuia existenta si/sau valoarea acestor debite.


3.5. Dreptul de compensare

Clientul autorizeaza Banca, prin prezenta, sa compenseze in orice moment orice
suma datorata Bancii cu fondurile disponibile in orice Cont curent, de economii
si/sau de depozit la termen, indiferent de valuta in care sunt disponibile
si/sau indiferent de scadenta depozitului, fara a fi necesar in acest sens un
alt acord prealabil al Clientului.

3.5.2. In
cazul in care compensarea sumelor datorate va necesita schimbarea unei anumite
monede in alta, o astfel de schimbare se va efectua la cursul de schimb valutar
in cont practicat de Banca la acea data, in acest scop Banca fiind mandatata
pentru orice operatiune de schimb valutar care va fi necesara.

3.5.3. În
situatia în care în Conturile Clientului nu exista disponibil suficient pentru
acoperirea oricaror sume datorate Bancii, Banca este autorizata sa debiteze
oricare dintre Conturile Clientului, chiar daca prin aceasta s-ar genera
descoperit de cont neautorizat in conditiile sectiunii 3.4. ”Descoperit de cont
neautorizat acordat de Banca.

Clientul va fi instiintat de catre Banca dupa efectuarea compensarii prin
extrasul de cont.


3.6. Incetarea relatiei de Cont curent

Clientul va putea denunta unilateral raportul juridic de Cont curent, oricând
pe durata derularii Contractului specific, depunând conform regulilor de la
sectiunea ”Notificari” o solicitare scrisa, la oricare dintre unitatile Bancii,
fara a fi necesara justificarea unei astfel de decizii. Conturile de depozit se
denunta in conditiile Contractului specific. Ca regula, Contul curent poate fi
inchis doar daca la data cererii de inchidere nu exista in derulare produse si/
sau servicii oferite de Banca care necesita mentinerea in continuare a Contului
curent deschis, caz in care Clientul poate relua solicitarea inchiderii
contului doar dupa incetarea/modificarea, dupa caz, a raporturilor juridice
aferente produselor/serviciilor bancare in derulare. Inchiderea Contului se va
efectua la data solicitarii; prin exceptie, inchiderea Contului curent cu card
de debit atasat (Card principal si/sau suplimentare) se va efectua dupa 30 de
zile calendaristice de la data la care titularul a solicitat Bancii in scris
incetarea contractului de Cont curent , daca exista inregistrate tranzactii in
decontare, utilizând formularul pus de Banca la dispozitia sa in acest scop.
Daca in aceasta perioada s-au efectuat noi Tranzactii prin Card care urmeaza sa
vina in decontare, termenul de 30 de zile se va prelungi pana la decontarea
tuturor tranzactiilor prin Card inregistrate pe Cont.

3.6.2 Banca va putea sa denunte unilateral raportul juridic de
Cont curent/Cont de economii/servicii de internet/mobile banking/instrumente de
plata atasate Contului, oricând pe durata derularii Contractului Specific fara
a fi necesara justificarea unei astfel de decizii, cu un preaviz scris de doua
luni calendaristice transmis conform regulilor prevazute la Sectiunea 8.2.

3.6.3 Banca este îndreptatita sa rezilieze Contractul de Cont
curent si/sau Contractul Specific aferent produselor si serviciilor atasate
Contului curent, de plin drept, fara punere in intârziere si fara interventia
instantelor judecatoresti, in oricare din urmatoarele cazuri:

a) Clientul nu respecta prevederile legale în vigoare,
normele de lucru ale Bancii sau conditiile de functionare ale Contului;

b) Clientul este suspectat de implicarea directa sau
indirecta in efectuarea unor operatiuni prin care incalca prevederi legale din
materia prevenirii si combaterii spalarii banilor si finantarii terorismului,
precum dar fara a se limita la cazul in care Clientul devine Persoana Desemnata
sau Parte Restrictionata sau intra sub incidenta Sanctiunilor
Internationale/SUA sau sub incidenta unor Embargo-uri impuse de Uniunea
Europeana/Statele Unite ale Americii/ orice alte state sau
insitutii/organizatii internationale sau agentii ale acestora, indiferent daca
Clientul este vizat in mod direct sau indirect de aceste Sanctiuni

c) Exista suspiciuni sau motive rezonabile de suspiciune de
frauda/spalare de bani/finantare terorism/incalcare
Sanctiuni Internationale / SUA / activitati ilegale prevazute de legislatia
penala in vigoare si/sau de alte reglementari in vigoare sau in situatia in
care pentru Conturile Clientului au fost primite solicitari de returnare de
fonduri de la banci ordonatoare/corespondente pe motiv de suspiciune de frauda / spalare de
bani / finantare terorism / incalcare Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA sau
informatii privind suspiciuni de frauda / spalare de bani / finantare terorism
/ incalcare Sanctiuni Internationale / SUA asupra Clientului de la autoritati
din Romania sau strainatate, de la banci din Romania sau strainatate;

d) Clientul a furnizat Bancii informatii si/sau documente
insuficiente/neconforme cu realitate ori refuza furnizarea catre Banca a
informatiilor si/sau documentelor si/ori acordurilor necesare indeplinirii de
catre Banca a obligatiilor contractuale si/sau legale (inclusiv in scopul
aplicarii cerintelor FATCA si/sau CRS);

e) Soldul Contului nu mai acopera costurile aferente
executarii Contractului specific de Cont Curent;

f) in cazul Conturilor ”dormant” reglementate la sectiunea



3.6.4 In
cazurile prevazute la art. 3.6.3 lit. a), b), c) d), f) de mai sus Banca va
notifica Clientului masura luata, in cel mult 3 zile lucratoare de la luarea
acestei decizii, conform regulilor de la sectiunea 8.2. ”Notificari”. In cazul
prevazut la art. 3.6.3 lit e) inchiderea Contului se face fara notificare.

3.6.5. In
toate cazurile in care initiativa inchiderii contului apartine Bancii, de la
data inchiderii contului, Banca va inceta creditarea cu dobânda a Contului,
urmând ca suma care constituie la acea data soldul creditor al Contului sa fie
pastrata la dispozitia Clientului in conturi nepurtatoare de dobanda. Clientul
datoreaza tarifele/comisioanelor standard aferente operatiunii de plata a
sumelor de bani, astfel cum acestea sunt prevazute in Tarife si Comisioane in
vigoare la momentul efectuarii operatiunii. Banca nu va fi raspunzatoare in
nicio situatie pentru eventuale prejudicii directe sau indirecte pe care le-ar
suferi Clientul ca urmare a inchiderii conturilor sale, conform celor mai sus

3.6.6 Contractul de depozit la termen/contul
de economii incetează de drept in cazul in care incetează din orice motiv
contractul de Cont curent deschis in valuta produsului de economisire incheiat
cu Banca. In acest caz, incetarea de depozit la termen/contul de economii va
avea loc la aceeaşi dată cu data încetării contractului de Cont curent şi
Clientul accepta ca Banca va proceda la virarea sumei depozitului/contului de
economii in respectivul Cont curent după lichidarea depozitului/contului de
economii cu aceasta data, chiar în situatia in care nu a ajuns la scadenta şi
cu bonificarea dobanzii pana la data incetarii contractului de depozit/contului
de economii.


3.7 Prevederi speciale aplicabile Conturilor ”dormant”

3.7.1 Daca pe parcursul unei perioade de timp, stabilita de
Banca si adusa la cunostinta Clientului prin afisare la unitatile si pe site-ul
Bancii, pentru Contul curent sau Contul de economii nu s-a inregistrat si
aprobat nicio cerere a Clientului de modificare cont sau daca in Contul curent
sau Contul de economii activ, Clientul, tertii sau Banca nu a/au efectuat nicio
miscare de debitare sau creditare a Contului, Contul va deveni “dormant”.

de timp stabilita de Banca pentru ca un Cont curent sa devina „dormant” este
generala si se aplica tuturor Conturilor Curente.

aceast caz, Banca va continua sa perceapa taxe si comisoane conturilor
respective, atâta timp cât exista sold creditor. De asemenea, Banca va continua
sa calculeze dobânda creditoare/debitoare in functie de caracteristicile
fiecarui Cont, atâta timp cât exista sold creditor/debitor.


3.7.2 Prin
exceptie de la prevederile art. 3.6.4 de mai sus, Banca va putea decide oricând
inchiderea Contului declarat “dormant” cu sold zero sau debitor, fara
notificarea prealabila sau ulterioara a Clientului.

3.7.3 In
urma aprobarii unei cereri de modificare a Contului sau in urma procesarii unei
tranzactii de debitare sau creditare pe Contul ”dormant”, acesta va fi
reactivat automat de catre Banca; dupa aprobarea cererii de modificare
Cont/efectuarea tranzactiei, Contul va ramane in stare ”activ” si poate
redeveni ”dormant” in conditiile mentionate in prezenta sectiune.

3.7.4 Banca nu va anunta clientul cu privire la trecerea
Contului in stare ”dormant”.

sunt considerate miscari in Cont, operatiunile de debitare sau creditare
efectuate de catre Banca, reprezentand exclusiv plata dobânzilor de catre Banca
si plata comisioanelor/taxelor aferente Contului.



3.8 Blocarea Conturilor

3.8.1. Conturile
Curente ale Clientului pot fi blocate (i) total, caz in care nu se vor
executa niciun fel de Operatiuni de plata (depunere/retragere de fonduri,
transfer fonduri, incasare) sau (ii) partial, caz in care se vor executa
doar Operatiunile de plata de creditare a Contului Curent (incasari).

3.8.2. (1) Banca este indreptatita sa dispuna blocarea totala sau partiala a
conturilor, in oricare din urmatoarele situatii:

a) respectarea
politicilor Bancii de acceptare si cunoastere a clientelei si a prevederilor
legale privind prevenirea si combaterea spalarii banilor si finantarii
terorismului, precum si a prevederilor legale privind prevenirea si combaterea

b) suspiciune de
frauda, de efectuare pe Contul Curent a unor tranzactii suspecte, neautorizate
sau ilegale;

c) din orice
motive justificate în mod obiectiv, legate de securitatea Contului Curent si a
respectarii prevederilor legale in vigoare;

d) in orice alte
cazuri prevazute de prezentele CGB si a prevederilor legale in vigoare;

(2) Clientul poate
solicita Bancii blocarea totala a Conturilor Curente, in caz de suspiciune de
frauda, tranzactii suspecte, neautorizate sau frauduloase.

3.8.3 (1) Pe durata blocarii partiale a Contului Curent: (i) se va calcula si
va inregistra dobânda creditoare sau, dupa caz debitoare; (ii) se va
percepe comisionul de administrare a Contului prevazut in Contractul specific; (iii)
se vor inregistra orice Operatiuni de plata finalizate prin creditarea Contului
curent; (iv) Banca nu va executa ordinele de plata ce au ca efect
debitarea Contului curent.

(2) Pe durata
blocarii totale a Contului Curent: (i) nu se vor executa niciun fel de
Operatiuni de plata (depunere/retragere de fonduri, transfer fonduri,
incasare); (ii) nu se va percepe comisionul de administrare a
Contului prevazut in Contractul specific si 
(iii) nu se va calcula si inregistra dobanda creditoare sau, dupa
caz, debitoare.

3.8.4 In cazul in
care Contul Curent este blocat conform prevederilor de mai sus, Banca poate
bloca si orice instrument/ serviciu de plata care da acces la respectivul Cont.

3.8.5 (1) In situatiile prevazute la pct. 3.8.2 alin. (1) de mai sus, Banca este
indreptatita sa blocheze Conturile de depozit si Conturile de economii ale

(2) Pe durata
blocarii Conturilor de depozit si Conturilor de economii: (i) Clientul
nu va putea efectua operatiuni de retragere partiala sau totala a fondurilor; (ii)
celelalte prevederi contractuale se vor aplica in conditiile prevazute in
Contractele specifice.  

3.9 Dispozitii privind dobânzi, taxe si comisioane aferente
contului curent

Dobânda creditoare se calculeaza conform sectiunii 2.3.3., cu precizarea ca ”n”
este numarul efectiv de zile pentru care se calculeaza dobânda si ”N” este
365/366. Dobânda creditoare se calculeaza zilnic pentru soldul existent la
sfârsitul zilei bancare. Dobânda se calculeaza pentru luna si anul calendaristic
si se va credita lunar, capitalizându-se in cont. Creditarea dobânzii se
efectueaza numai dupa retinerea impozitului pe venit din dobânzi conform
prevederilor legale in vigoare

3.9.2 Taxa
de administrare a Contului curent se datoreaza lunar in ultima zi lucratoare a
lunii, pentru luna in cursul careia este scadenta plata acesteia, in lipsa unei
dispozitii contrare in cererea de deschidere de cont.

Taxa de admininistrare Cont
curent se percepe pro-rata atât in luna deschiderii, cât si in luna inchiderii
Contului curent, proportional cu perioada in care Contul a fost deschis.

3.9.3 Taxa
pentru extrasul de cont transmis prin posta se datoreaza lunar in prima zi
lucratoare a lunii ulterioare celei pentru care se genereaza extrasul. Banca
isi rezerva dreptul de a suspenda trimiterea extrasului de cont prin posta dupa
trei luni consecutive de neplata a taxei.

3.9.4 Banca
este autorizata de Client sa debiteze Contul curent, la scadenta oricarei
taxe/comision aferent acestuia, cu suma necesara achitarii. Sunt acceptate si
plati partiale. Daca nu exista in Contul curent disponibil suficient pentru
stingerea in totalitate a obligatiei de plata se vor aplica prevederile art.
3.4 privind descoperitul de cont neautorizat acordat de Banca si art. 3.5
privind dreptul de compensare din prezentele CGB.


3.10 Termenul de prescriptie

In toate cazurile de inchidere a
unui Cont, termenul in care Clientul va putea solicita restituirea sumelor care
au reprezentat soldul creditor al respectivului Cont la data inchiderii
acestuia, este termenul legal de prescriptie care incepe sa curga de la data la
care notificarea de inchidere a Contului se considera primita de catre Client
conform sectiunii 8.2. ”Notificari”. Daca legea nu prevede o modalitate
specifica de notificare, aceasta se va face conform prevederilor sectiunii 8.2.
”Notificari. In aceasta perioada, sumele inregistrate in soldurile conturilor
inchise se vor pastra de catre Banca la dispozitia Clientului, in conturi
nepurtatoare de dobânda.





In caz de conflict intre
prevederile prezentului capitol si cele din Contractele specifice privind
operatiunile de plata si Conturile de plati se aplica regula prevazuta la
pct.1.2.1. Prin exceptie, dispozitiile prezentului capitol modifica si/sau
completeaza in mod corespunzator, unde este cazul, Contractele specifice
privind operatiunile de plata si Conturile de plati incheiate anterior datei de

Clientii care au deschis la Banca
un Cont accesibil online au posibilitatea de a initia plati,de a obtine
informatii cu privire la acest cont sau de a obtine informatii privind
disponibilitatea fondurilor si prin intermediul unor prestatori de servicii terti,
putand utiliza in acest scop elementele de securitate furnizate de Banca.
Aspectele legate de folosirea serviciilor oferite de prestatori de servicii de
plata terti sunt reglementate in Contractul specific aferent serviciilor
Raiffeisen Online/Smart Mobile.


4.1 Codul unic de identificare a

4.1.1. In vederea executarii de catre Banca a unui Ordin de
plata in legatura cu un Cont de plati, Clientul trebuie sa furnizeze Bancii:


a) codul
IBAN al Contului beneficiarului platii (sau numarul de cont BBAN - basic bank
account number - pentru tarile care nu au aderat la IBAN); pentru platile
ordonate catre beneficiari ai caror prestatori de servicii sunt stabiliti in
afara Uniunii Europene pe langa codul IBAN/BBAN al Contului beneficiarului
platii, Clientul va furniza Bancii si numele si prenumele beneficiarului

b) in
cazul Operatiunilor de plata in valuta, cu exceptia platilor in euro efectuate
in cadrul UE/SEE cand contul beneficiar este identificat prin IBAN, suplimentar
fata de informatia de la lit. a) de mai sus trebuie furnizata denumirea si
adresa prestatorului de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii sau codul
BIC/SWIFT (Business Identifier Code) al acestui prestator; in cazul in care
Clientul furnizeaza Bancii atât denumirea prestatorului de servicii de plata al
beneficiarului platii, cât si codul BIC/SWIFT (Business Identifier Code), cand
este cazul, al acestui prestator, Banca va utiliza doar codul BIC/SWIFT
(Business Identifier Code) in vederea transmiterii platii catre prestator.
Clientul intelege si accepta faptul ca in vederea executarii unui ordin de
plata in legatura cu un Cont de plata, ordonat de acesta, Banca va comunica
bancii beneficiarului, codul IBAN al contului platitor, numele si prenumele
Clientului si adresa de domiciliu/resedinta a acestuia din urma inregistrate in
baza de date a Bancii si validate pe baza documentara, prin includerea acestora
in informatiile care insotesc transferurile de fonduri.

4.1.2. Banca
nu are in nici un caz obligatia de a verifica numele titularului Contului
indicat ca beneficiar de catre Client in ordinul de plata si nici numarul
Contului acestuia, efectuând plata in contul indicat in instructiunea de plata.

4.1.3. In
vederea procesarii instructiunilor de plata, la preluarea în sistemele
informatice ale Bancii a codurilor IBAN transmise în format electronic de
Clienti sau la preluarea codurilor IBAN reprezentate pe suport hârtie în
sistemele interne, Banca are obligatia sa valideze codurile IBAN ale tuturor
Conturilor mentionate in instructiunile de plata pe care le proceseaza,
utilizând metoda de validare impusa de reglementarea legala in vigoare. In
plus, Banca va valida codurile BIC ale prestatorilor de servicii ale
beneficiarilor cand codurile BIC sunt necesare, mentionate in instructiunile de
plata transmise de Clientii Bancii, utilizând metoda de validare impusa de
reglementarea legala in vigoare, precum si concordanta intre codul IBAN ce
identifica beneficiarul platii si codul BIC al prestatorului de servicii de
plata al beneficiarului indicat pe ordinul de plata, cand codul BIC este
necesar, verificând localizarea ambelor coduri (IBAN si BIC) in aceeasi tara
si/sau la acelasi prestator de servicii de plata.

4.1.4. In
vederea creditarii Contului de plati al unui Client beneficiar, Banca va

existenta informatiilor referitoare la platitor, in cadrul detaliilor platii
astfel cum acestea au fost comunicate de prestatorul sau de servicii de plata
(numele platitorului si codul unic de identificare al contului de plati al
platitorului si, in plus urmatoarele informatii suplimentare: adresa
platitorului sau numarul documentului personal oficial al platitorului sau
numarul de identificare al platitorului sau data si locul nasterii
platitorului, toate aceste informatii suplimentare doar pentru cazul in care
fie prestatorul de servicii de plata al platitorului fie prestatorul de
servicii de plata intermediar, daca este cazul, este stabilit in afara
spatiului Uniunii Europene)

existenta si exactitatea informatiilor referitoare la Clientul beneficiar
(codul unic de identificare al contului de plati al beneficiarului si, in plus,
numele beneficiarului pentru cazul in care fie prestatorul de servicii de plata
al platitorului, fie prestatorul de servicii de plata intermediar, daca este
cazul, este stabilit in afara spatiului UE/SEE ).

4.1.5. (1) In cazul
Ordinelor de plata, in valuta, transmise catre Contul de plati al unui
Client beneficiar, primite de Banca de la un alt prestator de servicii de plata
situat in afara Uniunii Europene/Spatiului Economic European, Banca poate
efectua verificari suplimentare in conformitate cu prevederile
legale/procedurile sale interne (cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la:
corespondenta intre numele titularului Contului beneficiar si numarul Contului
indicat in ordinul de plata, existenta adresei
complete a platitorului - tara, oras, strada, numar), in scopul de
a procesa corect Ordinul de plata.

(2) In vederea
efectuarii verificarilor de la alineatul precedent, Banca poate solicita
informatii suplimentare bancii ordonatoare/corespondente. In cazul in
care Banca nu primeste informatiile solicitate sau primeste informatii
incomplete sau acestea contin discrepante fata de informatiile detinute de
Banca cu privire la Clientul beneficiar, Banca nu va procesa Operatiunea de


4.2 Initierea si
autorizarea Ordinelor de plata

(1) Banca pune la
dispozitia Clientilor urmatoarele canale pentru initierea Ordinelor de plata:

a) serviciile de
internet banking, si mobile banking, conform Contractului specific;

terminale(ATM-uri/MFM-uri) pentru Operatiuni de plata initiate/autorizate prin
intermediul Cardului;

c) alte
canale/aplicatii pentru efectuarea platilor in baza unor Contracte Specifice
incheiate cu Clientul.

(2) In oricare din
urmatoarele situatii: (i) nefuncţionarea
serviciilor de internet banking si mobile banking pentru perioade mai lungi de trei ore; (ii) in
situatia in care serviciile de internet banking si mobile banking sunt blocate la initiativa Bancii,
fara sa fie instituita si blocarea Conturilor; (iii) in situatia in care
Clientii solicita efectuarea de operatiuni de schimb valutar in cont la un curs
de schimb negociat; (iv) in situatia in care Conturile Clientului sunt
poprite; (v) in alte situatii in care Clientul invoca imposibilitatea de
utilizare a canalelor mentionate la lit. a) – c) considerate justificate de
catre Banca, Clientii vor putea initia, cu titlu de exceptie, Ordine de plata
(inclusiv schimburi valutare) in Cont, pe suport hartie, in orice unitate a

(3) Banca accepta doar formulare de ordin de plata editabil
cu cod de bare pentru operatiunile in lei si ordin de plata editabil pentru
operatiunile de plata in valuta si plati externe in lei, fiind necesara
descarcarea formularelor acceptate de Banca de pe site-ul, completarea acestora electronic, semnarea lor olografa
si prezentarea in original, pe suport hartie in unitatile bancare.

(4) Banca are dreptul, nu si obligatia, de a refuza
executarea Ordinelor de plata/schimburilor valutare in Cont, initiate pe suport
hartie, in alte situatii decat cele mentionate la alin. (2). pct. (i) – (v) si
nu va putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare pentru acest refuz; de asemenea, Banca nu
va putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare daca accepta executarea Ordinelor de
plata/schimburilor valutare in Cont, pe suport hartie, in alte situatii decat
cele mentionate la alin. (2) pct. (i) – (v) din prezentul articol.

(5) Banca poate pune la dispozitia Clientului si alte canale
de transmitere a ordinelor de plata, in masura in care a agreat expres cu
Clientul in baza unui Contract specific.

4.2.2. O operatiune de plata este considerata autorizata doar
daca Clientul platitor si-a exprimat consimtamântul
personal sau prin reprezentant legal, dupa caz prin imputernicit, pentru
executarea operatiunii de plata in una din modalitatile enumerate mai jos si
care se completeaza, daca este cazul,cu reglementarile din Contractul specific:

a) in
scris, pe suport hârtie, prin aplicarea semnaturii Clientului/Imputernicitului
pe formularul de plata/pe Contractul specific, conforma cu specimentul de
semnatura depus la Banca.

b) prin
aplicarea Semnaturii electronice calificate pe ordinul de plata in format
electronic in termenii si conditiile agreate prin Contractul specific aferent
unui astfel de instrument de plata;

c) prin
telefon, in conditiile Contractului specific, dupa parcurgerea procedurii
speciale de identificare a Clientului.

d) prin
utilizarea elementelor de securitate (de tipul PIN, parole, cod de
autentificare etc.) conform Contractului specific.

e) prin
comunicarea datelor de identificare a Cardurilor solicitate de beneficiarii
serviciilor de plata si eventual, a unor elemente de securitate, in termenii si
conditiile agreate cu acestia.

Clientul accepta ca Banca poate efectua Operatiuni de plata din Conturile sale
si fara consimtamântul sau acordul sau expres, pentru achitarea sumelor
stabilite prin hotarâri judecatoresti sau arbitrare ramase definitive si/sau
alte titluri executorii prevazute de lege, indiferent ca se cuvin bugetului de
stat, bugetelor locale sau oricarei terte parti, pentru corectarea erorilor
constatate la verificarea operatiunilor în Cont, precum si pentru retinerea
comisioanelor/altor sume datorate/cuvenite Bancii pentru operatiunile
efectuate/in legatura cu acestea, a dobânzilor si ratelor de credit scadente
si/sau restante sau in orice alte cazuri prevazute de lege, aceste operatiuni
de plata considerându-se autorizate de catre Client, in sensul articolului precedent.

4.2.4. In
cazul incidentei unei popriri pe conturile Clientului, daca legea nu-i
interzice Bancii o astfel de conduita, partile convin ca Banca va putea informa
Clientul prin email si/sau SMS (pe adresa de email si/sau numarul de telefon
mobil declarate Bancii) sau prin alta modalitate aleasa de Banca, cu privire la
instituirea popririi pe conturile Clientului.


4.3. Executarea Ordinelor de plata

4.3.1. Banca va executa Ordinele de plata primite de la Client
doar daca sunt indeplinite urmatoarele conditii:

a) ordinul de plata este prezentat de Clientul platitor,
dupa caz de Clientul beneficiar al platii, pe formularele tip emise de Banca -
ordine de plata cu cod de bare sau impuse de lege, sau prin intermediul
canalelor electronice oferite de Banca, este completat cu toate elementele
obligatorii, este lizibil si autorizat sau semnat de Client/Imputernicit in
deplina concordanta cu Specimenele de semnaturi aflate la Banca (in cazul
ordinelor de plata cu cod de bare emise pe suport hârtie);


b) in
functie de tipul instrumentului de plata utilizat pentru transmiterea ordinului
de plata, Clientul care initiaza operatiunea de plata furnizeaza toate
informatiile solicitate de Banca conform Contractului specific si /sau prin
intermediul formularelor de plata acceptate de Banca;

c) in
cazul ordinelor de plata cu cod de bare, informatia transpusa din codul de bare
al ordinului de plata corespunde cu cea inscrisa pe formularul de plata; in
cazul existentei unor neconcordante, va prevala informatia inscrisa pe

fondurile disponibile in Contul de plati sunt suficiente pentru a permite atât
respectiva plata, cât si plata comisioanelor datorate Bancii pentru serviciile
prestate, cu exceptia platilor electronice offline, in cazul carora nu se poate
realiza interogarea soldului Contului de plati la momentul efectuarii platii de
catre Client;

Ordinele de plata ordonate nu contravin reglementarilor legale aplicabile (spre
exemplu: in operatiunile de plata ordonate nu sunt implicate bunuri, persoane
si teritorii in legatura cu care sunt dispuse, in conditiile legii, sanctiuni
internationale de blocare a fondurilor, regulament valutar etc.)

Clientul platitor sau beneficiarul platii nu se afla inscrisi intr-o lista a
persoanelor aflate sub interdictie de utilizare a conturilor bancare/efectuare
a platilor/Sanctiuni internationale/SUA de blocare a fondurilor/alte masuri
legale in legatura cu acestea, luate in scopul prevenirii si combaterii
spalarii banilor, finantarii actelor de terorism si/sau Banca nu are suspiciuni
sau nu exista motive rezonabile de suspiciune de frauda/spalare
de bani/finantarea terorismului/nerespectarea Sanctiunilor Internationale/SUA
cu privire la Operatiunea de plata, astfel incat sa considere ca refuzul de
executare a Operatiunii de plata este necesar pentru prevenirea unor eventuale
fraude, inclacari ale legislatiei etc.;


codurile de identificare plata mentionate la art. 4.1 sunt validate de catre
Banca, conform prevederilor art. 4.1.3

disponibilul din Contul de plati necesar executarii ordinului de plata nu este
afectat de o masura de indisponibilizare a contului/blocare a fondurilor luata
de Banca in baza unor dispozitii legale sau a conventiilor existente intre
parti, in temeiul unui titlu executoriu sau dispusa de un organ având asemenea
competente, reprezentând, dar fara a se limita la: poprire, poprire
asiguratorie, executare silita, sechestru, sechestru asigurator, instituirea
unor sanctiuni internationale obligatorii in dreptul intern, aplicarii unei
sanctiuni de catre Banca.;

i) nu
exista pentru Banca motive rezonabile de a se indoi de autenticitatea Ordinului
de plata in ceea ce priveste sursa, continutul, semnatura, consimtamântul etc.

j) Clientul
respecta cerintele pct.4.3.8;

k) Banca nu a
primit restrictii de tranzactionare pentru conturile Clientului de la Bancile
Corespondente si/sau solicitari de retur fonduri de la Banci Ordonatoare /
Corespondente pe motiv de suspiciuni de frauda, spalare de bani, finantare de
terorism sau nerespectare Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA;

l) in
cazul tranzactiilor in legatura cu Monede Virtuale, Banca primeste de la Client documentele
justificative solicitate privind sursa fondurilor investite in Monede Virtuale;

m) tranzactiile
nu sunt efectuate cu furnizori de servicii de schimb între Monede Virtuale şi
monede fiduciare şi/sau Furnizorii de portofele digitale
neautorizati/neinregistrati sau din tari desemnate de Uniunea Europeana ca
fiind tari terte cu grad ridicat de risc si/sau jurisdicții necooperante în
scopuri fiscal;

n) Clientul nu
efectueaza tranzactii cu prestatori de servicii de plata din tari desemnate de
Uniunea Europeana ca fiind tari terte cu grad ridicat de risc si/sau
jurisdicții necooperante în scopuri fiscal;

o) Operatiunea de
plata initiata de Client nu a fost restictionata/limitata de catre Banca in
aplicarea masurilor prevazute la pct. 3.1.4 (ii) si (iii).


4.3.2. Banca
este îndreptăţită să nu efectueze nicio tranzacţie care prezintă risc de
legalizare a veniturilor din finanţarea terorismului sau care ridică suspiciuni
privind incidenta sancţiunilor naţionale şi internaţionale privind finanţarea
terorismului, sau dacă apreciază că aceasta nu este în conformitate cu
reglementarile legale în materie. Banca poate refuza instructiunile Clientului
de transfer fonduri către institutii financiare/persoane fizice/persoane
juridice aflate în tari suspecte de sprijin al acţiunilor teroriste sau supuse
Sanctiunilor Internationale/Embargo-urilor, clasificate de catre
autoritati nationale/internationale sau institutii/organizatii internationale 
sau către institutii financiare aflate în afara unor astfel de teritorii, a căror
companie mamă este însă înregistrată într-o ţară aflată pe o astfel de listă.
Lista acestor tari poate fi consultata pe site-ul Bancii,

4.3.3 In
cazul in care sunt ordonate de Client mai multe instructiuni de plata, a caror
suma totala depaseste soldul creditor al Contului de plati sau maximul sumei
oricarui tip de descoperit de cont acordat Clientului, Banca va executa
operatiunile de plata in limita soldului disponibil si in ordinea prelucrarii
instructiunilor de sistemele de procesare interne.

Clientul isi asuma obligatia de a pastra in Contul de plati disponibilul
necesar executarii ordinului de plata pâna la expirarea termenului de executare
indicat de Banca pentru operatiunea de plata ordonata.

Limitele de tranzactionare impuse de Banca pentru utilizarea unui anumit
instrument de plata, daca exista, sunt cele stabilite in Contractul specific.

Tranzactiile cu numerar (depuneri sau retrageri) vor putea fi efectuate doar la
terminalele ATM/MFM de catre Clientii care detin un Card si vor fi inregistrate
si executate de Banca, in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale aplicabile
serviciilor de plati si cu prevederile contractuale agreate de parti.


4.3.7. Informatii privind limitele de depunere sau retragere de
numerar, in lei sau in valutele disponibile, care se pot efectua la
ATM-urile/MFM-urile Bancii, sunt disponibile pe site-ul Bancii, in sectiune „In sprijinul tau”. Clientul poate solicita
majorarea limitei de retragere numerar in lei sau in valuta potrivit
informatiilor pe care Banca le pune la dispozitia sa in aceeasi sectiune a

4.3.8. In executarea instructiunilor de plata, Banca va actiona
cu buna credinta si va depune diligenta rezonabila, determinata conform
standardelor, practicilor bancare, uzantelor nationale si internationale,
regulilor uniforme si oricaror reglementari nationale si internationale
aplicabile, care vor completa in mod corespunzator prezentele CGB si vor
reglementa impreuna raporturile juridice carora li se aplica;

Operatiunile de plata initiate, indiferent de modalitatea de transmitere a
acestora, Clientul are obligatia sa prezinte Bancii, la solicitarea acesteia,
documente justificative in concordanta cu cerintele legislatiei in vigoare.

va efectua verificari suplimentare in cazul in care are suspiciuni rezonabile
sau motive rezonabile de suspiciune cu privire la fraude, spalarea banilor,
finantarea terorismului, incalcarea Sanctiunilor Internationale/SUA sau astfel
de suspiciuni au fost comunicate Bancii de alte banci sau autoritati. Sumele
aferente tranzactiilor suspecte vor fi blocate pana la finalizarea
verificarilor, iar termenele de executare se vor prelungi corespunzator.


4.3.9. Banca
va fi in drept sa foloseasca sisteme de comunicatii, de decontare sau de plati
sau serviciile unei terte parti pentru executarea Operatiunilor de plata
ordonate in Conturile de plati.

4.3.10. Banca
nu va fi responsabila fata de Client pentru nici o intârziere sau deficienta a
unei terte parti (incluzând, fara limitare, banci intermediare, agenti, notari
publici, executori judecatoresti etc.) in indeplinirea atributiilor acesteia in
relatia cu Banca, chiar daca intârzierea sau deficienta nu intervin in
imprejurari anormale si neprevazute, in afara controlului persoanei care le
invoca si ale caror consecinte nu ar fi putut fi evitate in pofida tuturor
diligentelor in acest sens sau in cazul in care terta parte este obligata sa
respecte alte dispozitii legislative.

4.3.11. In
cazul sumelor in valuta transferate catre Contul de plati al unui Client
beneficiar daca Contul beneficiar mentionat in Ordinul de plata este deschis in
alta moneda Banca va executa operatiunea de plata prin creditarea Contului
beneficiar cu echivalentul in moneda acestui Cont al sumei transferate,
calculat la Cursul de schimb valutar al Bancii de la momentul creditarii

4.3.12. In
cazul sumelor in valuta transferate din Contul de plati al unui Client
platitor, daca Contul platitor mentionat in ordinul de plata este deschis in
alta valuta executa operatiunea de plata prin debitarea Contului platitorului
cu echivalentul in moneda acestui Cont al sumei transferate, calculat la Cursul
de schimb valutar al Bancii, astfel cum este indicat de Banca la momentul
primirii instructiunii de plata si acceptat de Clientul platitor.

4.3.13. Banca
nu executa operatiuni de transfer al sumelor in lei din Conturi in valuta ale
Clientului platitor si nici operatiuni de incasare a sumelor in lei transferate
catre Conturi in valuta ale Clientului benefciar.

4.3.14 In
cazul in care ordinul de plata prin care se transfera sume catre Contul de
plati al unui Client beneficiar este revocat de platitor, cu acceptul
Clientului beneficiar, ulterior creditarii de catre Banca a contului Clientului
beneficiar, in situatia in care suma transferata era exprimata intr-o alta
moneda decât cea a Contului beneficiar si Banca a efectuat conversia valutara
conform prevederilor art. 4.3.12, Banca va efectua restituirea sumei ce face
obiectul ordinului de plata revocat, in moneda indicata in ordinul de plata,
Clientul platitor suportând eventualele diferente de curs valutar rezultate din
conversia efectuata intre suma creditata in Contul Clientului beneficiar si
suma transferata platitorului care a revocat ordinul de plata; in aceasta
situatie, conversia va fi efectuata la Cursul de schimb valutar al Bancii de la
momentul debitarii Contului Clientului beneficiar.


4.4. Termene de executare

4.4.1. Banca
va executa Operatiunile de plata cu respectarea urmatoarelor termene:

pentru operatiunile nationale de plata in lei: cel târziu pâna la sfârsitul
urmatoarei zile lucratoare dupa ziua primirii Ordinului de plata;

pentru operatiunile de plata denominate in Euro sau in alta moneda oficiala a
unui stat membru al Uniunii Europene sau al Spatiului Economic European
(“UE/SEE”) aflat in afara zonei euro, când prestatorul de servicii de plata al
beneficiarului este situat intr-un stat membru a UE/SEE: cel târziu pâna la
sfârsitul urmatoarei zile lucratoare dupa ziua primirii Ordinului de plata;

pentru operatiunile in orice moneda, alta decat a statelor membre UE/SEE, cand
prestatorul de servicii de plata al beneficiarului se afla intr-un stat membru
a UE/SEE: cel târziu pâna la sfârsitul celei de-a treia zile lucratoare dupa
data primirii Ordinului de plata;

pentru operatiunile de plata in orice moneda, cand prestatorul de servicii de
plata al beneficiarului platii nu se afla intr-un stat membru UE/SEE : cel
târziu pâna la sfârsitul celei de-a treia zile lucratoare dupa ziua primirii
Ordinului de plata;

Operatiunile de plata prevazute
la lit a, b) si c) de mai sus sunt considerate executate la data creditarii
contului prestatorului de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii cu suma
Operatiunii de plata. Operatiunile de plata prevazute la lit. d) se considera
executata de catre Banca la momentul la care Banca transfera banii catre contul
prestatorului de servicii de plata al Beneficiarului platii prin intermediul
bancilor corespondente si/sau prin sistemele de decontare externe.

In  cazul Operatiunilor de plata ce se
deruleaza prin intermediul bancilor intermediare corespondente si/sau prin  Sistemele de decontare externe din alte state,
pentru calcularea termenelor prevazute la punctul anterior, nu sunt luate in
considerare zilele stabilite ca nelucratoare si sarbatorile legale nationale
ale respectivelor state si, ca urmare, termenele de executare se vor prelungi
in mod corespunzator cu numarul acestor zile.

4.4.3. Banca
nu are obligatia sa crediteze un Cont de plati inainte de a fi primit plata
finala corespunzatoare, cu exceptia cazurilor in care a agreat altfel cu
Clientul in cuprinsul Contractului specific.

In cazul operatiunilor de plata
in valuta, Banca va credita Contul Clientului beneficiar dupa caz:

pentru operatiuni interbancare, in functie de Ora limita, dupa caz, in ziua in
care a fost creditat contul Bancii sau in urmatoarea zi lucratoare, urmând a se
inregistra in Cont operatiunea cu Data efectiva la care a fost creditat contul

pentru operatiuni intrabancare, in ziua executarii instructiunii de plata.

4.4.4. Operatiunile de depunere de numerar si retragere de
numerar la ATM-uri/MFM-uri sunt procesate de Banca in sistem online, fiind
inregistrate in Contul de plati imediat dupa finalizarea operatiunii.


4.4.5. Daca
instructiunile de plata ce au ca efect creditarea/debitarea unui Cont de plati
sunt transmise Bancii in zile nelucratoare se vor evidentia in soldul Contului
in prima zi lucratoare urmatoare.


4.4.6 La
cererea Clientului, Banca executa Operatiunile de plata inainte de implinirea
termenului maxim de executare prevazut la art. 4.4.1, caz in care Clientul
datoreaza Bancii taxa suplimentara pentru regim de urgenta.


4.5 Refuzul executarii Operatiunilor
de plata

(1) In cazul in
care Banca refuza executarea unei Operatiuni de plata (spre ex.
depunere/retragere de numerar, transferul/incasarea unei sume de bani, etc.),
refuzul si motivele refuzului vor fi comunicate Clientului in termenele de
executare corespunzatoare operatiunii de plata ordonate, specificate la
sectiunea 4.4, in modalitatile specifice fiecarui produs/serviciu,

a) la unitatile Bancii, la solicitarea Clientului pentru
serviciile de tip debitare directa sau ordine de plata programata;

b) prin intermediul instrumentelor de plata (precum
internet banking, mobile banking);

c) prin intermediul dispozitivelor specifice care fac
posibila executarea Operatiunilor de plata ordonate prin intermediul unor
instrumente de plata (precum ATM-ul, MFM-ul, EPOS-ul etc.);

d) prin intermediul operatorului serviciului de tip phone
banking oferit de Banca;

prin notificare sau

(2) Prin exceptie de la alineatul precedat, Banca nu va
informa Clientul cu privire la refuzul si/sau motivele refuzului privind
executarea unei Operatiuni de plata, daca acest fapt este interzis de prevederi
legale nationale sau internationale (inclusiv dar fara a se limita la
dispozitii legale privind suspiciuni de frauda, spalare de
bani/finantare terorism/incalcare Sanctiuni Internationale/(SUA) sau a fost
solicitat de autoritati competente sau din ratiuni de securitate si de
prevenire a fraudelor.



4.6 Revocarea ordinelor de plata

4.6.1. Odata
exprimat de catre Client, in modalitatile corespunzatoare mentionate anterior,
consimtamântul este irevocabil, dupa ce Ordinul de plata a fost primit de catre
Banca. Prin exceptie, in cazul serviciilor de tip debitare directa
consimtamântul dat pentru executarea mai multor Operatiuni de plata poate fi
retras la cererea expresa a Clientului, formulata in scris si depusa la orice
unitate teritoriala a Bancii, cel târziu la sfârsitul zilei lucratoare care
preceda ziua convenita pentru debitarea Conturilor de plati, urmând ca orice
alta operatiune de plata viitoare sa fie considerata neautorizata.

4.6.2. Banca
va putea accepta, la cererea Clientului, efectuarea de demersuri necesare
revocarii Ordinelor de plata instructate de Client dupa momentul autorizarii
platii (exprimarea de catre Client a consimtamântului cu privire la efectuarea
operatiunii de plata), numai daca sunt intrunite cumulativ urmatoarele

Clientul completeaza formularul specific furnizat de Banca in scopul revocarii.

Clientul achita comisionului aferent operatiunii solicitate.

4.6.3. Banca
nu poate garanta revocarea cu succes a unui Ordin de plata in cazul in care:

instructiunea de plata a fost deja transmisa catre banca beneficiarului in
cazul operatiunilor de plata interbancare.

b) suma
tranzactiei a fost deja creditata in Contul beneficiarului platii in cazul
operatiunilor de plata intrabancare; in acest caz revocarea se va putea realiza
numai cu acordul beneficiarului platii.

4.6.4. Orice
cost ocazional sau prejudiciu suferit de Banca, ce decurge din revocarea sau
modificarea unui Ordin de plata, va fi suportat de Client si debitat automat de
Banca din oricare Cont al acestuia, fara indeplinirea altor formalitati


4.7. Dispozitii referitoare la pret, rata dobânzii si cursul
de schimb. Optiuni de comisionare aplicabile platilor

4.7.1. Când
prestatorul de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii se afla într-un stat
membru al Uniunii Europene/Spatiului Economic European (UE/SEE), Operatiunile
de plata in lei sau in orice valuta se instructeaza cu Optiunea de comisionare

4.7.2 In
cazul in care Clientul platitor indica expres, pe propria raspundere, Optiunea
de comisionare OUR, Banca poate accepta sa execute o plata de natura celor de
la art. 4.7.1 de mai sus, instructata intr-o moneda care nu apartine unui stat
membru al UE/SEE, Clientul intelegând sa suporte toate costurile aferente
transferarii intregii sume ce face obiectul instructiunii de plata.

Clientul platitor nu poate utiliza Optiunea de comisionare BEN pentru
Operatiunile de plata prevazute la art. 4.7.1 de mai sus, ca urmare, in
situatia in care Banca receptioneaza Ordine de plata instructate cu optiunea
BEN in favoarea unui beneficiar al carui prestator de servicii de plata se afla
intr-un Stat Membru UE /SEE va procesa plata cu Optiunea de comisionare SHA.

4.7.4 Când
prestatorul de servicii de plata al Beneficiarului platii se afla intr-un stat
din afara UE/SEE, Clientul poate opta pentru aplicarea oricarei optiuni de
comisionare: SHA, OUR, BEN.

Pentru serviciile prestate, Clientul datoreaza Bancii un pret sub forma de
taxe, comisioane, speze si/sau orice alte costuri mentionate in Contractul
specific privind serviciul de plata.

4.7.6 In
cazul in care Clientul este Beneficiarul platii, acesta este de acord ca Banca
sa poata percepe din suma transferata costurile datorate de Client Bancii
pentru executarea acestei Operatiuni de plata.

Pentru operatiunile de plata efectuate prin Card care implica si efectuarea
unui schimb valutar, se va aplica Cursul de schimb de referinta asa cum acesta
este indicat in Contractul specific privind serviciul de plata.

4.7.8. In cazul operatiunilor de plata care implica un schimb
valutar si a schimburilor valutare efectuate de Client prin Contul curent, se
va utiliza cursul de schimb practicat de Banca la acel moment sau, când e
cazul, cel negociat cu Clientul; cursul de schimb practicat de Banca este
comunicat Clientului prin afisare pe site-ul Bancii, la sediul unitatii teritoriale a Bancii, prin afisare
in aplicatia specifica de internet banking sau prin intermediul operatorului
Bancii, in cazul serviciului de tip phone banking.


Pentru perceperea comisioanelor care implica un schimb valutar, se va aplica
cursul de schimb al Bancii valabil la data comisionarii, daca nu s-a agreat
altfel in Contractul specific.

Partile convin ca modificarile privind Rata Dobânzii, Cursul de schimb de
referinta si Cursul de schimb valutar al Bancii prevazut in Contractul specific
privind serviciile de plata, dupa caz, sa se aplice imediat si fara nicio
notificare prealabila.

Clientul este de acord ca Banca sa aplice imediat si fara nicio notificare
prealabila modificarile Ratei dobânzii sau ale Cursului de schimb valutar
aplicate de Banca, când acestea sunt mai avantajoase pentru Client.

Partile convin ca informatiile privind cursul de schimb/rata dobânzii aplicate
de Banca in cazul serviciilor de plata, precum si a modificarilor cursurilor de
schimb de referinta sau a ratelor de dobânda de referinta practicate de Banca
pentru serviciile de plata, sa fie comunicate Clientului in cuprinsul
extrasului de cont.


4.8. Dispozitii referitoare la comunicarea de catre Banca a
informatiilor obligatorii privind executarea unei operatiuni de plata

Informatiile privind debitarea/creditarea Contului de plati vor fi puse la
dispozitie cel mai târziu in ziua lucratoare urmatoare debitarii/creditarii.

Comunicarea informatiilor obligatorii privind executarea unei Operatiuni de
plata se va efectua in functie de specificul fiecarui produs/serviciu, in una
din urmatoarele modalitati:

a) in
cazul serviciilor de tip internet banking/mobile banking: prin postarea in
aplicatia specifica a unor mesaje text sau prin generarea unei confirmari

b) in
cazul serviciului de tip phone banking: prin mesaj vocal comunicat de
operatorii serviciului in conditiile Contractului specific, sau prin mesaj
vocal comunicat de operatorul automat in cazul functionalitatii automate a
acestui serviciu, sau prin document specific remis personal, la sediul
agentiilor Bancii;

c) in
cazul Cardurilor de debit/de credit: prin afisare mesaje text si/sau generare
chitante pe format hârtie de catre dispozitivele electronice prin intermediul
carora este utilizat cardul (ex. ATM, MFM, EPOS, Imprinter) si, la cerere, prin
mesaj vocal comunicat de catre operatorii serviciului de tip phone banking;

d) in
cazul Operatiunilor de plata initiate , precum si in cazul serviciilor de tip
ordine de plata programate, debitare directa: pe suport hârtie, in unitatile
teritoriale ale Bancii;

e) in
cazul serviciului de tip internet banking sau mobile banking prin extrasul
intermediar obtinut de Client conform Contractului specific.

4.8.3. Generarea duplicatelor Ordinelor de plata aferente
tranzactiilor efectuate prin serviciul de tip phone banking se va face numai la
solicitarea expresa a Clientului adresata la orice unitate teritoriala a


Pentru evidenta operatiunilor de plata, inregistrate in Conturile de plati ale
Clientului, Banca va emite si comunica lunar acestuia, extrasul de cont (in
cazul cardului de credit, in Raportul de activitate).

In extrasul de cont se vor
evidentia si corecturile efectuate de Banca pentru orice eroare constatata în
legatura cu operatiunile efectuate in Cont.

4.8.5. Banca
asigura comunicarea gratuita a extrasului lunar de cont in una din urmatoarele

a) la
oricare unitate teritoriala a Bancii, pe suport hârtie la cererea Clientului;

b) prin
intermediul Serviciului Extras electronic accesând – Extras
Electronic, in format electronic;

c) prin
intermediul serviciului de tip internet banking/mobile banking, in perioada in
care este activ un astfel de serviciu, in format electronic.

Modalitatile de comunicare
prevazute la literele b) si c) nu sunt disponibile concomitent. Odata cu
contractarea serviciului de tip internet banking/mobile banking, informarea
prin Serviciul Extras Electronic mentionata la lit. b) de mai sus nu va mai fi
disponibila, aceasta realizandu-se prin intermediul serviciului de internet
banking/mobile banking contractat.

Accesul la Serviciul Extrasul Electronic se realizeaza accesând site-ul - Extras
Electronic, unde Clientul se poate loga in baza urmatoarelor elemente de

(i) codul
de utilizator, asa cum este acesta confirmat initial de catre Banca Clientului
(CIF client); (ii) parola statica, asa cum este aceasta initial aleasa
de catre client si care trebuie sa contina minim 8 si maxim 12 caractere
alfanumerice, din care cel putin 1 (un) caracter trebuie sa fie cifra.

Este obligatoriu ca la prima
accesare/conectare la Serviciul Extras Electronic, Clientul sa-si modifice
codul de utilizator.

Ulterior acestei modificari, accesarea Serviciului Extras Electronic se va
realiza pe baza urmatoarelor elemente de securitate: codul de utilizator, asa
cum a fost acesta schimbat de catre Client la prima conectare si parola statica
aleasa de catre Client. Ca masura suplimentara de securitate,
accesul/conectarea la Serviciul Extras Electronic, pentru acelasi Cod de
utilizator, va fi blocat/a automat de catre Banca dupa introducerea de catre
Client in mod eronat de trei ori consecutiv, a parolei statice. Deblocarea
accesului se va face la solicitarea clientului, telefonic la Serviciul Call
Center si/ sau in orice agentie a Bancii.

4.8.8. Banca
asigura comunicarea extrasului de cont lunar, pe suport hârtie, prin posta,
doar in cazul in care Clientul opteaza pentru aceasta modalitate de comunicare,
caz in care Clientul datoreaza taxa prevazuta in Listele specifice; pentru
renuntarea la aceasta modalitate de comunicare, Clientul trebuie sa formuleze o
solicitare scrisa expresa in acest sens si sa indice o alta modalitate gratuita
de informare, dintre cele care ii pot fi puse la dispozitie de catre Banca.
Raportul de activitate emis de Banca pentru cardul de credit va fi comunicat
conform prevederilor din Contractul specific. Banca ofera Clientilor
posibilitatea sa-si aleaga, pentru comunicarea prin posta a extraselor de cont
lunare pentru Conturile curente, o adresa postala distincta pentru fiecare Cont
curent in parte, diferite de Adresa de domiciliu sau Adresa de corespondenta
aleasa de Client pentru comunicarea oricaror alte Notificari, conform art.8.2
din prezentul document.

Pentru emiterea documentelor care contin informatii din extrasele de cont din
istoric ori, dupa caz, prestarea oricaror altor servicii in legatura cu
extrasele de cont, Banca poate percepe un comision, valoarea acestuia fiind cea
mentionata in Contractul specific.

Documentele care contin
informatii din extrasele de cont din istoric vor fi generate pe formatul in
vigoare la data solicitarii, iar nu pe cel in vigoare la data emiterii
extrasului initial.

Clientul isi exprima acordul ca, in cazul in care beneficiaza de serviciul de
tip internet banking/mobile banking, sa i se comunice extrasul de cont lunar,
gratuit, doar in format electronic, exclusiv prin intermediul aplicatiei

Clientul accepta ca extrasele de cont transmise in oricare modalitate convenita
cu Banca conform prezentelor CBG si/sau in Contractele specifice, precum si
orice alte extrase din evidentele Bancii fac dovada concludenta si corecta in
cadrul unor proceduri legale, sau in alte scopuri, atât asupra continutului
lor, cât si a obligatiilor Clientului, cu exceptia cazului când contin o eroare
clara, probata cu un document scris având data certa.

Imputernicitul pe cont nu are dreptul sa solicite extras de cont, ci doar
informatii exclusiv cu privire la soldul contului si la operatiunile efectuate
de el pe Contul titularului.

4.8.13 Banca
pune la dispozitia Clientului, o data pe an, in mod gratuit, o situatie a
tuturor comisioanelor aferente Contului, suportate pe pacursul unei perioade
anterioare de 12 luni implinite. Situatia comisioanelor pusa la dispozitia
Clientului poate fi accesata prin intermediul serviciului internet
banking/mobile banking sau poate fi solicitata, pe suport hartie, in orice
unitate teritoriala a Bancii.


4.9. Dispozitii referitoare la cerinte de securitate

Instructiunile de plata date Bancii vor fi executate pe contul si riscul
Clientului, care va suporta consecintele rezultate din neintelegeri sau erori
in toate cazurile in care Banca nu este tinuta raspunzatoare, conform legii.

4.9.2. Banca acţionează în conformitate cu prevederile
legislaţiei şi reglementărilor naţionale şi internaţionale privitoare la
restricţiile/sancţiunile comerciale aplicate anumitor state, entităţi şi
persoane şi, de asemenea, la restricţiile privind exportul de produse si
tehnologii cu potenţial de aplicaţii civile şi militare (“bunuri cu
dublă-utilizare”). În consecinţă, Banca nu va fi răspunzatoare pentru pierderi
directe/indirecte, materiale/morale, prejudicii sau întârzieri suferite de
Client sau de terţe persoane rezultate din neonorarea încasărilor/efectuarea
plăţilor Clientului ca urmare a conformării cu reglementarile şi legislaţia
naţională şi internaţională în domeniul restricţiilor/Sancţiunilor
Internatinale/SUA aplicate anumitor entităţi şi persoane.


Clientul va raspunde fata de Banca pentru orice pierdere suferita de aceasta,
ca urmare a neaducerii la cunostinta Bancii a vreunei restrictii sau limitari
privind Clientul/Contul.

4.9.4. În cazul în care Clientul prezinta Bancii ordine de
plata sau orice alte instrumente de plata false sau având potential fraudulos
dupa libera apreciere a Bancii, producând riscuri de plata, inclusiv acele
instrumente care pot afecta finalitatea decontarii, acestea vor intra sub
incidenta sanctiunilor legale prevazute de actele normative în vigoare, Banca
rezervându-si dreptul de a nu executa Ordinul de plata al Clientului în aceste
situatii, fara a putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare pentru prejudiciile directe sau
indirecte produse Clientului din aceasta cauza.


Clientul este obligat sa respecte cerintele de securitate mentionate in
Contractul specific privind operatiunile de plata.

Clientul are obligatia sa notifice Banca imediat ce are cunostinta de
pierderea, furtul, folosirea fara drept a instrumentului de plata sau despre
orice alta utilizare neautorizata a acestuia, prin intermediul mijloacelor de
comunicare identificate in Contractul specific, ce sunt operationale 24/7.

4.9.7 In
cazul aparitiei unor suspiciuni de frauda sau a unor fraude reale sau in cazul
unor amenintari la adresa securitatii, Banca va notifica Clientul, putand
alege, in functie de situatie, unul sau mai multe din urmatoarele canale de
comunicare: SMS, apel vocal prin serviciul de Call Center, prin notificare in
serviciul Raiffeisen Online, Smart Mobile sau mesaj transmis la adresa de
e-mail comunicata Bancii.

4.9.8 Banca
are dreptul sa blocheze utilizarea instrumentului de plata in cazurile si cu
respectarea procedurilor convenite in Contractul specific.

4.9.9. In
situatia in care exista suspiciuni rezonabile de frauda sau suspiciuni cu
privire la folosirea neautorizata, de catre Client sau o terta parte, a
serviciilor de tip internet banking/mobile
banking/ a Cardurilor sau a oricaror instrumente de
plata sau din motive
legate de securitatea instrumentului de plata, Banca
va putea suspenda oricand, pentru o durata determinata de timp, accesul
Clientului la aceste servicii/instrumente de plata. Ca masura de protectie a
intereselor Clientului in cazul suspiciunilor rezonabile de frauda, Banca va
putea bloca accesul Clientului la Cont si/sau accesul la serviciile de
internet banking/mobile banking/Carduri sau prin
orice canal, precum si orice operatiuni de plata derulate pe Contul Clientului,
inclusiv operatiuni initiate prin intermediul prestatorilor de servicii terti (fara
acceptul prealabil al Clientului, pâna la indepartarea oricarei suspiciuni, cu
notificarea Clientului despre masura luata, in conformitate cu prevederile de
la sectiunea 8.2. ”Notificari” sau in modalitatea prevazuta in Contractul
specific. In acest sens, Banca nu va putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare pentru
neefectuarea si/sau blocarea tranzactiilor ordonate de Client.


4.9.10. In cazul in care Banca constata ca un Cont al unui
Client a fost creditat sau urmeaza sa
fie creditat cu
sume provenind din conturile altor Clienti/alte surse, ca urmare a desfasurarii
de catre Clientul beneficiar al platii sau de catre
terte persoane, a unor activitati presupuse a fi nelegale sau in cazul
suspiciunilor de frauda, Banca va avea dreptul, fara insa a fi obligata, sa blocheze si/sau
sa debiteze
in orice moment Contul Clientului beneficiar al platii cu sumele provenind din
activitatile presupuse a fi nelegale cu care acesta a fost creditat, fara a
putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare in nicio situatie pentru eventualele prejudicii
pe care le-ar suferi Clientul. Banca va notifica
Clientului masura luata, in conformitate cu prevederile de la sectiunea 8.2.




4.10. Operatiuni de plata neautorizate, neexecutate sau
executate incorect. Raspunderea partilor

Clientul suportă toate pierderile legate de orice operaţiune de plată
neautorizată dacă aceste pierderi rezultă în urma fraudei sau a nerespectării,
intenţionate sau din neglijenţă gravă, a uneia sau a mai multor obligaţii
legate de instrumentul de plata, ce ii revin, potrivit prevederilor prezentelor
CGB si reglementarilor legale in vigoare. Exceptie fac situatiile expres
prevazute de legislatia in vigoare.

4.10.2. In
cazul in care Clientul a notificat Banca cu privire la pierderea, furtul sau
folosirea fara drept a instrumentului de plata, acesta ramane in continuare
raspunzator pentru pierderile aparute chiar si dupa notificarea Bancii, in
cazul in care el insusi a actionat in mod fraudulos.

4.10.3. Banca
raspunde daca sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditii:

a) in
cazul Operatiunilor de plata neautorizate de Client si a operatiunilor de plata
neexecutate sau executate incorect de catre Banca;

b) daca
sumele de bani nu au ajuns la Prestatorul de servicii al beneficiarului platii,
in cazul operatiunilor neexecutate sau executate incorect de catre Banca.

4.10.4 In
cazul unei Operatiuni de plata neautorizate, neexecutate sau executate
incorect, Banca va proceda conform legii.

4.10.5 In
situatia in care, ca urmare a aplicarii dispozitiilor legale si a prevederilor
prezentului punct 4.10, Clientului i s-a returnat suma aferenta unei operatiuni
de plata, atat de Banca cat si de catre beneficiarul platii sau prestatorul de
servicii de plata al acestuia, Banca este autorizata sa isi recupereze intreaga
suma returnata Clientului, prin debitarea, oricand, a Contului sau cu suma
respectiva, efectuand eventualele schimburi valutare in conditiile prezentelor
CGB, fara nicio notificare sau alta formalitate prealabila.

4.10.6 Banca
este indreptatita sa isi recupereze suma/sumele cu care a despagubit Clientul
pentru Operatiunile de plata neautorizate, neexecutate sau executate incorect
in cazul in care se dovedeste, ulterior, frauda Clientului sau nerespectarea cu
intentie sau neglijenta grava de catre acesta a obligatiilor ce ii revin sau in
cazul in care se constata ca operatiunea de plata a fost executata incorect din
cauza erorii Clientului. In scopul recuperarii, Banca este autorizata de Client
sa debiteze oricand Contul sau cu suma cu care a fost despagubit, efectuand
eventualele schimburi valutare in conditiile prezentelor CGB, fara nicio
notificare sau alta formalitate prealabila.

4.10.7. Banca
corecteaza o operatiune de plata numai daca Clientul a semnalat Bancii in 30 de
zile de la data emiterii extrasului de cont, dar nu mai târziu de 13 luni, de
la data debitarii contului, faptul ca a constatat o operatiune de plata
neautorizata sau executata incorect, care da nastere unei plângeri. In cazul in
care Clientul semnaleaza Bancii o Operatiune de plata neautorizata sau eronat
executata dupa 30 de zile de la data emiterii Extrasului de cont, Clientul este
obligat sa motiveze intarzierea in semnalarea respectivei operatiuni.

Banca, in calitate de prestator de servicii de plata al Clientului Platitor,
depune, la cererea acestuia, eforturi imediate pentru a identifica si a urmari
operatiunea de plata si pentru a-l notifica pe Platitor cu privire la
rezultate, in cazul unei operatiuni de plata neexecutate sau incorect executate
in care ordinul de plata este initiat de Platitor.

4.10.9. In
cazul in care Banca este prestatorul serviciilor de plata al Beneficiarului
platii si a primit suma aferenta unei operatiuni de plata executata incorect de
catre Prestatorul de servicii de plata al Platitorului, Banca va credita
aceasta suma imediat in contul Beneficiarului platii.

4.10.10 Banca este exonerata de raspundere pentru acele
operatiuni de plata ordonate de Client, care nu pot fi procesate sau procesate
cu intarziere din cauza: lipsei de disponibil in contul de plati, a erorilor de
completare, a ilegalitatii operatiunilor, a unor disfunctionalitati sau
limitari ale sistemelor detinute sau administrate de terti (alti prestatori de
servicii de plati, comercianti, acceptatori de carduri, furnizori de servicii
de telefonie, furnizori de servici de internet etc.), nerespectarea conditiilor
privind ordinele de plata impuse Bancii de BNR, banci corespondente si/sau alte
institutii abilitate, imposibilitatea citirii informatiilor completate in
formularele de plata, executarea dispozitiilor executorii ale organelor
jurisdictionale, lipsa documentelor justificative aferente operatiunii (in
cazul in care dispozitiile legale impun prezentarea unor astfel de documente
sau Banca a solicitat in mod expres astfel de documente sau in verificari
suplimentare conform prevederilor prezentelor CGB) sau in orice alte cazuri aflate in afara controlului Bancii si/sau ca
urmare a verificarilor pe care trebuie sa le efectueze Banca, pentru a respecta
legislatia in vigoare  in materie de
prevenire si combatere a spalarii banilor, finantarii terorismului, a fraudelor
si pentru respectarea regimurilor de sanctiuni internationale precum si pentru
respectarea oricaror altor reglementari aplicabile.


 4.10.11. In
cazul in care codul unic de identificare a operatiunii de plata furnizat de
Client este incorect, Banca este exonerata de raspundere pentru neexecutarea
sau executarea defectuasa a operatiunii de plata; Banca va depune, eforturi
rezonabile pentru recuperarea fondurilor implicate, percepand pentru acest serviciu
un comision conform Contractului specific.

4.10.12. Banca
nu va fi considerata raspunzatoare pentru pierderi sau prejudicii de orice
natura suportate direct sau indirect de catre Client ca urmare a executarii de
catre Banca a oricarei instructiuni a Clientului, fiind acceptat de ambele
Parti ca orice instructiuni sunt date Bancii de catre Client pe riscul sau si
sub deplina lui responsabilitate.

4.10.13. Banca
nu va fi considerata raspunzatoare pentru pierderi sau prejudicii de orice
natura suportate direct sau indirect de catre Client prin executarea cu
intârziere/ neexecutarea de catre Banca a oricarei instructiuni a Clientului ca
urmare a respectarii de catre Banca a unor reglementari legale nationale sau
internationale specifice sau a unor masuri impuse de organisme abilitate.

4.10.14. Banca
nu va fi raspunzatoare fata de Client pentru pierderile cauzate de forta majora
sau caz fortuit (evenimente imprevizibile si inevitabile ce nu pot fi
controlate de parti), incluzând, dar fara a se limita la acestea:
nationalizare, expropriere, restrictii valutare, masuri ale unor organisme cu
puteri de reglementare, inclusiv, dar nu limitativ, orice agentie, organism
guvernamental, Banca Nationala a României, conflicte de munca in rândurile
personalului Bancii sau al altor entitati implicate in tranzactiile efectuate
de Banca in numele Clientului si ale caror servicii sunt utilizate de Banca,
boicoturi, caderi de curent electric sau in reteaua de comunicatii ori
echipamentul Bancii, conflicte internationale, actiuni violente sau armate,
acte de terorism, insurectie, revolutie, precum si evenimente naturale
imprevizibile cu efecte negative majore.

4.10.15. In
toate cazurile in care este angajata raspunderea Bancii, aceasta va fi limitata
la acoperirea prejudiciului direct si efectiv creat Clientului.


4.11. Creditare incorecta

4.11.1 In
cazul in care un Cont al Clientului este creditat din eroare cu o suma,
Clientul va pastra acea suma in calitate de agent pentru Banca si nu va avea
dreptul sa retraga, sa transfere, sa dispuna sau sa utilizeze in orice alt fel
acea suma in totalitate sau in parte. Imediat ce a luat cunostinta de orice
astfel de creditare incorecta, Clientul va notifica Banca, iar Banca va avea
dreptul sa debiteze Contul respectiv cu orice suma creditata incorect.

4.11.2 Daca,
incalcând obligatia prevazuta la pct. 4.11.1, Clientul retrage, transfera,
dispune sau utilizeaza in orice fel suma creditata incorect sau o parte din
aceasta, Clientul se obliga sa ramburseze de indata Bancii suma respectiva si
sa despagubeasca Banca pentru orice pierdere suferita ca urmare a acestui fapt.

In acest context, Banca poate
proceda conform sectiunii Descoperit de cont neautorizat din prezentele CGB,
caz in care simpla decizie a Bancii de a debita Contul cu suma incorect
creditata ce va excede soldul creditor al acestuia are valoare juridica de acceptare
anticipata de catre Client a unei facilitati de descoperit de cont

4.11.3 Daca
eroarea de creditare este sesizata de Banca, de catre ordonatatorul
platii/banca platitorului, Banca are dreptul, fara a fi necesara instiintarea
sau obtinerea unei autorizari prealabile de la Client, sa corecteze eroarea
prin debitarea contului cu suma respectiva, in baza unor acte in forma si
substanta satisfacatoare pentru Banca.

4.11.4 Banca
va instiinta Clientul de corectarea astfel efectuata prin extrasul de cont.

4.11.5 Banca
nu va fi considerata raspunzatoare pentru pierderi sau prejudicii de orice
natura suportate direct sau indirect de catre Client ca urmare a executarii de
catre Banca a unei instructiuni care ulterior se dovedeste a fi transmisa de
catre o persoana fara calitate/drept, daca Banca dovedeste ca a manifestat
diligenta, dar lipsa de calitate/drept/identitate a persoanei care a transmis
instructiunea nu putea fi stabilita decât cu mijloace si procedee tehnice




5.1 Emiterea Cardurilor

5.1.1 Banca oferă Clientilor sai carduri de debit atasate
Conturilor curente în Lei si/sau in valută si carduri de credit.

(1) Cardurile de
debit sunt instrumente de plata atasate Conturilor curente in lei sau in
valutele EURO si USD.

(2) Cardurile de credit sunt instrumente de plata atasate la
o linie de credit in lei acordata de Banca.

5.1.3 Cardurile pot fi utilizate in mediul fizic (aplicabil
pentru cardurile embosate) si in mediul electronic (aplicabil pentru cardurile
plate si embosate), pe teritoriul Romaniei si in strainatate.

(1) La
solicitarea titularului Contului Curent, deschis intr-una dintre urmatoarele
valute: Lei, Euro sau USD, Banca poate atasa Carduri de debit principale si/sau
suplimentare. Indiferent de numarul de Conturi curente deschise intr-o valuta
(Lei, Euro, USD) Banca poate atasa Contului Curent maxim 2 (doua) Carduri de
debit principale si 2 (doua) Carduri de debit suplimentare pentru fiecare

(2) Pentru Contul de card de credit, la solicitarea
titularului, Banca poate emite un Card de credit principal si maxim 4 (patru)
Carduri de credit suplimentare.

(1) Banca
livreaza Cardul de debit/Cardul de credit (la prima emitere, la reinnoirea
automata la expirarea valabilitatii sau la reemiterea Cardului la solicitarea
Clientului) la adresa de corespondenta sau de domiciliul din Romania,
comunicata de Client Bancii prin formularele specifice sau prin canalele puse
la dispozitie de catre Banca, dupa caz. Utilizatorul de
Card va fi informat cu privire la transmiterea Cardului, prin SMS la numarul de
telefon comunicat Bancii sau prin notificare push prin aplicatia Smart Mobile. In
masura in care, Cardul nu poate fi predat Utilizatorului de Card dupa 3 (trei)
incercari consecutive de livrare, Cardul va fi returnat Bancii si va fi predat
Clientului in conformitate cu detaliile de la alin. (2).

(2) Prin exceptie, in anumite situatii (cum ar fi, dar fara
a se limita la: datele de identificare si de corespondenta ale Utilizatorului
de card nu sunt actualizate, Utilizatorul de Card nu a comunicat un numar de
telefon mobil din Romania, adresa comunicata Bancii nu se afla pe teritoriul
Romaniei), Banca poate stabili o alta modalitate de transmitere a Cardului
catre Utilizatorul de Card, urmand ca acesta sa fie informat cu privire la
modul in care poate intra in posesia Cardului, prin SMS sau prin formularele
specifice puse la dispozitie de catre Banca.

5.1.6 (1) Activarea Cardului, se realizeaza de catre
Utilizatorul de card la prima tranzactie la POS/ATM/MFM, prin inserarea
Cardului in terminal si tastarea codului PIN. Codurile PIN se comunica
Utilizatorului de card prin mesaj de tip SMS, la ultimul numar de telefon mobil
declarat Bancii la cea mai recenta actualizare a datelor efectuata de acesta.

(2) Toate Cardurile emise de Banca au incorporata tehnologia
contactless, astfel incat acestea pot fi utilizate fie prin inserarea Cardului
in Terminalul de plata, fie prin apropierea de acesta, comunicarea
realizandu-se prin intermediul undelor radio. Clientul are posibilitatea sa
solicite Bancii dezactivarea functionalitatii contactless a Cardului in orice
agentie a Bancii sau prin intermediul Serviciului Call Center si se obliga sa
indeplineasca procedura de dezactivare care i se comunica cu ocazia solicitarii.

5.1.7 Cardul este si ramâne permanent in proprietatea Bancii.
Utilizatorii de card au drept de folosire a Cardurilor si se obliga sa le
restituie la solicitarea Bancii.

5.1.8 Folosirea Cardului este permisa numai Utilizatorului
care are inscriptionat numele sau pe Card.

exceptie, pentru anumite tipuri de card de debit/de credit, Banca ofera
posibilitatea titularului de cont sa solicite emiterea (furnizarea) unui Card
in agentiile Bancii, imediat dupa aprobarea cererii sale, caz in care pe Card
se va inscriptiona un nume generic (de exemplu “Card instant”) in locul numelui
Utilizatorului de card principal sau suplimentar. La reemitere/reinnoire,
aceste Carduri se vor personaliza cu numele Utilizatorului de card.

5.1.9 Cardul nu este transferabil, putând fi utilizat doar in
limita de valabilitate temporala specificata pe avers si cu respectarea
prevederilor privind utilizarea Cardului din prezenta sectiune; Cardurile de
debit, inclusiv cardurile de debit suplimentare, pot fi inscriptionate de catre
Banca cu codul IBAN apartinand Contului curent la care respectivele carduri
sunt atasate.

5.1.10 Banca va reinnoi automat Cardul oricând in ultimele 45
de zile calendaristice de valabilitate a Cardului, cu exceptia situatiilor in
care Utilizatorul notifica Banca cu 45 de zile calendaristice inainte de
expirarea Cardului despre intentia sa de a renunta la reinnoirea acestuia sau a
situatiilor in care Cardul de debit este atasat unui Cont curent dormant sau
inchis la momentul reinnoirii;


5.2 Dispozitii privind Utilizatorii

5.2.1. Titularul Contului Curent/de credit card poate opta sa
acorde acces la sumele din Contul sau unor/unui Utilizator/i suplimentar/i de
card, cu conditia ca respectiva persoana fizica sa fie majora, in deplinatatea
drepturilor civile si, daca este cazul, sa completeze si sa semneze, alaturi de
titularul de cont, formularele puse la dispozitie de Banca.

5.2.2. Utilizatorul suplimentar de card are dreptul sa dispuna
de sumele din contul titularului de Cont in aceleasi conditii ca acesta, si,
daca este cazul, cu respectarea limitelor de utilizare sume impuse de
Utilizatorul principal, fara a avea insa dreptul sa primeasca extrase de
cont/Rapoarte de activitate in care sunt evidentiate operatiunile derulate prin
intermediul Cardurilor (principal si suplimentar), sa initieze transferuri din
cont fara utilizarea Cardului, sa inchida/modifice contul curent/de card, sa
renunte sau sa solicite modificarea liniei de credit atasata contului de credit
card. Utilizatorul de card de debit suplimentar poate solicita inchiderea
Cardului     emis pe numele sau.

5.2.3. Cardul suplimentar se preda titularului de cont si/sau
Utilizatorului suplimentar.

5.2.4. Utilizatorul suplimentar va putea (i) consulta,
utilizând cardul de debit aflat in posesia sa, disponibilul din contul curent,
iar, in cazul cardului de credit, disponibilul aferent Cardului sau; (ii)
contesta doar tranzactiile efectuate cu Cardul sau suplimentar; (iii) sa
obtina un miniextras de cont, (iv) sa inregistreze Cardul in Portofele

5.2.5 Utilizatorul principal de Card intelege si accepta ca
Utilizatorul suplimentar de Card poate inregistra Cardul suplimentar emis pe
numele acestuia in unul sau mai multe Portofele electronice si isi asuma
metodele de inregistrarea si de autorizare a platilor precum si toate
tranzactiile efectuate prin intermediul Portofelului electronic de catre
Utilizatorul suplimentar.

5.2.6 Banca poate refuza Utilizatorii suplimentari numiti de
Utilizatorul principal de Card, la data numirii sau ulterior, in cazul in care
asupra acestora exista suspiciuni sau motive rezonabile de suspiciune de
spalare a banilor, finantarea terorismului, fraude, Sanctiuni
Internationale/SUA sau in orice alta situatie in care normele legale impun
acest lucru. Banca nu va accepta Persoane Desemnate sau Parti Restrictionate
drept Utilizatori suplimentari. In cazul in care Banca refuza Utilizatorii
suplimentari existenti, aceasta va notifica clientul in scris cu privire la
data de la care Utilizatorul suplimentar nu mai este acceptat de Banca.


5.3 Utilizarea Cardurilor

5.3.1. De regula, Clientul isi exprima consimtamantul pentru
autorizarea Operatiunilor de plata cu Cardul prin Autentificarea Stricta a
Clientului, in conditiile si cu aplicarea exceptiilor prevazute de legislatia
romana si actele normative europene.

5.3.2 Operatiunile de plata ordonate prin intermediul Cardului
se considera autorizate de catre Utilizatorul de card, daca si-a exprimat
consimtamântul prin utilizarea elementelor de securitate, astfel:

pentru tranzactii la ATM/MFM: prin
utilizarea Cardului si PIN-ului. In cazul utilizarii unui portofel electronic
tranzactia se efectueaza prin apropierea dispozitivului mobil cu functie de
plata de Terminalul contactless (ATM/MFM) deblocarea, daca este cazul, a
dispozitivului mobil si apoi continuarea tranzactiei pe ecranul Terminalului de
plata, inclusiv introducerea PIN-ului Portofelului electronic.

pentru tranzactii la punctele de vanzare (“EPOS”): de regula prin inserarea sau apropierea Cardului de
EPOS, introducerea coduluia PIN si/sau semnarea chitantei generata de EPOS; In
cazul Platilor de mica valoare prin Card, autorizarea platii se
realizeaza conform prevederilor pct. 5.3.4 de mai jos fara sa mai fie
necesara semnarea chitantei emise de EPOS si/sau introducerea codului PIN.

c) pentru tranzactii la Imprinter: prin utilizarea
Cardului si a semnaturii pe chitanta generata de terminalul de plata.

d) pentru tranzactii in cadrul comertului electronic

(i) in cazul site-urilor neinrolate in Serviciul 3-D
SECURE: autorizarea
platii se realizeaza prin furnizarea datelor inscrise pe Card, in termenii si
conditiile agreate de Utilizatorul de Card cu comerciantul;

(ii) in
cazul site-urilor inrolate in Serviciului Comert Electronic 3-D SECURE
autorizarea platii se realizeaza prin Autentificarea Stricta a Clientului,
fiind necesara furnizarea elementelor de securitate specifice acestui tip de
autorizare, mentionate in Termenii si Conditiile specifice utilizarii acestui
serviciu, prevazute la punctul 5.8 de mai jos;

(iii) in
cazul Platilor de mica valoare prin Card, autorizarea platii se
realizeaza conform prevederilor pct. 5.3.4 din CGB.

pentru tranzactii fara card prezent, prin intermediul postei sau al telefonului
(tranzactii de tip MOTO): prin
furnizarea catre comerciant a unora dintre datele inscriptionate pe Card, in
vederea initierii platilor de catre comerciant conform termenilor si
conditiilor stabilite cu acesta in calitate de beneficiar al platii.

pentru tranzactii efectuate cu utilizarea Cardului pentru sume mici, la
terminale neasistate (ex.
taxe de autostrada, taxe de parcare etc.): prin utilizarea cardului si citirea
informatiilor din CIP-ul Cardului

pentru tranzactiile efectuate prin intermediul Cardului prin utilizarea unor
tehnologii, aplicatii informatice si/sau dispozitive mobile (spre exemplu
Portofelul electronic): prin
utilizarea elementelor de securitate reglementate in termenii si conditiile
specifice aplicatiilor informatice/dispozitivelor mobile.

5.3.3 Anumite tipuri de Tranzactii cu Cardul in cadrul
comertului electronic (e-commerce), prin exceptie de la prevederile punctului 5.3.2
lit. d) pct. (ii), pot fi autorizate de Utilizatorul de Card astfel:

(i) Tranzactiile recurente (o serie de plati de aceeasi valoare efectuate catre
acelasi beneficiar la anumite intervale de timp ex. lunar, saptamanal etc.) –
Utilizatorul de Card autorizeaza prima operatiune de plata prin Autorizarea
Stricta a Clientului, urmand ca platile subsecvente din serie sa fie
considerate autorizate de Utilizatorul de Card, fara furnizarea elementelor de
securitate aferente Autentificarii Stricte a Clientului;

(ii) Tranzactiile
pentru care Utilizatorul de Card a acordat beneficiarului
platii/comerciantului, pe site-ul acestuia, un mandat ca acesta sa initieze
plati in numele si pe seama sa – Utilizatorul de Card furnizeaza elementele
de securitate aferente Autentificarii Stricte a Clientului la momentul
acordarii mandatului beneficiarului platii/comerciantului, urmand ca platile sa
fie initiate de catre beneficarul platii/comerciantul fara ca Utilizatorul de
Card sa aplice Autorizarea Stricta a Clientului;

(iii) Tranzactii
eletronice identificate ca prezentand un nivel scazut de risc - autorizarea
acestor tranzactii se realizeaza prin furnizarea datelor inscrise pe Card, fara
introducerea elementelor de securitate aferente Autentificarii Stricte a
Clientului. Nivelul scazut de risc este determinat, conform prevederilor
legale, din analiza profilului de tranzactionare al Utilizatorului de Card,
luand in considerare mai multi parametrii cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la suma si valuta
tranzactiilor, tara comerciantului, tranzactii repetate catre un beneficiar
agreat, efectuarea tranzactiilor de pe acelasi dispozitiv.

5.3.4 Pentru Plati de mica valoare cu Cardul autorizate
folosind tehnologia contactless si/sau pe internet (e-commerce) se considera ca
Utilizatorul de card si-a exprimat consimtamântul pentru efectuarea Operatiunii
de plata prin simpla apropiere a Cardului/dispozitivului mobil cu functie de
plata de un Terminal EPOS/ATM/MFM sau prin furnizarea datelor de
card pentru tranzactiile pe internet (e-commerce), fara a fi necesara
Autentificarea Stricta a Clientului, daca este respectata valoarea cumulata sau
numarul cumulat al Platilor de mica Valoare efectuate de la ultima aplicare a
Autentificarii Stricte a Clientului, astfel cum acestea sunt stabilite de
Banca/organizatiile internationale de carduri si publicate pe site-ul Bancii Valoarea acestor limite poate fi modificata prin acte normative
si/sau de catre organizatiile internationale de carduri, Clientul fiind
informat corespunzator pe site-ul/in agentiile Bancii cu privire la noile
limite. Limita nu poate fi mai mare decat cea stabilita de lege.

(1) Banca are
dreptul sa stabileasca anumite limite de tranzactionare (de tipul dar
fara a se limita la: numar zilnic maxim de tranzactii, limita zilnica de
retragere numerar/tranzactionare) prin
intermediul Cardului (atat pentru Cardul principal cat si pentru cel
suplimentar), limite care sunt indicate in Contractul specific si/sau in
Listele specifice si/sau pe site-ul Bancii.

(2) Banca isi
rezerva dreptul sa modifice oricand limitele prevazute la alineatul precedent
sau sa restrictioneze anumite tipuri de tranzactii cu Cardul, informarea
Utilizatorilor de card urmand a se realiza prin publicarea informatiilor
specifice pe site-ul Bancii in sectiunea ”
In sprijinul tau”.

5.3.6 Banca este
autorizata de catre Utilizatorul principal de card sa debiteze automat contul
curent/de card cu urmatoarele sume:

a) tranzactiile/operatiunile efectuate prin Card in tara si
in strainatate, de catre Utilizatorul pricipal si Utilizatorii suplimentari;

b) alte operatiuni dispuse expres de Utilizatorul principal
de card;

c) comisioane, taxe si dobânzi datorate Bancii pentru
operatiuni curente, emiterea /inlocuirea Cardurilor si/sau pentru servicii
speciale, in baza Contractului specific;

d) operatiuni efectuate fraudulos de catre alte persoane
decât Utilizatorul de card in conditiile pierderii/furtului Cardului si
neanuntarii Bancii, telefonic sau in scris, a evenimentului de catre
Utilizatorii de card principal sau suplimentar cu respectarea limitelor
stablite de lege;

e) taxe achitate de Banca pentru solutionarea contestarii
unor tranzactii de catre Utilizatorul principal de card;

f) dobânzi datorate de Utilizatorul principal de card
pentru sumele care au generat iesiri neautorizate in descoperit a contului
curent, respectiv, in cazul Cardului de credit, costuri aferente acestuia si
dobânzi datorate Bancii pentru sumele utilizate din Limita de credit aferenta

5.3.7 De regula, Tranzactiile se fac in limita disponibilului
din contul curent/de credit card al titularului. In mod exceptional Banca poate
executa Operatiunea de plata in situatiile descrise la pct. 5.3.8  de mai jos;

5.3.8 Depasirea accidentala a disponibilului din contul curent
cu card atasat poate aparea datorita debitarii Contului curent cu dobânzile
datorate Bancii de titularul contului, cu contravaloarea Operatiunilor de plata
ordonate pe Contul curent, cu taxe si/sau comisioane aferente contului curent
si/sau utilizarii Cardului, sau datorita unor disfunctionalitati ale sistemelor
de comunicatii detinute sau administrate de terti (banci, comercianti,
acceptatori de carduri, furnizori de servicii de telefonie etc.), in cazul
efectuarii platilor offline sau a unor Plati de mica valoare cu Cardul, cu
utilizarea tehnologiei contactless, pentru care nu s-a solicitat verificarea
disponibilului la momentul autorizarii tranzactiei, iar autorizarea tranzactiei
nu s-a efectuat cu solicitare PIN si/sau semnarea chitantei.

5.3.9 In cazul depasirii neautorizate a disponibilitatilor din
contul curent, devin aplicabile prevederile sectiunii 3.4 din prezentele CGB;
de asemenea, Banca va putea decide blocarea accesului la Contul curent/de card
prin toate Cardurile atasate acestuia.

5.3.10 Utilizatorul de card va putea obtine la Terminalele
Raiffeisen Bank de tip ATM/MFM un miniextras de cont, continand ultimele 10
operatiuni efectuate in legatura cu contul curent cu Card de debit atasat,
indiferent de solicitant sau canalul/instrumentul de plata prin care acestea au
fost efectuate.


5.4 Efectuarea platilor prin
intermediul Cardurilor

5.4.1 Dupa
autorizarea unei Tranzactii prin Card, aceasta este irevocabila si se
realizează în timp real, în Cont fiind blocată contravaloarea Tranzacţiei prin
Card la momentul efectuării acesteia. Decontarea sumei blocate în momentul
autorizării Tranzacţiei prin Card în reţele de acceptare a cardurilor se va
efectua in termenele stabilite de organizatiile internationale de carduri
MasterCard sauVisa.

5.4.2 In anumite situatii limitate, Tranzactiile prin Card se
pot realiza si off-line, caz in care transmiterea tranzactiei  se face direct spre decontare, fara ca suma
aferenta tranzactiei sa fi fost in prealabil blocata pe Cont. Atat blocarea
sumei aferente Tranzatiei prin Card, cat si decontarea acesteia se realizeaza
automat de catre sistemul de plati, fara ca Banca sa poata interveni in
relatiile comerciale dintre clienti si comercianti/banci acceptatoare.

5.4.3 Pentru Tranzactiile prin Card efectuate in valuta
Contului, realizate prin intermediul Cardurilor VISA/MasterCard atasate
conturilor deschise in Lei, Euro, USD, Banca va inregistra in Contul curent
atasat Cardului suma aferenta Tranzactiei prin card (debitare/creditarea
Contului), fara conversie valutara.

5.4.4 Tranzactiile prin Cardurile VISA/MasterCard, efectuate
in alta valuta decat cea a Contului, se inregistreaza in Contul atasat Cardului
prin efectuarea conversiei valutare, utilizând ca moneda de referinta Euro,
dupa cum urmeaza: (a) schimbul valutar intre moneda in care se
efectueaza tranzactia si Euro este realizat de catre organizatia VISA
International/MasterCard International la cursul sau intern de la data
decontarii; (b) pentru conversia sumei Tranzactiei  din Euro in valuta Contului Clientului, Banca
utilizeaza Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile cu Cardul, valabil
pentru Data postarii tranzactiei pe Cont.

(1) Prin exceptie
de la punctul 5.4.4, Tranzactiile prin Cardurile VISA/MasterCard atasate Conturilor deschise
in USD, efectuate in alta valuta decat cea a Contului, cu exceptia
tranzaciilor  in Lei efectuate pe
teritoriul Romaniei,  se inregistreaza in
Cont utilizând ca moneda de referinta USD. Schimbul valutar intre moneda in
care se efectueaza Tranzactia prin Card si moneda de referinta se efectueaza de
catre organizatia VISA
International/MasterCard International la cursul sau intern de la data
decontarii  Tranzactiei prin Card majorat cu Comisionul de
conversie valutara;

(2)Tranzactiile prin Card efectuate in lei pe teritoriul
României prin cardurile VISA/MasterCard
atasate conturilor deschise in USD, se inregistreaza in Cont cu valoarea
Tranzactiei prin Card efectuand schimbul valutar intre valuta operatiunii si
moneda Contului, utilizand Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile cu
Cardul valabil pentru Data postarii tranzactiei pe Cont.

(1) Prin exceptie
de la punctul 5.4.4, Tranzactiile prin Cardurile VISA/MasterCard atasate conturilor deschise
in Euro, efectuate in alta moneda decat cea a Contului, cu exceptia
operatiunilor in Lei efectuate pe teritoriul Romaniei, se inregistreaza in Cont
utilizând ca moneda de referinta Euro. Schimbul valutar intre moneda in care se
efectueaza Tranzactia prin Card si valuta de referinta se efectueaza de catre
organizatia VISA
International/MasterCard International la cursul sau intern de la data decontarii  Tranzactiei prin Card majorat cu Comisionul de conversie valutara;

(2)Tranzactiile prin Cardurile VISA/MasterCard atasate conturilor deschise in
Euro, efectuate in lei pe teritoriul României, se inregistreaza in Cont
efectuand schimbul valutar intre moneda operatiunii si moneda Contului,
utilizand Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile cu Cardul valabil pentru
Data postarii tranzactiei pe Cont.

5.4.7 Tranzactiile prin Card efectuate la Terminalele Bancii,
in alta valuta decat moneda Contului se inregistreaza pe Cont efetuand
conversia valutara, dupa cum urmeaza:

(i) Pentru Tranzactiile prin Card in USD realizate prin
Cardurile atasate conturilor deschise in Euro, conversia valutara se realizeaza
utilizand Leul ca moneda de referinta, astfel : (a) schimbul valutar intre USD
si Leu se efectuaza aplicand Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile cu
Cardul valabil la Data postarii Tranzactiei prin card pe  Cont; (b) schimbul valutar intre Lei si Euro
se efectuaza aplicand Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile cu Cardul
valabil la Data postarii Tranzactiei prin Card pe Cont.

(ii) Pentru Tranzactiile prin Card in USD realizate prin
Cardurile atasate conturilor deschise in Lei, conversia valutara  intre moneda operatiunii si moneda Contului
se efectueaza aplicand Cursul valutar pentru Tranzactiile cu Cardul valabil
pentru Data postarii Tranzactiei prin card pe Cont.

(iii) Pentru Tranzactiile prin Card in Euro realizate prin
Cardurile atasate conturilor deschise in USD, conversia valutara se realizeaza
utilizand Leul ca moneda de referinta, astfel : (a) schimbul valutar intre Euro
si Lei se efectuaza aplicand Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile cu
Cardul valabil la Data postarii Tranzactiei prin Card pe Cont; (b) schimbul
valutar intre Lei si USD se efectuaza aplicand Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru
Tranzactiile cu Cardul valabil la Data postarii Tranzactiei prin Card pe Cont.

(iv) Pentru Tranzactiile prin Card in Euro realizate prin
Cardurile atasate conturilor deschise in Lei, conversia valutara intre valuta
operatiunii si moneda Contului se efectueaza aplicand Cursul valutar al Bancii
pentru Tranzactiile prin Card  valabil la
Data postarii Tranzactiei prin Card pe Cont.

5.4.8 Cursurile de schimb valutar utilizate de catre
organizatiile de carduri Visa International si MasterCard International pot fi
consultate pe site-urilor acestor organizatii.

Cursul valutar al Bancii pentru Tranzactiile prin
Card si Comisionul de
conversie valutara sunt afisate pe site-ul  Bancii,

5.4.9 Banca asigura transparenta si comparabilitatea
comisioanelor de conversie monetara, in cazul in care Utilizatorul de Card
efectueaza tranzactii de retragere de numerar la un bancomat (ATM/MFM) sau
plati la EPOS, pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene (UE). Astfel, pentru aceste
tranzactii efectuate in Euro sau intr-o moneda nationala a unui stat membru UE,
diferita de moneda Contului, Banca va afisa 
pe site-ul sau, valoarea totala a comisioanelor de schimb valutar
exprimata ca marja adaugata la cele mai recente rate de schimb valutar de
referinta Euro publicate de Banca Centrala Europeana (BCE).

5.4.10 In plus, Banca va transmite o notificare electronica
Utilizatorului de Card, in fiecare luna, dupa ce primeste din partea
Utilizatorului de Card un Ordin de plata privind o tranzactie de tipul celor
prevazute la pct. 5.4.9.

5.4.11 Banca si Utilizatorul de Card convin ca, Banca sa
transmita notificarea electronica continand cursul de schimb aplicat, exprimat
ca marja adaugata la cele mai recente rate de schimb valutar de referinta Euro
publicate de BCE prin: (i) notificari push (”push notification”) pe
dispozitivul mobil al Clientului, pentru clientii care detin Serviciul Smart
Mobile; (ii) notificare electronica transmisa prin e-mail/SMS la adresa de
e-mail/numarul de telefon mobil comunicat(-a) Bancii, pentru Clientii care nu
detin serviciul de mobile banking oferit de Banca;

5.4.12 Utilizatorul de Card poate solicita oricand Bancii, sa
nu ii mai fie transmise notificarile electronice mentionate la punctul
precedent, prin intermediul Serviciului Call Center pentru Clientii care
primesc notificari prin SMS sau prin dezactivarea notificarilor push din cadrul
aplicatiei Smart Mobile, de catre Clientii care primesc notificari push.


5.5. Drepturile si obligatiile partilor privind Cardul

5.5.1 Utilizatorii de card au obligatia de a asigura prin
toate mijloacele securitatea Cardului, a PIN-ului, Parolei Statice si a
elementelor de securitate ale Portofelului electronic.

5.5.2 Utilizatorii de card au obligatia:

a) de a semna Cardul pe revers in chenarul rezervat pentru
acest scop, in momentul primirii acestuia, folosind un pix cu pasta;

b) de a pastra cu grija Cardul si de a nu dezvalui
informatiile specifice de identificare (numar card, data expirarii, coduri de
autentificare etc.) altor persoane;

c) de a nu imprumuta Cardul altor persoane;

d) sa se asigure ca in timpul tranzactiilor Cardul ramâne
sub atenta lor supraveghere;

e) inainte de a sterge mesajul SMS, trebuie sa memoreze sau
sa noteze PIN-ul intr-un loc stiut numai de ei;

f) sa nu inscrie niciodata PIN-ul pe Card sau intr-o forma
ce poate fi usor recunoscuta in particular sau pe un obiect accesibil altor

g) sa nu dezvaluie niciunei alte persoane PIN-ul,
Parola Statica utilizata pentru tranzactiile pe e-commerce, chiar daca acesta
este sau se prezinta ca fiind angajat al Bancii; de asemenea codul PIN nu
trebuie introdus pe site-uri de internet;

h) sa se asigure ca, in timpul tranzactiilor efectuate cu
folosirea PIN-ului, acesta nu este dezvaluit voluntar sau involuntar altor

i) de a nu furniza date referitoare la Card (numarul
cardului, data expirarii, sirul format din ultimele 3 cifre inscrise pe spatele
cardului in spatiul destinat semnaturii Utilizatorului si/sau PIN-ul), codul
OTP sau Parola Statica raspunzând la e-mail-uri in care le este solicitat acest
lucru; Raiffeisen Bank nu va solicita niciodata astfel de informatii prin

j) sa pastreze confidentialitatea datelor si informatiilor
ce pot constitui element de identificare in relatia cu Banca.

k) de a modifica la orice ATM/MFM Raiffeisen Bank sau orice
ATM din Romania, PIN-ul initial primit prin SMS.

5.5.3 In cazul pierderii/furtului Cardului sau a PIN-ului,
Utilizatorul de card principal/suplimentar are obligatia de a anunta Banca
telefonic prin Serviciul Call center pus la dispozitie sau folosind numerele de
asistenta inscrise pe Card sau printr-o notificare scrisa pentru blocarea
accesului la Cont prin Card sau pentru utilizatorii serviciilor de internet
banking sau mobile banking sa blocheze Cardul direct din aplicatia aferenta
serviciului. Notificarea scrisa se va depune la orice unitate teritoriala a
Bancii in timpul programului de lucru cu publicul. Pentru operatiunile
efectuate cu Cardul partile raspund conform clauzelor prevazute in sectiunea 4.10
din prezentele CGB.

5.5.4 Utilizatorul de card va anunta, de asemenea, Banca in
scris la orice unitate bancara si/sau telefonic prin serviciul Call Center,
imediat ce constata una din urmatoarele situatii de urgenta:

a) deteriorarea sau blocarea posibilitatii de utilizare a
Cardului (de exemplu capturarea cardului in ATM);

b) inregistrarea in Contul curent/de credit card a unor
tranzactii care nu au fost ordonate de Utilizatorii de card;

c) orice inregistrare in Contul curent/de credit card care,
in opinia sa, reprezinta o inregistrare eronata aparuta in urma gestionarii
Contului de catre Banca;

d) exista elemente ce creeaza suspiciuni cu privire la
posibilitatea cunoasterii de catre alte persoane decât Utilizatorul de card;

e) disfunctionalitati ale Cardului sau incorectitudinea
PIN-ului/parolei de acces primite;

f) pierderea/furtului dispozitivului mobil pe care are
instalat un Portofel electronic sau compromiterea oricarui elemente de
securitate al acestora.

5.5.5 (1) In cazul in care Utilizatorul de card
utilizeaza serviciile furnizate de comercianti care permit
salvarea/inregistrarea datelor cardului pentru a efectua plati ulterioare pe
site-urile sau in aplicatiile respectivilor comercianti, acesta isi asuma urmatoarele
obligatii și declaratii:

a) Se asigura ca respecta toate obligatiile care-i revin
conform prezentelor dispozitii contractuale pe toata durata utilizarii
serviciilor oferite de comerciant;

b) Intelege ca pentru accesarea acestor servicii este
necesar sa introduca pe site-ul/aplicatia comerciantului datele Cardului pe
care doreste sa il salveze pentru plati ulterioare, și anume: numarul Cardului,
data expirarii Cardului, codul CVV si intelege ca Banca va raspunde oricaror
solicitari ale schemelor de plata (Visa, MasterCard) de validare a acestor date
pe care le deține în virtutea calității sale de emitent al Cardului, precum si
va furniza acestora informaţii referitoare la înlocuirea Cardului;

c) Intelege si accepta ca in caz de reinnoire sau reemitere
a Cardului ale carui date au fost salvate/inregistrate pe site-ul/in aplicatia
comerciantului, noua data de expirare a Cardului reinnoit/reemis va fi
actualizata automat pe site-ul/in aplicatia comerciantului (cu exceptia
ipotezei prevazute la lit.d)); in situatia in care nu se doreste ca
actualizarile sa fie realizate, Utilizatorul de card are obligatia sa acceseze
site-ul/aplicatia comerciantului si sa stearga datele Cardului din
inregistrarile acestuia. In situatia in care comerciantul nu ofera
posibilitatea sau nu raspunde cererii privind stergerea Cardului salvat,
Utilizatorul de card se va adresa Bancii, solicitand inchiderea respectivului
Card si emiterea unui nou Card cu un numar de Card diferit de al celui inchis;

d) Intelege si accepta ca, in ipoteza in care Cardul ale
carui date au fost salvate/inregistrate pe site-ul/in aplicatia comerciantului
a fost inlocuit/reemis datorita raportarii pierderii, furtului sau fraudei,
Cardul initial va fi inactivat, iar datele Cardului reemis nu vor fi
actualizate automat la comerciant, ci vor trebui salvate/inregistrate din nou
pentru a putea fi utilizate pentru efectuarea platilor pe site-ul/in aplicatia

(2) In relatia cu Banca, Utilizatorul de card este
responsabil pentru toate consecintele ce decurg din alegerea sa de a utiliza
astfel de servicii furnizate de comercianti. Intrucat Banca este terta parte
fata de raportul stabilit intre Utilizatorul de card si comerciant, Banca nu
poarta nicio raspundere in legatura cu serviciile prestate Utilizatorului de
card de catre comerciant si nu este tinuta responsabila pentru nicio consecinta
ce rezulta direct sau indirect din utilizarea de catre Utilizatorul de card a
respectivelor servicii furnizate de catre comerciant.

(3) Prevederile de la pct. 2.1 din CGB sunt
aplicabile cu privire la celelalte aspecte de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter

5.5.6 Banca nu are nici o responsabilitate in ceea ce priveste
neacceptarea Cardurilor de catre un comerciant, o institutie financiara, un
ATM/MFM sau orice alt tert ca urmare a unei cauze directe sau indirecte, cum ar
fi: defectiunea masinii, a sistemului de procesare sau de transmitere a datelor
sau orice alte evenimente ce nu pot fi controlate de catre Banca.

5.5.7 Se interzice folosirea Cardului:

a) dupa notificarea Bancii asupra pierderii/ furtului
Cardului/ sau a PIN-ului;

b) atunci când Utilizatorul de Card a incalcat prevederile
contractuale si Banca a solicitat returnarea Cardului;

c) când un Card declarat pierdut sau furat este recuperat
de catre Utilizatorul de card principal/suplimentar, ulterior notificarii
Bancii asupra pierderii/furtului;

d) când un Card de debit este anulat sau blocat de catre
Banca datorita iesirii accidentale in descoperit de cont si a nealimentarii
Contului curent;

e) când un Card de credit este anulat sau suspendat de
catre Banca datorita nerespectarii de catre Utilizatorul principal de card a
disciplinei de rambursare a sumelor utilizate din limita de credit atasata
contului de credit card;


5.6. Blocarea Cardurilor

5.6.1 Banca isi rezerva dreptul sa blocheze Cardul fara
instiintarea prealabila a Utilizatorului in cazul furnizarii de catre acesta de
date false in documentatia remisa Bancii, comiterii de fraude in cazul in
care Banca a identificat suspiciuni de frauda/spalare de bani/finantare
terorism /incalcare Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA, in situatii in care pentru
Client au fost primite solicitari de retur de fonduri de la banci ordonatoare/
corespondente pe astfel de motive enumerate mai sus sau Banca a primit informatii
privind suspiciuni de frauda/spalare de bani/finantare terorism/incalcare
Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA asupra clientului de la Banci sau autoritati din
Romania sau strainatate sau
in orice alte situatii considerate intemeiate de catre Banca.

5.6.2 Pentru alte situatii decat cele mai sus mentionate,
Banca va informa Clientul prin intermediul serviciului telefonic Call
Center/SMS cu privire la blocarea Cardului si motivele acestei blocari imediat
dupa blocare, cu exceptia cazului in care furnizarea acestor informatii aduce
atingere motivelor de siguranta justificate sau este interzisa de alte
dispozitii legale.


5.7 Contestarea tranzactiilor efectuate
prin Card

5.7.1 In cazul in care Utilizatorul de card constata
efectuarea de operatiuni neautorizate de acesta, Utilizatorul principal are
dreptul sa conteste oricare dintre aceste operatiuni. Utilizatorul suplimentar
de card va putea depune contestatii numai pentru tranzactiile efectuate cu
Cardul sau suplimentar.

5.7.2 Contestatia se va depune in scris la orice unitate a
Bancii in timpul programului de lucru cu publicul si/sau telefonic prin
serviciul Call Center si va cuprinde obligatoriu numarul cardului, numele
Utilizatorului de card, suma contestata, data extrasului in care este cuprinsa
suma contestata si orice alte informatii suplimentare care sustin contestatia.

5.7.3 Banca va informa in scris sau telefonic Utilizatorul de
card, cu respectarea dispozitiilor legale, asupra modului de rezolvare a


5.8. Termenii si conditiile specifice utilizarii Cardului in serviciul
de comert electronic 3-D SECURE

5.8.1 Toate cardurile emise de Raiffeisen Bank sunt inrolate
in serviciul Comert Electronic 3-D Secure, care asigura securitatea
tranzactiilor de comert electronic derulate prin internet in conditii de
stricta securitate, in conformitate cu prevederile prezentelor clauze.

5.8.2 Banca poate modifica periodic instructiunile de
utilizare a acestui serviciu in conditiile legii. Partile convin ca tacerea
Utilizatorului de card valoreaza acceptarea tacita a modificarilor, in cazul in
care Utilizatorul de card nu notifica Bancii in scris neacceptarea
modificarilor respective inainte de intrarea in vigoare a acestora.

versiune a instructiunilor este disponibila accesând site-ul Raiffeisen Bank,

efectuate prin utilizarea serviciului Comert electronic 3-D Secure cad sub
incidenta ultimei versiuni a Termenilor si conditiilor de utilizare.

5.8.3 Serviciul Comert electronic 3-D Secure este pus la
dispozitie de Raiffeisen Bank prin intermediul unui procesator ce dispune de
mijloace securizate furnizate de schemele de plata cu cardul respectiv, VISA
International si MasterCard International.

Comert electronic 3-D Secure functioneaza in conditiile in care site-ul unde se
efectueaza tranzactia suporta standardele 3-D Secure, prezentând logo-urile
afisate pe site-ul Bancii,

5.8.4 Visa International si MasterCard International isi
rezerva dreptul de a modifica, imbunatati ori intrerupe furnizarea acestui
serviciu fara o notificare prealabila.

5.8.5 Serviciul Comert electronic 3-D Secure asigura un
standard de securitate a tranzactiilor pe internet care inglobeaza utimele
tehnologii in acest domeniu, reducând sansele de frauda pe internet.

5.8.6 Inrolarea pentru acest serviciu necesita furnizarea
online a datelor care vor fi folosite ulterior pentru confirmarea identitatii
Clientului in timpul efectuarii tranzactiilor pe internet.

5.8.7 Autorizarea tranzactiilor 3D Secure se realizeaza prin
aplicarea Autentificarii Stricte a Clientului, prin una din urmatoarele metode:

a) pentru clientii care nu detin aplicatia Smart Mobile, prin
furnizarea urmatoarelor elemente de securitate:

OTP (one time password): un cod unic asociat fiecarei tranzactii, furnizat
fiecarui Utilizator de card in parte, fie prin mesaj de tip SMS pe numarul de
telefon personal declarat Bancii de Utilizatorul de Card in cel mai recent
Formular pentru inscriere/actualizarea datelor


·      Parola

b) pentru clientii care detin aplicatia Smart Mobile, prin
intermediul aplicatiei specifice pusa la dispozitie de Banca, ce permite
autorizarea prin elemente de biometrie sau PIN conform optiunii setare de catre
utilizator in aplicatie.

5.8.8 Sunt interzise urmatoarele Utilizatorului de card:

a) Substituirea cu intentie unei alte persoane sau entitati
care sa utilizeze serviciul Comert electronic 3-D Secure.

b) Trimiterea pe orice cale a unor programe tip virus care
sa intrerupa, distruga sau sa limiteze functionalitatea oricarei componente
hard/soft, inclusiv de comunicatii a serviciului accesat.

c) Trimiterea de e-mail-uri nesolicitate (spam), pe orice
cale, si invadarea site-urilor Verified by Visa si MasterCard Secure Code

d) Modificarea, adaptarea, decompilarea sau dezasamblarea,
sub-licentierea, traducerea, vânzarea oricarei portiuni a serviciului 3-D

e) Stergerea oricarei notificari privind drepturile de
proprietate (copyright, trademark) intâlnite prin accesul la acest serviciu.

f) Utilizarea oricaror mijloace (aplicatii de cautare,
dispozitive, procese) pentru regasirea sau reproducerea structurii de navigare,
prezentare si continutul site-urilor afisând siglele specifice Visa si

g) Intreruperea accesului altor utilizatori la acest
serviciu, la servere sau retele conectate la acesta.

h) Incalcarea regulilor si conditiilor specifice de
utilizare a serviciului 3-D Secure in general si/sau a regulilor si
procedurilor oricarei retele conectate la acesta.

5.8.9 Raiffeisen Bank, VISA International, MasterCard
International nu pot fi responsabile pentru:

a) modificarea, suspendarea sau orice intreruperi in
furnizarea serviciului datorate unor cauze independente de vointa lor;

b) defectiuni ale computerului Utilizatorului de card sau
in furnizarea serviciilor telefonice, aparute in timpul tranzactiilor prin

c) eventuale pagube produse prin virusarea
computerului/modem-ului Utilizatorului de card in timpul tranzactiilor prin
internet. Raiffeisen Bank isi rezerva dreptul de a dezactiva temporar sau
permanent accesul Utilizatorului de card la serviciul 3D Secure in cazul
incalcarii de catre acesta a conditiilor de utilizare.

va informa Utilizatorul de card prin intermediul serviciului telefonic Call
Center cu privire la dezactivarea serviciului si motivele acestei masuri
imediat dupa luarea sa, cu exceptia cazului in care furnizarea acestor
informatii aduce atingere motivelor de siguranta justificate sau este interzisa
de alte dispozitii legale.

5.8.10 (1) Utilizatorul de card are deplina libertate de
a cumpara bunuri/servicii prin internet prin accesarea serviciului 3D Secure.
Totusi, corespondenta cu comerciantii alesi, participarea la promotii online,
plata si livrarea bunurilor/serviciilor cumparate, orice alte conditii si
garantii asociate cu acestea sunt numai de domeniul relatiei dintre
Utilizatorul de card si comerciantul virtual, Raiffeisen Bank, Visa
International si/sau Mastercard International neputând fi facute responsabile
sub nici o forma de eventuale pagube aparute in urma relatiei directe cu
comerciantii. Utilizarea serviciului nu inseamna in nici un fel ca Raiffeisen
Bank, Visa International si/sau MasterCard International recomanda vreun
comerciant de internet sau ca garanteaza calitatea bunurilor/serviciilor
furnizate de acesta.

(2) Orice litigiu cu privire la nerespectarea de catre
comerciant a conditiilor de plata, livrare, calitate a bunurilor/serviciilor
achizitionate se pot rezolva exclusiv intre Utilizatorul de card si acesta. In
acest sens Banca recomanda Utilizatorului de card sa retina cât mai multe
informatii despre comerciant si sa salveze pe computerul sau pagina continând
dovada efectuarii tranzactiei.

5.8.11 Serviciul 3-D Secure contine informatii protejate de
legea dreptului de proprietate intelectuala si alte legi aplicabile.

Bank acorda Utilizatorului de card o licenta de utilizare non-exclusiva a
serviciului 3-D Secure actual si a imbunatatirilor ce se vor adauga in timp in
concordanta cu prezentele clauze. Utilizatorul de card nu va copia, altera sau
folosi in nici un fel marcile de comert Raiffeisen acestea fiind in
proprietatea Raiffeisen Bank, 3-D Secure aflat in proprietatea Visa
International si MasterCard International si nici logo-urile, produsele si
numele asociate acestui serviciu.


5.9. Inregistrarea si utilizarea
Cardurilor in Portofele electronice

5.9.1 Conditii generale de utilizare la plata a cardurilor
in Portofele electronice Cardurile eligibile emise de Banca pot fi inregistrate
de catre Utilizatorii de Card in Portofele electronice apartinand Bancii sau
altor furnizori de astfel de aplicatii, prin metodele puse la dispozitie de
acestia. Cardurile eligibile si dispozitivele mobile pe care se
pot inregistra Cardurile sunt stabilite si comunicate Utilizatorului de Card de
catre Banca si/sau furnizorul Portofelului electronic. Utilizatorul are posibilitatea sa adauge acelasi Card in
mai multe Portofele electronice si pe mai multe dispozitive cu functie de plata
concomitent. Furnizorul de dispozitive mobile poate impune limitari sau
restrictii pentru utilizarea Portofelului electronic si/sau poate avea cerinte
minime de software si hardware pentru dispozitivul mobil compatibil utilizat.
Utilizatorul are obligatia de a utiliza Cardul numai pe un dispozitiv mobil
compatibil cu functionalitatile Portofelului electronic si sa respecte toti
termenii si conditiile aplicabili pentru respectivul Portofel electronic. Furnizorul Portofelului electronic si/sau al
dispozitivelor mobile cu functie de plata cu care se pot efectua plati prin
Portofelul electronic, precum si tertii cu care acestia colaboreaza pot avea
proprii termeni si conditii si politici de confidentialitate. Utilizatorul este
supus respectivilor/respectivelor termeni si conditii sau politici de
confidentialitate atunci cand utilizeaza Portofelul electronic/dispozitivul
mobil cu functie de plata. Banca nu isi asuma nicio raspundere pentru felul cum
acestia utilizeaza informatiile pe care Utilizatorul le pune la dispozitia lor,
nici cu privire la datele cu caracter personal ale acestuia pe care le
prelucreaza in contextul serviciilor pe care le ofera sau cand viziteaza
website-urile lor. De asemenea, Banca nu raspunde sub nicio forma pentru
cerintele furnizorului Portofelului electronic/dispozitivului mobil cu functie
de plata sau ale tertilor cu care acestia colaboreaza de impunere a unor
conditii de inregistrare a Cardului in Portofelul electronic sau care privesc
dispozitivele mobile compatibile. Banca are dreptul sa blocheze, sa restrictioneze, sa
suspende sau sa inceteze oferirea posibilitatii de utilizare a oricarui Card
inrolat intr-un Portofel electronic daca: (i) Banca considera ca
metodele de autentificare si efectuare a platilor folosite de aceasta nu sunt
suficient de sigure sau nu respecta prevederi legale; (ii) daca
suspecteaza orice activitate frauduloasa sau necorespunzatoare a Cardului in
Portofelul electronic sau in alt mod de plata; (iii) daca se incalca
clauzele contractuale agreate cu Banca referitoare la utilizarea Cardului. De
asemenea, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a inceta in intregime oferirea
posibilitatii de utilizare a cardurilor in Portofele electronice. In cazul in care furnizorul de dispozitive mobile cu
functie de plata si/sau al Portofelului electronic isi blocheaza, restrange,
suspenda sau intrerupe utilizarea Portofelului electronic si/sau modifica
functionalitatea acestuia, Banca nu va raspunde fata de clientii sai care si-au
inrolat Cardul in respectivul Portofel electronic sau fata de terti. Utilizatorul de card este responsabil pentru toate
utilizarile si tranzactiile efectuate cu Cardul prin intermediul Portofelului
electronic de catre terti carora le-a oferit acces voluntar sau involutar la
Cardul inrolat in Portofelul electronic.

5.9.2. Inregistrarea Cardului in Portofelul electronic Procedura de inrolare/inregistrare a Cardului in
Portofelul electronic este stabilita de furnizorul acestuia. Utilizatorul de
card are obligatia setarii unei parole sau a altor detalii de securitate in
vederea utilizarii/accesarii Portofelui electronic. Conditiile, cazurile si
frecventa cu care se va solicita introducerea acestei parole sunt stabilite de
furnizorul Portofelului electronic. Dupa setarea parolei/detaliilor de securitate,
Utilizatorului i se va solicita sa introduca datele Cardului pe care doreste sa
il inroleze in Portofelul electronic, respectiv: numarul cardului, data
expirarii cardului, codul CVV. Toate aceste informatii (date cu caracter
personal) sunt necesare furnizorului Portofelului electronic pentru a permite
utilizarea la plata a cardului prin intermediul acestuia. Pentru validarea identitatii Utilizatorului Cardului
care urmeaza sa fie inrolat in Portofelul electronic, Banca va aplica o
procedura de autentificare a clientului. In cazul in care rezultatul procedurii
este pozitiv, Cardul va putea fi inrolat in Portofelul electronic. Ca urmare a inrolarii Cardului in Portofelul electronic
se va genera un token de plata al Cardului respectiv (numar de card
alternativ), token ce va fi asociat Cardului pe dispozitivul mobil cu functie
de plata; daca exista posibilitatea, in cazul in care Utilizatorul doreste
inregistrarea cardului pe mai multe dispozitive mobile, va efectua setarile
necesare in Portofelul electronic, prin adaugarea dispozitivelor mobile pe care
se doreste inregistrarea cardului. Numarul Tokenului este diferit de numarul de
pe fata Cardului inregistrat in Portofelul electronic pentru cresterea
securitatii tranzactiilor. Prin parcurgerea tuturor pasilor si finalizarea
procedurii de inregistrare a Cardului in Portofelul electronic, Utilizatorul
intelege ca acesta va fi inrolat in respectivul Portofel pentru a putea fi
utilizat la efectuarea de operatiuni de plata si la vizualizarea tranzactiilor
efectuate cu Cardul prin intermediul Portofelului electronic. Banca poate decide sa  refuze solicitarea de
inregistrare a Cardului intr-un Portofel electronic. In cazul in care
solicitarea de inregistrare este respinsa, Utilizatorul poate contacta
Serviciul Call Center-ul Bancii pentru suport. Inregistrarea si utilizarea Tokenului depind de
furnizorul Portofelului electronic si/sau de reteaua furnizorului de internet a
Utilizatorului de card. Banca nu are control direct si nici indirect asupra
operatiunilor acestor furnizori si nu va raspunde pentru nici o situatie legata
de serviciile furnizate de acestia care pot provoca intreruperea si/sau
impiedicarea inregistrarii/utilizarii Tokenului pentru efectuarea de plati.

Cum functioneaza Portofelul electronic

Efectuarea platilor cu cardul prin Portofelul electronic Prin intermediul Portofelului electronic se pot efectua
oricare din urmatoarele operatiuni de plata:

plati contactless cu un Card inrolat, la Terminale cu
functie contactless, prin intermediul dispozitivului mobil cu functie de plata
compatibil pentru care s-a efectuat inregistrarea cardului;

plati pe internet la comercianti (e-commerce si
Modul de
utilizare a Portofelului electronic pentru efectuarea platilor de catre
Utilizatorul de card precum si elementele de securitate folosite in vederea
autorizarii platilor (deblocarea dispozitivului mobil, PIN-ul aplicatiei, etc)
sunt stabilite si comunicate de catre furnizorul Portofelului electronic.

Vizualizarea informatiilor si a platilor efectuate cu cardul in Portofelul
electronic Banca va ofera informatii despre platile realizate cu
cardul inrolat in Portofelul electronic in modalitatile agreate (ex. extras de
cont, internet banking, mobile banking etc). Aceste informatii vor fi
evidentiate ca fiind plati efectuate cu respectivul Card, fara a indica faptul
ca platile s-au efectuat prin intermediul Portofelului electronic. Daca Portofelul electronic permite, Utilizatorul va
putea vizualiza in cuprinsul respectivei aplicatii informatii despre platile
efectuate cu cardul prin intermediul Portofelului electronic.

Suspendarea, inlocuirea, reinnoirea si stergerea Cardului in Portofelul
electronic Utilizatorul are posibilitatea de a suspenda si/sau
bloca temporar/definitiv si/sau sterge unul sau toate cardurile inrolate in
Portofelul electronic. Suspendarea, blocarea, stergerea, precum si incetarea
suspendarii/blocarii se pot efectua direct in cadrul Portofelului electronic,
conform Termenilor si conditiilor comunicate de furnizorul Portofelului
electronic, sau prin Serviciul Call Center al Bancii. Pe perioada
suspendarii/blocarii, Cardul respectiv inrolat in Portofelul electronic nu va
mai putea fi utilizat pentru efectuarea de plati prin dispozitivul mobil cu
functie de plata asociat. Suspendarea/blocarea Cardului sau stergerea datelor
Cardului din Portofelul electronic nu influenteaza in niciun fel posibilitatea
ca acest card sa fie utilizat in continuare la plati, conform contractelor
specifice de card de debit/credit, precum si prezentelor CGB PF. Toate
tranzactiile efectuate prin intermediul Portofelului electronic cu cardul
suspendat/sters inainte de momentul suspendarii/stergerii vor fi procesate de
catre banca in conformitate cu prevederile Contractelor specifice si CGB. In cazul in care cardul inrolat in Portofelul electronic
a fost inlocuit/reemis datorita raportarii pierderii, furtului sau fraudei,
cardul initial va fi inactivat in Portofelul electronic, iar Cardul reemis va
trebui inrolat din nou pentru a putea fi utilizat pentru efectuarea platilor
prin Portofelul electronic. In cazul in care cardul inrolat in Portofelul electronic
expira, va fi necesara reinrolarea noului card. In cazul in care Utilizatorul de card invalideaza parola
si/sau credentialele de securitate pentru accesarea Portofelului electronic
si/sau a dispozitivului mobil cu functie de plata sau in cazul in care
reseteaza dispozitivul mobil in care este descarcat Portofelul electronic sau
dispozitivul mobil utilizat pentru plata cu cardul, este necesara reluarea
pasilor initiali de inregistrarea Cardului in cazul in care Utilizatorul
doreste sa utilizeze din nou Cardul prin Portofelul electronic.

Protejarea credentialelor de securitate necesare utilizarii Portofelului
electronic Utilizatorul de card este responsabil pentru pastrarea
in conditii de confidentialitate a credentialelor de securitate necesare
utilizarii Portofelului electronic. De asemenea, Utilizatorul de card este
responsabil pentru prevenirea utilizarii frauduloase sau neautorizate a
cardului prin intermediul Portofelului electronic sau a dispozitivului mobil cu
functie de plata. In cazul in care Utilizatorul considera ca au fost
compromise credentialele de securitate necesare utilizarii Portofelului
electronic (ex. au ajuns la cunostinta altor persoane), are obligatia de a le
modifica imediat. Utilizatorul de card are obligatia de a contacta de
urgenta Banca prin Serviciul Call Center in cazul in care:

·   Cardul
inregistrat in Portofelul electronic este pierdut sau furat sau utilizat fara
consimtamantul Utilizatorului;

·   Dispozitivul
mobil prin care se acceseaza Portofelul electronic si/sau dispozitivul mobil cu
functie de plata asociat cardului inrolat in Portofel este pierdut, furat sau
folosit fara consimtamantul Utilizatorului;

·   Credentialele
de securitate necesare utilizarii Portofelului electronic au fost compromise.
tranzactiile cu Cardul efectuate prin intermediul Portofelului electronic pana
la momentul la care Utilizatorul de card instiinteaza Banca cu privire la
producerea unui eveniment dintre cele mentionate anterior se considera
tranzactii autorizate de catre Utilizator, Banca neasumandu-si raspunderea
pentru acestea. De asemenea, Banca nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru cazul in
care Cardul a fost utilizat pentru plati prin intermediul Portofelului
electronic in baza Credentialelor de securitate, daca acestea au fost utilizate
de alte persoane, indiferent daca acestea le-au fost comunicate de catre
Utilizator sau au fost utilizate, in orice mod, fara acordul Utilizatorului. Pentru a preveni aparitia unor evenimente precum cele de
mai sus, Utilizatorul de card se obliga:

·   sa
pastreze tot timpul dispozitivul mobil prin care se acceseaza Portofelul
electronic si/sau dispozitivul mobil cu functie de plata asociat cardului
inrolat in Portofel in siguranta si in posesia sa;

·   sa
pastreze Credentialele de securitate pentru utilizarea Portofelului electronic
securizate si cunoscute numai de catre acesta;

·   sa
seteze parole/detalii de securitate diferite pentru cardul din Portofelul
electronic decat cele utilizate pentru cardul fizic;

·   daca
instraineaza sau inceteaza sa utilizeze dispozitivul mobil prin care se
acceseaza Portofelul electronic si/sau dispozitivul mobil cu functie de plata
asociat cardului inrolat in Portofel, sa stearga toate cardurile si alte
informatii personale de pe acesta. Pentru detalii despre cum trebuie sa
procedeze in acest caz, se vor urma instructiunile furnizorului Portofelului
electronic. Utilizatorul are obligatia de a colabora cu Banca si/sau
cu orice autoritate competenta pentru prevenirea oricarui tip de frauda sau
pentru derularea oricaror anchete care s-ar desfasura in legatura cu utilizarea
Cardului inrolat in Portofelul electronic. Portofelul electronic si dispozitivul mobil asociat pot
utiliza anumite functionalitati si proceduri de securitate pentru a proteja
impotriva utilizarii neautorizate a oricarui Card. Aceste functionalitati si
proceduri apartin exclusiv furnizorului de dispozitive. Prin inrolarea cardului
in Portofelul electronic Utilizatorul are obligatia sa nu dezactiveze niciuna
dintre aceste caracteristici de securitate ale Portofelului/dispozitivului
mobil asociat si sa le foloseasca pentru a isi proteja toate cardurile inrolate
in Portofelul electronic. Banca nu controleaza aceste metode de securitate si
nu raspunde pentru modul in care furnizorul Portofelului electronic si/sau
furnizorul dispozitivului mobil le utilizeaza. Utilizatorul de Card are obligatia de a monitoriza
tranzactiile efectuate prin Portofelul electronic si de a comunica imediat
Bancii prin apelarea Serviciului Call Center-ului orice neconcordanta sau
neregula identificata in legatura cu acestea.

Limitari de raspundere
In cazul in
care Banca nu este furnizorul Portofelului electronic, nu ofera nicio garantie
cu privire la utilizarea acestuia; nu este responsabila si nu raspunde in
niciun mod pentru orice defect, intarziere sau nefunctionare a Portofelului
electronic. Utilizarea Cardului in cadrul Portofelului electronic poate fi
afectata de evenimente in afara controlului Bancii, iar Banca nu raspunde
pentru niciun fel de solicitari/cereri de daune/despagubiri generate sau in
legatura cu utilizarea sau imposibiliatea de utilizare a Cardului in cadrul
acestuia. Banca nu raspunde pentru legalitatea
furnizarii/prestarii produselor/serviciilor furnizorului dispozitivului si/sau
ale tertilor, nici pentru securitatea, precizia, legalitatea sau orice alt
aspect al respectivelor produse/servicii oferite de acestia. Banca nu raspunde daca datele Utilizatorului si/sau ale
Cardului sunt utilizate de furnizorul Portofelului electronic sau de terti cu
care acestia colaboreaza in alte scopuri decat cele aferente efectuarii
platilor prin Portofelului electronic, nici pentru perioada in care se
utilizeaza acest card in Portofelul electronic, nici dupa momentul eliminarii
acestuia din Portofel. Este responsabilitatea Utilizatorului de card sa
citeasca si sa inteleaga prevederile contractelor si/sau termenilor de
utilizare puse la dispozitie de acesti terti inainte de a crea, activa sau
inrola/utiliza cardul intr-un Portofel electronic. Banca nu este raspunzatoare si nu ofera suport sau
asistenta pentru niciun fel de hardware, software sau alte produse sau servicii
ale tertilor. In cazul in care Utilizatorul are intrebari sau probleme cu un
produs sau un serviciu oferit de un tert, acesta trebuie sa contacteze
respectivul furnizor/tert pentru asistenta. Banca nu este responsabila cu privire la securitatea
dispozitivului mobil pe care este instalat Portofelul electronic si nici pentru
modul de functionare al acestuia, Banca fiind tinuta raspunzatoare fata de
Utilizatorul de card doar pentru indeplinirea obligatiilor sale legale in
calitate de emitent al Cardului. Banca nu poate controla sistemul de operare al
dispozitivului mobil folosit de catre Utilizatorul de Card. De aceea Banca nu
este responsabila de niciun fel de prejudicii cauzate dispozitivului mobil,
incluzand dar fara a se limita la orice bresa de securitate cauzate de virusi,
erori, inselaciuni, falsificare, omitere, intrerupere, defectiune, intarziere
in operatiuni sau transmisiuni, linii computerizate sau cadere a retelei sau
orice alta defectiune tehnica produsa. Banca nu poate fi tinuta raspunzatoare
pentru prejudicii directe sau indirect rezultate din executarea unor plati
neautorizate generate de expunerea dispozitivului Utilizatorului de Card la
virusi si/sau alte aplicatii/programe, precum si de furtul acestuia.


5.10 Dispoziţii finale privind Cardul

pentru emiterea si utilizarea Cardului se completeaza cu prevederile specifice
Cardului din documentatia contractuala semnata de Client si Banca, precum si cu
prevederile CGB.

5.10.2 Contractul pentru emiterea si utilizarea Cardului este
incheiat pe durata nedeterminata si intra in vigoare la momentul predarii
cardului catre Utilizatorul principal de Card.

5.10.3 Banca poate modifica prevederile Contractului pentru
emiterea si utilizarea Cardului prin notificarea Utilizatorului de Card cu
privire la modificarea clauzelor contractuale cu cel putin 2 luni inainte de
data propusa pentru aplicarea acesteia, 
in conformitate cu termenele si condititiile prevazute la sectiunile 8.1
si 8.2 din CGB.

5.10.4 Contractul pentru emiterea si utilizarea Cardului
inceteaza in una din urmatoarele situatii:

a) prin acordul partilor, exprimat in scris;

b) prin denuntarea unilaterala, oricând pe durata
contractului, de catre Utilizatorul de card sau de catre Banca;

c) in cazul decesului sau incapacitatii Utilizatorului
principal de card;

d) prin rezilierea Contractului aferent Cardului de debit
in conditiile pct. 5.10.7 din de mai jos;

e) in caz de forta majora sau caz fortuit;

f) prin retragerea produsului de catre Banca;

g) in cazul inchiderii Contului curent la care este atasat
Cardul de debit;

h) in orice alte cazuri prevazute de lege;

unilaterala a Contractului pentru emiterea si utilizarea Cardului conform pct.
5.10.4 lit. b) poate fi solicitata:

(i) de Utilizatorul principal de Card prin depunerea unei
solicitari scrise in orice unitate a Bancii. Banca va anunta Utilizatorii de
Card prin intermediul site-ul daca vor fi puse la dispozitia
acestora si alte canale de transmitere a solicitarii de denuntare unilaterala a
Contractului pentru emiterea si utilizarea Cardului.

(ii) de Banca prin notificarea scrisa a Utilizatorului
principal de card, transmisa cu 2 luni inainte de data propusa pentru incetarea
Contractului. Notificarea se transmite conform prevederilor din sectiunea 8.2.

5.10.6 Cel târziu in ziua lucratoare urmatoare inregistrarii
cererii Utilizatorului de card de denuntare a contractului de emitere a
cardului, Banca va bloca accesul la Contul curent prin intermediul Cardului, in
cazul in care nu exista tranzactii in curs de decontare.

In caz
contrar, blocarea accesului la cont se va face dupa decontarea tuturor
tranzactiilor efectuate cu cardul respectiv.

5.10.7 (1) Banca este îndreptatita sa rezilieze Contractul aferent
Cardului de debit de plin drept, fara punere in intârziere si fara intervenita
instantelor judecatoresti, in oricare din urmatoarele cazuri:

a) Nerespectarea
de catre Utilizatorul de Card a clauzelor contractuale, conditiilor de
functionare ale Cardului impuse de Banca, prevederile legale în vigoare
(precum, dar fara a se limita la prevederi legale in materia prevenirii si
combaterii spalarii banilor si finantarii terorismului si respectarea
Sanctiunilor Internationale si SUA) sau normele de lucru ale Bancii;

b) Inregistrarea
unor tranzactii prin Card ca suspecte sau frauduloase;

c) Banca a
identificat suspiciuni de frauda/ spalare de bani/finantare terorism/incalcare
Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA;

d) Asupra
patrimoniului Utilizatorului de Card a fost aplicata masura sechestrului;

e) Utilizatorul
de Card este suspectat de efectuarea unor operatiuni prin care incalca
prevederi legale sau contractuale;

f) Pentru
Conturile Utilizatorului de Card au fost primite solicitari de retur de fonduri
de la banci ordonatoare/corespondente pe motiv de suspiciune de frauda, spalare
de bani, finantare terorism, incalcare Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA sau

g) Banca a primit
informatii de la banci sau autoritati din Romania sau strainatate privind
suspectarea Clientului de frauda/ spalare de bani / finantare terorism /
incalcare Sanctiuni Internationale/SUA,

h) Utilizatorul
de card devine Persoana Desemnata sau Parte Restrictionata sau intra sub
incidenta Sanctiunilor Internationale sau sub incidenta unor embargo-uri impuse
de Uniunea Europeana, Confederatia Elvetiana, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii si
Irlandei de Nord, Statele Unite ale Americii, a altor State sau orice agentie a
acestora, indiferent daca Utilizatorul de card este vizat in mod direct sau
indirect de aceste Sanctiuni Internationale sau embargo-uri,

i) in cazul in
care Utilizatorul de card a furnizat Bancii informatii si/sau documente false
ori refuza furnizarea catre Banca a informatiilor si/sau documentelor
solicitate, inclusiv in baza art. 3.1.4 si 4.3.7 si/sau acordurilor necesare
indeplinirii de catre Banca a obligatiilor contractuale si/ ori legale
(inclusiv in scopul aplicarii cerintelor FATCA si/sau CRS);

(2) In
cazurile prevazute la alineatul precedent Banca va notifica Clientului masura
luata, in cel mult 3 zile lucratoare de la luarea acestei decizii, conform
regulilor de la sectiunea 8.2. ”Notificari”.

(3) In cazul in
care exista tranzactii efectuate cu Cardul aflate in decontare, Banca poate
bloca la tranzactionare instrumentul de plata, pana la decontarea tuturor
tranzactiilor si rezilierea Cardului.

5.10.8 Utilizatorul principal de card sau mandatarul/succesorii
legali ai acestuia au obligatia ca la incetarea contractului sa acopere
integral eventualele sume datorate. Orice debit neacoperit de Utilizatorul
principal de card generat de utilizarea Cardului trebuie restituit de acesta
Bancii. In cazul incetarii acestora, Clientul este obligat la plata taxelor si
comisioanelor aferente Operatiunilor efectuate pâna la data incetarii.

5.10.9 Rezilierea contractului la initiativa Bancii nu va
afecta in nici un fel dreptul Bancii in ceea ce priveste recuperarea sumelor
datorate de catre Utilizatorul principal de card ca efect al actiunilor
intreprinse sau neintreprinse de acesta anterior datei rezilierii.







Serviciul telefonic Call Center al Bancii permite accesarea serviciilor
speciale mentionate in prezenta sectiune prin intermediul telefonului cu
ajutorul telebankerului sau prin intermediul aplicatiei automate interactive de
suport (operatorul virtual). Serviciul Call Center este disponibil in limba
romana si limba engleza, cu exceptia serviciilor accesate prin interactiunea cu
operatorul virtual, care sunt disponibile doar in limba romana.

6.2 Accesarea
Serviciului telefonic Call Center prin intermediul aplicatiei automate
interactive de suport (operatorul virtual) nu este disponibila clientilor care nu detin cetatenie romana si apeleaza serviciul de Call
Center de pe un alt numar de telefon decat cel declarat in relatia cu banca,
precum si Utilizatorilor de card de credit Signature, Infinite, World si World Elite,
indiferent de cetatenie/resedinta.

6.3 (1)
Utilizatorul isi va dovedi identitatea de fiecare data cand foloseste Serviciul
Call Center, cu ajutorul Parolei de securitate in relatia cu Banca.

Clientii care detin serviciul Raiffeisen Direct TOP se identifica prin
aplicarea Autentificarii strice a Clientului in conditiile prevazute in
Contractul specific.

6.4 Serviciile speciale ce pot fi accesate prin intermediul
telebankerului sunt urmatoarele:

Semnalarea pierderii/furtului Cardului sau a altor situatii de urgenta;

Blocarea accesului la Cont prin Cardul semnalat ca pierdut/furat si reemiterea
Cardului si a codului PIN aferent;

Deblocarea accesului la contul de credit card prin cardul de credit, in cazul
in care blocarea a fost instituita la initiativa Bancii, precum si deblocarea
accesului la Cont prin cardul de debit, cu conditia ca blocarea accesului sa se
fi solicitat in aceeasi zi tot prin Serviciul Call Center, precum si ca
Utilizatorul de card sa fi fost in posesia Cardului in intervalul dintre cele
doua solicitari, conform declaratiei acestuia; in cazul in care aceste conditii
nu sunt indeplinite si Utilizatorul solicita deblocarea, Banca va proceda la
inlocuirea Cardului;

Interogarea soldului Contului la care este atasat cardul de debit, respectiv a
disponibilului din Limita de card de credit, a istoricului tranzactiilor
aferente cardului, precum si a statusului Cardului; Utilizatorul suplimentar
poate solicita informatii exclusiv cu privire la tranzactiile efectuate cu
cardul suplimentar al carui titular este;

e) Modificarea temporara a limitei zilnice:

·  retragere
numerar la ATM/MFM prin Card, pentru perioada indicata de Utilizatorul
principal (atat pentru Card de debit cat si pentru card de credit). Modificarea
temporara a limitei pentru Cardul de debit se poate solicita doar o data pe
trimestru (o singura data in cadrul fiecaruia dintre urmatoarele intervale: 1
ianuarie – 31 martie, 1 aprilie – 30 iunie, 1 iulie – 30 septembrie, 1
octombrie – 31 decembrie). Limita de retragere numerar aferenta fiecarui tip de
Card, precum si mai multe informatii privind modificarea temporara a limitei la
solicitarea Clientului, termenul de valabilitate a acesteia etc. pot fi gasite
accesand site-ul - sectiunea „In sprijinul tau”;

·  tranzactionare prin Card la
punctele de vanzare (“EPOS”) si in cadrul comertului electronic (e-commerce).


Furnizare de informatii catre Utilizatorul principal de card despre statusul
cererii de acordare descoperit de cont/limita de credit, dupa caz, parametrii
limitei de descoperit de cont/limitei de credit acordate de Banca in Contul
curent/de card la care este atasat Cardul;

Modificarea informatiilor privind Cardul de credit: activarea Cardului de
credit; adaugarea/modificarea/renuntarea la serviciul de debitare directa;
modificarea datei de emitere a Raportului de activitate; modificarea parolei
Cardului; solicitarea unui document care contine informatii din Raportul de
activitate; inregistrarea refuzului de majorare a limitei de credit; setare
initiala si modificarea parametrilor aferenti facilitatilor de plata in rate a
sumelor utilizate din limita de credit, conform Contractului specific;

Blocarea Cardului de credit suplimentar sau modificarea limitei de acces a
Cardului suplimentar;

Renuntarea la serviciile de asigurare optionale atasate Cardului de credit.

Obtinerea suportului Bancii privind inregistrarea/blocarea/stergerea Cardurilor
in Portofelul electronic.

Obtinerea suportului Bancii privind accesarea si utilizarea serviciilor
Raiffeisen Online si Smart Mobile.

Serviciul prevazut la punctul e)
este disponibil prin intermediul telebankerului pentru clientii care nu detin
aplicatia Smart Mobile sau pentru
solicitari ce exced limitele de tranzactionare prin Card oferite prin aplicatia
Smart Mobile.

Serviciile speciale ce pot fi accesate prin intermediul operatorului virtual
sunt urmatoarele:

Blocarea accesului la Cont prin Cardul semnalat ca pierdut/furat si reemiterea
Cardului si a codului PIN aferent; acest serviciu este disponibil pentru
Utilizatorul principal si suplimentar de Card de debit si exclusiv pentru
Utilizatorul principal de card de credit;

Interogarea soldului Contului la care este atasat cardul de debit, pentru
Utilizatorul principal si suplimentar, respectiv a disponibilului din limita de
card de credit, exclusiv pentru Utilizatorul principal de card de credit;

Obtinerea unui miniextras (serviciu disponibil doar pentru Utilizatorii
principali de card de debit/credit), continand informatii referitoare la
operatiunile debitoare sau creditoare (in functie de solicitarea formulata in
mod expres de Utilizatorul principal de card in modulul operatorului virtual)
efectuate in legatura cu Contul la care este atasat Cardul de debit/credit,
respectiv ultimele cinci debitari, ultimele cinci creditari sau ultimele cinci
tranzactii decontate pentru Utilizatorul principal de card de debit si ultimele
cinci tranzactii, debitoare sau creditoare, efectuate dupa emiterea celui mai
recent Raport de activitate pentru Utilizatorul principal de card de credit (in
cazul Tranzactiilor prin card aferente Cardului de credit, vor fi mentionate
doar tranzactiile decontate);

Activarea Cardului de credit pentru Utilizatorul principal;

Obtinerea de informatii despre cel mai recent Raport de activitate emis pentru
Cardul de credit: data scadenta, suma minima de plata, datoria totala, exclusiv
pentru Utilizatorul principal;

Solicitarea deblocarii accesului la Serviciile Raiffeisen Online si/sau
Raiffeisen Smart Mobile pentru Utilizatorii principali de card care detin
astfel de servicii, in masura in care este disponibila o astfel de
functionalitate a respectivului serviciu.





Definirea termenilor utilizati

Beneficiar al
platii - destinatar preconizat al fondurilor unei operatiuni de
plata prin debitare directa; persoana juridica, furnizor de bunuri si/sau
servicii, care a incheiat cu institutia la care are deschis contul un
angajament privind debitarea directa si care detine creante asupra platitorului
sau persoanei in numele careia se face plata (tertului abonat);

Platitor -
titular al unui cont de plati care este de acord cu realizarea unei plati prin
debitare directa; acesta a incheiat un mandat de debitare directa cu institutia

persoana in
numele careia se face plata (tert abonat) - client al
beneficiarului, pentru care platitorul accepta sa faca plati catre beneficiar
din contul sau de plati;

beneficiarului - institutia la care beneficiarul are deschis contul
care urmeaza sa fie creditat sau a fost creditat cu suma prevazuta in
instructiunea de debitare directa; institutia care receptioneaza o instructiune
de debitare directa de la beneficiar, in scopul executarii acestei

platitorului - institutia la care platitorul are deschis contul de
plati care urmeaza a fi debitat cu suma prevazuta in instructiunea de debitare

institutia platitorului si
institutia beneficiarului pot fi una si aceeasi banca in cazul in care
platitorul si beneficiarul au cont deschis la aceeasi banca;

privind debitarea directa - acordul incheiat intre beneficiar si institutia
beneficiarului, care cuprinde responsabilitatile beneficiarului, precum si
acceptul institutiei beneficiarului referitor la utilizarea de catre beneficiar
a instructiunilor de debitare directa;

Mandat de
debitare directa ( denumit in continuare si „Mandat”) - acord de
vointa, semnat sau a carui autenticitate a fost verificata prin aplicarea unei
proceduri de securitate prin care platitorul acorda o autorizare unui
beneficiar pentru a emite instructiuni de debitare directa asupra contului sau
si institutiei platitoare pentru a–i debita contul cu suma si la scadenta
prevazuta in instructiunile de debitare directa emise de beneficiar; Fiecare
mandat va fi evidentiat in sistemul bancii platitorului si al beneficiarului cu
un identificator distinct, mentionat pe mandat. Mandatul poate fi dat pe o
perioada determinata sau nedeterminata, cu posibilitatea revocarii ulterioare;
de asemenea, poate acoperi o singura plata sau mai multe plati de valori fixe sau

de debitare directa - instructiune de plata initiata de un beneficiar asupra
contului unui platitor deschis la institutia platitorului, conform unui mandat
privind debitarea directa; operatiunile de plata se executa prin debitarea
automata a contului platitor si creditarea contului beneficiarului cu
contravaloarea creantelor pe care beneficiarul le detine asupra platitorului
sau Persoanei in numele careia se face plata ( tertului abonat);

data platii -
data scadentei comunicata platitorului/ persoanei in numele careia se face
plata (tertului abonat) si institutiei platitorului de catre beneficiar, sau,
dupa caz, ziua lucratoare urmatoare datei scadentei, in cazul in care data
scadentei este o zi nelucratoare, data la care se efectueaza debitarea contului
platitorului cu contravaloarea operatiunii de plata initiata de Beneficiar si a
comisionului aferent; La aceasta data Platitorul trebuie sa asigure in cont
suma de bani necesara efectuarii platii si achitarii comisionului aferent;

Limita maxima -
suma maxima a contravalorii unei facturi la care se poate astepta in mod
rezonabil Platitorul, luand in calcul profilul cheltuielilor anterioare si
conditiile din contractul incheiat cu Beneficiar. Se regaseste mentionata in
mandatul de debitare directa dat de platitor.

Cont –
contul de plati indicat de Platitor in cuprinsul Mandatului de debitare directa
din care se vor efectua platile catre Beneficiar;

persoana care incaseaza
(beneficiarul final) – entitate in favoarea careia se va efectua plata, prin
intermediul beneficiarului.

Data primei
colectari - data de la care beneficiarul este indreptatit sa
initieze instructiuni de debitare directa a contului Platitorului;

Data ultimei colectari - data
pana la care beneficiarul este indreptatit sa initieze instructiuni de debitare
directa a contului Platitorului.

singulara – transfer de fonduri efectuat din contul Platitorului
in contul beneficiarului, in baza mandatului de debitare directa, care se
executa o singura data;

recurenta - transfer de fonduri efectuat din contul Platitorului
in contul beneficiarului, in baza mandatului de debitare directa, care se
executa in mod repetat, pe perioada de valabilitate a mandatului.

In cadrul Serviciului Debitare
Directa reglementat in prezenta sectiune Banca are calitatea de Institutia
Platitorului. Serviciul Debitare Directa este oferit tuturor clientilor Bancii,
in baza dispozitiilor din prezenta sectiune, acesta devenind activ la emiterea
a cel putin unui Mandat de debitare directa.


7.1 Emiterea Mandatului de debitare directa

In cazul in Clientul opteaza
pentru utilizarea Serviciului Debitare Directa trebuie sa emita cel putin un
Mandat de debitare directa in una din urmatoarele variante:

a) prin
semnarea formularului specific in agentiile Bancii;

b) prin
semnarea formularului specific la sediul Beneficiarului – exclusiv in ipoteza
in care Beneficiarul ofera aceasta optiune;

c) prin
accesarea acestei optiuni in cadrul Serviciului Raiffeisen Online/ Smart
Mobile ;

d) prin
solicitarea activarii acestui mandat in cadrul Serviciului Raiffeisen Direct

In cadrul Serviciului Debitare
Directa Clientul Platitor poate emite un numar nelimitat de Mandate de debitare


7.2. Activarea Mandatului de debitare directa

7.2.1 In
ipotezele prevazute la pct .7.1. lit. a), c) si d) Mandatul de debitare directa
este activat in termen de o zi lucratoare. Institutia platitorului se angajeaza
sa informeze Beneficiarul cu privire la mandatul incheiat de Platitor, direct
sau prin intermediul Institutiei Beneficiarului.

7.2.2 In
ipoteza prevazuta la pct.7.1. lit. b) Beneficiarul va remite mandatul
Institutiei Platitorului, pentru verificare. In cazul in care, in urma
verificarii, Institutia Platitorului constata ca acesta nu respecta conditiile
minime de valididate (nu are toate campurile obligatorii completate, contul
IBAN al platitorului nu este corect, neconcordanta intre datele inscrise pe
mandat si cele aflate in evidentele bancii, declarate anterior de platitor,
specimenul de semnatura nu corespunde), aceasta va respinge mandatul. In cazul
respingerii mandatului, Institutia Platitorului va informa Beneficiarul cu
privire la neactivarea mandatului. Un Mandat este considera activ si produce
efecte din momentul in care este confirmat de catre Institutia Platitorului. Institutia
platitorului se angajeaza sa valideze mandatul incheiat de Platitor la sediul
Beneficiarului sau sa refuze activarea in termen maxim de 5 zile lucratoare de
la data primirii lui de la Beneficiar/Institutia Beneficiarului.

7.2.3 In
vederea activarii Mandatului emis conform 7.1. lit. b), in cazul in care Banca
decide efectuarea demersurilor de clarificare/completare a mandatului pe cale
telefonica, Platitorul isi exprima acordul ca, in cazul in care nu sunt
completate toate campurile din cuprinsul formularului de mandat sau exista
neconcordante intre informatiile completate si cele existente in baza de date a
Bancii, sa fie contactat telefonic de catre un angajat al bancii la numarul de
telefon indicat Bancii in cuprinsul formularelor specifice, in vederea
clarificarii informatiilor. Pentru identificare la telefon Platitorului ii va
fi solicitata Parola de securitate in relatia cu Banca. Identitatea
Platitorului va fi considerata dovedita dupa ce acesta va furniza, la solicitarea
angjatului Bancii, elementele de identificare mentionate anterior. Platitorul
isi asuma raspunderea asupra corectitudinii informatiilor furnizate in cadrul
convorbirii telefonice cu angajatul Bancii. In mod expres si in toate cazurile,
Platitorul accepta ca pentru securitatea informatiilor comunicate Banca are
dreptul sa inregistreze toate convorbirile telefonice dintre Platitor si Banca
si recunoaste forta probanta a inregistrarii apelurilor prin care ii sunt
solicitate de catre Banca si comunica informatiile referitoare la Mandat; de
asemenea, accepta ca efectuarea demersurilor mentionate in prezentul articol,
in vederea activarii Mandatului, reprezinta o optiune a Bancii, nu o obligatie
a acesteia,


7.3 Executarea Mandatului de debitare directa

7.3.1 Prin
emiterea Mandatului de debitare directa, Platitorul isi exprima consimtamantul
si mandateaza Institutia Platitorului ca in baza instructiunilor sale scrise,
cuprinse in mandat, sa efectueze prin debitarea Contului plata automata a
sumelor solicitate de catre Beneficiar, corespunzator facturilor emise periodic
de catre acesta pe numele Platitorului sau al persoanei in numele careia se
face plata (Tertului abonat).

7.3.2 Banca
nu va opera plata niciunei facturi ce depaseste Limita maxima completata de
Platitor in mandat.

7.3.3 In
vederea executarii mandatului, Platitorul se obliga sa asigure in Cont, in Data
platii, suma necesara efectuarii platii si acoperirii comisionului care decurge
din prestarea acestui serviciu.

7.3.4 De
asemenea, plata se va efectua doar in conditiile in care Contul Platitorului nu
este blocat ca urmare a unei masuri de indisponibilizare luata de Banca sau
dispusa de un organ avand asemenea competente/atributii. Nu vor fi efectuate
plati partiale.

7.3.5 In
cazul in care, la Data platii, disponibilul din Contul Platitorului nu acopera
integral contravaloarea facturilor, inclusiv comisioanele aferente prestarii
serviciului, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a nu efectua plata. In cazul in care
Banca decide, conform normelor sale interne, efectuarea unei plati cerute de
catre Beneficiar care depaseste limita disponibilului existent in Cont, se vor
aplica prevederile sectiunii 3.4 din prezentul document (descoperit de cont
neautorizat/overdraft neautorizat). In cazul in care Platitorul nu doreste sa
benefizieze de aceasta facilitate, trebuie sa indice Bancii, in scris, in orice
unitate bancara sau telefonic, prin intermediul Serviciului Call Center (in
ipoteza in care detine si calitatea de Utilizator de card), refuzul sau de a se
efectua plati in baza oricarui Mandat peste limita disponibilului din Cont.

Cererile de plata vor fi procesate de Institutia platitoare in ordinea
scadentelor indicate de Beneficiar, pana la utilizarea disponibilului din cont.

Mandatul acordat de catre Platitor va fi executat de catre Banca incepand cu
prima factura care va fi remisa de Beneficiar la plata dupa data la care
Platitorul solicita inceperea derularii serviciului.


7.4 Costuri aplicabile Serviciului de Debitare Directa

Pentru fiecare plata executata pe
Contul Platitorului la cererea Beneficiarului, Banca va percepe Platitorului
cate un comision a carui valoare este stabilita in Lista de taxe si comisioane
aplicabile contului curent. Platitorul autorizeaza Banca sa retina automat
acest comision din contul sau, odata cu plata facturii. Banca poate excepta
Platitorul de la plata comisionului sau poate percepe un nivel diminuat al
acestuia in cazul in care au fost agreate cu Beneficiarii reduceri de costuri
pentru Platitori, pe perioada de valabilitate a conventiilor ce stipuleaza
aceste reduceri, incheiate intre Beneficiari si Banca sau daca au fost agreate
reduceri de costuri intre Banca si Platitor, in baza unor alte contracte
incheiate intre acestia, pe perioada de valabilitate a acestor contracte.


7.5 Modificarea Mandatului

Platitorul poate modifica unilateral Mandatul de debitare directa, in ceea ce
priveste Contul din care fac platile, Suma fixa / Limita maxima,
identificatorii pentru titularul de factura, prin completarea si depunerea
formularului de modificare mandat la orice unitate a Bancii sau a
Beneficiarului (doar in cazul in care beneficiarul ofera aceasta optiune), sau
prin solicitarea modificarii prin serviciul Raiffeisen Direct TOP sau prin
serviciul Raiffeisen Online/Raiffeisen Smart Mobile, daca Platitorul are active
oricare din aceste servicii. In cazul in care Platitorul doreste sa indice un
alt cont de plata, noul cont trebuie sa fie deschis la Raiffeisen Bank.

Modificarile aduse Mandatelor de debitare directa, comunicate direct
Institutiei platitorului ( daca modificarea a fost solicitata in agentiile
Bancii, prin serviciul Raiffeisen Direct TOP sau Raiffeisen Online/Raiffeisen
Smart Mobile), sunt opozabile acesteia in termen de o zi lucratoare. In cazul
in care modificarea este solicitata la sediul Beneficiarului, Beneficiarul va
remite formularul de modificare Institutiei Platitorului, pentru verificare. In
cazul in care, in urma verificarii, Institutia Platitorului constata ca acesta
nu respecta conditiile minime de valididate (nu are toate campurile obligatorii
completate, contul IBAN al platitorului nu este corect, neconcordanta intre
datele inscrise pe cerere si cele aflate in evidentele bancii, declarate
anterior de platitor, specimenul de semnatura nu corespunde), aceasta nu va
opera modificarea Mandatului. In cazul respingerii formularului de modificare,
Institutia Platitorului va informa Beneficiarul cu privire la acest lucru.
Institutia platitorului se angajeaza sa valideze formularul de modificare depus
de Platitor la sediul Beneficiarului sau sa refuze implementarea acestuia in
termen maxim de 5 zile lucratoare de la data primirii lui de la
Beneficiar/Institutia Beneficiarului, pana atunci Institutia Platitorului
utilizand exclusiv instructiunile initiale.

Institutia Platitorului nu va fi
tinuta raspunzatoare pentru niciun fel de prejudicii suferite de Platitor/Tert
abonat si/sau Beneficiar, datorita neanuntarii modificarii instructiunilor de
plata initiale date de Platitor Bancii.

Mandatul/Mandatele acordat/e raman/e valabil/e in cazul in care din motive de
ordin tehnic Beneficiarul realizeaza o modificare a codului de abonat atribuit
initial, notificand aceasta modificare Bancii si Platitorului/tertului abonat.


7.6 Refuzul de plata si dreptul de rambursare

Platitorul poate solicita Institutiei Platitorului sa refuze urmatoarea
instructiune de debitare directa primita de la Beneficiar, prin completarea
unui formular de refuz, in orice agentie a bancii, prin Serviciul Raiffeisen
Direct TOP sau Raiffeisen Online/Raiffeisen Smart Mobile. Cererea trebuie
depusa cel tarziu cu o zi lucratoare inainte de data scadenta a instructiunii
de debitare. 

Platitorul are dreptul sa solicite, in maxim 8 saptamani de la data debitarii
contului sau de catre Banca in temeiul Mandatelor, prin depunerea unei cereri
scrise la orice unitate a Bancii, restituirea sumei platita la ordinul
Beneficiarului, inclusiv a comisionului perceput aferent operatiunii, daca
valoarea operatiunii de plata depaseste suma la care s-ar fi asteptat in mod
rezonabil luand in calcul profilul cheltuielilor sale anterioare si
circumstantele relevante pentru cazul respectiv (Limita maxima indicata in

Platitorul are dreptul sa solicite, in maxim 13 luni de la data debitarii
Contului sau de catre Banca, prin depunerea unei cereri scrise la orice unitate
a Bancii, restituirea sumei platita, inclusiv a comisionului aferent, in cazul
in care nu a existat un mandat dat in acest sens.

Platitorul nu va avea dreptul la nicio rambursare in cazul in care:

platitorul si-a exprimat consimtamantul de a executa operatiunea de plata
direct catre Banca;

b) daca
este cazul, informatiile privind operatiunile de plata viitoare au fost
transmise sau au fost puse la dispozitia platitorului, in forma convenita, cu
cel putin 4 (patru) saptamani inainte de data scadentei, de catre Banca sau de
catre Beneficiarul platii.


7.7 Durata si incetarea Mandatului de debitare directa

Mandatul de debit direct se încheie pe perioada nedeterminata sau determinata.
Mandatul inceteaza in una din urmatoarele situatii, Platitorul fiind obligat la
plata comisionanelor aferente operatiunilor efectuate pana la data incetarii:

a) prin
acordul partilor, exprimat in scris;

b) prin
denuntare unilaterala de catre una din parti;

c) in
cazul decesului Platitorului;

d) prin
reziliere, in cazul in care una din parti nu-si executa obligatiile
contractuale sau le executa in mod necorespunzator. Rezilierea opereaza de plin
drept, fara somatie, punere in intarziere si fara interventia instantelor
judecatoresti. Partea care dispune masura rezilierii va notifica cealalta parte
despre masura dispusa in aceeasi zi in care masura a fost luata;

e) in
caz de forta majora conform articolului 7.10;

f) prin
retragerea produsului de catre Banca, cu un preaviz de minim doua luni de zile;

g) la
expirarea perioadei de valabilitate indicata in Mandat;

h) in
cazul in care timp de 36 luni consecutive nu a fost efectuata nicio plata prin
intermediul Serviciului Debitare Directa ca urmare a faptului ca Beneficiarul
nu a transmis Bancii in aceasta perioada nicio instructiune de plata sau ca la
Data platii disponibilul existent in contul platitor nu a permis executarea de
catre Banca a instructiunii de plata transmisa de Beneficiar;

i) in
orice alte cazuri prevazute de lege;

j) in
cazul incetarii din orice motiv a contractului aferent Mandatului incheiat
intre Platitor/persoana in numele careia se dispune plata (tert abonat) si

k) in
situatia in care Platitorul solicita inchiderea Contului aferent Mandatului sau
daca acesta este inchis sau blocat din alte motive, fara ca Platitorul sa
indice Bancii un alt cont din care se vor face plati catre Beneficiar.

Platitorul este obligat sa anunte in scris Banca, la orice unitate a acesteia
sau prin serviciul Raiffeisen Direct TOP, daca este client si al acestui
serviciu, in legatura cu incetarea raportului juridic dintre el sau persoana in
numele careia se face plata (tertul abonat) si Beneficiar. Banca nu va fi
tinuta raspunzatoare pentru nici un fel de prejudicii suferite de Platitor
si/sau Beneficiar, datorate neanuntarii acestui fapt.


7.8 Denuntarea unilaterala a Mandatului

Platitorul va putea solicita Bancii incetarea prestarii serviciului de plata,
pentru oricare din Mandatele date Bancii (pentru el sau Tertul abonat, dupa
caz) printr-o cerere scrisa, depusa si inregistrata la orice unitate a Bancii
sau a Beneficiarului, prin serviciul Raiffeisen Direct TOP, daca este client si
al acestui serviciu sau prin serviciul Raiffeisen Online/Raiffesen Smart
Mobile. Cererile de denuntare depuse la sediul Beneficiarului devine opozabila
Institutiei Platitorului in termen de 5 zile lucratoare de la data primirii
formularului de denuntare de la Beneficiar/Institutia Beneficiarului, pana la
expirarea acestui termen Banca va considera Mandatele ca fiind active si le va
executa, in cazul unei astfel de solicitari de la Beneficiar,

Platitorul are obligatia de plata a tarifelor si comisionanelor aferente
operatiunilor efectuate pana la data denuntarii.

7.8.3 Banca
poate denunta unilateral mandatul de debitare directa cu un preaviz de minim
doua luni de zile.


7.9 Dispozitii referitoare la relatia dintre Beneficiar si

Platitorul autorizeaza Banca sa notifice Beneficiarul /Instituatia
beneficiarului despre Mandatul pe care i l-a acordat, precum si despre orice
cerere de modificare sau reziliere a mandatul si sa comunice Beneficiarului
orice informatii necesare in legatura cu executarea Mandatului si sa transmita
catre acestia, direct/via Transfond ( dupa caz), informatii cu caracter
personal care pot fi continute in Mandat. Platitorul declara ca este autorizat
de catre tertul abonat sa transmita datele cu caracter persoanal ale acestuia
in scopul prelucrarii.

7.9.2. Banca
nu va putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare pentru prejudiciile cauzate de catre
Beneficiar Platitorului sau persoanei in numele careia se face plata (Tertului
abonat). Orice neîntelegeri referitoare la suma inscrisa de beneficiarul platii
(Beneficiarul) in instructiunile de plata comunicate Bancii si executate de
Banca in temeiul Mandatelor, cuantumul facturilor, la necomunicarea sau
comunicarea defectuoasa de catre Beneficiar catre Banca a cuantumului si/sau
scadentei facturilor, la concordanta între sumele prevazute în facturi si
sumele solicitate la plata de catre Beneficiar, la sumele debitate sau la
sumele refuzate la plata din lipsa de disponibil sau la cererea expresa a
Platitorului, urmeaza sa fie rezolvate conform prevederilor contractului
încheiat între Platitor/Tert abonat cu Beneficiarul.


7.10 Forta majora

Forta majora exonereaza de
raspundere partea care o invoca, în conditiile legii, dupa înstiintarea
celeilalte parti. Partea care invoca forta majora va înstiinta cealalta parte
în termen maxim de 5 zile de la aparitie si va transmite documentele doveditoare,
certificate de Camera de Comert si Industrie a României conform legii, în
termen de 15 zile. În aceleasi conditii se va comunica si încetarea cazului de
forta majora.


7.11 Dispozitii finale

7.11.1 In
cazul in care mandatul de debitare directa este emis prin intermendiul
serviciului Raiffeisen Online acestuia i se vor aplica cu prioritate
prevederile din contractul Raiffeisen Online.

Modificarile termenilor si conditiilor Serviciului Debitare Directa se
efectueaza pe baza acordului partilor expres sau tacit. Banca are obligatia de
a notifica Platitorul cu privire la modificarea clauzelor contractuale cu cel
putin doua luni inainte de data propusa pentru aplicarea acesteia. Platitorul
are obligatia de a comunica in scris optiunea de acceptare sau neacceptare a
noilor conditii in termenul de doua luni mentionat anterior. In cazul in care
pana la data propusa pentru aplicare Platitorul nu notifica bancii, in scris,
la oricare dintre unitatile teritoriale ale Bancii, neacceptarea modificarilor,
Partile convin ca tacerea Platitorului valoreaza acceptare tacita a
modificarile respective. In cazul in care Platitorul notifica banca ca nu
accepta modificarile propuse de Banca, inainte de data propusa pentru aplicarea
modificarilor, Platitorul are dreptul de a denunta unilateral contractul,
imediat si gratuit, in conditiile prevazute la art. 7.8.

7.11.3 Orice
solicitare a Platitorului catre Banca, in legatura cu activarea, executarea,
modificarea sau incetarea Mandatului de debitare directa, depusa in scris,
trebuie sa respecte formularele standard puse la dispozitie de catre Banca
si/sau Beneficiar, in caz contrar, aceasta nu va fi opozabila Bancii.

7.11.4. Orice
diferend aparut între Banca si Platitor în legatura cu încheierea si executarea
prezentului Contract va fi solutionata pe cale amiabila sau, in cazul in care
acest lucru nu este posibil, de catre instantele judecatoresti competente,
conform legislatiei romane în vigoare. In vederea solutionarii pe cale amiabila
a eventualelor diferende( inclusiv a adiferendelor privind dreptul la
rambursare prevazut la art. 7.6. Platitorul poate sesiza in conditiile legii
Autoritatea Nationala pentru Protectia Consumatorului si/sau Banca Nationala a
Romaniei, in vederea aplicarii procedurilor extrajudiciare de solutionare a






8.1. Incheierea si modificarea
Contractelor specifice si a CGB

Consimtamantul Clientului pentru incheierea unui Contract specific se va putea
exprima, dupa caz:

a) prin
semnatura olografa/Semnatura electronica calificata (QES), in conditiile
agreate de parti;

telefonic in cadrul apelurilor inregistrate, efectuate prin Serviciul Call
Center sau in alta modalitate agreata ce implica o convorbire telefonica, in
masura in care Banca ofera Clientului aceste modalitati de incheiere a contractelor

c) in
cadrul aplicatiilor electronice cu acces la distanta oferite de Banca,cum ar fi
dar fara a se limita la aplicatiile de internet-banking/ mobile-banking, prin
utilizarea seturilor de reguli de identificare si autorizare specifice fiecarei
aplicatii in parte, prevazute in Contractele specifice/termenii si conditiile
aferente aplicatiilor;

d) orice alta modalitate agreata
de Banca cu Clientul in Contractul specific.

8.1.2. (1)
Consimtamantul pentru incheirea prezentelor CGB este exprimat doar prin
utilizarea de catre toate Partile a aceleiasi modalitati de semnare, respectiv:

semnarea olografa a documentului in prezenta unui reprezentant al Bancii;

aplicarea pe documentul in format electronic a unei Semnaturi electronice

Semnarea CGB in format electronic, cu Semnatura electronica calificata se poate
efectua numai prin canalele de comunicare agreate de Banca si se considera
incheiat la sediul Bancii.

Modificarile aduse Contractelor specifice si CGB sunt comunicate Clientului
conform sectiunii ”Notificari” sau prin mijloacele de comunicare specifice
fiecarui serviciu/produs bancar conform Contractului specific.

8.1.4. Banca
si Clientul convin ca orice modificare propusa de Banca cu privire la clauzele
din CGB si/sau din Contractele specifice sa fie notificata Clientului cu cel
putin doua luni inainte de data propusa pentru aplicarea acesteia.

8.1.5. In
cazul in care, pâna la data propusa pentru aplicarea modificarilor, Clientul nu
notifica Bancii in scris neacceptarea modificarilor, la oricare dintre
unitatile teritoriale ale Bancii sau in modalitatile prevazute in Contractele
specifice, Banca si Clientul convin ca tacerea Clientului valoreaza acceptare
tacita a modificarilor respective, daca prevederile legale in vigoare incidente
nu reglementeaza contrariul.

Continuarea raporturilor contractuale dintre Banca si Client nu este posibila
in lipsa unui acord al Clientului, tacit sau expres, cu privire la modificarile
contractuale notificate de Banca.

8.1.7. Banca
va aplica in mod automat dispozitiile legale specifice cu caracter imperativ in
legatura cu serviciile/produsele bancare, inclusiv pentru produsele de
creditare, in masura in care acestea difera de cele stabilite in Contractele
specifice, fara sa mai fie necesara modificarea prezentelor CGB.


8.2. Notificari

8.2.1. Orice
solicitari, notificari, aprobari, comunicari (”Notificarea”) decurgând din
prezentele CGB si/sau din Contractele specifice incheiate intre Banca si Client
se va face de catre Banca in scris, Notificarea putând fi remisa personal
si/sau transmisa prin posta si/sau prin fax si/sau prin e-mail si/sau prin SMS
mesaj text, la adresa (postala si/sau de e-mail), respectiv la numerele de
contact (fax sau telefon mobil), asa cum sunt acestea indicate de catre Client
prin intermediul canalelor de comunicare puse de Banca la dispozitia Clientului
in acest scop sau prin mesaj postat in cadrul aplicatiei Raiffeisen Online sau
Smart Mobile, pentru detinatorii acestor servicii sau prin publicare in pagina
de internet a Bancii cu acces personalizat (de exemplu, Serviciul Extras

Notificarea sau orice alta comunicare este considerata primita de catre Client,
(i) in cazul remiterii personale la predare, (ii) in cazul
transmiterii prin fax/e-mail/SMS - la data generarii de catre aparatul utilizat
pentru transmitere, a raportului de transmisiune (iii) in cazul
trimiterii postale – in termen de 3 zile lucratoare pentru trimiterile pe
teritoriul României, respectiv in termenul garantat de prestatorii serviciilor
de posta si curierat pentru trimiterile in strainatate si (iv) in cazul
transmiterii mesajului in cadrul aplicatiei Raiffeisen Online sau Smart Mobile,
pentru detinatorii acestor servicii sau prin publicare in pagina de internet a
Bancii cu acces personalizat (de exemplu Serviciul Extras Electronic) - la data
postarii mesajului in aplicatia Raiffeisen Online/Smart Mobile sau la datat
publicarii in pagina de internet a Bancii cu acces personalizat - Serviciul
Extras Electronic

8.2.3. Orice
Notificare scrisa este considerata ca valabil expediata de catre Banca prin
circuitul postei, dupa caz prin fax/e-mail/SMS, daca a fost expediata la ultima
adresa postala si/sau de e-mail, respectiv la ultimele numere de contact de fax
sau de telefon mobil comunicate Bancii de catre Client.

8.2.4. Banca
utilizeaza in relatia cu Clientii sai o singura adresa postala pentru
expedierea oricarei corespondente (adresa de domiciliu a Clientului sau adresa
de corespondenta indicata de Client), in legatura cu toate produsele/serviciile
contractate de acestia (cu exceptia extrasului lunar de Cont curent, in cazul
in care Clientul a solicitat comunicarea acestuia la o adresa diferita). Banca
va transmite corespondenta la ultima adresa postala indicata de Client. Banca
isi rezerva un termen de maxim 30 de zile calendaristice pentru operarea unei
eventuale modificari a adresei postale.

8.2.5. Orice
Notificare sau alta comunicare primita de Banca intr-o zi dupa ora 16.00 a unei
zile lucratoare, va fi considerata primita in ziua lucratoare urmatoare.
Exceptie de la aceasta fac operatiunile si documentele privind serviciile de
plata carora le sunt aplicabile Orele limita;

8.2.6 (1)
Clientul si Banca convin ca raspunsurile la plangerile/reclamatiile referitoare
la serviciile de plati sa fie transmise de Banca prin una din modalitatile de
comunicare prevazute la art. 8.2.1 de mai sus, in conformitate cu termenele si
conditiile  prevazute de legislatia privind serviciile de plati.

Raspunsurile la la plangerile/reclamatiile, altele decat cele referitoare la
serviciile de plati, vor fi transmise Clientilor in termenle si conditiile
prevazute de legile speciale sau intr-un termen rezonabil daca legea nu impune
un anume termen de raspuns.


8.3. Legea aplicabila. Litigii. Limba contractului

Relatiile dintre Banca si Client sunt guvernate de legislatia româna.
Eventualele litigii se vor solutiona pe cale amiabila. Când acest lucru nu este
posibil, Clientul poate apela la mecanisme extrajudiciare de solutionarea
alternativa a litigiilor cu Banca sau se poate adresa instantelor
judecatoresti, conform normelor procedurale în vigoare.

8.3.2. In
vederea solutionarii pe cale amiabila a eventualelor dispute privind
activitatea de creditare, serviciile de plata si/sau prelucrarea datelor cu
caracter personal, Clientul poate apela la procedurile extrajudiciare de
solutionare sesizând in conditiile legii, dupa caz, Autoritatea Nationala
pentru Protectia Consumatorului (sediul in Bdul Aviatorilor nr.72, sector 1,
Bucuresti, CIF 24268010, tel. pentru relatii cu publicul 0759045333, e-mail, Banca Nationala a României
(sediul in Str.Lipscani nr. 25, sector 3, Bucuresti, cod 030031, CIF361684,
tel.021.313.04.10/021.315.27.50) sau Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a
Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal (sediul in B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe
Magheru nr 28-30, sector 1, Bucuresti, tel. 318.059.211, e-mail: In cazul in
care Clientul decide sa apeleze la solutionarea alternativa a litigiilor cu
Banca, poate depune o solicitare in acest sens la Centrul de Solutionarea
Alternativa a Litigiilor din Domeniul Bancar (CSALB), cu sediul in municipiul
Bucuresti, Str. Sevastopol 24, et 2, sector 1, cod postal 10992, Romania,
telefon 021 9414, adresa site internet sau
poate apela la procedurile de mediere reglementate de legislatia privind
medierea şi organizarea profesiei de mediator.

8.3.3. Prezentele CGB sunt
incheiate in limba româna; orice notificari sau comunicari decurgând din
prezentul contract se vor efectua in limba româna.


8.4. Garantarea depozitelor bancare

8.4.1 Banca este participantă la Fondul de garantare a
depozitelor bancare din România (”FGDBR”), prin urmare sumele de bani
apartinand Clientului deținute în conturile bancare deschise la Bancă sunt
garantate în limitele si cu exceptiile stabilite de FGDBR și în condițiile
stabilite de reglementările legale în vigoare în domeniul garantării

8.4.2 Nivelul compensatiei platite de catre Fondul de Garantare
a Depozitelor se determina prin deducerea din suma tuturor depozitelor
eligibile detinute de Clientul care are calitatea de deponent garantat la Banca
la data la care depozitele au devenit indisponibile, a valorii totale a
creantelor exigibile la aceeasi data ale Bancii asupra respectivului Client. 

8.4.3 Banca furnizeaza informațiile referitoare la garantarea
depozitelor de către FGDBR și lista depozitelor negarantate prin afisarea pe
site, la toate sediile sale, precum si prin furnizarea Formularului pentru
informatiile oferite deponentilor pe suport hartie si in mediu electronic (



8.5. Restrictii si interdictii

8.5.1 Daca
o lege interzice Clientului sa isi indeplineasca oricare din obligatiile sale
asumate fata de Banca (sau orice parte a respectivei obligatii) in valuta in
care este stabilita, sau impiedica ca orice fonduri in acea valuta sa fie
remise Bancii, Clientul isi va indeplini obligatia sau respectiva parte a
acesteia, efectuând plata catre Banca (la alegerea Bancii si in maniera
indicata de catre Banca) in acea alta valuta pe care o va indica Banca.

Clientul va plati o suma suficienta in acea alta valuta astfel incât sa permita
Bancii sa achizitioneze o suma egala cu obligatia de plata a Clientului sau
respectiva parte a acesteia, in valuta in care aceasta este stabilita,
calculata la rata spot relevanta dupa cum va determina Banca. In acest scop,
Banca va avea dreptul sa debiteze oricare din conturile Clientului, la
discretia sa, cu sumele datorate de acesta, fara a notifica in prealabil
Clientul, iar Clientul autorizeaza in mod expres Banca, prin prezenta, sa
semneze ordinele de plata, instructiunile si alte documente ce pot fi necesare
pentru ca operatiunea mentionata mai sus sa fie efectuata integral si


8.6. Remedii cumulative si nu exclusive

Fiecare dintre
drepturile/remediile/garantiile acordate Bancii in baza prezentului document
si/sau Contractelor specifice incheiate intre Banca si Client, vor putea fi
exercitate/executate de Banca in ordinea aleasa de Banca, la discretia sa
totala, indiferent de data nasterii/constituirii acestor drepturi/remedii in
favoarea sa, si vor fi aditionale tuturor celorlalte drepturi si remedii
acordate Bancii in virtutea oricarui alt acord, a oricarei alte garantii sau


8.7. Deduceri sau retineri cerute de lege

Daca o deducere sau retinere
trebuie facuta, conform legii, dintr-o plata a Clientului catre Banca, Clientul
va plati o suma mai mare, astfel incât in urma oricarei astfel de deduceri sau
retineri, Banca sa primeasca si sa beneficieze de o suma neta egala cu suma pe
care ar fi primit-o daca nu ar fi fost facuta nici o deducere sau retinere.


8.8. Cesiunea. Novatia. Transferul

Banca poate sa transfere în orice
mod (cesiune, novatie, delegatie sau orice alt mecanism de transmitere a
drepturilor si obligatiilor recunoscut de lege), în tot sau în parte, oricare
dintre drepturile si obligatiile sale ce decurg din CGB/Contractul specific.
Contractul va fi considerat ca încheiat în beneficiul si va da nastere unei
obligatii valide si executorii pentru un cumparator sau o persoana care preia
activele Bancii, un succesor al Bancii sau orice cesionar sau agent al
acestora. Clientul nu poate cesiona/nova/transfera/delega nici unei terte
persoane, în nici un moment, fara acordul scris, prealabil al Bancii,
drepturile si obligatiile sale nascute din prezentul Contract.


8.9. Riscul transmiterilor

Daca Banca, la cererea
Clientului, transmite, sume de bani, titluri de valoare/efecte de
comert/documente de livrare marfa ale acestuia catre un anumit destinatar,
utilizând in acest scop terte parti ca intermediari, transmiterea se face pe
riscul Clientului. Orice pierdere rezultata in urma folosirii in acest scop de
catre Banca a serviciilor postale, telefonice, de telex, fax, e-mail, SWIFT, de
curierat sau a altor mijloace de comunicare sau transport, va fi suportata de
catre Client cu exonerarea Bancii de orice raspundere in acest sens.


8.10. Alte clauze finale

In orice moment al relatiei
contractuale, Clientul are dreptul sa primeasca, la cerere, pe suport hârtie
sau pe orice alt suport durabil, un exemplar al prezentelor CGB.










Subsemnatul/ta Client/a, personal sau, dupa caz, prin sau asistat de
Reprezentantul legal, ori prin Mandatar declar ca: (se va bifa dupa caz, 9.1.a
sau 9.1.b)


 Banca mi-a oferit un
exemplar al CGB, in limba româna si intr-o forma clara si ca am fost informat
despre termenul de 15 zile pe care il am la dispozitie pentru a decide daca
accept CGB cu privire la aspectele mentionate anterior. Ca urmare a faptului ca
am citit, am inteles si sunt de acord cu informatiile prealabile puse la
dispozitie de Banca, imi exprim acordul expres cu privire la reducerea
termenului de 15 zile si doresc semnarea CGB PF astazi.


 Banca mi-a oferit, cu
15 zile inainte de data semnarii de subsemnatul/ta a prezentelor CGB, un
exemplar al acestui document:

suport hârtie;


Prezentul contract (Conditii Generale de Derulare a Operatiunilor Bancare,
alcatuit din 9 Capitole cuprinse in  60  de
pagini), având urmatorul cuprins: 1. Introducere; 2. Principii
generale; 3. Conditii generale aplicabile conturilor; 4.
Dispozitii privind Operatiunile de plata; 5. Prevederi
contractuale aferente emiterii si utilizarii Cardului; 6.
Servicii speciale oferite de Banca prin intermediul serviciului telefonic Call
Center al Raiffeisen Bank; 7. Termeni si conditii pentru Serviciul
Debitare Directa 8. Dispozitii finale; 9. Declaratiile Clientului
si Semnaturile Partilor, este semnat de parti in 2 exemplare, fiind incheiat
astazi, data ___________________.

Clientul declara ca Banca i-a
comunicat un exemplar al CGB, conform solicitarii sale:

suport hârtie

e-mail, la adresa indicata de Client si inregistrata in evidentele Bancii

Serviciul Extras Electronic sau serviciile de internet banking/mobile banking,
dupa caz.

Prezentele CGB inlocuiesc
versiunile anterioare, cu exceptia sectiunii “Acordarea de credite” din cadrul
acestora, care ramâne in vigoare si se aplica in continuare in relatia cu
clientii care au contractat credite in perioada in care aceste versiuni erau in








Nume/prenume Reprezentant legal

prenume, CNP Client; se completeaza obligatoriu)










(nume, prenume, CNP Mandatar/Reprezentant legal; se
completeaza cand este cazul)




Mandatar /Reprezentant legal)

Data: _______________

Data: _______________







CONTENT: 1. Introduction; 2. General principles; 3.
General conditions applicable to the accounts; 4. Provisions regarding the
payment operations; 5. Contractual
provisions relating to the issue and use of the Card; 6. Special
services offered by the Bank through the Call Center of Raiffeisen Bank; 7.
Terms and conditions for the Direct Debit Service; 8. Final provisions; 9.
Client’s Statements and Parties’ Signatures.



1.1. Introductory

1.1.1. These General Conditions for the Performance
of Banking Operations (hereinafter referred to as “GBC”) set the general legal
framework for the development of the contractual relationship between
Raiffeisen Bank S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) and each of its
Clients, natural persons.

1.1.2. The legal relations between the Bank and the
Client will be governed by these GBC which, together with the provisions
stipulated in each of the contractual documents particular to each type of
banking product or service, concluded between the Bank and the Client, will
represent the contract between the parties. 
These GBC complete the contractual documents particular to the banking
products/services, unless otherwise provided in the content of the latter.

1.1.3.  In case
there are matters that are not expressly regulated, the enactments in force,
the regulations of the National Bank of Romania, the Bank’s norms, as well as
the domestic and international banking practices and usages will be applied to
the legal relationships between the Bank and the Client.

1.1.4.  The
Bank will enter into contractual relations with the persons who accept these

Any new Client will receive a copy of the GBC, in force on
the date of the Client's registration in the Bank's records.

By signing any other request in the form provided by the
Bank or any other specific Agreement, the Client accepts that, during such
contractual relations with the Bank, it will observe the GBC in force at that
moment, with possible amendments which may be made by the Bank subject to these


1.2. Conflicts

1.2.1. In case of conflicts between the express
provisions in any Agreement or document signed between the Client and the Bank
and the general provisions included in these GBC, the express provisions in the
Specific Agreements or documents shall prevail.

1.2.2. The Client accepts both the Romanian version
of the GBC as well as the English version thereof, in case of any conflict or
discrepancies between the English and the Romanian versions, the Romanian
version shall prevail.


1.3. Interpretation

1.3.1. Any reference to the Bank in this document
will be understood as including any of its territorial units (field office,
representative office, agency, branch) also.

1.3.2. Any reference made to the Client herein also
includes the category of Co-debtor and/or Guarantor, if applicable as per the
Specific Agreements.

1.3.3.  Any
reference to the Client – natural person herein will be deemed to have been
made also to any of its successors.

1.3.4. The reference to the Borrower in the Specific
Agreements will be deemed as having been made to the Client, as it is defined
in these GBC.

1.3.5. The plural will include the singular and vice
versa anywhere in these GBC and/or in any Specific Agreement, unless otherwise
required by the context.

1.3.6. The reference to "significant adverse
effects” or to "significant alteration” will be construed as reflecting
the qualified opinion of the Bank.

1.3.7. The reference to any Specific
Agreement/Warranty Agreement/any other convention concluded between the Client
and the Bank or to any legal provision will include any amendment, reiteration
or reinforcement thereof.

1.3.8. The headings of these GBC and/or in any
Specific Agreement/Warranty Agreement/specific contractual documentation have
been introduced only to facilitate the references and they do not affect the
interpretation of the provisions of such contractual documents.


1.4. Independent clauses

In case any provision from these GBC and/or from any of the
Specific Agreements executed between the Bank and the Client is or becomes at
any point void, invalid or unenforceable according to the applicable law, then
the lawfulness, the validity and the enforceability of such provision within
the limit approved by the law, as well as of the other provisions of GBC, will
not be affected or damaged thereby. The parties will use their best endeavours
to draft those documents and/or amendments which would lead to the same legal
and/or economic result which was taken into account on the date the GBC were


1.5. Definitions.

For the purposes of these GBCs, the terms and expressions
below have the following meanings:

ATM (Automated Teller Machine)/MFM (Multi-Functional
Machine) - electronic terminals of the Bank or other payment service
providers that allow Customers, who hold a Card, to perform transactions or
other banking operations (e.g. cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, bill
payments, cash deposits - only at MFM, etc.);

Strict Client authentication = authentication based
on the use of two or more items included in the category of knowledge held
(something that only the Client knows, for example PIN, password), possession
(something that only the Client owns, for example the card) and inheritance (something
that represents the Client, for example, fingerprint, facial recognition) that
are independent, and compromising one element does not lead to compromising the
reliability of the other elements and which are designed in such a way as to
protect the confidentiality of authentication data;

The Bank =
Raiffeisen Bank SA, as Credit Institution, payment service provider and/or
provider of any other service and/or banking product, in accordance with the
activity object authorized under the law;

Card = payment instrument issued by the Bank, through
which the Client has access to its own money availabilities from the Current
Account and/or to a credit line, in order to carry out Card Transactions;

Card Transaction - is the payment transaction
(deposit, withdrawal, transfer or collection of funds) made by/on behalf of the
Card User by means of the Card, including the Card registered in the eWallet or
any mobile device with payment function;

conversion fee
- the fee charged by the Bank, expressed as a percentage of the foreign
exchange rate applied by the Visa card organization in accordance with the
provisions of chapter 5.4 of these GTC and which is added to this exchange
rate; the amount of this fee can be found on the Bank's website in the Foreign
Exchange Rate - Card Transactions section;

Client = natural person, resident or non-resident in
Romania, who opens a contractual business relationship with the Bank that
includes but is not limited to opening and operating Accounts and/or
providing/supply by the Bank with/of various banking services/products;

Beneficiary Client = the Client who benefits from the
funds that are the subject of a Payment Operation;

Paying Client = 
the Client who instructs a payment order;

Internal identification code/CIF Key/Client code -
unique code assigned by the Bank to persons registered in its database, needed
for the unique identification of persons in a relationship with the Bank;

Account = bank account in which the client's cash
availability and/or as the case may be, the amounts made available by the Bank
at its disposal are highlighted;

Payment account = Account used mainly for the
performance of the payment operations;

Payments account accessible online = current account
owned by the Client that can be accessed through an online interface, such as
the online internet banking/mobile banking applications made available by the

Specific Agreement = the contract that regulates the
supply/provision of any product/service provided by the Bank and any other
accessory or related legal relationships with it. Specific documents with
standard and/or negotiated content make up the Agreement, which reflect the
agreement between the Bank and the Client, as well as, but not limited to,
requests approved by the Bank, offers accepted by the Customer, Credit
agreements, guarantee contract, conventions, communications, notifications,
forms and/or any other documents related to the specific Contract, accepted by
the Bank;

“The Bank's foreign exchange rate” - the exchange
rate used by the Bank for foreign exchange or payment transactions carried out
on the account, expressed in a currency other than that of the payer's account,
respectively of the payee's account, calculated as follows: (i) in the
case of foreign exchange conversions of the foreign currency/lei type, the
Bank's buying rate shall be used for the currency in which the amount
transferred to the payee's account is expressed, respectively the Bank's
selling rate shall be used for the currency in which the amount transferred by
the payer is expressed; (ii) in the case of foreign currency/ foreign
currency conversions, the ratio of the exchange rate obtained from the Bank's
foreign currency/lei buying rate for the currency in which the amount
transferred by the payer with an account at another bank is expressed and the
Bank's foreign currency/lei selling rate for the currency in which the amount
credited to the beneficiary's account is expressed shall be used, i.e. the rate
obtained from the ratio between the Bank's exchange rate for the currency in
which the amount transferred to the beneficiary with an account at another bank
is expressed and the Bank's exchange rate for the currency debited from the
payer's account.

In the case of payment transactions authorized by means of
Cards, the exchange rates expressly mentioned in this document under the
provisions on the use of Cards shall apply.

The currencies for which the Bank offers currency conversion
services are published on the Bank's website

Exchange rate for card transactions = the internal
exchange rate of the Bank for foreign exchange, for sale, respectively the
purchase of the reference currency, used to perform Card Transactions displayed
in its territorial units or on the Bank's website;

Debit card agreement = the specific contract that
regulates the contractual relations between the Bank and the Card User, derived
from the use of the debit card attached to a current account, consisting of the
clauses provided in these GBC and the clauses found in the specific
documentation for issuing and maintaining the Debit Card;

Current account agreement = Specific contract
regulating the contractual relations between the Bank and the current account
holder, consisting of the clauses provided in these GBC and the clauses found
in the specific documentation of opening and maintaining the current account,
in the forms used to define and update the personal data of the Client and for
the appointment. and revocation of the Power of Attorney on the account;

Contract regarding the direct debit service = the
specific contract that regulates the contractual relations between the Bank and
the Payer, derived from the activation of the Direct Debit Service, consisting
of the clauses provided in these GBC and the clauses found in the forms for
issuing, modifying and denouncing the Direct Debit Mandates;

FATCA (The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) = is a
legislative package issued in the United States of America, which can be viewed
enacted March 18, 2010 and which entered into force on July 1, 2014, which
requires the taxpayers of the United States of America ("USA"),
including those living or operating outside the United States, to report direct
or indirect holdings of assets outside the US. The same reporting requirement
is provided for credit institutions, which hold assets on behalf of US

Effective date = the reference date used by the Bank
to calculate the interest generated by the execution of a Payment Operation;

Transaction Posting Date on the Account - or
Transaction Date is the date on which the Card Transaction amount is debited
from the Account and transferred to the payee via the card scheme;

CRS (Common Reporting Standard) = represents the
global standard for automatic exchange of financial information between
countries. The income from investments (including interest, dividends, capital
gains, etc.) held by taxpayers in the accounts of financial institutions from
the countries participating in the global exchange of financial information are
targeted. The global standard for the exchange of financial information and the
multilateral agreement for the automatic exchange of information were initiated
by the OECD (Economic Organization for Cooperation and Development) and the
European Commission. The standard has three directions: the information to be
reported, the reporting institutions and the accounts that are the subject of
the report. Romania provides the legal framework by transposing the European
provisions in the Fiscal Procedure Code, which entered into force starting
January 1, 2016.

Signatory = the person with full exercise capacity,
authorized by the Client, by means of the special forms provided by the Bank or
by the notarial power of attorney, to have access on behalf and on behalf of
the Client to an Account opened on its behalf, acting within the limits
provided in the Specific Agreements;

Payment instrument = any personalized device and/or
any set of procedures agreed between the Client and the Bank under the
contractual conditions agreed with the Bank, used by the Client to initiate a
payment order such as the Card, internet banking, home banking, mobile banking
services etc.;

Principal = the person authorized by the Client
through the power of attorney to represent it in relation with the Bank for the
conclusion and/or execution of an agreement. The power of attorney for
representation must be authenticated by a notary public in Romania or at a
Romanian consulate; in the case of the proxies issued to a notary from abroad,
the proxy will be apostilized or over-legalized, as the case may be, and a
legalized translation of it will be presented, if written in a foreign

The moment of receipt of the Payment Order = the day
on which the Payment Order, transmitted directly by the Payer or indirectly by
or through a Payee, is deemed to have come into the Bank's possession,
depending on the Cut-Off Time; as a rule, for Payment Orders received on
Business Days up to the Cut-off Time, the time of receipt is the day of receipt
by the Bank, and for Payment Orders received after the Cut-off Time, the time
of receipt is the next Business Day; if the Payment Order is received on a non-business
day, the time of receipt is considered the next Business Day, regardless of the
payment instrument or the method used to transmit the Order. A Payment Order
whose execution has been refused by the Bank shall be deemed not to have been

Exception: (i) direct debit banking services, which
allow the Payee to initiate Payment Transactions, as well as those of the
scheduled payment order type, whereby the Payor Customer orders payments with a
pre-determined frequency, in the case of which the Time of Receipt is the day
agreed by the Bank and the Customer in the specific Contract; (ii) other
services or types of payments offered by the Bank which allow the receipt and
execution of Payment Orders outside the time limits mentioned above;

Payment operation = action initiated by the Paying
Client or another person on his behalf and on behalf of him or the payee in
order to deposit, transfer or withdraw funds, regardless of any subsequent
obligations between the payer and the payee; The payment operation may be

BEN commissioning option = means of commissioning the
execution of the payment operations according to which the beneficiary of the
payment supports all the related commissions;

OUR commissioning option = means of commissioning the
execution of the payment operations according to which the payer supports all
the commissions related to the execution of the payment operation;

SHA commissioning option = means of commissioning the
execution of the payment operation according to which the Paying Client
supports the commissions received by the payment service provider of the payer,
and the Client receiving the payment supports the commissions received by the
payment service provider of the beneficiary. The possible commissions of the
correspondent/intermediary banks are due/received according to the
European/international practices and of the SWIFT standard;

Deadline for receiving the Payment Order = time set
by the Bank to take possession of the Payment Order, according to which the
moment of receiving it is established. The time limit may be different
depending on the type of Payment Operation/Payment Instrument and it is
communicated to the Client as the case may be, by posting in specially arranged
places in the Bank's units and/or on the website and/or in the specific
Agreement/information applications related to certain services provided by the

Payment order = the instruction given by the payer or
the beneficiary of the payment to the Bank, as a payment service provider,
requesting the execution of a Payment Operation;

Static password = security element included in the
category of knowledge (something that only the Card User knows) which the Card
User sets at the first Card Transaction made on the internet (within

Security password in the relationship with the Bank =
identification procedure, used during the Customer's interaction with the
Bank's Call Center telephone service, which fully proves the identity of the
Customer/Card User and his/her will regarding the content of these calls. The
identification procedure consists of requesting security elements and
information known only to the Bank and the Client/Card User, and the telephone
calls will be recorded in order to provide evidence in this respect. Obtaining
correct answers to the questions of the virtual operator / Bank operator is
equivalent to validating the identity of the caller / person called by the

If the telephone number from which the call was initiated in
the Call Center does not correspond to the telephone number registered in the
Bank's database as belonging to the Client/Card User, the Bank reserves the
right not to proceed with the caller's request until the telephone number is
updated by going through the specific procedures for updating the contact
details of these persons;

PIN= is a unique identification code generated by the
Bank for each Card, in order to identify or secure certain Payment Operations
performed through the Card such as ATM / MFM transactions, some transactions
through EPOS at merchants or at bank branches.;

Low-Value Card Transactions = represents the payment
operation whose individual value is less or at most equal to the limit
established by the international organizations of cards, Visa/Mastercard,
however, which cannot exceed EUR 50 or an equivalent amount for 
EPOS transactions,  respectively  EUR
30 for internet transactions (e-commerce); the limit value is set by
international card organizations, depending on the country and can be changed
at any time by these entities; the limit value applicable on the territory of
Romania is mentioned for information in the specific Contracts of debit card
and credit card and is permanently displayed in the units and on the Bank's
website, any update of the limit value will be displayed on the website;

Electronic wallet = payment computer application
installed on one or more mobile devices such as smart phone (smartphone),
tablet, smart watch (smartwatch) etc. which allows card registration and Card
transactions, using a mobile device with payment function, under the conditions
established in application by its supplier and/or the Bank;

Provider of information services regarding accounts =
service provider authorized by a competent authority from Romania and/or from
the EU/EEA member states, which has the right to provide information services
regarding payment accounts in the territory of Romania, through which the
Client can request information regarding its payment accounts, accessible
online, held at the Bank;

Payment initiation service provider = a payment
service provider authorized by a competent authority in Romania and/or in the
EU/EEA member states that is entitled to offer payment initiation services on
the territory of Romania, through which the Customer can initiate payment
orders on his/her online accessible payment accounts opened with the Bank;

Qualified trust service provider = a legal person
providing one or more qualified trust services and granted qualified status by
the supervisory body. Qualified Trusted Service means an electronic service
which fulfils the applicable conditions laid down in Regulation (EU) No
910/2014, which is typically provided for remuneration, and which consists of:
(i) the creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures,
electronic seals or electronic timestamps, registered electronic distribution
services and certificates related to those services; or (ii) the creation,
verification and validation of certificates for the authentication of a
website; or (iii) the maintenance of electronic signatures, seals or
certificates related to those services;

Interest rate = annual percentage of
determined/determinable interest, according to Specific Agreements and/or
Specific Interest Lists, used as the basis of calculation for interest;

Reference rate = the interest rate that comes from a
public source that can be verified by both the Client and the Bank;

Legal representative = the person representing the
Client in the contractual relations with the Bank, within the limits of the
applicable legislation and/or of the provisions of the competent
authorities/courts (for example: parent, guardian, curator, other categories
provided by law); In order to demonstrate the quality of the Legal
Representative, documents provided by the law must be submitted (for example, a
court decision on minor entrustment, the decision to establish guardianship and
the appointment of the legal representative etc.);

Qualified electronic signature(”QES”) = the qualified
electronic signature accepted by the Bank, which complies with the validation
requirements laid down by the (EU) Regulation (UE) no. 910/2014 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and
trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing
Directive 1999/93/CE, and is based on a valid qualified digital Certificate
(non-revoked/non-suspended) upon signature’s date;

Call Center Service = telephone service made
available by the Bank to customers which can be accessed at *2000 (normal rate
number, callable from any mobile network in Romania) and +40213063002 (normal
rate number, callable from any network, from Romania and from abroad), available
24/7; the Call Center service uses public telephone lines, which may not ensure
an adequate level of information protection, by calling this service the Client
assuming the risks of disclosing data/information derived from this situation;

Electronic Bank Statement Service = represents a user
electronic account with personalized access, made available to the Client by
the Bank for providing the account statement and other information provided by
the Bank to its Customers;

Specimen signature = signature of the Client to be
used in relation with the Bank for valid instructions;

Contactless technology = technology that, using radio
waves, allows Card transactions to be carried out by simply approaching the
Card or mobile device with payment function, an EPOS terminal or other
terminals compatible with this technology;

Terminal = device compatible with the Card and/or
with the mobile device with a payment function, through which Card transactions
are initiated and authorized. The following devices are Terminals: ATM
(Automated Teller Machine), EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale), Imprinter, MFM
(Multi Functional Machine) and any other device with similar functionalities;

Credit Transfer = payment service by which the
payment account of the payment beneficiary is credited as a result of a payment
operation or a series of payment operations carried out from the payment
account of the payer by the payment service provider who holds the payment
account of the payer, based on an instruction given by the payer; In the
present GBC by the references to "payment
operation"/"payment" is understood to include a reference to
"credit transfer";

Card transaction = is the payment operation performed
by the Card User through the Card, including the Card registered in the
Electronic Wallet or any mobile device with payment function;

Card recurring transaction = is a series of
transaction made as a result of the authorization given by the Card User
directly to the trader, on its website or by aby other means, in order to debit
the card account at regular intervals, for the payment of goods and services
according to the authorization granted to the trader

Card users are any of the following:

a) Main Card user ("Main user") = is the
natural person with full or restricted exercise capacity, holder of a current
account or a credit card, who asks the Bank to issue a Card attached to the

b) Additional Card User ("Extra User") - is
the natural person with full exercise capacity who has access to the amounts
from the main user's account, through additional cards (one Card for each
user), based on the agreement expressed by the main Card User, either in the
documents made available by the Bank, or in the telephone calls carried out
through the Call Center Service, or within the internet banking applications
available to it;

Working day = day when the Bank carries out activity
that allows it to execute payment operations; In relation to the Bank, the
Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, any other days considered non-working by
the Corresponding Banks/External settlement systems in the case of payment
transactions carried out through them, as well as the days on them are
considered to be non-working days, which the Bank declares to be non-working
days, in this situation the Clients will be informed in a timely manner by
displaying the corresponding messages inside the Bank's units and on its


1.6. Notions and provisions regarding the fight against money laundering
and terrorist financing and application of the International Sanctions

1.6.1 Definitions

Embargo = An act of authority by which a state takes
interdiction measures against the importation of goods from a certain country,
either against the export of goods to another country, as a sanction for
non-observance of rules of international law or as a means of political

Digital wallet provider - means an entity that
provides services for the secure storage of private cryptographic keys on
behalf of its customers for the holding, storage and transfer of virtual
currency; (This term shall be used throughout these GBCs and any specific
Contract with the meaning defined under Law no.129/2019 on preventing and
combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for amending and
supplementing certain regulatory acts; in the event of any legal changes to
this definition, they are of direct application, without the need to amend this

Virtual Currency - means a digital representation of
value that is not issued or guaranteed by a central bank or public authority,
is not necessarily linked to a legally established currency and does not have
the legal status of currency or money, but is accepted by natural or legal
persons as a means of exchange and can be transferred, stored and traded
electronically; (this term shall be used within these GBC and any specific
Contract with the meaning defined under Law no.129 /2019 on preventing and
combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for amending and
supplementing certain regulatory acts; in the event of any legal changes to
this definition, they shall be of direct application, without the need to amend
this document);

International sanctions = restrictions and
obligations in relation to the governments of some states, non-state entities
or natural or legal persons, adopted by the Security Council of the United
Nations, the European Union, the United States of America, international
organizations or by unilateral decisions of Romania or of other states for the
purpose of preserving international peace and security, preventing and
combating terrorism, ensuring enforcement of human rights and fundamental
freedoms, development and consolidation of democracy and rule of law and
accomplishing other goals, in compliance with the objectives of the
international community, with the international law and with the European Union
law. International sanctions are aimed, in particular, at blocking funds and
economic resources, commercial restrictions, restrictions on operations with
dual-use products and technologies and military products, travel restrictions,
transport and communications restrictions, diplomatic sanctions or in the technical-scientific,
cultural areas or sports.

Authorities with responsibilities in the field of issuing
and managing the International Sanctions - mean either of:

a) United Nations Organization (UNO);

b) European Union (EU);

c) Government of the United States of America;

d) Congress of the United States of America;

e) State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of

f) Any Member State of the European Union, including,
in any case, but not limited to, the Republic of Austria;

g) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

h) the respective governmental institutions and
agencies of any of the foregoing, including but not limited to the Office of
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the Secretary of the Treasury of the United
States of America, the Department of State of the United States of America,
Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), part of Her Majesty's
Treasury or any (other) relevant government institution or regulatory authority
or agency that administers economic or financial sanctions (each as amended, supplemented
or replaced from time to time).

List of Sanctions = “Specially Designated Nationals
and Blocked Persons List” maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, a
governmental agency of the United States of America) and the “Consolidated List
of Financial Sanctions Targets maintained by The Office of Financial Sanctions
Implementation (OFSI's Consolidated List) and any other list of persons
sanctioned by the United States Department of State, as published in the
federal Registry or any other list or similar document managed by any Authority
responsible for issuing and managing International Sanctions, each of them as
amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time;

Sanctions = economic or financial sanctions (such as
described) or embargoes imposed, managed or applied, from time to time, by
either of the Authorities responsible for issuing and managing International

US Sanctions = economic or financial sanctions or
embargoes imposed, managed or applied from time to time by the United States
Congress, by the Government of the United States of America, by the United
States Department of the Treasury or by the Office of Foreign Assets Control -
OFAC, (each authority as amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time);

Designated persons/entities = state governments,
non-state entities or persons subject to International Sanctions and listed on
International Sanctions.

Restricted party = any of the following:

a) person/entity designated or owned/controlled by a
designated person/entity (insofar as it is within the scope of the requirements
regarding the ownership or control structure of the relevant sanctions) or a
person/entity acting on behalf of a designated persons/entities; or

b) person/entity located or organized in accordance
with the legislation of a country or territory that is subject to International
Sanctions at country or territory level or which is owned/controlled by such
person/entity (insofar as it is within the scope of application of the
requirements regarding the ownership or control structure of the relevant
sanctions) or a person/entity acting on behalf of such person/entity; or

c) person/entity that is the subject of the relevant
International Sanctions in another way.

1.6.2 Notions from the legislation on preventing and
combating money laundering and terrorism financing. In accordance with the provisions of the
aforementioned legislation, publicly exposed persons are natural persons who
exercise or have exercised important public functions.

By important public functions we mean:

a) heads of state, heads of government, ministers and
deputy ministers or secretaries of state;

b) members of Parliament or similar central
legislative bodies;

c) members of the governing bodies of political

d) members of the supreme courts, constitutional
courts or other high-level courts whose decisions can be challenged only
through extraordinary means of appeal;

e) members of the governing bodies of the courts of
accounts or members of the governing bodies of the boards of central banks;

f) ambassadors, persons in charge with business and
senior officers in the armed forces;

g) members of the boards of directors and of the
supervisory boards and the persons holding management positions of the
autonomous administrations, of the companies, with majority state capital and
of the national companies;

h) directors, deputy directors and members of the
board of directors or members of the governing bodies of an international
organization. None of the categories referred to in the
preceding paragraph includes persons holding intermediate or lower positions. Family members of the publicly exposed person
are, for the purposes of this law:

a) the spouse of the publicly exposed person or his/her
partner with whom he or she is in similar relationships to those between

b) the children and their spouses or their spouses, the
persons with whom the children are in relationships similar to those of the

c) the parents. People known as close associates of publicly
exposed persons are:

a) the natural persons known as the real
beneficiaries of a legal person, of an entity without legal personality or of a
legal construction similar to them together with any of the persons mentioned
in point or as having any other close business relationship with such
the person;

b) the natural persons who are the only real beneficiaries
of a legal person, of an entity without legal personality or of a legal
construction similar to them, known as being established for the de facto
benefit of one of the persons mentioned in par. section

Without prejudice to the application, based on a risk
assessment, of the additional measures of knowing the client, after the
expiration of a period of one year from the date when the person ceased to hold
an important public function in the sense of point, the reporting
entities no longer consider that person to be publicly exposed. The notion of ultimate beneficial owner
(“UBO”) shall mean any natural person who finally holds or controls the client
and/or the natural person on whose behalf a transaction, an operation or an
activity is carried out.



2.1 Provisions regarding personal data protection

Relevant DEFINITIONS in the context of personal data

Personal data = any information regarding an
identified or identifiable natural person; 
an identifiable natural person is a
person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, especially by reference
to an identification element, such as a name, identification number, location
data, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements, its own
physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social

Personal data processing = any operation or set of
operations performed on personal data or on personal data sets, with or without
the use of automated means, such as: collecting, recording, organizing,
structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting, consulting, use, disclosure
to third parties by transmission, dissemination or in any other way, joining or
combining, blocking/restricting, deleting or destroying;

Right to information = the right of the data subject
to be informed about the processing of his personal data, including the
identity and contact details of the operator and of the Data Protection
Officer, the purposes for which the data processing is done, the categories of
personal data concerned , the recipients or categories of data recipients, the
existence of the rights provided by the legislation regarding the protection of
personal data for the data subject and the conditions under which they can be

The right of access to data = the right of the data
subject to obtain from the data operator (such as the Bank and the Credit
Bureau), the confirmation that the personal data they are targeting are
processed or not and, if so, access to the respective data and to relevant
information regarding the processing of personal data;

The right to rectification = the right of the data
subject to obtain the rectification of inaccurate data concerning him, as well
as the completion of incomplete data;

The right to delete data ("the right to be
forgotten") = the right of the data subject to obtain, as long as the
conditions stipulated by the law are fulfilled, the deletion of the personal
data concerning that person;

The right to restrict the processing = the right of
the data subject to obtain, as long as the conditions provided by the law are
met, marking of personal data stored, with the purpose of limiting their
further processing;

The right to data portability = the right of the data
subject to receive, the personal data concerning him and which he provided to
the operator (such as the Bank) in a structured way, commonly used and - an
easy-to-read format, as well as the right for these data to be transmitted by
the operator (such as the Bank) to another data operator, insofar as the
conditions provided by law are fulfilled);

The right to opposition = the right of the data
subject to oppose at any time, for well-founded and legitimate reasons related
to his particular situation, that the personal data that aims to be the object
of processing, insofar as the conditions stipulated by the law are fulfilled .
When the processing of personal data concerning him has the purpose of direct
marketing, the data subject has the right at any time to oppose the processing
of his data for this purpose;

The right not to be subjected to an individual decision =
the right of the data subject to request and obtain the withdrawal,
cancellation or reassessment of any decision based exclusively on processing by
automatic means (including the creation of profiles) that produces legal
effects on the data subject or it affects it similarly to a significant extent;

The right to go to court or before the National
Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing = the right of the data
subject to complain to the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of
Personal Data, respectively to address the justice for the defence of any
rights guaranteed by the applicable legislation in the field of protection of
personal data, which have been violated.

Raiffeisen Group = the group consisting of the following
entities: Raiffeisen Bank S.A., Raiffeisen Broker de Asigurare - Reasigurare
S.R.L., Raiffesien Leasing Financiar IFN S.A., Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte
S.A., SAI Raiffeisen Asset Management S.A., Raiffeisen Bank International AG
and the entities that are part of the group Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
More information is available at

2.1.1. In order to provide the banking services
assumed under these GBCs, the Bank processes personal data, in accordance with
the legal provisions applicable in the field of personal data protection,
respectively the General Regulation on Data Protection no. 679/2016 and the
subsequent legislation.

2.1.2. The personal data that are processed by the
Bank belong to the following categories of data subjects: the Client (even
after the termination of the contractual relationship) including the holder of
the request for liquidation of the bearer savings books/password-protected
bearer savings books, the legal or conventional representatives of the Client,
the Power of Attorney / Users of the Client, Co-debtors, Guarantors, Real
beneficiaries, members their families (including the Client’s husband/wife) in the
context of the Client’s request for the suspension of monthly instalment
payments under the circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic, other Client’s family
members (parents and children who live or household with the Client) – as the
case may be as well as any other natural persons whose data could be provided
to the Bank by the Client or which could be processed in the context of the
relationship between the Bank and the Client (together, generically referred to
as „Data subjects”). These personal data are transmitted to the Bank at the
beginning of the contractual relations with the Client or are disclosed to the
Bank during their course. The Bank may process the personal data belonging to
the Data Subjects and after the termination of the contractual relationship
with the Client, in order to comply with the legal obligations incumbent on it,
including the incidental obligations regarding the archiving matter. 

2.1.3. In certain situations, in order to fulfil the
processing purposes mentioned in this document, the Bank may process personal
data belonging to certain categories of Data Subjects (for example, the Real
Beneficiaries, the Client's husband/wife, other members of the Client's family
- parents and children living or householding with the Client, etc.) without
benefiting from the practical way of directly informing these categories of
persons. For example, this can happen if the Client transmits the data of the
Data Subjects to the Bank. In this context, it is the Client's responsibility
to inform in advance the persons concerned about the processing of their
personal data and to obtain their consent regarding the processing of the data,
to the extent necessary, in order to fulfil the conditions provided by the law.
Also, if the Customer provides the Bank with personal data belonging to other
categories of Data Subjects, the Customer is obliged to provide only accurate
and up-to-date data. In this regard, the Bank may use the contact details of
such categories of Data Subjects to inform the persons concerned about the
processing of their personal data, if applicable. Particularly, in the event
that in the context of submission of a request for suspension of the monthly
instalment payment obligation according to the Government Emergency Ordinance
no. 37/2020 on granting facilities in relation to loans granted by credit
institutions and non-banking financial institutions to certain categories of
borrowers (“GEO 37/2020”) or at a subsequent time in the context of this
request, the Client provides us with personal data of his family members (data
relating to their health, social, financial, professional condition or any
other relevant data in relation to them in the context of the respective
request) the Client is responsible for ensuring that he informs his family
members with a view to their personal data processing by the Bank, prior to the
submission of their data to the Bank according to the provisions laid down


2.1.4. The Bank processes personal data for the
following purposes, as follows: In order to fulfil the legal obligations,
the Bank processes the personal data for: the execution and improvement of the
banking services offered by taking in the Bank's information applications the
data from the identity document, according to the applicable legal
requirements; getting to know the client in order to prevent money laundering
and combat terrorist financing, including by creating and using warning lists;
perform customer identification operations in the context of the contractual
relationship, according to the legal obligations; preventing and reducing the
risk related to fraud and corruption and guarantee of banking secrecy including
by verifying the authenticity of the presented identity document and by taking
the necessary steps to identify the client; ensuring compliance with applicable
legal requirements in the field of financial investment services, including
providing expert advice and support to the Bank's employees in this area;
checking compliance with internal regulations and local legal/regulatory
requirements; transaction reporting and other statutory reporting; the receipt,
assessment and management of the Client’s request for the suspension of the
monthly instalment payment obligation, in the context of COVID-19 pandemic;
conducting internal audits and investigations; administrative-financial
management; managing conflicts of interests; managing the controls performed by
the authorities; preventing market abuse; fulfilling the obligations of banking
supervision on the Bank and of the entities of the Raiffeisen Group and of
reporting to the entities of the Raiffeisen Group or to the supervisory
authorities and other internal reporting, managing incidents that may occur
during the execution of the contract between the Client and the Bank; data
analysis for reporting to regulators, risk portfolio analysis, advanced
analytics to improve the effectiveness of compliance monitoring and
verification, data management through single systems across the Raiffeisen
Group; use of IT systems and IT services including for the storage of data
processed through applications and systems, management of complaints and
notification received, both with respect to an unrelated to contracted banking
products and/or services; complying with the prudential requirements applicable
to credit institutions and the groups to which they belong, including
requirements for fiscal due diligence; managing credit risk by creating
profiles; assessing the eligibility for the provision of standard or
personalized banking products and services (including at the granting/approval
phase) from the risk perspective by analysis and creating profiles in order to
evaluate the solvency, reduce the credit risk and determine the degree of
indebtedness, including verification of risk criteria, calculation of payment
behaviour rating/transactional rating, calculation of turnover, determination
of risk class; assessing investment behaviour by creating profiles; portfolio
management; liquidity management and balance sheet optimization; the provision
of banking services consisting of payment transactions/involving banking
transactions – (a) initiated by a Data Subject (as this notion is defined in
section 2.1.2 above), as the initiator of its payment or (b) initiated to a
Data Subject (as beneficiary of the payment, including the generation of a
document attesting the operation of the respective operation (confirmation of
the operation - if applicable, respectively statement of account); processing
of payment/collection operations through SWIFT, SEP, SENT, REGIS, TARGET
systems, as the case may be; conducting in good condition the transactions of
processing of the banking transactions, including the management of the quality
of the data related to the operations of processing of the transactions and
ensuring a unitary way of completing the mentions of the payment orders in the
electronic messages used in this context; providing the information regarding
accounts in case of the requests made by the Data Subjects through a Provider
of information services regarding the accounts; execution of the payment orders
initiated by the Data Subjects through a Provider of payment initiation
services; the provision of banking services consisting in the payment of
invoices to the MFMs of the Bank, through Raiffeisen Online/ Smart Mobile
Service or through Post Offices; the provision of the direct debit service; setting
up and managing the garnishments, providing information on garnishment amounts
to enforcement bodies or authorities; the provision of the cash distribution
service through the network of the Bank branches; ensuring security in the
Raiffeisen premises and its branches; storage, storage (pre-archiving) and
document archiving; data quality management; implementation of security
measures for personal data.

In the event that the Client submits to the Bank any
information related to his disease or of one/some of his family members’
COVID-19 disease, the Bank shall process this category of data exclusively for
major public interest reasons, under the GEO no. 37/2020, which was adopted
precisely in the major public interest for the purpose of taking actions to
fight against the negative effects of COVID-19 influencing the economic
situation of certain categories of debtors. In this context, art. 5 para. (3) of
the Norms for implementing GEO no. 37/2020, approved under the Decision no.
270/2020 set forth under art. 5 para. (3) that the debtor should indicate in
the request addressed to the creditor the reason which leads to the
impossibility of fulfilling the loan payment obligations, indicating
inclusively the COVID-19 disease as a possible cause.

In order to fulfil the aforementioned purposes, the Bank
will, as far as necessary, be based on its legitimate interest in carrying out
its object of activity and/or on the contract between the Client and the Bank. In order to conclude and execute the
contract between the Client and the Bank, it processes the personal data for: collecting
documents and information necessary for the conclusion of contracts related to
financial-banking products and services, including for carrying out a risk
assessment in order to make a decision on the application for a
financial-banking product or service; concluding, conducting and managing the
contractual relationship with the Client, in order to provide financial-banking
products and services (including online services and the functionalities and
operations available through these services), including in the context of
handling the Client's request for suspension of the instalment obligation in
the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as insurance products - for this
processing purpose the Bank and the insurer involved may act as Joint
Controllers (the relevant information to other situations, where the Bank and
the insurer would act in a different capacity, will be provided through the
flow-specific disclosure documents applicable in those situations) and
including for the purpose of cashing bearer/password bearer savings books;
ensuring the technical support and maintenance activities necessary for the
development and management of the contractual relationship with the Client; registrations
in the RNPM, as appropriate; providing information on accounts in the case of
requests made by the Client through a Provider of information services on
accounts; execution of payment orders initiated by the Customer through a
Payment Initiation Service Provider; managing incidents that may occur during
the execution of the contract between the Client and the Bank, by creating and
drawing up warning lists, for example, in case of unauthorized discovery of an
account; the optimization of financial-banking services, including by providing
technical support and maintenance activities; data quality management; providing
advice and information on insurance distribution; conclusion and/or execution
of insurance contracts; evaluation of the goods proposed under guarantee;
monitoring all the obligations assumed by any of the entities in the Raiffeisen
Group; debt collection/debt collection and their pre-financing activities;
finding, exercising or defending some rights of the Bank in court; managing the
complaints and notifications received regarding the contracted banking products
and/or services; verifying compliance with internal policies and regulations.

In order to fulfil the aforementioned purposes, the Bank
shall, as far as necessary, be based on its legitimate interest in carrying out
its object of activity. In order to fulfil the legitimate interests
of the Bank, in the context of carrying out its object of activity, the Bank
processes the personal data for: the obtaining and the transmission of data by
accessing the Credit Bureau (Biroul de Credit) before entering and during the
credit relationship that falls within the scope of the rules on the Credit
Bureau - for this processing purpose, the Bank and Biroul de Credit SA act as
associated operators; the provision of information regarding accounts in the
case of the requests made by the Data Subject (as this notion is defined in
section 2.1.2 above) through a Provider of information services regarding
accounts and the execution of payment orders initiated by the Data Subject
through a Provider of payment initiation services, if such activities involve
the processing of data belonging to other Data Subjects besides the Bank
Client; facilitating the Bank's fulfilment of its supervisory obligations
vis-à-vis entities in the Raiffeisen Group; ensuring an adequate level of
knowledge of the clients of the entities of the Raiffeisen Group, inclusively
by transmitting personal data of common customers to the Bank and the entity of
the Raiffeisen Group - Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte S.A. - and, if
applicable, of the Data Subject in relation to the respective common clients
(if applicable) for the proper management by Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte
S.A. of the contractual relationship with their Clients, including for ensuring
the practical possibility of Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte S.A. to recover
debts and send contractual notifications based on updated personal data,
inclusively by communication of information to the entities within Raiffeisen
Group, regarding prospective clients (leads) who have expressed their interest
regarding one of the products of another entity within Raiffeisen Group – for
this processing purpose the Bank and the relevant entity within Raiffeisen
Group act as associate operators; obtaining information regarding the conduct
of the insolvency procedure regarding the Data Subjects by accessing the
Insolvency Procedures Bulletin; internal processes and flows optimization,
including the detection of anomalies on current accounts and transactions; conducting
profiles and analyses to prevent and reduce the risks of fraud by creating and
using warning lists; ensuring the possibility of exercising the Bank's rights
by conducting research to identify the assets owned by the Data Subjects that
are in the Bank's record with outstanding amounts; selection, profiling and
segmentation activities for the purpose of analysis and marketing, including
for the purpose of offering the most suitable products and services,
inclusively by communication of information to the insurer, with a view to
supply the insurance products – for this processing purpose the Bank and the
insurer concerned may act as associate operators and inclusively by
communication of information to the entities within Raiffeisen Group, including
for the purpose of offering the most adequate products and services or with a
view to identify and assess the potential payment difficulties by determining
the early warning indicators, by consulting the data provided directly by the
Data Subjects, the data generated by the Bank regarding the Data Subjects and
the collected data by the Bank from external sources (such as data related to
the warning lists and other lists made and kept at the Bank level such as list
of confiscations, litigation list; transactional data or resulting from the use
of Raiffeisen Bank products and services; relationship history data with the
Bank or other entities in the Raiffeisen Group; data collected from public
sources and from Raiffeisen Bank's contractual partners); improvement of the
banking products and services provided and of the experience of the data
subjects, including by optimizing the flows and internal regulations, by
optimizing the costs and budgets, by ensuring the technical support and the
maintenance activities; customer segmentation; the conclusion, implementation
and management of execution of the agreements concluded with other clients of
the Bank (legal entities) for the provision of banking services consisting in
the payment of the invoices to the MFMs of the Bank, through Raiffeisen Online/
Smart Mobile Service or through the Post Offices, the provision of the direct
debit service, the provision of the cash distribution service through the
network of the Bank branches; designing, developing, testing and using IT
systems and IT services (including storing databases in the country or abroad);
advertising, simple marketing and advertising, as well as the
preparation/personalisation of offers (to the extent that the personalisation
techniques do not attract the consent referred to in point below),
including the use of data obtained from the Credit Bureau in the context of the
monitoring of the active credit portfolio in order to personalise such offers, including
to promote the products of contractual partners through online channels such as
social networks; commercial communications by means of communication not
covered by direct marketing rules (e.g., by letter, telephone call made by a
human operator); streamlining the process of creating and carrying out
marketing campaigns/campaigns, by collecting information on how Data Subjects
interact with marketing communications sent by the Bank, e.g. by e-mail and/or
SMS, and by generating statistics/aggregated data/information on the
effectiveness of the marketing campaigns/campaigns carried out; documenting how
contracts are executed with contractual partners whose products are promoted by
the Bank; statistics; managing complaints and notifications that do not concern
the banking products and/or services contracted by the Data Subject; the
generation of account statements for the Authorized (except the Authorized on
the account), the agent of the account holder, respectively the legal
representative of the minor account holder; the inclusion of non-commercial
messages in the account statements; transmitting the information on account
garnishments (unless prohibited by law). Based on the consent expressed by the data
subject when opening the business relationship or in other situations, as the
case may be, for:

- the processing of
contact data that the Data Subject has provided to Raiffeisen Bank S.A. and
periodically updated, for marketing purposes addressed to individuals, by (i)
the Bank, directly and/or through its contractual partners and/or by (ii) the
Raiffeisen Group and/or by (iii) the Bank's contractual partners, as the case
may be, of communications of information and/or offers on products, services
and activities, which may be of interest to the Data Subject in person
(regardless of his / her possible relationship with a Client legal person /
entity without legal personality of the Bank), and/or other entities in the
Raiffeisen Group and/or its mentioned partners, as well as by the Bank,
directly or through their contractual partners and/or through other entities in
the Raiffeisen Group, of marketing studies regarding the Bank's current and/or
future products, services and activities and/or other entities in the
Raiffeisen Group and/or its contractual partners;


the analysis of the preferences of solvency,
credit risk, the degree of indebtedness and other behavioural details needed to
generate personalized offers and communications of banking products and
services at the request of the data subject, including by consulting the ANAF
databases, as well as any databases made available by public authorities to the
extent that consent is required according to the applicable requirements; 

the processing of personal data by the Bank
and/or the Raiffeisen Group, directly and/or through their contractual
partners, in order to generate personalized offers and communications, based on
the analysis of preferences and other aspects related to the Data Subject (such
as his/her behaviour) using computerized techniques (for example, cookie files,
pixels and/or other similar technologies) that involve performing an automated
decision-making process (including profiling) and that can produce legal
effects on the Data subject (as defined in section 2.1.2 above) or that may
affect it to a significant extent.

To this end, in order
to transmit personalized offers and communications as close as possible to the
interests of the Data Subject, including through online channels such as social
networks, the Bank and/or the Raiffeisen Group may process all or only part of
the data that the Data Subject provides directly in the context of the
contractual relationship with the Bank, data resulting from the use of the
applications made available by to the Bank, including the online applications
through which the Bank provides Internet banking/mobile banking services, the
data provided by the Bank's contractual partners, as well as data resulting
from the payment transactions registered at the level of the accounts/cards
held by the Data Subject. The information techniques/algorithms used allow the
Bank and/or the Raiffeisen Group to identify the data subject's preferences
regarding some of the categories of products and services made available by the
Bank, by the entities in the Raiffeisen Group and/or by their contractual partners.
Due to the preferences thus outlined and other details that result from the
behaviour in the context of the contractual relationship, the Bank and/or the
Raiffeisen Group will bring to the attention of the Data Subject offers focused
especially on the categories of products and services that may be of interest
to it. Data processing for this purpose has the benefit of making available to
the Data Subject offers as adapted to their needs and interests. Also, taking
into account the fact that the Bank wants to offer personalized offers,
depending on the preferences and interests expressed, the Data Subject is aware
that it is possible that the offers regarding products and services for which
the Data Subject has not previously expressed his interest not be brought to
its notice.

The consent expressed regarding the above processing
activities can be withdrawn at any time, without affecting the legality of the
processing activities performed before the withdrawal, by sending a written
request, dated and signed, to the addresses of any of the Raiffeisen Bank SA
units (for the complete list of units, access the page
or by sending an e-mail to the Bank in in this sense, at the following e-mail
address: or or
through the Call Center Service, Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 22:00, Saturday: 9:00
- 17:30, calling no. telephone * 2000 - number with regular tariff, callable
from any mobile telephony network in Romania .; 004 021 306 3002 - number with regular
tariff, callable from any network in Romania or abroad or via the Smart Mobile
app (for Customers who have activated this service). Automated profiling and decision making
processes: In order to fulfil the aforementioned processing purposes, in
certain situations (for example, in the context of applying the client's
knowledge measures in order to prevent money laundering and to combat terrorist
financing, including by creating and using warning lists, in the context of
identifying and assessing the potential payment difficulties by determining the
early warning indicators; in the context of risk assessment carried out with a
view to making a decision on the application for a credit product, i.e. with a
view to providing banking services related to credit products; in the context
of fraud prevention and identification, etc.). the processing of personal data
by automatic means is necessary.

Such processing activities may also involve the evaluation
of certain aspects regarding the Data Subjects for the purpose of analysing or
predicting certain characteristics regarding them, such as their education,
age, economic situation, their reliability or their behaviour (including from
the perspective of transactions, i.e. gambling and/or betting activities).

Based on these processing by automatic means, decisions are
made, with or without human intervention, which can lead to legal effects for
the Data Subjects (for example, the refusal to provide a banking product or
service) or they can affect it to a significant extent (for example, affecting
the financial situation of the Data Subject, such as eligibility for a credit).

When such decisions are made without significant human
intervention (i.e. an intervention that is not likely to influence the outcome
of automatic processing), data processing involves an automated decision-making
process. In the case of processing activities that involve such an automated
decision-making process, the Data Subject has the following rights, besides the
rights mentioned in point 2.1.9 below:

to obtain from the Bank human intervention
regarding the automated decision-making process;

to express his/her point of view regarding the
automated decision-making process; and

to challenge the decision taken exclusively on
the basis of an automatic processing that produces legal effects or affects the
data subject similarly to a significant extent.

The rights can be exercised by sending a request in this
regard (on paper/in electronic format, by e-mail) to: or by contacting the Data Protection Officer at the
Bank level, at the following e-mail address:

The data collected for the aforementioned purposes may also
be processed for subsequent purposes, but only to the extent that these
subsequent purposes are compatible with the initial purposes for which the data
were collected. In this regard, the Bank will take the necessary measures to analyse
the compatibility of the goals, according to the legal requirements.

2.1.5. In order to fulfil the aforementioned
processing purposes, the Bank processes:

the personal data provided directly by the Data
Subject, including in the context of accessing the Bank's products and services
or using the applications provided by the Bank;

the data obtained from the following external
sources: The Credit Bureau (if applicable), ANAF (if applicable), the National
Trade Register Office, the Bulletin of Insolvency Proceedings, public
authorities and institutions, the Register of Notaries Public, available on the
website of the National Union of Notaries Public of Romania, the Register of
Lawyers, available on the website of the National Union of Bar Associations of
Romania, the Register of Bailiffs, available on the website of the National
Union of Bailiffs, the Electronic Public Register of Authorised Auditors, available
on the website of the Public Authority for Public Oversight of Statutory Audit
Activities, the Registers available on the website of the Romanian College of
Psychologists, the Register of Mediators, available on the website of the
Mediation Council, the Romanian Order of Architects, contractual partners (such
as, debt collection/debt recovery agencies, service providers), entities within
Raiffeisen Group, the Bank's contractual partners (including eMAG, Vodafone and
other partners with whom Raiffeisen Bank SA collaborates in order to provide
co-branded credit cards), the appraiser indicated for the goods offered as
collateral (if applicable), notaries public (if applicable), the Target
Person's employers (if applicable), the insurance or reinsurance company (if
applicable), the Client (Payer), credit institutions, public sources (namely,
public registries, World Check, press, lists or documents accessible to public
relating to the natural persons’ insolvency), initiators of the payment
operations, the bailiffs, other enforcement bodies and authorities that may
institute protective measures and attachments on the accounts of the Target
Persons opened with the Bank, holders of the direct debit mandates, the legal
representative of the minor account holder, the co-debtor who has the quality
of account statement applicant, the employer of the holder of the guarantee
account opened during the employment relationship - when he has the quality of
account statement applicant, Authorized of the account that has the quality of
requesting account statement, other Data Subjects (e.g. in the context of debt
collection/recovery actions). 

The following categories of personal data are collected from
these external sources: name, surname, Personal Identification Number -
collected from Aedificium Banca pentru Locuinte S.A. (Raiffeisen Group entity),
the data indicated in the specific section regarding the payment details in the
context of making payments (including the Personal Code, if such data category
is provided in this context), information on insurance products, data related
to convictions criminal and criminal offenses public, data on suspected fraud,
data on criminal prosecution, data regarding the casefiles to which the Client
or Data Subjects are a party (case number, court, parties, subject matter,
stage, hearing dates, solutions, other public information relating to the
casefiles), number of shares held in a company, number of instalments, card
number, card expiration date, transaction data, CVV/CVC code, data on the
establishment of garnishment and the status of execution files, enforcement
data, data collected directly from the Customer or other Data Subject/generated
by service providers in the context of debt collection/claims recovery actions,
such as debt collection/claims recovery agencies [data resulting from call
recording (if applicable, identity data, contact details, financial situation,
reason for non-payment, voice, type of relationship with the Customer,
information on payments made/products/services contracted by the Customer,
issues complained of/requested), data on services provided in the context of
debt collection/recovery actions (where applicable, actions taken and details

The categories of the personal data that the Bank processes
in the Credit Bureau system are identification data of the Data Subject, data
related to the credit products requested/granted by the Bank, data related to
events that occur during the period of the credit type product and related
data. insolvency (such as those related to restructuring/refinancing, payment,
assignment of credit agreement, assignment of debt, including information
relating to the suspension of the monthly instalment payment obligation in the
context of COVID-19 pandemic), information regarding credit-type products to
which the Visited Person has the capacity of co-debtor and/or guarantor,
information on opening insolvency proceedings, the number of queries. Further
details on the data processed in the Credit Bureau System will be provided
through the specific information documents of the flows in which such data are

In order to carry out identification and registration
operations in accordance with Article 24 of Regulation (EU) No, 910/2014 on
behalf of the Qualified Trust Service Provider, the Bank processes the
following categories of personal data: first name, surname, personal
identification code (CNP), series and number of the identity card/other
document on the basis of which the identification is made (e.g. passport,
certificate of residence), as well as other information that these documents
may contain (e.g. date and place of birth, citizenship), signature, contact
details (e.g. telephone number, e-mail), video recordings* of the interaction
with the Bank's agents for the purpose of verifying the identity of the Data
Subject. In order to provide to the Data Subject a qualified certificate for
electronic signature issued by a trusted service provider, the Data Subject
must provide to the Bank an e-mail address and a mobile phone number.

The data that the Bank generates based on the data provided
directly or collected from external sources, respectively: customer
identification code, trading data, information resulting from the
non-conformities reported by any person, card number, card type, customer type,
IBAN card number, PIN, card expiration date, card blocking reasons, CVV / CVC
code, types of accounts held at the Bank, risk cost at customer level; the
period for which the account statement is generated, where applicable, the
initial and final balance, turnover, interest accrued on the statement date,
maturity date, total principal repayments, total current interest and penalty
repayments, days overdue, amount overdue, overdue management data, including
segmentations in the context of debt collection/recovery actions, data
resulting from marketing campaigns/actions.

Refusal to provide personal data may result in the
impossibility of providing banking services and/or meeting the Bank's other
processing purposes.

Some personal data collected by the Bank may have a special
regime according to the applicable legislation, context in which it is
necessary to provide additional guarantees for their processing. For example,
the processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offenses
or related security measures is allowed either under the control of a public
authority or when processing is authorized by law with the establishment of
appropriate borders for the rights and freedoms of the data subjects. In the
case of processing such data with special regime, the Bank provides the
additional guarantees provided by the applicable legislation in the field of
data protection.

2.1.6. In order to fulfil the processing purposes,
the Bank will disclose or may disclose the personal data to the following
categories of recipients: Data Subjects, legal or conventional representatives
of the data subject, the debtors of the mortgaged claims (if applicable), the
Bank's representatives, the appraiser indicated for the assets proposed as
collateral (if applicable), notary publics (if applicable), the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania - in the context of the registrations in the
RNPM (if applicable), FNGCIMM (if applicable), Bank representatives, other
natural or legal persons who process personal data on behalf of the Bank,
entities of the Raiffeisen Group, contractual partners of the Bank and of the
entities of the Raiffeisen Group, authorized by the Bank regarding the processing
of personal data, associated operators of the Bank regarding the processing of
personal data, the judicial authority, central public authorities, including
ANAF, the National Bank of Romania and the Financial Supervisory Authority,
authorities with attributions in the field of preventing and combating money
laundering and terrorist financing, local public authorities,
authorities/bodies with attributions in criminal matters, banking institutions
in the context of payments initiated by the Bank Client, the beneficiary of the
payment initiated by the Bank Client, the National Office of the Trade
Register, Accounting information service providers, Payment initiation service
providers, international organizations, service providers and goods, credit
bureaus, insurance and reinsurance companies, professional organizations,
market research organizations, qualified trusted service providers, debt
collection/liability recovery agents, bailiffs, other enforcement bodies and
authorities that may institute protective measures and attachments on the
accounts of the Data Subject opened with the Bank, bank institutions
participating in the Interbank Convention on direct debit, in the event of
direct debit mandates of interbank type; the representatives of the National
Company Romanian Post Office in the context of cash collection service through
Post Offices; providers /social networks providers who may have the quality of
controllers, joint controllers or processor in relation with the Bank.

2.1.7. In order to achieve the aforementioned
processing purposes, the Bank will process the personal data during necessary
to fulfil the purposes of the processing, such as for the duration of the
course of the banking services, as well as later, when there is a legitimate
business need to do so (for example, to provide the requested information or to
we respect the legal, fiscal or accounting obligations). It is possible that,
following the fulfilment of the legal filing deadlines, the Bank will order the
anonymization of the data, lacking such personal character and to continue
processing the anonymous data for statistical purposes.

2.1.8. Currently, in order to achieve the
above-mentioned goals, it is possible for the Bank to transfer certain
categories of personal data outside Romania, to EU/EEA countries: Austria,
Great Britain, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, as well as outside
the EU/EEA, to the UK, United States of America, Kosovo. For transfers outside
the EU/EEA, the Bank will establish the transfer of personal data based on
standard contractual clauses adopted at the level of the European Commission or
on other guarantees recognized by law.

It is possible that during the course of the activity, the
aforementioned transfer states will change. You can get an updated list with
the states where the personal data is transferred by accessing the Policy on
the protection of personal data and confidentiality, available at
or by sending a request to or
contacting the Data Protection Officer at the Bank level, at the following
e-mail address:

To obtain a copy of the transfer guarantees implemented by
the Bank, please send a request in this regard (on paper/in electronic format,
by e-mail) to:
or contact the Data Protection Officer at the Bank level, at the following
e-mail address:

2.1.9. The data subjects benefit from the following
rights in the context of the processing of personal data: the right to
information, the right to access data, the right to rectification, the right to
delete data ("the right to be forgotten"), the right to restrict the
processing, the right to portability data, the right to the opposition, the
right not to be subject to an automatic individual decision, and the right to
address the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data
or the competent courts, to the extent that the data subject considers it

2.1.10. It is possible that, following the request
for deletion of the data, the Bank will anonymize these data (lacking such
personal character) and continue in these conditions the processing for
statistical purposes.

2.1.11. For additional information about the
processing activities carried out by Raiffeisen Bank SA, as well as about your
rights in this context, please file a written application to any of the units
of the Bank (for a full list of such units, please access the page
or by an email to the Bank in this respect, to:

Similarly, you may also the Data Protection Officer of
Raiffeisen Bank SA, at the following email address:

Updated information about the processing activities carried
out by the Bank is available accessing the Personal Data and Confidentiality
Policy available at the link
The information regarding the processing of personal data of the Data Subject
in the context of the different products and / or services of the Bank is
provided through the information documents specific to those products and / or
services that were or will be made available to the Data Subject.


2.2 Confidentiality

2.2.1. The Bank and the Client shall submit all due
diligence to maintain the confidentiality of the information obtained from each
other in the course of the Bank-Client relationship, however, in compliance
with the provisions of any law or order of a competent authority that allow or
request disclosure.

2.2.2. The Client authorizes the Bank to process,
transfer and communicate any information regarding the Client to and between
the branches, agencies, work points, representatives of the Bank, companies
affiliated with the Bank and agents and third partners of the Bank, for
confidential use, in connection with the provision of any service to the Client
(including for external payments made through a third party), as well as for
the purpose of data processing, analysis, recovery of the Bank's debts,
obtaining financing/warranties, transfer of the Bank's debts, as well as for
statistical purposes. Any such third party may in the same way use, process and
transfer in any way the data and information regarding the Client received from
the Bank within the framework of the authorization granted by the Client
through this document.

2.2.3. The Bank will keep confidentiality and will
not disclose, publish or otherwise disclose information regarding the Clients’
accounts, the transactions registered therein, the contractual relations
between the Bank and the Clients, without their consent.

2.2.4. The confidentiality clause will not apply if:

a) the information is requested by a competent
authority in a judicial procedure;

b) the Client authorizes the Bank to disclose the

c) in any other situation provided by law (i.e.
providing information at the request of the corresponding financial

2.2.5. The Client hereby expressly consents to
refusing to invoke any restrictions imposed on the Bank by the legislation in
force regarding banking secrecy, for the Bank to present within the relations
with third parties involved in the organizational and decision-making processes
of the Bank, any information and data regarding Client or its accounts,
necessary for these processes and that will not affect the Client or his
business in any way. By third parties, we mean, but are not limited to, any
Romanian or foreign companies that are part of the group of companies of which
the Bank belongs to, specialized consultants approved by the Bank,
intermediaries for certain businesses, financers, etc. The Bank will enter into
contractual relations only with the third parties involved who in turn are
obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information thus obtained.

2.2.6. In order to comply with the legal provisions
on preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well
as preventing and combating fraud, the Bank may take, in its relations with the
Client, the measures provided for in paragraph 3.1.4 of the GBC and any other
measures it deems necessary in accordance with the legislation in force.

2.2.7. Raiffeisen Bank SA enforces FATCA requirements
and has registered on the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) site with the FATCA
Registered Deemed-Compliant Financial Institution status, receiving Global
Intermediate Identification Number (GIIN) 28CWN4.00008.ME.642. Accordingly, the
Bank will identify US taxpayers and report information on relevant persons and
on accounts opened with the Bank by them, respectively on those accounts in
which the direct or indirect holdings of financial assets by relevant persons
are highlighted through the application of FATCA requirements.

2.2.8. Raiffeisen Bank SA applies the requirements of
the CRS and, consequently, the Bank will identify the relevant CRS taxpayers
and will report information on the relevant persons and on the accounts opened
at the Bank by them, respectively on those accounts in which the direct or
indirect holdings of financial assets by the relevant persons through the
implementation of CRS requirements are highlighted.

2.2.9. The Client undertakes to correctly indicate
the CIF key (the Internal Identification Code as define din these GBC) whenever
this code is requested by the Bank through various forms used by it in its
relationship with the clients and holds the Bank harmless against any
misunderstanding/damages generated by the erroneous communication of the
Internal identification Code by the holder of the Current Account/Legal
Representative/Client’s proxy.


2.3. Interest. Taxes, Commissions, Other costs.

2.3.1. For the banking products and services, the
Bank charges to its Customers taxes, commissions, fees and, as the case may be,
it receives or pays interest at the standard values contained in the specific
lists, except in the situations where other specific levels are stipulated in
the Specific Contracts. The specific lists can be consulted by the Customer at
any of the Bank's units or by accessing

2.3.2. The Bank will inform the Client about the
standard conditions of fees, commissions, expenses and interest rates of the
Bank in force at the time of requesting an offer regarding banking
products/services, as the case may be, when concluding a specific Contract.

2.3.3. Any interest is calculated daily on the
amounts recorded in the debtor balance, as the case may be, the credit balance
of the Account (current/deposit/savings/credit), based on the formula: D =
C*Rd*n/N, where:

D - calculated interest;

C - the capital on which interest is calculated which
can be the amount from the current account, the deposit capital or the credit

Rd – interest rate

n - the number of days in the month (which can be
conventionally determined by the parties through the specific Contracts, as the
actual number of days of the month for which the interest is calculated or 30);

N - The number of days in the year (which can be
conventionally determined by the parties through the specific Contracts, as the
actual number of days of the year, 360 or 365).

2.3.4. The interest rate may have a fixed and/or variable
value that changes depending on (a) verifiable reference indices (such as the
Reference Rate) provided in the Specific Agreements or (b) the legislative
changes that require such changes. In the case of savings and term deposit
accounts, the interest rate and the method of calculating the applicable
interest are specified in the Specific Agreement.



3.1 General rules regarding the opening and operation of Accounts

3.1.1. The accounts opened on behalf of the Client at
the Bank will be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the specific
Contract concluded between the Bank and the Client and by the general rules
established by these GBC, as far as they are applicable.

3.1.2. The Bank will be able, without being obliged
to do so, to open on behalf of the Clients, through its operating units and
through the internet banking service under certain conditions, Accounts (such
as current accounts, savings accounts, deposit accounts), as a result of their
request and in accordance with the internal procedures issued by the Bank for
this purpose.

3.1.3. The Client shall submit to the Bank, upon
transmission by the Bank of any application, request or instruction or upon the
Bank's simple request, any information and documents that the Bank considers
necessary for the opening and operation of the Accounts, for the justification
of the requested operations or for the periodic fulfilment by the Bank of the
obligations established by law and/or the Bank's rules and policies. The Client
undertakes to provide the Bank, at the Bank's request, any additional information,
documents or statements in order to establish the purpose and/or economic
rationale of the transactions, the source and/or destination of the funds
withdrawn in cash and/or the source of the funds that are the subject of the
transactions, regardless of the payment channel/instrument/service through
which they were initiated, to determine the source of funds invested
(initially) in Virtual Coins and the financial circuit of Virtual Coins (both
purchases and collections of Virtual Coins) or other information necessary in
the process of knowing the clientele, updating data for the fulfilment by the
Bank of the obligations established by law, by the Bank's internal rules and/or
by International/US Sanctions.

3.1.4. In order to comply with the Bank's customer
acceptance and KYC policies and the legal provisions on preventing and
combating money laundering and terrorist financing, the International/US
Sanctions and the legal provisions on preventing and combating fraud in any of
the following situations:

a) the Customer fails to comply with any of the obligations
in clause 3.1.3; 

b) the Bank does not receive the requested
information/documents/declarations or if it receives information that is
incomplete, insufficient, not in conformity with reality or that cannot justify
the respective Payment Transaction/Account opening.

c) the Bank has suspicions or reasonable grounds for
suspicion as to the reality/validity of the statements, documents and
information provided by the Client.

d) The Bank has reasonable suspicion or reasonable
grounds for suspicion of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud,
violation of International/US Sanctions/illegal activities under applicable
criminal law and/or other applicable regulations or such suspicions have been
communicated to the Bank by other banks or authorities;

e) the Bank has received trading restrictions on the
Client's accounts from the competent authorities.

f) The Bank has received requests for return of funds
from originator/correspondent banks on the grounds of suspected fraud, money
laundering, terrorist financing or non-compliance with International/US

g) The client is a Designated Person or Restricted

h) The Client does not provide supporting documents
regarding the source of funds invested in Virtual Currencies.

i) The Customer is transacting in relation to Virtual
Currencies with Virtual Currency and fiat currency exchange service providers
and/or Digital Wallet Providers are unauthorized/unregistered or are authorized
in countries designated by the European Union as high-risk third countries
and/or non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes.

j) The customer conducts transactions with payment
service providers in countries designated by the European Union as high-risk
third countries and/or non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes

k) the Customer does not fit the risk profile
established by the Bank in its internal rules.


The Bank may immediately take one or more of the following


(i) to refuse the Customer to contract an Account or
products/services/payment instruments.

(ii) refuse to carry out Payment Transactions on the

(iii) to limit the Payment Transactions that the
Client may perform on his Accounts (e.g. limiting collections, cash payments,
Card transactions/internet banking/mobile banking services, etc.) with prior
notification to the Client and specifying the term from which these limitations
will apply;

(iv) to block the Account, the Card and/or internet
banking/mobile banking services and/or applications/payment instruments
attached to the Accounts/Cards.

(v) unilaterally terminate the Contract related to
the current Account or any Specific Contract related to services/products
attached to the Account.

(vi) not to initiate or terminate the entire business
relationship with the Customer.

3.1.5. If the Client is represented by a Trustee at
the conclusion of the specific Account Agreement, the Client will be able to
dispose of the funds in the Account only after the Signing Specimen has been
deposited with the Bank.

3.1.6. For the accounts opened on non-working days,
the date of opening the Account will be the next working day, the interest
rates in force on the opening date will be applied to it.

3.1.7. If, under the conditions and in accordance
with the law or the internal regulations of the Bank, for the opening or
operation of any Accounts, additional and/or periodic checks of the data
provided by the Client/Legal Representative/Principal/Power of Attorney are
required, the Bank is authorized to carry out any checks, request and obtain
any information about them, as well as any other persons who make deposits in
Accounts and/or have specially mandated for certain operations, from any
competent authority, public register, archive, electronic database or body
authorized, holder of such information. All costs related to consulting these
databases, as well as any expenses, commissions and fees related to them,
including postal charges, are and remain the responsibility of the Client, the
Bank having an automatic debit mandate of any Client's account for their


3.2. Persons who can operate in the Client’s Accounts

3.2.1. Regardless of the number and types of
Accounts, the Client who has full exercise capacity, as their holder, can
appoint in relation to the Bank a maximum number of two Authorized for each
Account, who have the right to have the funds from the Accounts expressly
indicated by Client (performing in the case of Payment Accounts and payment
operations), not having the right to request the closing of these Accounts. By
exception, in the case of Term Deposit Accounts and Savings Accounts, the Power
of Attorney may request the liquidation of the term deposit, respectively the
closing of the Savings Account.

3.2.2 The appointment of the authorised
representatives on the account, their identification data and specimen
signature shall be recorded in the standard forms provided by the Bank for this
purpose, as appropriate (list of authorised representatives contained in the
applications form for opening a current account, the enrolment and data update
forms to be completed for each authorised representative, the Specific
Contract), these documents being kept by the Bank. In the event that the
appointment of the Authorised Representatives is made through remote
communication channels, the identification data of the Authorised
Representatives on the account shall be recorded in the documents/computer
applications specific to the respective access methods.

(2) The Power of Attorney given by the Client shall
be considered valid until it is revoked by the Client, by one of the following
means: filling in a new list of the Powers of Attorney on the current Account
for which the change will be made in the Bank's units; filling in an express
request for revocation in the Bank's standard forms for other types of

(3) The Bank may refuse the Account Representatives
appointed by the Client, on the date of appointment or subsequently, if there
are suspicions or reasonable grounds for suspicion of money laundering,
terrorist financing, fraud, violation of International/US Sanctions and/or
embargoes or in any other situation where legal or internal regulations so
require. The Bank will not accept Designated Persons or Restricted Parties as
Trustees on Accounts. In the event that the Bank rejects existing Authorised
Representatives, it will notify the Customer in writing of the date from which
the Authorised Representative is no longer accepted by the Bank.

(4) The appointment and revocation of the Powers of
Attorney by the Client shall become binding on the Bank as of the working day
immediately following the date of submission of the list of Powers of Attorney
/ request for revocation of the Powers of Attorney.

3.2.3. In order to be able to execute the mandate
entrusted by the Client, the authorized person must provide to the Bank the
information and documents requested by it and submit the Signature Specimen to
the Bank.

3.2.4. The Customer is obliged to inform the
Authorised User or the Additional Card User of these GBC and any amendments

3.2.5. The following persons can freely dispose,
following the rules in force, on the amounts in the Current Accounts, savings
or deposit opened in the Bank's record for these Clients:

a) Account holder;

b) account proxies, only during the holder’s

c) the holder’s heirs, who prove with a certificate
of inheritance or with a court decision this quality.

d) The users of the Extra Cards attached to the
Account (only through these Cards), during the lifetime of the Account holder;

e) The legal representative of the Client, in case
the Client is minor or major without exercise capacity; in this situation, in
order to allow the Legal Representative to perform payment operations, he must
provide the Bank with the information and documents requested by it and submit
the Signature Specimen to the Bank.


3.3. Current Account. Savings account. Term deposit account. Credit card

3.3.1. The Current Account is a Payment Account. The
Bank may open, at the Client's request, a maximum of two Current Accounts in
the same currency. Any Current Account, as offered by the Bank and requested by
the Client, in accordance with the law and in accordance with the Bank's
internal rules and procedures, may have attached to it Debit Cards, internet
banking or mobile banking services, overdraft limits or any other payment
services/instruments related to the Current Account.

3.3.2. The savings account and the term deposit
account are deposit accounts whose characteristics are detailed in the Specific

3.3.3. The credit card account is an account that is
opened, operated and closed under the conditions of the specific Contract and
of these GBC, which has attached one or more Cards and a credit limit made
available by the Bank at the request of the holder, according to Specific


3.4. Unauthorized overdraft, granted by the Bank

3.4.1. The Bank may decide to make a payment
requested by the Client or to recover taxes, commissions, expenses, interest,
any other amounts due to the Bank based on specific Contracts etc., which
exceed the limit of the credit balance of the Current Account, even if there is
no specific Contract for an account discovery facility already concluded with
the Client. Thus, the mere instruction of the Bank to process Payment Orders
that exceed the credit balance of the Current Account, given directly by the
Client or by mandate entrusted to the Bank or through or by a third
beneficiary, has the legal value of early acceptance by the Client of a
non-revolving account overdraft facility ("unauthorized overdraft"),
if the Bank decides to grant it at the time of payment order processing. The
interest due by the Customer is calculated according to section 2.3.3,
specifying that "n" is 30, and "N" is 360.

3.4.2. The amounts thus advanced by the Bank will be
considered as due by the Client from the date of their advance and will be
bearing interest calculated at an annual rate set by the Bank for such

The Client undertakes to promptly supply the respective
Account with all the amounts thus due, agreeing that any credit of the
respective Account is considered to be made for the purpose of reimbursing with
priority these amounts and that the respective amounts can no longer be reused
by the Client.

3.4.3. For the purposes of establishing an
enforceable title, the Bank and the Client agree that these GBC and the
statement of account reflecting the amounts granted by the Bank under the
conditions provided in 3.4.1. and 3.4.2. have the legal value of an overdraft
credit agreement.

3.4.4. The bank has the right to recover the amounts
owed without legal notice.

3.4.5. In case of non-payment by the Client of any
amounts due on the basis of the specific Contract, the Bank will provide the
Client, upon request, information about the amount of the amounts owed by the
Client, not having the obligation to notify his existence and / or the value of
these debts.


3.5. The right to compensation

3.5.1. The Client hereby authorizes the Bank to
compensate at any time any amount due to the Bank with the funds available in
any Current Account, savings and/or term deposit, regardless of the currency in
which they are available and/or regardless of the maturity of the deposit,
without in this regard, another prior agreement of the Client will be

3.5.2. If the compensation of the amounts due will
require the change of a certain currency into another, such a change will be
made at the exchange rate in the account practiced by the Bank at that date,
for this purpose the Bank being mandated for any foreign exchange operation
that will be needed.

3.5.3. If the Client’s Accounts are not sufficiently
available to cover any amounts due to the Bank, the Bank is authorized to debit
any of the Client’s Accounts, even if this would generate an unauthorized
account under the conditions of section 3.4. ”Unauthorised overdraft granted by
the Bank.

3.5.2. The Client will be notified by the Bank after
the clearing through the account statement.


3.6. Termination of the current account

3.6.1. The client will be able to unilaterally
terminate the Current Account, anytime during the course of the specific
Contract, submitting according to the rules in the "Notifications"
section a written request, to any of the units of the Bank, without having to
justify such a decision. The deposit accounts are denounced under the
conditions of the Specific Agreement. As a rule, the current account can be
closed only if at the date of the closing request there are no products and/or
services offered by the Bank that require the continued maintenance of the
current account, in which case the Client can resume the request to close the
account only after the termination/modification, as the case may be, of the
legal relationships related to the banking products/services in progress. The
closing of the Account will be made on the date of the request; by exception,
the closing of the Current Account with an attached debit card (main and/or
additional card) will be made after 30 calendar days from the date on which the
holder asked the Bank in writing to terminate the current Account contract, if
there are recorded settlement transactions, using the form made available by
the Bank for this purpose. If during this period new Card Transactions were to
be settled, the 30-day deadline will be extended until all Card transactions
registered on the Account.

3.6.2.The Bank may unilaterally terminate the legal
relationship of the Current Account/Savings Account/Internet services/mobile
banking/payment instruments attached to the Account at any time during the term
of the Specific Agreement without having to justify such decision, with a
written notice of two calendar months sent in accordance with the rules set out
in Section 8.2 "Notices".

3.6.3 The Bank shall be entitled to terminate the
Current Account Agreement and/or the Specific Agreement relating to the
services attached to the Account by operation of law, without notice and
without the intervention of the courts, in any of the following cases:

a) the Client does not comply with the legal
provisions in force, the Bank's working rules or the Account's operating

b) the Client is suspected of direct or indirect
involvement in carrying out operations that violate legal provisions on the
prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing, such as
but not limited to the case where the Customer becomes a Designated Person or
Restricted Party or falls under International/US Sanctions or Embargoes imposed
by the European Union/United States of America/any other states or
international institutions/organizations or their agents, whether the Customer
is directly or indirectly concerned by such International Sanctions/Embargoes;

c) There are suspicions or reasonable grounds for
suspicion of fraud/money laundering/terrorist financing/violation of
International/US Sanctions/illegal activities as provided for by applicable
criminal law and/or other applicable regulations or in the event that requests
for return of funds were received from the ordering/correspondent banks on the
grounds of suspected fraud/money laundering/terrorist financing/violation of
International/US Sanctions or information on suspected fraud/money
laundering/terrorist financing/violation of International/US Sanctions against
the Client from the Romanian or foreign authorities, from banks in Romania or

d) the Client has provided the Bank with
insufficient/unreliable information and/or documents or refuses to provide the
Bank with the information and/or documents and/or agreements necessary for the
Bank to fulfil its contractual and/or legal obligations (including for the
purpose of applying FATCA and/or CRS requirements);

e) The Account balance no longer covers the costs
related to the execution of the specific Current Account Contract;

f) in the case of "dormant" Accounts
covered in section 3.7;

3.6.4 In the cases provided in art. 3.6.3 letters a),
b), c), d), f) above, the Bank will notify the Client of the measure taken,
within no more than 3 working days from the taking of this decision, according
to the rules of section 8.2. "Notifications". In the cases provided
in art. 3.6.3 letters e) the closure of the Account is made without

3.6.5. In all the cases in which the initiative of
closing the account belongs to the Bank, as of the closing date of the account,
the Bank will cease crediting the account with interest, and the amount which
would represent the credit balance of the Account on that date would be made
available to the Client into non – interest- bearing accounts. The Client owes
the standard fees/commissions related to the payment operation of the sums of
money, as provided for in Fees and Commissions into force upon carrying out the
operation. The Bank will not be liable under any circumstance for potential
direct or indirect damages that the Client might incur as a result of the
closing of his/her accounts, according to the afore mentioned.

3.6.6 The Term Deposit/Savings
Account Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of termination for
any reason of the Current Account Agreement opened in the currency of the
savings product with the Bank. In this case, the termination of the term deposit/savings
account shall take place on the same date as the date of termination of the
Current Account contract and the Customer agrees that the Bank shall proceed to
transfer the amount of the deposit/savings account to the respective Current
Account after liquidation of the deposit/savings account with this date, even
if it has not reached maturity and with interest rate subsidy until the date of
termination of the deposit/savings account contract.



3.7 Special provisions applicable to “dormant” accounts

3.7.1 If during a period of time, determined by the
Bank and made known to the Customer by posting at the Bank's units and on the
Bank's website, no request by the Customer to change the Account has been
registered and approved for the Current Account or Savings Account, or if no
debit or credit transaction has been made to the Account by the Customer, third
parties or the Bank, the Account shall become "dormant".

The time period set by the Bank for a Current Account to
become "dormant" is general and applies to all Current Accounts.

In this case, the Bank will continue to charge fees and
commissions to the respective accounts as long as there is a credit balance.
The Bank will also continue to calculate the credit/debit interest according to
the characteristics of each Account as long as there is a credit/debit balance.

3.7.2 By way of exception to the provisions of art.
3.6.4 above, the Bank may at any time decide to close the Account declared
"dormant" with zero balance or debtor, without the Client’s prior or
subsequent notification.

3.7.3 Following the approval of a request to modify
an account or after processing a debit or credit transaction on the
"dormant" Account, it will be reactivated automatically by the Bank;
After approving the request to modify the Account/carrying out the transaction,
the Account will remain in an "active" state and may become
"dormant" under the conditions mentioned in this section.

3.7.4 The Bank shall not notify the Customer of the
Account going into "dormant" status.

Debit or credit operations carried out by the Bank,
representing exclusively the payment of interest by the Bank and the payment of
commissions/fees related to the Account, are not considered as Account


3.8 Account blocking.

3.8.1. The Client's Current Accounts may be blocked
(i) totally, in which case no Payment Transactions (deposit/withdrawal of
funds, transfer of funds, collection) will be executed or (ii) partially, in
which case only the Payment Transactions of crediting the Current Account (collection)
will be executed.

3.8.2. (1) The Bank is entitled to order the total or
partial blocking of the Accounts in any of the following situations:

a) compliance with the Bank's customer acceptance and
KYC policies and the legal provisions on preventing and combating money
laundering and terrorist financing, as well as the legal provisions on
preventing and combating fraud;

b) suspicion of fraud, suspicious, unauthorized or
illegal transactions on the Current Account;

c) for any objectively justified reasons related to
the security of the Current Account and compliance with the legal provisions in

d) in any other cases provided for by these GTC and
the legal provisions in force;

(2) The Client may request the Bank to block the Current
Accounts in case of suspicion of fraud, suspicious, unauthorized or fraudulent

3.8.3 (1) During the partial blocking of the Current
Account: (i) credit or debit interest shall be calculated and recorded; (ii)
the Account administration fee provided for in the Specific Agreement shall be
charged; (iii) any Payment Transactions completed by crediting the
Current Account shall be recorded; (iv) the Bank shall not execute
payment orders that have the effect of debiting the Current Account.

(2) During the total blocking of the Current Account:
(i) no Payment Transactions (deposit/withdrawal of funds, transfer of
funds, collection) shall be executed; (ii) no Account administration fee
provided for in the Specific Agreement shall be charged; and (iii) no
interest shall be calculated and recorded as a credit or, as the case may be,
as a debit.

3.8.4 In the event that the Current Account is
blocked as provided above, the Bank may also block any payment
instrument/service giving access to such Account.

3.8.5 (1) In the situations referred to in paragraph
3.8.2 para. (1) above, the Bank shall be entitled to block the Client's Deposit
and Savings Accounts.

(2) During the blocking of the Deposit and Savings
Accounts: (i) the Client shall not be able to make partial or total withdrawals
of funds; (ii) the other contractual provisions shall apply under the
conditions provided for in the specific Contracts.



3.9 Provisions regarding interest, taxes and commissions related to the
current account

3.9.1. The credit interest is calculated according to
section 2.3.3., specifying that "n" is the actual number of days for
which the interest is calculated and "N" is 365/366. The credit
interest is calculated daily for the balance existing at the end of the banking
day. Interest is calculated for the calendar month and year and will be
credited monthly, capitalizing on the account. Interest credit is only made
after deducting the interest income tax according to the legal provisions in force.

3.9.2 The
administration fee of the current account is due monthly on the last working
day of the month, for the month during which it is due to pay it, in the
absence of a contrary provision in the request for opening an account.

The administration fee of the Current Account is charged
pro-rata both in the month of opening and in the month of closing of the
Current Account, in proportion to the period when the Account was opened.

3.9.3  The fee for the account statement transmitted
by post is due monthly on the first business day of the month following that
for which the statement is generated. The Bank reserves the right to suspend
the sending of the account statement by post after three consecutive months of
non-payment of the tax.

3.9.4 The Bank is
authorized by the Client to debit the Current Account, at the maturity of any
tax/commission related to it, with the amount necessary to pay. Partial
payments are also accepted. If there is not enough available in the current
account for the total payment obligation to be cancelled, the provisions of
art. 3.4 regarding the discovery of unauthorized account granted by the Bank
and art. 3.5 regarding the right of compensation in these GBC.


3.10 Prescription term

In all cases where an Account is closed, the term within
which the Client will be able to request the refund of the amounts that
represented the credit balance of the respective Account at the date of its
closing, is the legal limitation period that begins to run from the date on
which the notification of closure of the Account it is considered received by
the Client according to section 8.2. "Notifications”. If the law does not
provide for a specific notification method, it will be done according to the provisions
of section 8.2. "Notifications”. During this period, the amounts recorded
in the balances of the closed accounts will be kept by the Bank at the disposal
of the Client, in interest-bearing accounts.



In case of conflict between the provisions of this chapter
and those of the Specific Contracts regarding the payment operations and the
Payment Accounts, the rule stipulated in point 1.2.1 applies. By way of
exception, the provisions of this chapter modify and/or duly complete, where
appropriate, the Specific Agreements regarding the payment operations and the
Payment Accounts concluded before 15.12.2009.

Clients who opened an Account accessible online have the
possibility to initiate payments, to obtain information about this account or
to obtain any information regarding the availability of funds through third
party service providers, being able to use the security elements provided by
the Bank for this purpose. Aspects related to the use of the services offered
by third-party payment service providers are regulated in the specific contract
for Raiffeisen Online/Smart Mobile services.


4.1 Account unique identification code

4.1.1. In order for the Bank to execute a Payment
Order in relation to a Payment Account, the Customer shall provide the Bank

a) the IBAN code of the Payment Beneficiary’s Account
(or the BBAN - basic bank account number - for countries that have not joined
the IBAN); for payments ordered to beneficiaries whose service providers are
established outside the European Union next to the IBAN/BBAN code of the
Payment Beneficiary’s Account, the Client will provide the Bank and the name
and surname of the payment beneficiary;

b) for foreign currency payment transactions, except
for payments in Euros made within the EU/EEA when the beneficiary account is
identified through IBAN, additionally to the information from letter a) above,
the name and address of the payment service provider of the payment beneficiary
or the BIC/SWIFT (Business Identifier Code) code of this provider must be
provided; if the Client provides to the Bank both the name of the payment
service provider of the payment beneficiary and the BIC/SWIFT (Business Identifier
Code) code, when applicable, of this provider, the Bank will use only the
BIC/SWIFT (Business Identifier Code) in order to send the payment to the
provider. The Client understands and accepts that in order to execute a payment
order in connection with a Payment Account, ordered by it, the Bank will
communicate to the beneficiary's bank, the IBAN code of the paying account, the
Client's name and surname and his/her address/residence address in track
recorded in the Bank's database and validated on a documentary basis, by
including them in the information accompanying the transfers of funds.

4.1.2. The Bank has in no case the obligation to
verify the name of the Account holder indicated as beneficiary by the Client in
the payment order and also his Account number, making the payment in the
account indicated in the payment instruction.

4.1.3. In order to process the payment instructions,
upon taking over the IBAN codes transmitted by Clients in the Bank's
information systems or taking the IBAN codes represented on paper in the
internal systems, the Bank has the obligation to validate the IBAN codes of all
the Accounts mentioned in the payment instructions they process, using the
validation method imposed by the legal regulation in force. In addition, the
Bank will validate the BIC codes of the beneficiaries' service providers when
the BIC codes are required, mentioned in the payment instructions sent by the
Bank's Customers, using the validation method required by the legal regulation
in force, as well as the concordance between the IBAN code that identifies the
payment beneficiary and the BIC code of the payment service provider of the
beneficiary indicated on the payment order, when the BIC code is required,
verifying the location of both codes (IBAN and BIC) in the same country and/or
at the same payment service provider.

4.1.4. In order to credit the Paying Account of a
beneficiary Client, the Bank will verify:

a) the existence of the information regarding the
payer, within the payment details as they were communicated by the provider or
the payment services (the name of the payer and the unique identification code
of the payment account of the payer and, in addition, the following additional
information: the payer's address or the document number official payer
personnel or payer identification number or date and place of payer birth, all
such additional information only if either the payer's payment service provider
or the intermediary payment service provider, if applicable, is established
outside space of the European Union)

b) the existence and accuracy of the information
regarding the Beneficiary Client (the unique identification code of the
beneficiary's payment account and, in addition, the beneficiary's name for
either the payment service provider of the payer or the intermediary payment
service provider, if applicable, is established outside the EU/EEA area).

4.1.5 (1) In the case of Payment Orders, in foreign
currency, transmitted to a Payee Customer's Payment Account, received by the
Bank from another payment service provider located outside the European
Union/European Economic Area, the Bank may perform additional checks in
accordance with its legal provisions/internal procedures (such as, but not
limited to: correspondence between the name of the Payee Account holder and the
Account number indicated in the Payment Order, existence of the payer's
complete address - country, city, street, number), in order to process the
Payment Order correctly.

(2) In order to carry out the checks referred to in
the previous paragraph, the Bank may request additional information from the
ordering/correspondent bank. If the Bank does not receive the requested
information or receives incomplete information or if it contains discrepancies
with the information held by the Bank on the Payee Customer, the Bank shall not
process the Payment Order.


4.2 Authorise payment orders

4.2.1. (1) The Bank shall provide the
following channels to Customers for initiating Payment Orders:

a) internet banking, and mobile banking services,
according to the specific Contract;

b) terminals (ATMs/MFMs) for Payment Transactions
initiated/authorized through the Card;

c) other channels/applications for making payments on
the basis of Specific Contracts concluded with the Client.

(2) In any of the following situations: (i) the
non-functioning of internet banking, and mobile banking services for periods
longer than three hours; (ii) in the situation where the internet banking, and
mobile banking services are blocked at the Bank's initiative, without also
blocking the accounts; (iii) in the situation where the Customers request the
performance of currency exchange operations on the account at a negotiated
exchange rate; (iv) in the situation where the Customer's accounts are seized;
(v) in other situations where the Customer invokes the impossibility of using
the channels mentioned in lit. a) - c) deemed justified by the Bank, the
Clients may initiate, by way of exception, Payment Orders (including foreign
exchange) on paper in the Account, in any of the Bank's units.

(3) The Bank accepts only editable payment order
forms with bar code for transactions in lei and editable payment order for
payment transactions in foreign currency and external payments in lei, being
necessary to download the forms accepted by the Bank from the website, to fill them in
electronically, to sign them by hand and to present them in original, on paper,
in the banking units.

(4) The Bank has the right, but not the obligation,
to refuse the execution of payment orders/currency exchanges to the Account,
initiated on paper, in situations other than those mentioned in paragraph. (2).
(i) - (v) and may not be held liable for such refusal; the Bank may also not be
held liable if it accepts the execution of paper-based Payment Orders/currency
exchanges in the Account in situations other than those mentioned in para. (2)
item. (i) to (v) of this Article.

(5) The Bank may also provide the Client with other
channels for the transmission of payment orders, to the extent it has expressly
agreed with the Client under a Specific Agreement.

4.2.2 A payment operation is considered authorized
only if the Paying Client has expressed its personal consent or through legal
representative, as the case may be, through the authorized person, for the
execution of the payment operation in one of the modalities listed below and
which will be supplemented, if necessary, with the regulations of the Specific

a) in writing, on paper, by applying the signature of
the Client/Proxy on the payment form/on the Specific Agreement, in accordance
with the signature specimen deposited with the Bank.

b) by affixing the qualified electronic Signature on
the payment order in electronic format under the terms and conditions agreed
upon under the specific Agreement related to such a payment instrument;

c) by telephone, under the conditions of the Specific
Agreement, after completing the special procedure for identifying the Client.

d) by using the security elements (such as PIN,
passwords, authentication code, etc.) according to the Specific Agreement.

e) by communicating the identification data of the
Cards requested by the beneficiaries of the payment services and possibly, of
some security elements, in the terms and conditions agreed with them.

4.2.3. The Client accepts that the Bank may perform
Payment Operations from its Accounts without its express consent or agreement,
to pay the amounts established by final or arbitrary judgments and/or other
enforceable titles provided by law, irrespective of the state budget, budgets.
local or any third party, to correct the errors found when checking the
transactions in the Account, as well as to retain the commissions/other amounts
owed/due to the Bank for the operations performed/in connection with them, the
interest and the outstanding and/or outstanding credit rates or in any other
cases provided by law, these payment operations being considered authorized by
the Client, within the meaning of the previous article.

4.2.4 In the event of a garnishment on the Client's
accounts, if the law does not prohibit the Bank from doing so, the parties
agree that the Bank may inform the Client by email and/or SMS (to the email
address and/or mobile phone number declared to the Bank) or by another means
chosen by the Bank, regarding the establishment of the garnishment on the
Client's accounts.


4.3. Execute payment orders

4.3.1. The Bank will execute the payment orders
received from the Client only if the following conditions are met:

a) the payment order is
submitted by the Paying Customer, if applicable by the Payee Customer, on the
standard forms issued by the Bank - payment orders with barcode or required by
law, or through the electronic channels offered by the Bank, is completed with
all mandatory elements, is legible and authorised or signed by the
Customer/Authorised Representative in full accordance with the Specimen
Signatures held by the Bank (in the case of payment orders with barcode issued
on paper);

b) depending on the type of payment instrument used
to transmit the payment order, the Client initiating the payment operation
provides all the information requested by the Bank according to the specific
Contract and/or through the payment forms accepted by the Bank.

c) In the case of bar code payment orders, the
information transposed from the bar code of the payment order corresponds to
the information entered on the payment form; in case of inconsistencies, the
information on the form will prevail;

d)  The funds
available in the Payment Account are sufficient to allow both the respective
payment and the payment of commissions due to the Bank for the services
provided, except for the offline electronic payments, in case you cannot query
the balance of the Payment Account at the time of payment by the Customer ;

e) The ordered payment orders do not contravene the
applicable legal regulations (for example: in the ordered payment operations
are not involved goods, persons and territories in relation to which are
disposed, according to the law, international sanctions for blocking funds,
currency regulation etc.)

f) The paying Customer or the
beneficiary of the payment is not registered in a list of persons subject to a
ban on the use of bank accounts/making of payments/international bonds/US
freezing of funds/other related legal measures taken for the purpose of preventing
and combating money laundering, terrorist financing and/or the Bank has no
suspicion or there are no reasonable grounds for suspicion of fraud/money
laundering/terrorist financing/non-compliance with International/US Sanctions
in relation to the Payment Transaction, so as to consider that the refusal to
execute the Payment Transaction is necessary for the prevention of possible
fraud, breaches of law, etc. ;

g) the payment identification codes mentioned in art.
4.1 are validated by the Bank, according to the provisions of art. 4.1.3

h) the cas available in the Payment Account necessary
for the execution of the payment order is not affected by a measure of
unavailability of the account/blocking of the funds taken by the Bank based on
some legal provisions or the conventions existing between the parties, under an
enforceable title or disposed of by an organ having such competences,
representing, but not limited to: confiscation, insurance confiscation, forced
execution, seizure, distraint, the establishment of mandatory international
sanctions in national law, the application of a sanction by the Bank.

i) there are no reasonable reasons for the Bank to
doubt the authenticity of the Payment Order regarding the source, content,
signature, consent, etc.

j) The Customer complies with the requirements of
point 4.3.8

k) The Bank has not received transaction restrictions
on the Client's accounts from Correspondent Banks and/or requests for return of
funds from Ordering / Correspondent Banks on the grounds of suspected fraud,
money laundering, terrorist financing or non-compliance with International / US

l) in the case of transactions related to Virtual
Coins, the Bank shall receive from the Client the requested supporting
documents regarding the source of funds invested in Virtual Coins;

m) transactions are not carried out with providers of
exchange services between Virtual Currencies and fiat currencies and/or Digital
Wallet Providers that are unauthorised/unregistered or from countries
designated by the European Union as high-risk third countries and/or
non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes;

n) The Customer does not conduct transactions with
payment service providers from countries designated by the European Union as
high-risk third countries and/or non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax

o) the payment transaction initiated by the Customer
has not been restricted/limited by the Bank in application of the measures set
out in points 3.1.4 (ii) and (iii).

4.3.2. The Bank is entitled not to carry out any
transaction which presents a risk of legalizing the revenues from the financing
of terrorism or which raises suspicions regarding the incidence of national and
international sanctions on the financing of terrorism, or if it considers that
it does not comply with the legal regulations in this area. The Bank may refuse
the instructions of the Client to transfer funds to financial
institutions/individuals/legal entities in countries suspected of supporting
terrorist actions or subject to International Sanctions/Embargoes, classified
by national/international authorities or international
institutions/organizations or to financial institutions outside such
territories, whose parent company is registered in a country on such a list.
The list of these countries can be consulted on the Bank's website,

4.3.3 If several payment instructions are ordered by
the Client, whose total amount exceeds the credit balance of the Payment
Account or the maximum amount of any type of overdraft granted to the Customer,
the Bank will execute the payment operations within the limit of the available
balance and in the order processing of instructions for internal processing

4.3.4. The client assumes the obligation to keep in
the Payment Account the availability necessary to execute the payment order
until the expiry of the execution term indicated by the Bank for the ordered
payment operation.

4.3.5. The trading limits imposed by the Bank for the
use of a certain payment instrument, if any, are those established in the
Specific Agreement.

4.3.6. Cash transactions (deposits or withdrawals)
may only be carried out at ATM/MFM terminals by Customers holding a Card and
shall be recorded and executed by the Bank in accordance with the legal
provisions applicable to payment services and the contractual provisions agreed
by the parties.

4.3.7. Information on the limits of cash deposits and
withdrawals, in lei or in available currencies, which can be made at the Bank's
ATMs/MFMs, is available on the Bank's website,
in the section "In your support". The Customer may request an
increase of the cash withdrawal limit in lei or in foreign currency according
to the information that the Bank provides in the same section of the website.

4.3.8.  In
executing payment instructions, the Bank shall act in good faith and exercise
reasonable diligence, determined in accordance with the standards, banking
practices, national and international customs, uniform rules and any applicable
national and international regulations, which shall duly supplement these GBC
and shall together govern the legal relationships to which they apply;

For the payment transactions initiated, regardless of the
method of their transmission, the Customer is obliged to submit to the Bank, at
its request, supporting documents in accordance with the requirements of the
legislation in force.

The Bank shall carry out additional checks if it has
reasonable suspicions or reasonable grounds for suspicion regarding fraud,
money laundering, terrorist financing, violation of International/US Sanctions
or such suspicions have been communicated to the Bank by other banks or
authorities. Amounts related to suspicious transactions will be frozen until
the verification is completed and the execution periods will be extended

4.3.9. The Bank shall be entitled to use
communications, settlement or payment systems or the services of a third party
to execute the Payment Operations ordered in the Payment Accounts.

4.3.10. The Bank will not be liable to the Client for
any delay or deficiency of a third party (including, without limitation,
intermediary banks, agents, notaries public, court executors, etc.) in
fulfilling its duties in relation to the Bank, even if the delay or deficiency
does not occur in abnormal and unforeseen circumstances, outside the control of
the person invoking them and whose consequences could not have been avoided in
spite of all due diligence in this regard or if the third party is obliged to
comply with other legislative provisions.

4.3.11. In the case of the amounts in the currency
transferred to the Paying Account of a Beneficiary Client if the Beneficiary
Account mentioned in the Payment Order is opened in another currency The Bank
will execute the payment operation by crediting the Beneficiary Account with
the currency equivalent of this Account of the transferred amount, calculated
at the Course exchange rate of the Cross-currency Bank from the moment of
crediting the Account.

4.3.12. In the case of the amounts in the currency
transferred from the Payment Account of a Paying Client, if the Paying Account
mentioned in the payment order is opened in another currency, execute the
payment operation by debiting the Paying Account with the currency equivalent
of this Account of the transferred amount, calculated at the Bank’s Exchange
rate, as indicated by the Bank at the time of receiving the payment instruction
and accepted by the Paying Client.

4.3.13. The Bank does not perform transfer operations
of the amounts in lei from the Accounts in the currency of the Paying Client,
nor any operations to collect the amounts in lei transferred to Accounts in the
currency of the beneficiary Client.

4.3.14 If the payment order through which amounts are
transferred to the Paying Account of a beneficiary Client is revoked by the
payer, with the acceptance of the beneficiary Client, after the Bank has
credited the beneficiary Client's account, in the case in which the transferred
amount was expressed in a currency other than the one of the beneficiary
Account and the Bank performed the currency conversion according to the
provisions of art. 4.3.12, the Bank will refund the amount that is the object
of the payment order revoked, in the currency indicated in the payment order,
the Paying Client bearing the eventual exchange rate differences resulting from
the conversion made between the amount credited to the beneficiary Client's
Account and the amount transferred to the payer who revoked the payment order;
in this situation, the conversion will be carried out at the exchange rate of
the cross-currency bank from the moment of the debit of the beneficiary
client's account.


4.4. Terms of execution

4.4.1. The Bank will execute the Payment Operations
in compliance with the following terms:

a) for the national operations in payment in lei: at
the latest until the end of the next working day after the day of receiving the
Payment Order;

b) for payment operations denominated in Euro or
other official currency of a Member State of the European Union or of the
European Economic Area ("EU/EEA") outside the euro area, when the
payment service provider of the beneficiary is located in a EU/EEA member
state: at the latest by the end of the next working day after the day of
receipt of the Payment Order;

c) for payment operations in any currency other than
those of EU/EEA Member States, where the payee's payment service provider is
located in an EU/EEA Member State: at the latest by the end of the third
business day after the date of receipt of the Payment Order;

d) for payment operations in any currency, when the
payment service provider of the payment beneficiary is not in an EU/EEA Member
State: at the latest by the end of the third working day after the day of
receipt of the payment order;

The payment operations provided for in letters a), b) and c)
above are considered executed on the date of the credit of the payment service
provider's account of the payment beneficiary with the amount of the Payment
Operation. The payment operations provided for in letter d) are considered
executed by the Bank at the moment when the Bank transfers the money to the
payment service provider's account of the Payee Beneficiary through the
corresponding banks and/or through the external settlement systems.

4.4.2 In the case of Payment Transactions carried out
through Correspondent Intermediary Banks and/or through External Settlement
Systems in other countries, for the calculation of the deadlines referred to in
the previous point, the days established as non-working days and the national
legal holidays of the respective countries shall not be taken into account and,
as a result, the execution deadlines shall be extended accordingly to the
number of such days.

4.4.3. The Bank has no obligation to credit a Payment
Account before receiving the appropriate final payment, unless it has otherwise
agreed with the Client in the Specific Agreement.

In the case of currency payment transactions, the Bank will
credit the Beneficiary Client’s Account as appropriate:

(i) for interbank operations, depending on the Time
limit, as the case may be, on the day on which the Bank's account was credited
or on the next business day, the operation with the Effective Date on which the
Bank's account was credited shall be recorded in the Account;

(ii) for in-bank operations, on the day of the
payment instruction execution.

4.4.4. Cash deposit and withdrawal transactions at
ATMs/MFMs are processed by the Bank online and are recorded in the Payment
Account immediately after the transaction is completed.

4.4.5. If the payment instructions that have as
effect the credit/debit of a Payment Account are sent to the Bank on
non-working days, it will be shown in the Account balance in the first working
day following.

4.4.6 At the Client's request, the Bank executes the
Payment Operations before the fulfilment of the maximum execution term provided
in art. 4.4.1, in which case the Customer owes to the Bank the additional tax
for the emergency regime.


4.5 The refusal to execute payment orders

4.5.1 (1) If the Bank refuses to execute a Payment
Transaction (e.g. deposit/withdrawal of cash, transfer/collection of a sum of
money, etc.), the refusal and the reasons for the refusal shall be communicated
to the Client within the execution deadlines corresponding to the payment
transaction ordered, specified in section 4.4, in the manner specific to each

a) at the Bank's units, at the Client's request for
direct debit or scheduled payment order services;

b) via payment instruments (such as internet banking,
mobile banking);

c) by means of specific devices that make it possible
to execute payment transactions ordered through payment instruments (such as
ATM, MFM, EPOS, etc.);

d) through the operator of the phone banking service
offered by the Bank.

(2) As an exception to the preceding paragraph, the
Bank shall not inform the Customer of the refusal and/or the reasons for the
refusal to execute a Payment Transaction if this is prohibited by national or
international legal provisions (including but not limited to legal provisions
relating to suspected fraud, money laundering/terrorist financing/violation of
International/(US) Sanctions) or has been requested by competent authorities or
for security and fraud prevention reasons.


4.6 Revoke payment orders.

4.6.1. Once expressed by the Client, in the
corresponding ways mentioned above, the consent is irrevocable, after the
Payment Order has been received by the Bank. By exception, in the case of
direct debit type services, the consent given for the execution of several
Payment Operations may be withdrawn at the express request of the Customer,
formulated in writing and deposited at any territorial unit of the Bank, at the
end of the business day preceding the agreed day at the latest, for debiting
Payment Accounts, following which any other future payment transaction will be
deemed unauthorized.

4.6.2. The Bank will be able to accept, at the
Client's request, the necessary steps to revoke the Payment Orders instructed
by the Customer after the payment authorization (the Customer expressing the
consent regarding the payment operation), only if the following conditions are
cumulatively met:

a) The Client completes the specific form provided by the
Bank for the purpose of revocation.

b) The Client pays the commission related to the requested

4.6.3. The Bank cannot guarantee the successful
revocation of a Payment Order if:

a) the payment instruction has already been sent to
the beneficiary's bank in the case of interbank payment operations.

b) the amount of the transaction has already been
credited to the Payee's Account in the case of interbank payment transactions;
In this case, the revocation will be possible only with the agreement of the
beneficiary of the payment.

4.6.4. Any occasional cost or injury suffered by the
Bank, arising from the revocation or modification of a Payment Order, will be
borne by the Client and automatically debited by the Bank from any of its
Account, without completing any other formalities.


4.7. Provisions regarding the price, interest rate and the exchange rate.
Commissioning options applicable to payments

4.7.1. When the payment service provider of the
payment beneficiary is located in a member state of the European Union/European
Economic Area (EU/EEA), the payment operations in lei or in any currency are
instructed with the SHA commissioning option.

4.7.2 If the Paying Client expressly indicates, on
his own responsibility, the OUR commissioning option, the Bank may accept to
execute a payment of the nature of those of art. 4.7.1 above, instructed in a
currency that does not belong to an EU/EEA Member State, the Client agreeing to
bear all the costs related to the transfer of the entire amount subject to the
payment instruction.

4.7.3 The paying customer cannot use the BEN
commissioning option for the Payment Operations provided in art. 4.7.1 above,
as a result, if the Bank receives Payment Orders instructed with the BEN option
in favor of a beneficiary whose payment service provider is in an EU/EEA Member
State, it will process the payment with the Option of SHA commissioner.

4.7.4  When the
payment service provider of the Payee Beneficiary is in a state outside the
EU/EEA, the Client may choose to apply any commissioning option: SHA, OUR, BEN.

4.7.5 For the services provided, the Client owes the
Bank a price in the form of taxes, commissions, expenses and/or any other costs
mentioned in the specific Contract regarding the payment service.

4.7.6 If the Client is the Beneficiary of the
payment, he agrees that the Bank may collect from the transferred amount the
costs due by the Client to the Bank for the execution of this Payment

4.7.7 For the payment operations carried out by the
Card which also involves the exchange of a currency, the Reference Exchange
Rate will be applied as indicated in the specific Contract regarding the
payment service.

4.7.8. In the case of payment transactions involving
a currency exchange and currency exchanges made by the Client through the
Current Account, the exchange rate applied by the Bank at that time or, where
applicable, the one negotiated with the Client shall be used; the exchange rate
applied by the Bank shall be communicated to the Client by displaying it on the
Bank's website, at the
Bank's territorial unit headquarters, by displaying it in the specific internet
banking application or through the Bank's operator, in the case of phone

4.7.9. For the collection of commissions involving a
foreign exchange, the exchange rate of the Bank valid at the date of
commissioning will be applied, unless otherwise agreed in the Specific

4.7.10. The parties agree that the changes regarding
the Interest Rate, the Reference Exchange Rate and the Currency Exchange Rate
of the Bank provided in the specific Contract regarding the payment services,
as the case may be, will apply immediately and without any prior notification.

4.7.11. The Client agrees that the Bank shall apply
immediately and without any prior notification the changes in the Interest Rate
or the Currency Exchange Rate applied by the Bank, when these are more
advantageous to the Client.

4.7.12. The parties agree that the information
regarding the exchange rate/interest rate applied by the Bank in the case of
payment services, as well as the changes in the reference exchange rates or the
reference interest rates applied by the Bank for the payment services, shall be
communicated to the Client in the contents statement of account.


4.8. Provisions regarding the communication by the Bank of the mandatory
information regarding the execution of a payment operation

4.8.1. The information regarding the debit/credit of
the Payment Account will be made available at the latest on the working day
following the debit/credit.

4.8.2. The communication of the mandatory information
regarding the execution of a Payment Operation will be made according to the
specificity of each product/service, in one of the following ways:

a) in the case of internet banking/mobile banking
services: by posting in the specific application of some text messages or by
generating an electronic confirmation;

b) in the case of the telephone banking service: by
voice message communicated by the operators of the service under the conditions
of the specific Contract, or by voice message communicated by the automatic
operator in the case of the automatic functionality of this service, or by a
specific document sent personally, at the headquarters of the Bank's agencies;

c) in the case of Debit/Credit Cards: by displaying
text messages and/or generating paper receipts by electronic devices through
which the card is used (eg ATM, EPOS, Imprinter) and, on request, by voice
message communicated by to phone banking service operators;

d) in the case of Payment Operations initiated on
paper support, as well as in the case of scheduled payment order services,
direct debit: on paper support, in the Bank's territorial units;

e) in the case of the Internet banking or mobile
banking type service through the intermediary extract obtained by the Client
according to the specific Contract.

4.8.3. The generation of duplicate Payment Orders
related to the transactions carried out through the phone banking service shall
be made only at the Client's express request addressed to any territorial unit
of the Bank.

4.8.4. For the record of the payment operations,
registered in the Client's Payments Accounts, the Bank will issue and
communicate to it monthly, the statement of account (in the case of the credit
card, in the Activity Report).

The statement of account will also highlight the corrections
made by the Bank for any error found in connection with the operations
performed in the Account.

4.8.5. The bank provides free communication of the
monthly statement of account in one of the following ways:

a) at any territorial unit of the Bank, on paper at the
Client's request;

b) through the Electronic Statement Service accessing - Electronic Statement,
in electronic format;

c) through the Internet banking/mobile banking type service,
during the period in which such service is active, in electronic format.

The means of communication provided for in letters b) and c)
are not available at the same time. With the contracting of the internet
banking/mobile banking type service, the information through the Electronic
Statement Service mentioned in letter b) above will no longer be available,
this being realized through the contracted internet banking/mobile banking type

4.8.6. Access to the Electronic Statement Service is
done by accessing the website
- Electronic Statement, where the Client can log in based on the following
security elements:

  i) the user code, as it is initially confirmed by the
Client’s Bank (client’s Tax Code); ii) the static password, such as this one
initially chosen by the client and which must contain a minimum of 8 and a
maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters, of which at least 1 (one) character must
be the number.

It is mandatory that on the first access/connection to the
Electronic Statement Service, the Client modifies his user code.

4.8.7 After this change, accessing the Electronic
Statement Service will be based on the following security elements: the user
code, as it was changed by the Client at the first login and the static
password chosen by the Client. As an additional security measure, the access /
connection to the Electronic Extras Service, for the same User Code, will be
automatically blocked by the Bank after the Customer has entered the static
password three times in a row. The unlocking of the access will be done at the
request of the client, by telephone at the Call Center Service and / or in any
Bank agency.

4.8.8. The Bank ensures the communication of the
monthly account statement, on paper, by post, only if the Client opts for this
method of communication, in which case the Client owes the fee provided in the
specific Lists; in order to waive this way of communication, the Client must
make a written request expressly for this purpose and indicate another free way
of information, among which can be made available by the Bank. The activity
report issued by the Bank for the credit card will be communicated according to
the provisions of the Specific Agreement. The Bank offers the Client the
possibility to choose, for the communication by post of the monthly account
statements for the Current Accounts, a separate postal address for each Current
Account separately, different from the Home Address or the Correspondence
Address chosen by the Client for the communication of any other Notifications,
according to article 8.2 of this document.

4.8.9. In order to issue any documents containing
information of the history account statements, or, as the case may be, the
provision of any other services relating to the account statements, the Bank
may charge a commission, the value of which is that mentioned in the Specific

4.8.10. The client expresses its agreement that, if
it benefits from the internet banking/mobile banking service, it will be
notified of the monthly account statement, free of charge, only in electronic
format, exclusively through the specific application.

4.8.11. The client accepts that the statements of
account transmitted in any manner agreed with the Bank in accordance with these
CBG and/or in the Specific Contracts, as well as any other extracts from the
Bank's records, prove conclusive and correct in some legal procedures, or for
other purposes, both regarding their content, as well as of the Client's
obligations, unless they contain a clear error, proven with a written document
having a definite date.

4.8.12. The power of attorney on the account is not
entitled to request an account statement, but only information regarding the
account balance and the operations performed by it on the Account of the

4.8.13 The Bank makes available to the Client, once a
year, free of charge, a statement of all the commissions related to the
Account, incurred during a previous period of 12 months. The situation of the
commissions made available to the Client can be accessed through the internet
banking/mobile banking service or can be requested, on paper, in any
territorial unit of the Bank.


4.9. Provisions regarding security requirements

4.9.1. The payment instructions given to the Bank
will be executed at the Client's account and risk, which will bear the
consequences resulting from misunderstandings or errors in all cases where the
Bank is not held liable, according to the law.

4.9.2. The Bank shall act in accordance with the
provisions of national and international laws and regulations concerning trade
restrictions/sanctions applied to certain states, entities and persons and also
restrictions on the export of products and technologies with potential civil
and military applications ("dual-use goods"). Accordingly, the Bank
shall not be liable for any direct/indirect, material/material loss, damage or
delay suffered by the Customer or third parties resulting from the failure to
collect/make payments to the Customer as a result of compliance with national
and international regulations and legislation in the field of international/US
restrictions/sanctions applied to certain, entities and persons.

4.9.3. The Client will be liable to the Bank for any
loss suffered by it, as a result of not knowing to the Bank any restrictions or
limitations regarding the Client / Account.

4.9.4. If the Client presents the Bank with payment
orders or any other payment instruments that are false or potentially
fraudulent in the Bank's sole discretion, causing payment risks, including
those instruments that may affect the finality of settlement, they shall be
subject to the legal sanctions provided for by the regulations in force, the
Bank reserving the right not to execute the Client's Payment Order in these
situations, without being held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused
to the Client as a result.

4.9.5. The client is obliged to comply with the
security requirements mentioned in the Specific Agreement regarding the payment

4.9.6. The client has the obligation to notify the
Bank as soon as he is aware of the loss, theft, the unauthorized use of the
payment instrument or of any other unauthorized use of it, through the means of
communication identified in the specific Contract, which are operational 24/7.

4.9.7 In case of suspicion of fraud or real fraud or
in the case of security threats, the Bank will notify the Client, being able to
choose, depending on the situation, one or more of the following communication
channels: SMS, voice call through the service by Call Center, by notification
in the Raiffeisen Online service, Smart Mobile or message transmitted to the
e-mail address communicated to the Bank.

4.9.8 The Bank has the right to block the use of the
payment instrument in the cases and in compliance with the procedures agreed in
the Specific Agreement.

4.9.9. In the event that there is reasonable
suspicion of fraud or suspicion of unauthorised use by the Client or a third
party of internet banking/mobile banking/ Cards or any payment instrument or
for reasons related to the security of the payment instrument. The Bank may
suspend the Client's access to these services/payment instruments at any time,
for a specific period of time. As a measure to protect the Client's interests
in case of reasonable suspicion of fraud, the Bank may block the Client's
access to the Account and/or access to internet banking/mobile banking/Cards
services or through any channel, as well as any payment transactions carried
out on the Client's Account, including transactions initiated through third
party service providers (without the Client's prior consent, until any
suspicion is removed, with notification to the Client of the measure taken, in
accordance with the provisions of section 8. 2. "Notifications" or as
provided in the specific Contract. In this respect, the Bank shall not be held
liable for the non-execution and/or blocking of transactions ordered by the

4.9.10. If the Bank finds that a Client's Account has
been credited or is to be credited with amounts from other Clients'/other
sources' accounts as a result of the Client's or third parties' allegedly
illegal activities or in the event of suspected fraud, The Bank shall have the
right, but shall not be obliged, to block and/or debit the Account of the
Client who is the beneficiary of the payment at any time with the amounts
resulting from the allegedly illegal activities with which the Client has been
credited, without being held liable in any situation for any damages that the
Client may suffer. The Bank shall notify the Customer of the action taken in
accordance with the provisions of section 8.2.


4.10. Unauthorized payment transactions, not executed or incorrectly
executed. Liability of the parties

4.10.1 The client shall bear all losses related to
any unauthorized payment transaction if such losses result from fraud or
non-compliance, intentionally or through gross negligence, of one or more
obligations related to the payment instrument, which are incurred, in
accordance with the provisions of these GBC and of the legal regulations in
force. Exceptions are the situations expressly provided by the legislation in

4.10.2. If the Client has notified the Bank of the
loss, theft or unauthorized use of the payment instrument, he shall continue to
be liable for the losses arising even after the Bank's notification, if he
himself acted fraudulently.

4.10.3. The bank responds if the following conditions
are cumulatively fulfilled:

a) in the case of the payment operations not authorized by
the Client and of the payment operations not executed or executed incorrectly
by the Bank;

b) if the amounts of money have not reached the Service
Provider of the payment beneficiary, in case of operations not executed or
executed incorrectly by the Bank.

4.10.4. In the case of an unauthorized payment
operation, not executed or executed incorrectly, the Bank will proceed
according to the law.

4.10.5 If, as a result of the application of the
legal provisions and of the provisions of this point 4.10, the Customer has
been returned the amount related to a payment operation, both by the Bank and
by the payment beneficiary or its payment service provider, the Bank is
authorized to recover the entire amount returned to the Customer, by debiting,
at any time, the Account or with the respective amount, carrying out possible
currency exchanges under the conditions of these GBC, without any previous
notification or formality. 

4.10.6 The Bank is entitled to recover the
amount/sums with which the Client has compensated for the Unauthorized,
unexecuted or incorrectly executed payment operations in the event that the
Client's fraud or the failure with his intention or gross negligence of the
obligations incurred are subsequently proven or if it is found that the payment
operation was executed incorrectly due to the Client's error. For the purpose
of recovery, the Bank is authorized by the Client to debit at any time the
Account or the amount with which it was compensated, carrying out possible
currency exchanges under the conditions of these GBC, without any previous
notification or formality.

4.10.7. The Bank corrects a payment operation only if
the Client has notified the Bank within 30 days from the date of issuing the
statement of account, but not later than 13 months, from the date of debiting
the account, that it has found an unauthorized or incorrectly executed payment
operation, which gives rise to a complaint. In case the Client informs the Bank
of an Unauthorized or erroneous payment operation performed after 30 days from
the date of issuing the statement of account, the Client is obliged to motivate
the delay in reporting the respective operation.

4.10.8. The Bank, as a payment service provider of
the Paying Client, makes, at his request, immediate efforts to identify and
monitor the payment operation and to notify the Payer of the results, in the
event of a non-executed payment operation or incorrectly executed in which the
payment order is initiated by the Payer.

4.10.9. If the Bank is the payment service provider
of the Payment Beneficiary and received the amount related to a payment
operation executed incorrectly by the Payment Service Provider of the Payer,
the Bank will credit this amount immediately to the Payee Beneficiary's

4.10.10 The Bank shall not be liable for those
payment transactions ordered by the Client which cannot be processed or
processed late due to: lack of availability in the payment account, completion
errors, illegality of transactions, malfunctions or limitations of systems
owned or managed by third parties (other payment service providers, merchants,
card acceptors, telephone service providers, internet service providers etc.),
non-compliance with the conditions on payment orders imposed on the Bank by the
NBR, correspondent banks and/or other authorized institutions, impossibility to
read the information filled in the payment forms, execution of enforceable
orders of the judicial bodies, lack of supporting documents related to the
operation (in case the legal provisions require the presentation of such
documents or the Bank has expressly requested such documents or in additional
verifications according to the provisions of the present GBC) or in any other
cases beyond the Bank's control and/or as a result of the verifications that
the Bank must carry out, in order to comply with the legislation in force on
the prevention and combating of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud
and for compliance with international sanctions regimes as well as for compliance
with any other applicable regulations.

4.10.11. In case the unique identification code of
the payment transaction provided by the Client is incorrect, the Bank is
exempted from liability for non-execution or defective execution of the payment
operation; The Bank will make reasonable efforts to recover the funds involved,
receiving for this service a commission under the Specific Agreement.

4.10.12. The Bank shall not be held liable for any
loss or damage of any kind incurred directly or indirectly by the Client as a
result of the Bank's execution of any instructions of the Client, being
accepted by both Parties that any instructions are given to the Bank by the
Client at its risk and under its full responsibility.

4.10.13. The Bank will not be held liable for losses
or damages of any kind incurred directly or indirectly by the Client by
delaying the execution / non-execution by the Bank of any instructions of the
Client following the compliance of the Bank with specific national or
international legal regulations or of measures imposed by authorized bodies.

4.10.14. The Bank will not be liable to the Client
for the losses caused by force majeure or fortuitous event (unforeseeable and
unavoidable events that cannot be controlled by the parties), including, but
not limited to: nationalization, expropriation, currency restrictions, measures
of some bodies with regulatory powers, including, but not limited to, any
agency, government body, National Bank of Romania, labour disputes among Bank
staff or other entities involved in transactions carried out by the Bank on
behalf of the Client and whose services are used Bank, boycotts, power outages
or in the communications network or equipment of the Bank, international
conflicts, violent or armed actions, acts of terrorism, insurrection,
revolution, as well as unforeseeable natural events with major negative

4.10.15. In all cases in which the Bank's liability
is committed, it will be limited to covering the direct and effective damage
created to the Client.


4.11. Incorrect crediting

4.11.1 If a Client Account is mistakenly credited
with an amount, the Client will retain that amount as an agent for the Bank and
will not have the right to withdraw, transfer, dispose or use in any other way
that amount in in whole or in part. As soon as it becomes aware of any such
incorrect credit, the Client will notify the Bank, and the Bank will have the
right to debit the respective Account with any incorrectly credited amount.

4.11.2 If, in breach of the obligation stipulated in
point 4.11.1, the Client withdraws, transfers, disposes or uses in any way the
incorrectly credited amount or part of it, the Client undertakes to repay
immediately the Bank the respective amount and to compensate the Bank for any
loss suffered as a result of this fact.

In this context, the Bank may proceed according to the
section Discovered by an unauthorized account in these GBC, in which case the
Bank's simple decision to debit the Account with the incorrectly credited
amount that will exceed its credit balance has the legal value of early
acceptance by the Customer of a non-revolving overdraft facility.

4.11.3 If the crediting error is notified by the
Bank, by the payment authorizing officer/payer’s bank, the Bank has the right,
without needing the notification or obtaining a prior authorization from the
Client, to correct the error by debiting the account with the respective
amount, based on documents in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank.

4.11.4 The bank will inform the Client of the
correction thus made through the statement of account.

4.11.5 The Bank shall not be held liable for any loss
or damage of any kind incurred directly or indirectly by the Client as a result
of the Bank executing an instruction which subsequently proves to be
transmitted by a person without quality / right, if the Bank proves that showed
diligence, but the lack of quality / right / identity of the person who
transmitted the instruction could only be established by special technical
means and procedures.



5.1 Issuing Cards

5.1.1 The Bank
offers its Clients debit cards attached to current accounts in Lei and/or
foreign currency and credit cards.

5.1.2 (1) Debit
cards are payment instruments attached to Current Accounts in lei or in EURO
and USD.

(2) Credit
cards are payment instruments attached to a credit line in lei granted by the

5.1.3 The
cards can be used in the physical environment (applicable for embossed cards)
and in the electronic environment (applicable for flat and embossed cards), in
Romania and abroad.

5.1.4. (1) At
the request of the Current Account holder, opened in one of the following
currencies: Lei, Euro or USD, the Bank may attach main and/or additional Debit
Cards. Regardless of the number of Current Accounts opened in a currency (Lei,
Euro, USD), the Bank may attach to the Current Account a maximum of 2 (two)
main Debit Cards and 2 (two) additional Debit Cards for each currency.

(2) For the
Credit Card Account, at the request of the Cardholder, the Bank may issue one
main Credit Card and a maximum of four (4) additional Credit Cards.

5.1.5 (1) The
Bank shall deliver the Debit Card/Credit Card (upon first issue, upon automatic
renewal upon expiry of the validity or upon reissue of the Card at the Client's
request) to the mailing or home address in Romania, communicated by the Client
to the Bank through the specific forms or through the channels provided by the
Bank, as the case may be. The Card User will be informed about the transmission
of the Card by SMS to the telephone number communicated to the Bank or by push
notification through the Smart Mobile application. To the extent that the Card
cannot be delivered to the Card User after 3 (three) consecutive delivery
attempts, the Card will be returned to the Bank and will be delivered to the
Client in accordance with the details in paragraph (2).

(2) By
exception, in certain situations (such as but not limited to: the Card User's
identification and correspondence data are not updated, the Card User has not
communicated a mobile phone number in Romania, the address communicated to the
Bank is not in Romania), the Bank may establish another way of transmitting the
Card to the Card User, and the Card User shall be informed on how to take
possession of the Card, by SMS or by specific forms provided by the Bank.

5.1.6 (1) Card
activation is performed by the Card User at the first POS/ATM/MFM transaction
by inserting the Card into the terminal and entering the PIN code. PIN codes
are communicated to the Card User by SMS message to the last mobile phone
number declared to the Bank at the most recent data update made by the Card

(2) All Cards
issued by the Bank have contactless technology incorporated, so that they can
be used either by inserting the Card in the Payment Terminal or by approaching
it, communication being carried out via radio waves. The Client may request the
Bank to deactivate the contactless functionality of the Card at any of the
Bank's branches or through the Call Centre Service and is obliged to comply
with the deactivation procedure communicated to him/her upon request.

5.1.7 The
Card is and remains permanently the property of the Bank. Card Users have the
right to use the Cards and are obliged to return them at the Bank's request.

5.1.8 The use
of the Card is only allowed to the User who has his/her name on the Card.

By exception, for
certain types of debit/credit cards, the Bank offers the possibility for the
Account Holder to request the issuance (provision) of a Card in the Bank's
branches, immediately after approval of his/her application, in which case a
generic name (e.g. "Instant Card") will be written on the Card
instead of the name of the main or additional Card User. On reissue/renewal,
these Cards will be personalised with the Card User's name.

5.1.9 The
Card is non-transferable and may only be used within the time limit specified
on the front of the Card and in accordance with the provisions on the use of
the Card in this section; Debit Cards, including additional debit cards, may be
registered by the Bank with the IBAN code belonging to the Current Account to
which such cards are attached.

5.1.10 The
Bank will automatically renew the Card at any time during the last 45 calendar
days of the Card's validity, except in situations where the User notifies the
Bank 45 calendar days prior to the expiry of the Card of his/her intention to
waive renewal or in situations where the Debit Card is attached to a dormant or
closed Current Account at the time of renewal;


5.2 Provisions for Additional

5.2.1. The
Current Account/Credit Card Holder may choose to grant access to the amounts in
his/her Account to additional Card User(s), provided that such individual is of
full age, in full possession of his/her civil rights and, if applicable,
completes and signs, together with the Account Holder, the forms provided by
the Bank.

5.2.2. The
Additional Card User has the right to dispose of the amounts in the Account
Holder's account under the same conditions as the Account Holder, and, if
applicable, in compliance with the limits on the use of amounts imposed by the
Primary Card User, without however having the right to receive statements of
account/activity reports which highlight the operations carried out through the
Cards (Primary and Additional), to initiate transfers from the account without
using the Card, to close/modify the current/card account, to surrender or
request modification of the credit line attached to the Card account. The
Supplementary Debit Card User may request the closure of the Card            issued in his/her name.

5.2.3. The
Additional Card shall be handed over to the Account Holder and/or the
Additional User.

5.2.4. The
Additional User will be able (i) to consult, using the Debit Card in
his/her possession, the funds available on the current account and, in the case
of the Credit Card, the funds available on his/her Card; (ii) to dispute
only the transactions carried out with his/her Additional Card; (iii) to
obtain a mini statement of account, (iv) to register the Card in

5.2.5 The
Primary Card User understands and agrees that the Additional Card User may
register the Additional Card issued in his/her name in one or more eWallets and
assumes the methods of registration and authorization of payments and all
transactions made through the eWallet by the Additional Card User.

5.2.6 The
Bank may refuse Additional Users appointed by the Primary Card User, on or
after the date of appointment, if there are suspicions or reasonable grounds
for suspicion of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, International/US
Sanctions or in any other situation where legal regulations so require. The
Bank will not accept Designated Persons or Restricted Parties as additional
Users. If the Bank rejects existing Additional Users, it will notify the
Customer in writing of the date from which the Additional User is no longer
accepted by the Bank.


5.3 Use of Cards

5.3.1. As a
rule, the Customer expresses his/her consent to authorize Card Payment
Transactions through Strict Customer Authentication, under the conditions and
with the application of the exceptions provided for by the Romanian legislation
and European regulations.

5.3.2 Payment
transactions ordered by means of the Card shall be deemed authorized by the
Card User if he/she has given his/her consent by using the security features,
as follows:

a) for ATM/MFM
transactions: using the Card and PIN. In case of using an eWallet, the
transaction is carried out by approaching the mobile device with payment
function to the contactless terminal (ATM/MFM), unlocking, if necessary, the
mobile device and then continuing the transaction on the Payment Terminal
screen, including entering the PIN of the eWallet.

b) for point of
sale transactions ("EPOS"): usually by inserting or bringing the
Card close to the EPOS, entering the PIN code and/or signing the receipt
generated by the EPOS; In the case of Small Value Card Payments, the payment
authorization is performed as described in 5.3.4 below without the need
to sign the receipt issued by the EPOS and/or enter the PIN code.

c) for
transactions at Imprinter: by using the Card and the signature on the
receipt generated by the payment terminal.

d) for e-commerce

in the case of sites not enrolled in the 3-D SECURE Service: payment
authorization is made by providing the data entered on the Card, under the
terms and conditions agreed by the Card User with the merchant;

in the case of sites enrolled in the 3-D SECURE Electronic Commerce Service, the
payment authorization is made through the Customer's Strict Authentication,
being necessary to provide the security elements specific to this type of
authorization, mentioned in the Terms and Conditions specific to the use of
this service, provided in paragraph 5.8 below;

in the case of Small Value Card Payments, the authorization of the
payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.3.4
of the CGB.

e) for
transactions without a Card present, by post or telephone (MOTO transactions):
by providing the merchant with some of the data entered on the Card, in order
for the merchant to initiate payments according to the terms and conditions
agreed with the merchant as the beneficiary of the payment.

f) for
transactions carried out with the use of the Card for small amounts, at
unattended terminals (e.g. motorway tolls, parking fees, etc.): by using
the Card and reading the information from the Card's CIP

g) for
transactions carried out via the Card using technologies, software applications
and/or mobile devices (e.g. eWallet): by using the security features
regulated in the specific terms and conditions of the software
applications/mobile devices.

5.3.3 Certain
types of Card Transactions in e-commerce, by exception to the provisions of 5.3.2
(d) (ii), may be authorised by the Card User as follows:

(i) Recurring Transactions (a series of payments of the
same amount made to the same payee at certain intervals of time e.g. monthly,
weekly etc.) - the Card User authorises the first payment transaction through
Strict Customer Authorisation and subsequent payments in the series are deemed
to be authorised by the Card User, without providing the security features
associated with Strict Customer Authentication;

(ii) Transactions for which the Card User has given the
payee/merchant a mandate on the Card User's website to initiate payments on
his/her behalf - the Card User provides the security elements of the Strict
Customer Authentication at the time of giving the mandate to the payee/merchant
and the payments are initiated by the payee/merchant without the Card User
applying the Strict Customer Authorisation;

(iii) Electronic
transactions identified as low risk - authorization of these transactions is
done by providing the data entered on the Card, without the introduction of
security elements related to Strict Customer Authentication. The low level of
risk is determined, according to legal provisions, from the analysis of the
Card User's transaction profile, taking into account several parameters such
as, but not limited to, the amount and currency of transactions, the merchant's
country, repeated transactions to an agreed beneficiary, performing
transactions from the same device.

5.3.4 For
Small Value Card Payments authorised using contactless technology and/or over
the internet (e-commerce) the Card User is deemed to have given his/her consent
to the payment transaction by simply bringing the Card/mobile device with
payment function close to an EPOS/ATM/MFM Terminal or by providing card data
for internet transactions (e-commerce), without the need for Strict Customer
Authentication, if the cumulative amount or the cumulative number of Small
Value Payments made since the last application of Strict Customer
Authentication, as determined by the Bank/International Card Organizations and
published on the Raiffeisen Bank website, is The value of these limits
may be modified by regulatory acts and/or by the international card organisations,
and the Client will be informed accordingly on the Bank's website/agencies of
the new limits. The limit may not be higher than the limit established by law.

5.3.5 (1) The
Bank has the right to set certain transaction limits (such
as but not limited to: maximum daily number of transactions, daily cash
withdrawal/transaction limit) through the Card (both for the Primary
Card and the Supplementary Card), which limits are indicated in the Specific
Agreement and/or in the Specific Lists and/or on the Bank's website.

(2) The
Bank reserves the right to modify at any time the limits provided for in the
previous paragraph or to restrict certain types of transactions with the Card,
informing Card Users by publishing specific information on the Bank's website in the
"In your support" section.

5.3.6 The
Bank is authorized by the Primary Card User to automatically debit the
following amounts from the current/card account:

a) transactions/transactions
carried out by Card in the country and abroad, by the Primary User and
Additional Users;

b) other
operations expressly ordered by the Primary Card User;

c) fees,
charges and interest due to the Bank for current operations, issuing/replacing
Cards and/or for special services under the Specific Agreement;

d) fraudulent
operations carried out by persons other than the Card User in the event of
loss/theft of the Card and failure to notify the Bank, by telephone or in
writing, of the event by the main or additional Card Users in compliance with
the limits established by law;

e) fees paid
by the Bank for the resolution of disputes by the Primary Card User;

f) interest
owed by the Primary Cardholder on amounts that have generated unauthorised
overdrafts on the current account, i.e., in the case of the Credit Card, costs
related to the Credit Card and interest owed to the Bank on amounts used from
the Credit Limit related to the Card.

5.3.7 As a
rule, Transactions are made within the limits of the available funds in the
Cardholder's current/credit card account. Exceptionally, the Bank may execute
the Payment Transaction in the situations described in 5.3.8 below;

5.3.8 Accidental
overdraft of the available funds in the Current Account with the Card attached
may occur due to the debiting of the Current Account with the interest due to
the Bank by the Account Holder, with the counter value of the Payment
Transactions ordered on the Current Account, with fees and/or commissions
related to the Current Account and/or to the use of the Card, or due to
malfunctions of the communication systems owned or managed by third parties
(banks, merchants, card acceptors, telephone service providers, etc.).), in the
case of offline payments or small value Card payments, using contactless
technology, for which no availability check was requested at the time of
transaction authorisation, and the transaction authorisation was not carried
out with PIN request and/or receipt signature.

5.3.9 In case
of unauthorized overdraft of the Current Account, the provisions of section 3.4
of these GTC shall apply; the Bank may also decide to block access to the
Current Account/Card via all Cards attached to it.

5.3.10 The
Card User will be able to obtain at Raiffeisen Bank ATM/MFM Terminals a
mini-account statement, containing the last 10 transactions made in connection
with the current account with the attached Debit Card, regardless of the
applicant or the payment channel/instrument through which they were made.



5.4 Making payments via Cards

Once a Card Transaction has been authorised, it is irrevocable and is
carried out in real time, the Account being blocked with the countervalue of
the Card Transaction at the time it is carried out. The settlement of the
amount blocked at the time of authorisation of the Card Transaction in the card
acceptance networks will be carried out within the deadlines set by the
international card organisations MasterCard or Visa.

5.4.2 In
certain limited situations, Card Transactions may also be carried out off-line,
in which case the transaction is sent directly for settlement, without the
transaction amount having been previously blocked on the Account. Both the
blocking of the Card Transaction amount and its settlement are carried out
automatically by the payment system, without the bank being able to intervene
in the commercial relations between customers and merchants/accepting banks.

5.4.3 For
Card Transactions made in the currency of the Account, carried out by means of
VISA/MasterCard Cards attached to accounts opened in Lei, Euro, USD, the Bank
shall record in the current Account attached to the Card the amount related to
the Card Transaction (debit/credit of the Account), without currency

5.4.4 VISA/MasterCard
transactions made in a currency other than the currency of the Account shall be
recorded in the Account attached to the Card by performing a currency
conversion, using the Euro as the reference currency, as follows: (a) the currency
exchange between the currency in which the Transaction is carried out and the
Euro is performed by the VISA International/MasterCard International
organization at its domestic rate on the settlement date; (b) for the
conversion of the Transaction amount from the Euro into the currency of the
Client's Account, the Bank uses the Bank's Exchange Rate for Card Transactions,
valid for the date of posting the Transaction to the Account.

5.4.5 (1) As
an exception to paragraph 5.4.4, VISA/MasterCard Card Transactions attached to
Accounts opened in USD, carried out in a currency other than that of the
Account, except for transactions in Lei carried out in Romania, shall be
recorded in the Account using the USD as the reference currency. The currency
exchange between the currency in which the Card Transaction is carried out and
the reference currency shall be carried out by VISA International/MasterCard International at its
domestic rate on the date of settlement of the Card Transaction increased by the  Currency conversion fee;

(2) Card
Transactions made in lei on the territory of Romania by VISA/MasterCard cards attached to accounts
opened in USD, shall be recorded in the Account with the value of the Card
Transaction by making the exchange between the currency of the transaction and
the currency of the Account, using the Bank's exchange rate for Card
Transactions valid for the date of posting the transaction on the Account.

5.4.6 (1) As
an exception to paragraph 5.4.4, VISA/MasterCard Card Transactions attached to
accounts opened in Euro, carried out in a currency other than that of the
Account, with the exception of transactions in Lei carried out on the territory
of Romania, shall be recorded in the Account using Euro as the reference
currency. The currency exchange between the currency in which the Card
Transaction is carried out and the reference currency shall be carried out by VISA International/MasterCard
International at its domestic exchange rate on the settlement date of the Card
Transaction increased by the
Currency conversion fee;

(2) Transactions
by VISA/MasterCard
Cards attached to accounts opened in Euro, carried out in lei on the territory
of Romania, shall be recorded in the Account by making the exchange between the
currency of the transaction and the currency of the Account, using the Bank's
Exchange Rate for Card Transactions valid for the Transaction Posting Date on
the Account.

5.4.7 Card
transactions carried out at the Bank's Terminals in a currency other than the
currency of the Account shall be recorded on the Account by performing the
currency conversion as follows:

(i) For Card
Transactions in USD made through Cards attached to Accounts opened in Euro, the
currency conversion shall be performed using the Leu as reference currency, as
follows: (a) the currency exchange between USD and Leu shall be performed by
applying the Bank's Exchange Rate for Card Transactions valid on the date of
posting of the Card Transaction on the Account; (b) the currency exchange
between Lei and Euro shall be performed by applying the Bank's Exchange Rate
for Card Transactions valid on the date of posting of the Card Transaction on
the Account.

(ii) For Card
Transactions in USD made through Cards attached to accounts opened in Lei, the
currency conversion between the transaction currency and the Account currency
shall be performed by applying the Exchange Rate for Card Transactions valid
for the date of posting the Card Transaction on the Account.

(iii) For
Card Transactions in Euro carried out through Cards attached to accounts opened
in USD, the currency conversion shall be performed using the Leu as reference
currency, as follows: (a) the currency exchange between Euro and Lei shall be
performed by applying the Bank's Exchange Rate for Card Transactions valid on
the date of posting the Card Transaction on the Account; (b) the currency
exchange between Lei and USD shall be performed by applying the Bank's Exchange
Rate for Card Transactions valid on the date of posting the Card Transaction on
the Account.

(iv) For Card
Transactions in Euro carried out through Cards attached to accounts opened in
Lei, the currency conversion between the transaction currency and the Account
currency shall be performed by applying the Bank's Exchange Rate for Card
Transactions valid on the date of posting the Card Transaction on the Account.

5.4.8 The
exchange rates used by the Visa International and MasterCard International card
organisations can be found on the websites of these organisations.

The Bank's exchange rate for Card
Transactions and the Currency
conversion fee are displayed on the Bank's website,

5.4.9 The
Bank shall ensure transparency and comparability of currency conversion fees
when the Card User makes cash withdrawal transactions at an ATM/MFM or payments
at EPOS within the European Union (EU). Thus, for these transactions made in
Euro or in a national currency of an EU Member State other than the currency of
the Account, the Bank will display on its website the total amount of the foreign exchange
fees expressed as a margin added to the latest Euro reference exchange rates
published by the European Central Bank (ECB).

5.4.10 In
addition, the Bank will send an electronic notification to the Cardholder each
month after it receives from the Cardholder a Payment Order for a transaction
of the type referred to in point 5.4.9.

5.4.11 The
Bank and the Card User agree that the Bank shall send the electronic
notification containing the applied exchange rate, expressed as a margin added
to the latest Euro reference exchange rates published by the ECB by: (i) push
notification on the Customer's mobile device, for Customers who have the Smart
Mobile Service; (ii) electronic notification sent by e-mail/SMS to the e-mail
address/mobile phone number communicated to the Bank, for Customers who do not
have the mobile banking service offered by the Bank;

5.4.12 The
Card User may at any time request the Bank to stop sending him/her the
electronic notifications mentioned in the previous paragraph, through the Call
Center Service for Customers receiving SMS notifications or by deactivating the
push notifications within the Smart Mobile application, by Customers receiving
push notifications.


5.5. Rights and obligations
of the parties regarding the Card

5.5.1 Card
Users are obliged to ensure by all means the security of the Card, PIN, Static
Password and eWallet security features.

5.5.2 Card
users have the obligation:

a) to sign
the Card on the reverse side in the box reserved for this purpose, at the time
of its receipt, using a ballpoint pen with paste;

b) to keep
the Card carefully and not to disclose specific identification information
(card number, expiry date, authentication codes, etc.) to other persons;

c) not to
lend the Card to other persons;

d) ensure
that during transactions the Card remains under their close supervision;

e) before
deleting the SMS message, they must memorize or write down the PIN in a place
known only to them;

f) never
write the PIN on the Card or in a form that can be easily recognised in private
or on an object accessible to other persons;

g) not to
reveal to any other person the PIN, the Static Password used for e-commerce
transactions, even if he/she is or presents himself/herself as an employee of
the Bank; also the PIN code must not be entered on Internet sites;

h) ensure
that, during transactions carried out using the PIN, it is not disclosed
voluntarily or involuntarily to other persons.

i) not to
provide any data related to the Card (card number, expiry date, the string of
the last 3 digits written on the back of the card in the space provided for the
User's signature and/or PIN), OTP code or Static Password by replying to
e-mails in which they are requested to do so; Raiffeisen Bank will never
request such information by e-mail;

j) to
maintain the confidentiality of data and information that may constitute an
element of identification in the relationship with the Bank.

k) to change
at any Raiffeisen Bank ATM/MFM or any ATM in Romania, the initial PIN received
by SMS.

5.5.3 In case
of loss/theft of the Card or PIN, the Primary/Supplementary Card User is
obliged to notify the Bank by telephone through the Call Center Service
provided or by using the assistance numbers printed on the Card or by a written
notification to block access to the Account through the Card or for users of
internet banking or mobile banking services to block the Card directly from the
application related to the service. The written notification shall be submitted
to any territorial unit of the Bank during working hours with the public. The
parties shall be liable for the transactions carried out with the Card in
accordance with the clauses set out in section 4.10 of these GTC.

5.5.4 The
Card User shall also notify the Bank in writing at any banking establishment
and/or by telephone through the Call Center service as soon as he/she notices
one of the following emergency situations:

a) damage or
blocking of the possibility to use the Card (e.g. capture of the Card in the

b) recording
transactions in the Current/Credit Card Account that have not been ordered by
the Card Users;

c) any entry
in the Current/Credit Card Account which, in its opinion, represents an
erroneous entry arising from the Bank's management of the Account;

d) there are
elements that create suspicions about the possibility of knowledge by persons
other than the Card User;

e) Card
malfunctions or incorrect PIN/access password received;

f) loss/theft
of the mobile device on which an eWallet is installed or compromise of any of
their security features.

5.5.5 (1) If the
Card User uses the services provided by merchants that allow saving/recording
of card data to make subsequent payments on the websites or in the applications
of those merchants, the Card User assumes the following obligations and

a) He/she
shall ensure that he/she complies with all obligations incumbent upon him/her
under these contractual provisions throughout the use of the services offered
by the trader;

b) Understands
that in order to access these services it is necessary to enter on the
merchant's website/application the data of the Card he/she wishes to save for
future payments, namely: Card number, Card expiry date, CVV code and
understands that the Bank will respond to any requests from payment schemes
(Visa, MasterCard) to validate these data that it holds by virtue of its
capacity as Card issuer, as well as provide them with information regarding
Card replacement;

Understands and accepts that in case of renewal or reissue of the Card whose
data has been saved/registered on the merchant's website/application, the new
expiry date of the renewed/issued Card will be automatically updated on the
merchant's website/application (except for the hypothesis provided for in
letter d)); in the event that the updates are not desired, the Card User is
obliged to access the merchant's website/application and delete the Card data
from his/her records. In case the merchant does not offer the possibility or
does not respond to the request for deletion of the saved Card, the Card User
shall contact the Bank, requesting the closure of the respective Card and the
issuance of a new Card with a different Card number than the closed one;

d) Understands
and accepts that, in the event that the Card whose data was saved/registered on
the Merchant's website/application has been replaced/issued due to reported
loss, theft or fraud, the original Card will be inactivated and the reissued
Card data will not be automatically updated at the Merchant, but will have to
be saved/registered again in order to be used for making payments on the
Merchant's website/application;

(2) In the
relationship with the Bank, the Card User is responsible for all consequences
arising from his/her choice to use such services provided by merchants. As the
Bank is a third party to the relationship established between the Card User and
the Merchant, the Bank shall not be liable for any services provided to the
Card User by the Merchant and shall not be held liable for any consequences
resulting directly or indirectly from the Card User's use of such services
provided by the Merchant.

(3) The
provisions of paragraph 2.1 of the CGB are applicable with regard to
other aspects of processing of personal data.

5.5.6 The
Bank shall have no liability in respect of non-acceptance of Cards by a
merchant, financial institution, ATM/MFM or any other third party as a result
of any direct or indirect cause, such as: failure of the machine, processing or
data transmission system or any other events beyond the Bank's control.

5.5.7 Use
of the Card is prohibited:

a) after the
Bank has been notified of the loss/theft of the Card/ or PIN;

b) when the
Card User has breached the contractual provisions and the Bank has requested
the return of the Card;

c) when a
Card reported lost or stolen is recovered by the Primary/Supplementary Card
User after the Bank has been notified of the loss/theft;

d) when a
Debit Card is cancelled or blocked by the Bank due to accidental overdraft and
non-payment of the Current Account;

e) when a
Credit Card is cancelled or suspended by the Bank due to the Primary Card
User's failure to comply with the repayment discipline of the amounts used from
the credit limit attached to the Credit Card Account;


Blocking Cards

5.6.1 The
Bank reserves the right to block the Card without prior notice to the User in
the event of the User providing false data in the documentation submitted to
the Bank, committing fraud if the Bank has identified
suspicions of fraud/money laundering/terrorist financing/infringement of
International/US Sanctions, in situations in which the Client has received
requests for the return of funds from the ordering/corresponding banks for the
reasons listed above, or in situations in which the Bank has received
information on suspicions of fraud/money laundering/terrorist
financing/international sanctions/USA infringement against the Client from
banks or authorities in Romania or abroad, or in any other situation
considered justified by the Bank.

5.6.2 For
situations other than those mentioned above, the Bank shall inform the Client
via the Call Center/SMS telephone service of the blocking of the Card and the
reasons for such blocking immediately after the blocking, unless the provision
of such information is contrary to justified safety reasons or is prohibited by
other legal provisions.


5.7 Challenging Card

5.7.1 In the
event that the Card User finds that transactions not authorized by the Card
User have been carried out, the Primary Card User has the right to dispute any
such transactions. The Additional Card User will only be able to lodge disputes
for transactions carried out with his/her Additional Card.

5.7.2 The
dispute shall be submitted in writing to any Bank unit during working hours
with the public and/or by telephone through the Call Center service and shall
include the card number, the name of the Card User, the disputed amount, the
date of the statement containing the disputed amount and any additional
information supporting the dispute.

5.7.3 The
Bank shall inform the Card User in writing or by telephone, in compliance with
the legal provisions, on how to resolve the dispute.


Terms and conditions
specific to the use of the Card in the 3-D SECURE e-commerce service

5.8.1 All
cards issued by Raiffeisen Bank are enrolled in the 3-D Secure Electronic
Commerce service, which ensures the security of e-commerce transactions carried
out via the Internet under strict security conditions, in accordance with the
provisions of these clauses.

5.8.2 The
Bank may periodically modify the instructions for use of this service in
accordance with the law. The parties agree that the Card User's silence shall
constitute tacit acceptance of the changes if the Card User does not notify the
Bank in writing of his non-acceptance of the changes before they come into

The latest version
of the instructions is available on the Raiffeisen Bank website,

Transactions carried
out using the 3-D Secure eCommerce service are subject to the latest version of
the Terms and Conditions of Use.

5.8.3 The 3-D
Secure eCommerce Service is provided by Raiffeisen Bank through a processor
with secure means provided by the respective card payment schemes, VISA
International and MasterCard International.

The 3-D Secure
Electronic Commerce service works provided that the website where the
transaction is performed supports 3-D Secure standards, featuring the logos
displayed on the Bank's website,

5.8.4 Visa
International and MasterCard International reserve the right to modify, improve
or discontinue the provision of this service without prior notice.

5.8.5 The 3-D
Secure e-Commerce service provides a standard of security for Internet
transactions that incorporates the latest technologies in this field, reducing
the chances of Internet fraud.

5.8.6 Signing
up for this service requires the provision of online data that will be used
later to confirm the Customer's identity when performing transactions on the

5.8.7 Authorization
of 3D Secure transactions is achieved by applying Strict Customer
Authentication, using one of the following methods:

a) for
customers who do not have the Smart Mobile application, by providing the
following security elements:

OTP (one time password): a unique code
associated with each transaction, provided to each individual Card User, either
by SMS message to the personal telephone number declared to the Bank by the
Card User in the most recent Enrolment/Update Form.


·      Static

b) for
customers who have the Smart Mobile application, through the specific
application provided by the Bank, which allows authorization by biometrics
or PIN according to the option set by the user in the application.

5.8.8 The
following are prohibited to the Card User:

a) Intentionally
substituting another person or entity to use the 3-D Secure Electronic Commerce

b) Sending by
any means virus-type programs that disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality
of any hard/soft component, including communications of the accessed service.

c) Sending
unsolicited e-mails (spam), by any means, and hacking into the Verified by Visa
and MasterCard Secure Code sites accessed.

d) Modifying,
adapting, decompiling or disassembling, sub-licensing, translating, selling any
portion of the 3-D Secure Service.

e) Deletion
of any proprietary rights notices (copyright, trademark) obtained through
access to this service.

f) Using any
means (search applications, devices, processes) to find or reproduce the
navigation structure, presentation and content of websites displaying the
specific Visa and MasterCard logos.

g) Interrupting
other users' access to this service, servers or networks connected to it.

h) Violation
of the specific rules and conditions of use of the 3-D Secure service in
general and/or the rules and procedures of any network connected to it.

5.8.9 Raiffeisen
Bank, VISA International, MasterCard International cannot be held liable for:

a) modification,
suspension or any interruption in the provision of the service due to causes
beyond their control;

b) malfunctions
of the Card User's computer or in the provision of telephone services,
occurring during Internet transactions;

c) any damage
caused by virus infection of the Card User's computer/modem during Internet
transactions. Raiffeisen Bank reserves the right to temporarily or permanently
disable the Card User's access to the 3D Secure service in case of violation of
the terms of use.

The Bank will inform
the Card User via the Call Center telephone service of the deactivation of the
service and the reasons for this action immediately after it has been taken,
unless the provision of this information is contrary to justified safety reasons
or is prohibited by other legal provisions.

5.8.10 (1) The
Card User has full freedom to purchase goods/services via the Internet by
accessing the 3D Secure service. However, correspondence with the chosen
merchants, participation in online promotions, payment and delivery of the
goods/services purchased, any other conditions and guarantees associated
therewith are solely within the scope of the relationship between the Card User
and the virtual merchant, and Raiffeisen Bank, Visa International and/or
Mastercard International cannot be held liable in any way for any damages
arising from the direct relationship with the merchants. The use of the service
in no way implies that Raiffeisen Bank, Visa International and/or MasterCard
International recommends any internet merchant or that it guarantees the
quality of the goods/services provided by the merchant.

(2) Any
dispute regarding the merchant's failure to comply with the terms of payment,
delivery, quality of goods/services purchased can be settled exclusively
between the Card User and the merchant. In this regard, the Bank recommends
that the Card User retains as much information as possible about the Merchant
and saves on his/her computer or page the proof of the transaction.

5.8.11 The
3-D Secure Service contains information protected by intellectual property and
other applicable laws.

Raiffeisen Bank
grants the Card User a non-exclusive license to use the current 3-D Secure
service and enhancements that will be added over time in accordance with these
terms. The Card User shall not copy, alter or use in any way the Raiffeisen
trademarks owned by Raiffeisen Bank, 3-D Secure owned by Visa International and
MasterCard International and the logos, products and names associated with this


5.9. Registration and use of
Cards in eWallets

5.9.1 General
conditions for the use of cards in electronic wallets Eligible
Cards issued by the Bank may be registered by Card Users in eWallets belonging
to the Bank or other providers of such applications, by methods made available
by them. Eligible
Cards and mobile devices on which Cards can be registered are determined and
communicated to the Card User by the Bank and/or the eWallet provider. The
User has the possibility to add the same Card in several eWallets and on
several devices with payment function at the same time. The mobile device
provider may impose limitations or restrictions on the use of the eWallet
and/or may have minimum software and hardware requirements for the compatible
mobile device used. The User is obliged to use the Card only on a mobile device
compatible with the eWallet functionality and to comply with all terms and
conditions applicable to that eWallet. The
provider of the eWallet and/or mobile payment devices with which payments can
be made via the eWallet and third parties with whom they collaborate may have
their own terms and conditions and privacy policies. The User is subject to the
respective terms and conditions or privacy policies when using the
eWallet/mobile device with payment function. The Bank assumes no responsibility
for the way in which they use the information that the User makes available to
them, nor for the User's personal data that they process in the context of the
services they offer or when visiting their websites. Furthermore, the Bank is
in no way responsible for the requirements of the eWallet/mobile device
provider with payment function or of the third parties with whom they
collaborate to impose conditions for the registration of the Card in the
eWallet or concerning compatible mobile devices. The
Bank has the right to block, restrict, suspend or terminate the possibility to
use any Card enrolled in an eWallet if: (i) the Bank considers that the
authentication and payment methods used by it are not sufficiently secure or do
not comply with legal provisions; (ii) if it suspects any fraudulent or
improper activity of the Card in the eWallet or in any other payment method; (iii)
if the contractual clauses agreed with the Bank regarding the use of the
Card are violated. The Bank also reserves the right to cease offering the
possibility of using Cards in eWallets entirely. In the event
that the provider of mobile devices with payment function and/or of the eWallet
blocks, restricts, suspends or interrupts the use of the eWallet and/or changes
its functionality, the Bank shall not be liable to its customers who have
enrolled their Card in the eWallet or to third parties. The
Card User is responsible for all uses and transactions made with the Card via
the eWallet by third parties to whom he/she has given voluntary or involuntary
access to the Card enrolled in the eWallet.

5.9.2. Card
registration in the eWallet The procedure
for enrolling/registering the Card in the eWallet is determined by the provider
of the eWallet. The Card User is obliged to set a password or other security
details in order to use/access the eWallet. The conditions, cases and frequency
with which this password will be required are set by the eWallet provider. After
setting the password/security details, the User will be asked to enter the data
of the Card he/she wishes to enroll in the eWallet, namely: card number, card
expiry date, CVV code. All this information (personal data) is required by the
eWallet provider in order to allow the card to be used for payment. In
order to validate the identity of the Card User to be enrolled in the eWallet,
the Bank will apply a customer authentication procedure. If the result of the
procedure is positive, the Card may be enrolled in the Electronic Wallet. Following
the registration of the Card in the eWallet, a payment token of the respective
Card (alternative card number) will be generated, which will be associated to
the Card on the mobile device with payment function; if there is the
possibility, if the User wishes to register the Card on more than one mobile
device, he will make the necessary settings in the eWallet, by adding the
mobile devices on which he wishes to register the Card. The Token number is
different from the number on the front of the Card registered in the eWallet
for increased transaction security. By
completing all the steps and completing the procedure for registering the Card
in the eWallet, the User understands that the Card will be enrolled in the
eWallet in order to be used to perform payment transactions and to view
transactions made with the Card via the eWallet. The
Bank may decide to refuse the request for registration of the Card in an
Electronic Wallet. If the registration request is rejected, the User may
contact the Bank's Call Centre Service for support. The registration
and use of the Token depends on the eWallet provider and/or the Card User's
internet provider network. The Bank has no direct or indirect control over the
operations of these providers and shall not be liable for any situation related
to the services provided by them that may cause interruption and/or prevention
of the registration/use of the Token for making payments.

5.9.3. How the
eWallet works

A) Making card
payments via eWallet Any
of the following payment operations can be carried out using the eWallet:

contactless payments with an enrolled Card, at
Terminals with contactless function, via the compatible mobile device with
payment function for which the card has been registered;

internet payments to merchants (e-commerce and
m-commerce) How
the eWallet is used for making payments by the Card User and the security
features used to authorise payments (mobile device unlock, application PIN,
etc.) are established and communicated by the eWallet provider.

B) View
information and card payments in the eWallet The
Bank shall provide you with information about payments made with the card
enrolled in the eWallet in the agreed ways (e.g. statement of account, internet
banking, mobile banking, etc.). This information will be highlighted as
payments made with the respective Card, without indicating that the payments
were made through the eWallet. If
the eWallet allows it, the User will be able to view information about card
payments made through the eWallet within the application.

C) Suspension,
replacement, renewal and deletion of the Card in the eWallet The
User has the possibility to suspend and/or temporarily/permanently block and/or
delete one or all cards enrolled in the eWallet. Suspension, blocking,
deletion, as well as the termination of suspension/blocking can be carried out
directly within the eWallet, according to the Terms and Conditions communicated
by the eWallet provider, or through the Bank's Call Centre Service. During the
suspension/blocking period, the respective Card enrolled in the eWallet will no
longer be able to be used to make payments via the associated mobile payment
device. The
suspension/blocking of the Card or deletion of Card data from the eWallet shall
in no way affect the possibility of the Card to continue to be used for
payments in accordance with the specific Debit/Credit Card Agreements as well
as these PF GTC. All transactions made via the eWallet with the
suspended/deleted Card prior to the time of suspension/deletion will be
processed by the Bank in accordance with the provisions of the specific
Agreements and the GTC. If
the Card enrolled in the eWallet has been replaced/reissued due to reported
loss, theft or fraud, the original Card will be inactivated in the eWallet and
the reissued Card will have to be re-enrolled in order to be used for payments
through the eWallet. If
the card enrolled in the eWallet expires, the new card will need to be
re-enrolled. If
the Card User invalidates the password and/or security credentials for
accessing the eWallet and/or the mobile device with payment function or if
he/she resets the mobile device where the eWallet is downloaded or the mobile
device used for payment with the Card, it is necessary to repeat the initial
Card registration steps in case the User wishes to use the Card again via the

5.9.4. Protecting
the security credentials needed to use the eWallet The
Card User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the security
credentials required to use the eWallet. The Card User is also responsible for
preventing fraudulent or unauthorised use of the Card via the eWallet or mobile
payment device. If
the User considers that the security credentials necessary for the use of
the eWallet have been compromised (e.g. have become known to other persons),
he/she is obliged to change them immediately. The
Card User is obliged to contact the Bank immediately via the Call Centre
Service in case:

The card registered in the eWallet is lost or
stolen or used without the User's consent;

The mobile device used to access the eWallet
and/or the mobile device with payment function associated with the card
enrolled in the Wallet is lost, stolen or used without the User's consent;

The security credentials required to use the
eWallet have been compromised. All
transactions with the Card carried out via the eWallet up to the moment when
the Card User informs the Bank of the occurrence of one of the above mentioned
events shall be considered as transactions authorized by the User, and the Bank
shall not be liable for them. Furthermore, the Bank shall not be liable for the
Card being used for payments via the eWallet on the basis of the Security
Credentials, if these have been used by other persons, regardless of whether
they have been communicated to them by the User or have been used in any way
without the User's consent. In
order to prevent the occurrence of events such as the above, the Card User

to keep the mobile device through which the
eWallet is accessed and/or the mobile device with payment function associated
with the card enrolled in the Wallet safe and in his/her possession at all

to keep the Security Credentials for the use of
the eWallet secure and known only to him/her;

set different passwords/security details for the
eWallet card than those used for the physical card;

if they misappropriate or cease to use the
mobile device through which the eWallet is accessed and/or the mobile device
with payment function associated with the card enrolled in the eWallet, delete
all cards and other personal information on it. For details on how to proceed
in this case, follow the instructions of the eWallet provider. The
User has the obligation to cooperate with the Bank and/or any competent
authority for the prevention of any type of fraud or for the conduct of any
investigation that may be carried out in connection with the use of the Card
enrolled in the eWallet. The
eWallet and associated mobile device may use certain security features and
procedures to protect against unauthorised use of any Card. These features and
procedures are the sole responsibility of the device provider. By enrolling the
Card in the eWallet the User is obliged not to disable any of these security
features of the associated Wallet/mobile device and to use them to protect all
his/her Cards enrolled in the eWallet. The Bank does not control these security
methods and is not responsible for how the eWallet provider and/or mobile
device provider uses them. The
Card User has the obligation to monitor the transactions carried out through
the eWallet and to immediately notify the Bank by calling the Call Center
Service of any discrepancy or irregularity identified in connection with them.

5.9.5 Limitations
of liability If
the Bank is not the supplier of the eWallet, it does not offer any guarantee
regarding its use; it is not responsible and shall not be liable in any way for
any defect, delay or malfunction of the eWallet. The use of the Card within the
eWallet may be affected by events beyond the Bank's control, and the Bank shall
not be liable for any claims/claims for damages/indemnification arising out of
or in connection with the use or inability to use the Card within the eWallet. The
Bank shall not be liable for the legality of the provision/provision of the
products/services of the device provider and/or third parties, nor for the
security, accuracy, legality or any other aspect of the products/services
provided by them. The
Bank shall not be liable if the User's and/or the Card's data are used by the
eWallet provider or by third parties with whom they collaborate for purposes
other than those related to making payments through the eWallet, neither for
the period during which the card is used in the eWallet, nor after its removal
from the eWallet. It is
the Card User's responsibility to read and understand the provisions of the
agreements and/or terms of use made available by these third parties before
creating, activating or enrolling/using the Card in an eWallet. The
Bank is not responsible for and does not provide support or assistance for any
third party hardware, software or other products or services. If the User has
any questions or problems with a product or service offered by a third party,
the User should contact that supplier/third party for assistance. The
Bank is not responsible for the security of the mobile device on which the
eWallet is installed nor for its operation, the Bank being liable to the Card
User only for the fulfilment of its legal obligations as issuer of the Card. The
Bank cannot control the operating system of the mobile device used by the Card
User. The Bank is therefore not liable for any damage caused to the mobile
device, including but not limited to any security breach caused by viruses,
errors, deception, tampering, omission, interruption, malfunction, delay in
operations or transmissions, computer lines or network failure or any other
technical malfunction caused. The Bank cannot be held liable for direct or
indirect damages resulting from the execution of unauthorised payments caused
by the exposure of the Card User's device to viruses and/or other
applications/programs, as well as theft.


5.10 Final provisions
concerning the Card

5.10.1 The
contract for the issuance and use of the Card shall be supplemented with the
Card-specific provisions of the contractual documentation signed by the Client
and the Bank, as well as with the provisions of the CGB.

5.10.2 The
contract for the issue and use of the Card is concluded for an indefinite
period of time and comes into force at the time of the Card being handed over
to the Primary Card User.

5.10.3 The
Bank may amend the provisions of the Agreement for the issue and use of the
Card by notifying the Card User of the amendment to the contractual terms at
least 2 months before the proposed date of its application, in accordance with
the terms and conditions set out in sections 8.1 and 8.2 of the CGB.

5.10.4 The
contract for issuing and using the Card shall terminate in one of the following

a) by written
agreement of the parties;

b) by
unilateral termination, at any time during the term of the contract, by the
Card User or the Bank;

c) in the
event of the death or incapacity of the Primary Card User;

d) by
terminating the Debit Card Contract in accordance with clause 5.10.7 below;

e) in case of
force majeure or fortuitous event;

f) by
withdrawal of the product by the Bank;

g) in the
event of closure of the Current Account to which the Debit Card is attached;

h) in any
other cases provided by law;

5.10.5 Unilateral
termination of the Contract for the issue and use of the Card as per 5.10.4 b)
may be requested:

(i) by the
Primary Card User by submitting a written request to any of the Bank's offices.
The Bank will notify Card Users via the website if other channels
will be made available to them for submitting a request for unilateral
termination of the Contract for the issue and use of the Card.

(ii) by the
Bank by written notice to the Primary Card User, sent 2 months prior to the
proposed date of termination of the Agreement. The notice shall be given in
accordance with the provisions of section 8.2.

5.10.6 At the
latest on the working day following the registration of the Card User's request
to terminate the Card Issuing Agreement, the Bank will block access to the
Current Account via the Card if there are no transactions pending settlement.

Otherwise, access to
the account will be blocked after all transactions made with the card have been

(1) The Bank shall be entitled to terminate the Debit Card Agreement
by operation of law, without notice and without the intervention of the courts,
in any of the following cases:

a) Failure
by the Card User to comply with the contractual clauses, the conditions of Card
operation imposed by the Bank, the legal provisions in force (such as, but not
limited to, legal provisions on the prevention and combating of money
laundering and terrorist financing and compliance with International and US
Sanctions) or the Bank's working rules;

b) Registration
of Card transactions as suspicious or fraudulent;

c) The
Bank has identified suspicions of fraud/money laundering/terrorist
financing/violation of International/US Sanctions;

d) The
seizure measure has been
applied to the Card User's assets;

e) The
Card User is suspected of carrying out operations that violate legal or
contractual provisions;

f) For
the Card User's Accounts, requests for return of funds have been received from
the ordering/correspondent banks on suspicion of fraud, money laundering,
terrorist financing, violation of International/US Sanctions, or

g) The
Bank has received information from banks or authorities in Romania or abroad
regarding the Client's suspicion of fraud / money laundering / terrorist
financing / violation of International/US Sanctions,

h) the
Card User becomes a Designated Person or Restricted Party or becomes subject to
International Sanctions or embargoes imposed by the European Union, the Swiss
Confederation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the
United States of America, other States or any of their agencies, regardless of
whether the Card User is directly or indirectly affected by such International
Sanctions or embargoes,

i) if
the Card User has provided the Bank with false information and/or documents or
refuses to provide the Bank with the requested information and/or documents,
including on the basis of Articles 3.1.4 and 4.3.7 and/or agreements necessary
for the Bank to fulfil its contractual and/or legal obligations (including for
the purposes of FATCA and/or CRS requirements);

(2) In the cases referred to in the previous paragraph,
the Bank shall notify the Customer of the measure taken, within 3 working days
of the decision, in accordance with the rules in section 8.2

(3) If
there are transactions made with the Card pending settlement, the Bank may
block the payment instrument from trading until all transactions are settled
and the Card is terminated.

5.10.8 The
principal card user or his/her legal representative/successors are obliged to
cover any amounts due in full upon termination of the contract. Any debit not
covered by the Principal Cardholder arising from the use of the Card must be
repaid by the Principal Cardholder to the Bank. In the event of termination,
the Client shall be obliged to pay the fees and commissions relating to the
Transactions carried out up to the date of termination.

5.10.9 Termination
of the Agreement at the Bank's initiative shall in no way affect the Bank's
right to recover any amounts owed by the Primary Card User as a result of
actions taken or not taken by the Primary Card User prior to the date of





6.1 The Bank's Call Center service allows access to
the special services mentioned in this section through the telephone with the
help of the telebanker or through the interactive automatic support application
(virtual operator). The Call Center service is available in Romanian and
English, except for services accessed through interaction with the virtual
operator, which are available only in Romanian.

6.2 Access to the Call Center telephone service
through the interactive automatic support application (virtual operator) is not
available to customers who do not have Romanian citizenship and call the Call
Center service from a telephone number other than the one declared in the
relationship with the bank, as well as to Visa Signature, Visa Infinite, World and World Elite
credit card users, regardless of citizenship/residence.

6.3 (1) The user will prove its identity each
time it uses the Call Center service, with the help of the Security Password in
relation to the Bank.

(2) Customers holding the Raiffeisen Direct TOP
service are identified by applying strict Client authentication under the
conditions provided in the specific Contract.


6.4 The special services that can be accessed through
the telebanker are the following:

a) Report the loss/theft of the Card or other
emergency situations;

b) Block access to the Account through the Card
reported as lost/stolen and re-issuing the Card and the corresponding PIN code;

c) Unlock the access to the credit card account
through the credit card, if the lock was established at the Bank's initiative,
as well as the unlocking the access to the Account through the debit card,
provided that the blocking of the access was requested on the same day through
the Service Call Center, as well as the Card User being in possession of the
Card in the interval between the two requests, according to his statement; if
these conditions are not met and the User requests the unlock, the Bank will
proceed to replace the Card;

d) Query of the balance of the Account to which the
debit card is attached, respectively of the available funds in the Credit Card
Limit, of the history of transactions related to the card, as well as of the
Card status; the additional user can request information exclusively on the
transactions made with the additional card of which he is the holder;

e) Temporary modification of
the daily limit of:

cash withdrawal via Card, for the period indicated by the Primary User (for
both Debit Card and Credit Card). 
Temporary modification of the limit can be requested only once per
quarter (only once within each of the following intervals: 1 January - 31
March, 1 April - 30 June, 1 July - 30 September, 1 October - 31 December). The
cash withdrawal limit for each type of Card, as well as more information on
temporary changes to the limit at the Customer's request, its validity period,
etc., can be found on the website
- section "In your support";

transactions at points of sale ("EPOS") and e-commerce.


f) Provide information to the main Card user about
the status of the request for the discovery of the account/credit limit, as the
case may be, the parameters of the limit of account discovery/credit limit
granted by the Bank in the Current/card account to which the Card is attached;

g) Change credit card information: activating the
Credit Card; add/modify/waive the direct debit service; modify the date of
issue of the Activity Report; modify the Bank's agency where the Card will be
transmitted; changing the Card password; correct personal data or contact
details; the request of a document containing information of the Activity
Report; register the refusal to increase the credit limit; initial setting and
modification of the parameters related to the payment facilities in instalments
of the amounts used from the credit limit, according to the specific Contract;

h) Block the additional credit card or changing the
access limit of the additional card;

i) Waive optional insurance services attached to the
Credit Card.

j) Obtain the Bank's support regarding the
registration/blocking/deletion of the Cards in the Electronic Wallet.

k) Obtain Bank support on accessing and using
Raiffeisen Online and Smart Mobile services.

The service provided for in point e) is available through
the telebanker for customers who do not have the Smart Mobile application or
for requests exceeding the transaction limits through the Card offered by the
Smart Mobile application.

6.5 The special services that can be accessed through
the virtual operator are the following:

a) Block access to the Account through the Card
reported as lost/stolen and re-issue the Card and the corresponding PIN code;
this service is available for the primary and additional Debit Card User and
exclusively for the main Credit Card User;

b) Interrogate the balance of the Account to which
the debit card is attached, for the main and supplementary User, respectively
of the available credit card limit, exclusively for the main Credit Card User;

c) Obtaining a ministatement (service available only
for the main Debit/Credit Card Users), containing information regarding the
debtor or creditor operations (depending on the request made expressly by the
Main Card User in the virtual operator module) performed in connection with the
Account to which is attached the debit/credit card, respectively the last five
debits, the last five creditors or the last five transactions settled for the
main Debit Card User and the last five transactions, debtor or creditor, made
after the latest Activity Report for the User has been issued principal of
credit card (in the case of Card transactions related to the Credit Card, only
the settled transactions will be mentioned);

d) Activate the Credit Card for the Main User;

e) Obtain information about the latest Activity
Report issued for the Credit Card: due date, minimum payment amount, total
debt, exclusively for the Main User;

f) Request the unlocking of access to the Raiffeisen
Online and/or Raiffeisen Smart Mobile Services for the main Card users who hold
such services, as long as such functionality of the respective service is





7.1. Define the used terms

Payment beneficiary = expected recipient of the funds of a
direct debit payment operation; the legal person, supplier of goods and / or
services, who has concluded with the institution to which the account has
opened a commitment regarding the direct debit and who holds claims on the
payer or the person in whose name the payment is made (the third party

Payer = holder of a payment account that agrees with making
a direct debit payment; he concluded a direct debit mandate with the payer's

the person on whose behalf the payment is made (third party
subscriber) – beneficiary’s client, for whom the payer accepts to make payments
to the beneficiary from its payments account;

Beneficiary’s institution = the institution to which the
beneficiary has opened the account to be credited or has been credited with the
amount provided in the direct debit instruction; the institution that receives
a direct debit instruction from the beneficiary, for the purpose of executing
this instruction;

Payer’s institution = the institution to which the payer has
opened the payment account to be debited with the amount provided in the direct
debit instruction;

the payer's institution and the beneficiary's institution
may be one and the same bank if the payer and the beneficiary have an account
opened at the same bank;

 Direct debit
commitment = the agreement concluded between the beneficiary and the
beneficiary institution, which includes the beneficiary's responsibilities, as
well as the beneficiary institution's acceptance regarding the beneficiary's
use of the direct debit instructions;

Direct debit mandate (hereinafter referred to as “Mandate”)
= agreement of will, signed or whose authenticity has been verified by applying
a security procedure by which the payer gives an authorization to a beneficiary
to issue direct debit instructions on the account or the paying institution to
debit his account with the amount and due provided in the direct debit
instructions issued by the beneficiary; Each mandate will be highlighted in the
payer's and beneficiary's bank system with a distinct identifier, mentioned on
the mandate. The mandate may be given for a determined or indefinite period,
with the possibility of subsequent revocation it can also cover a single
payment or multiple payments of fixed or variable values;

Direct debit instruction = payment instruction initiated by
a beneficiary on the account of a payer opened at the payer's institution,
according to a mandate regarding direct debit; the payment operations are
executed by the automatic debit of the payer account and the crediting of the
beneficiary's account with the value of the debts that the beneficiary holds
over the payer or the Person in whose name the payment is made (to the third
party subscriber);

Payment date = the due date communicated to the payer/the
person on whose behalf the payment is made (to the third party subscriber) and
to the payer's institution by the beneficiary, or, as the case may be, the
working day following the due date, if the due date is a non-working day, the
date on which it is made debiting the payer's account with the payment
transaction initiated by the Beneficiary and the related commission; At this
date the Payer must provide in the account the amount of money necessary to
make the payment and to pay the related commission;

Maximum limit = the maximum amount of the value of an
invoice which the Payer can reasonably expect, taking into account the profile
of the previous expenses and the conditions in the contract concluded with the
Beneficiary. It is mentioned in the direct debit mandate given by the payer.

Account – the payment account indicated by the Payer in the
direct debit mandate from which the payments to the Beneficiary will be made;

the person receiving (the final beneficiary) - entity in favour
of which the payment will be made, through the beneficiary.

Date of first collection - the date from which the
beneficiary is entitled to initiate direct debit instructions of the Payer's

Date of last collection - the date by which the beneficiary
is entitled to initiate direct debit instructions of the Payer's account.

Singular payment – transfer of funds made from the Payer's
account to the beneficiary's account, based on the direct debit mandate, which
is executed only once;

Recurrent payment - transfer of funds from the Payer's
account to the beneficiary's account, based on the direct debit mandate, which
is executed repeatedly, during the term of validity of the mandate.


Within the Direct Debit Service regulated in the present
section the Bank has the quality of the Paying Institution. The Direct Debit
Service is offered to all the clients of the Bank, based on the provisions of
the present section, which becomes active when issuing at least one Direct
Debit Mandate.


7.1 Issue the Direct Debit Mandate

If the Client chooses to use the Direct Debit Service, he
must issue at least one Direct Debit Mandate in one of the following variants:

a)  by signing the
specific form in the Bank's agencies;

b) by signing the specific form at the Beneficiary's
premises - exclusively in the event that the Beneficiary offers this option;

c) by accessing this option within the Raiffeisen Online /
Smart Mobile Service;

d) by requesting the activation of this mandate within the
Raiffeisen Direct TOP Service.

Within the Direct Debit Service the Paying Client can issue
an unlimited number of Direct Debit Mandates.


7.2. Activate the Direct Debit Mandate

7.2.1 In the hypotheses provided for in point 7.1.
letters a), c) and d), the direct debit mandate is activated within one working
day. The Payer’s Institution undertakes to inform the Beneficiary about the
mandate concluded by the Payer, directly or through the Beneficiary’s

7.2.2 In the hypothesis provided in point 7.1. letter
b), the beneficiary will send the mandate of the Paying Institution, for
verification. If, after the verification, the Payer’s Institution finds that it
does not comply with the minimum conditions of validity (it does not have all
the mandatory fields completed, the payer's IBAN account is not correct,
inconsistency between the data entered on the mandate and those in the bank's
records, declared previously paid, the signature specimen does not correspond),
it will reject the mandate. If the mandate is rejected, the Payer’s Institution
will inform the Beneficiary about the non-activation of the mandate. A Mandate
is considered active and produces effects from the moment it is confirmed by
the Payer’s Institution. The payer's institution commits to validate the
mandate concluded by the Payer at the Beneficiary's headquarters or to refuse
the activation within a maximum of 5 working days from the date of its receipt
from the Beneficiary/Beneficiary's Institution.

7.2.3 In order to activate the mandate issued
according to 7.1. lit. b), in case the Bank decides to carry out the requests
for clarification / completion of the mandate by telephone, the Payer expresses
his agreement that, if all the fields in the mandate form are not completed or
there is a mismatch between the completed and existing information in the
Bank's database, be contacted by telephone by an employee of the Bank at the
telephone number indicated to the Bank in the specific forms, in order to clarify
the information. In order to identify the payer, the Security Password will be
requested in relation to the Bank. The identity of the Payer will be considered
proven after he has provided, at the request of the Bank's employee, the
identification elements mentioned above. The payer assumes responsibility for
the correctness of the information provided during the telephone conversation
with the Bank employee. Expressly and in all cases, the Payer accepts that for
the security of the information communicated the Bank has the right to record
all telephone calls between the Payer and the Bank and acknowledges the
probative force of recording the calls requested by the Bank and communicates
the information regarding the Mandate; it also accepts that the steps mentioned
in this article, in order to activate the Mandate, represent an option of the
Bank, not an obligation of the Bank. 


7.3 Execute the Direct Debit Mandate

7.3.1 By issuing the Direct Debit Mandate, the Payer
expresses his consent and mandates the Payer's Institution that based on his
written instructions, included in the mandate, to make by debiting the Account
the automatic payment of the amounts requested by the Beneficiary,
corresponding to the invoices issued periodically by him on behalf of the Payer
or of the person on whose behalf the payment is made (to the Third party

7.3.2 The Bank will not operate the payment of any
invoice that exceeds the Maximum Limit completed by the Payer in the mandate.

7.3.3 In order to execute the mandate, the Payer
undertakes to provide in the Account, on the Payment Date, the amount necessary
to make the payment and to cover the commission arising from the provision of
this service.

7.3.4 Also, the payment will be made only when the
Payer's Account is not blocked as a result of an unavailability measure taken
by the Bank or disposed of by an organ having such competences/attributions. No
partial payments will be carried out.

7.3.5 If, on the Payment Date, the payment in the
Payer's Account does not fully cover the amount of the invoices, including the
commissions related to the service provision, the Bank reserves the right not
to make the payment. If the Bank decides, in accordance with its internal
rules, to make a payment requested by the Beneficiary that exceeds the limit
available in the Account, the provisions of section 3.4 of this document
(discovered by unauthorized account / unauthorized overdraft) will apply. If
the Payer does not wish to benefit from this facility, he must indicate to the
Bank, in writing, in any banking or telephone unit, through the Call Center
Service (assuming he also holds the Card User status), his refusal to make
payments based on any Mandate above the limit available in the Account.

7.3.6 Payment applications will be processed by the
paying institution in the order of the dates indicated by the Beneficiary,
until the use of the account available.

7.3.7 The mandate granted by the Payer will be
executed by the Bank starting with the first invoice to be delivered by the
Beneficiary to the payment after the date on which the Payer requests to start
the service.


7.4 Costs applicable to the Direct Debit Service 

For each payment made on the Payer's Account at the request
of the Beneficiary, the Bank will charge the Payer a commission whose value is
set out in the list of fees and commissions applicable to the current account.
The payer authorizes the Bank to automatically withhold this commission from
his account, once the invoice is paid. The Bank may exempt the Payer from the
payment of the commission or may charge a reduced level of the commission if
the Cost reductions for the Payers have been agreed with the Beneficiaries,
during the validity period of the conventions stipulating these reductions,
concluded between the Beneficiaries and the Bank or if they have cost
reductions were agreed between the Bank and the Payer, based on other contracts
concluded between them, during the validity period of these contracts.


7.5 Change of the Mandate

7.5.1 The payer can unilaterally modify the direct
debit mandate, regarding the account from which the payments are made, the
fixed/maximum limit, the identifiers for the invoice holder, by completing and
submitting the modification form mandated to any unit of the Bank or the
Beneficiary (only in if the beneficiary offers this option), or by requesting
the modification through the Raiffeisen Direct TOP service or the Raiffeisen
Online/Raiffeisen Smart Mobile service, if the Payer has any of these services.
If the Payer wishes to indicate another payment account, the new account must
be opened at Raiffeisen Bank.

7.5.2 The changes made to the Direct Debit Mandates,
communicated directly to the Payer's Institution (if the change was requested
in the Bank's agencies, through the Raiffeisen Direct TOP service or Raiffeisen
Online / Raiffeisen Smart Mobile), are opposable to it within one business day.
In case the modification is requested at the Beneficiary's premises, the
Beneficiary will submit the modification form to the Payer's Institution, for
verification. If, after the verification, the Payer’s Institution finds that it
does not respect the minimum conditions of validity (it does not have all the
mandatory fields completed, the payer's IBAN account is not correct,
inconsistency between the data recorded on the request and those in the bank's
records, declared previously by the payer, the signature specimen does not
correspond), it will not operate the mandate modification. In case of rejection
of the modification form, the Paying Institution will inform the Beneficiary
about this. The payer's institution commits to validate the modification form
submitted by the Payer at the Beneficiary's headquarters or to refuse its
implementation within a maximum of 5 working days from the date of its receipt
from the Beneficiary/Beneficiary's Institution, until then the Payer's
Institution using only the initial instructions.

The Payer’s Institution will not be held liable for any
damages suffered by the Payer/Third party subscriber and/or Beneficiary, due to
the non-announcement of the modification of the initial payment instructions
given by the Payer to the Bank.

7.5.3 The granted mandate(s) remain valid if for
technical reasons the Beneficiary makes a modification of the subscriber code
initially assigned, notifying this change to the Bank and the Payer/third party


7.6 Refusal to pay and right to refund

7.6.1 The payer may request the Paying Institution to
refuse the following direct debit instruction received from the Beneficiary, by
filling in a refusal form, in any bank agency, through the Raiffeisen Direct
TOP Service or Raiffeisen Online/Raiffeisen Smart Mobile. The application must
be submitted no later than one business day before the due date of the debit

7.6.2 The payer has the right to request, in maximum
8 weeks from the debit of the account or by the Bank under the Mandates, by
submitting a written request to any unit of the Bank, to refund the amount paid
to the Beneficiary's order, including the commission charged for the operation,
if the value the payment transaction exceeds the amount that would have been
reasonably expected taking into account the profile of its previous expenses
and the circumstances relevant to the respective case (Maximum limit indicated
in the mandate).

7.6.3 The payer has the right to request, within a
maximum of 13 months from the debit of the Account or by the Bank, by
submitting a written request to any unit of the Bank, the refund of the amount
paid, including the related commission, if there was no mandate in this

7.6.4 The payer will not be entitled to any refund

a) the payer expressed his consent to execute the payment
operation directly to the Bank;

b) if applicable, information regarding future payment
transactions was transmitted or made available to the payer, in the agreed
form, at least 4 (four) weeks before the due date, by the Bank or the Payee


7.7 Duration and termination of the Direct Debit Mandate

7.7.1 The direct debit mandate ends for an indefinite
or determined period. The mandate ceases in one of the following situations,
the Payer being obliged to pay the commissioners related to the operations
performed until the date of termination:

a) by agreement of the parties, expressed in writing;

b) by unilateral denunciation by one of the parties;

c) in the case of the death of the Payer;

d) by termination, in case one of the parties does
not fulfil its contractual obligations or performs them improperly. Termination
operates in full, without summons, delay and without the intervention of the
courts. The party having the measure of termination shall notify the other
party of the measure disposed of on the same day that the measure was taken;

e) in case of force majeure according to article

f) by withdrawing the product by the Bank, with a
minimum notice of two months;

g) at the end of the validity period indicated in the

h) if for 36 consecutive months no payment was made
through the Direct Debit Service due to the fact that the Beneficiary did not
send to the Bank during this period any payment instructions or that at the
date of payment the existing available in the payer account did not allowed the
Bank to execute the payment instruction transmitted by the Beneficiary;

i) in any other cases provided by law;

j) in case of termination for any reason of the
contract related to the Mandate concluded between the Payer / the person in
whose name the payment (third party subscriber) and the Beneficiary are

k) in case the Payer requests the closing of the
Mandate Account or if it is closed or blocked for other reasons, without the
Payer indicating to the Bank another account from which payments will be made
to the Beneficiary.

7.7.2 The payer must notify the Bank in writing, to
any of its units or through the Raiffeisen Direct TOP service, if he is a
client and of this service, in connection with the termination of the legal
relationship between it or the person on whose behalf the payment is made (the
third party subscriber) and Beneficiary. The Bank will not be held liable for
any kind of damages suffered by the Payer and / or Beneficiary, due to not
announcing this fact.


7.8 Unilateral termination of the Mandate

7.8.1. The payer may request the Bank to cease the
payment service, for any of the Mandates given to the Bank (for him or the
Subscriber Third Party, as the case may be) by a written request, filed and
registered in any unit of the Bank or the Beneficiary, through the Raiffeisen
Direct TOP service, if you are a customer of this service or through the
Raiffeisen Online / Raiffesen Smart Mobile service. The denunciation requests
filed at the Beneficiary's headquarters becomes opposable to the Payer's
Institution within 5 working days from the receipt of the denunciation form
from the Beneficiary/Beneficiary's Institution, until the expiration of this
term the Bank will consider the Mandates as active and will execute them, in
the case to such a request from the Beneficiary,

7.8.2 The payer has the obligation to pay the fees
and commissions related to the operations performed until the date of

7.8.3 The Bank may unilaterally terminate the direct
debit mandate with a minimum notice of two months.


7.9 Provisions regarding the relationship between the Beneficiary and the

7.9.1. The payer authorizes the Bank to notify the
Beneficiary / Institution of the beneficiary about the Mandate he has granted,
as well as of any request for modification or termination of the mandate and to
communicate to the Beneficiary any necessary information regarding the
execution of the Mandate and to transmit to them, directly/via Transfond (as
the case may be), personal information that may be contained in the Mandate.
The payer declares that it is authorized by the third party subscriber to transmit
his personal data for the purpose of processing.

7.9.2. The Bank shall not be held liable for any
damages caused by the Payee Beneficiary or the person on whose behalf the
payment is made (Third party subscriber). Any misunderstandings regarding the
amount entered by the payment beneficiary (the Beneficiary) in the payment
instructions communicated to the Bank and executed by the Bank under the
Mandates, the amount of the invoices, the non-communication or defective
communication by the Beneficiary to the Bank of the amount and/or the maturity
of the invoices, at the agreement between the amounts stipulated in the
invoices and the amounts requested to be paid by the Beneficiary, to the
amounts debited or to the amounts refused to pay due to the lack of
availability or at the express request of the Payer, will be solved according
to the provisions of the contract concluded between Payer / Third party
subscribed with the Beneficiary.


7.10 Force majeure

The force majeure exonerates of liability the party that
invokes it, according to the law, after the notification of the other party.
The party invoking the force majeure will notify the other party within a
maximum period of 5 days from the occurrence and will transmit the supporting
documents, certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
according to the law, within 15 days. In the same conditions, the case of force
majeure will be communicated.


7.11 Final provisions

7.11.1 If the direct debit mandate is issued through
the Raiffeisen Online service, the provisions of the Raiffeisen Online contract
will be applied with priority.

7.11.2 Changes to the terms and conditions of the
Direct Debit Service are made on the basis of the express or tacit agreement of
the parties. The Bank has the obligation to notify the Payer of the
modification of the contractual clauses at least two months before the proposed
date for its application. The payer has the obligation to communicate in
writing the option of accepting or not accepting the new conditions within the
two-month period mentioned above. If by the proposed date for payment the Payer
does not notify the bank, in writing, at any of the Bank's territorial units,
the failure to accept the changes, the Parties agree that the payment of the
Payer is tacit acceptance of the respective changes. If the Payer notifies the
bank that it does not accept the changes proposed by the Bank, before the
proposed date for applying the changes, the Payer has the right to unilaterally
terminate the contract, immediately and free of charge, under the conditions
provided in art. 7.8.

7.11.3 Any request of the Payer to the Bank, in
connection with the activation, execution, modification or termination of the
Direct Debit Mandate, submitted in writing, must comply with the standard forms
provided by the Bank and/or Beneficiary, otherwise it will not be binding to
the Bank.

7.11.4. Any dispute arising between the Bank and the
Payer in connection with the conclusion and execution of this Agreement will be
settled amicably or, if this is not possible, by the competent courts,
according to the Romanian legislation in force. In order to amicably resolve
any disputes (including disputes regarding the right to reimbursement provided
for in Art. 7.6. The payer may notify, according to the law, the National
Consumer Protection Authority and/or the National Bank of Romania, in order to
apply the extra-judicial procedures to resolve the dispute.




8.1. Conclusion and modification of specific Agreements and the GBC

8.1.1 The Client's consent for the conclusion of a
Specific Contract may be expressed, as applicable:

a) by the hand/electronic signature/ Qualified electronic
signature (QES), under the conditions agreed by the parties;

b) by telephone during the recorded calls, made through the
Call Center Service or in another agreed mode that involves a telephone call,
to the extent that the Bank offers the Client these means;

c) within the remote access electronic applications offered
by the Bank, such as, but not limited to the internet-banking/mobile-banking
applications, by using the sets of rules for the identification and
authorization specific to each application separately, provided for in the
Specific Agreements/terms and conditions related to applications;;

d) any other method agreed by the Bank with the Client in
the specific Agreement.

8.1.2. (1) The Consent for the conclusion of these GBC
shall be only expressed by all Parties using the same signature method,

(i) the handwritten signature of the document in the
presence of a Bank representative;

(ii) affixing a qualified electronic
Signature on the document in electronic format.

(2) Signing GBC in electronic format,
with the qualified electronic signature may be performed only by means of
communication agreed by the Bank and shall be deemed as concluded at the Bank’s


8.1.3. The changes made to the specific Contracts and
the GBC are communicated to the Client according to the
"Notifications" section or through the communication means specific
to each service/banking product according to the specific Agreement.

8.1.4. The Bank and the Client agree that any
modification proposed by the Bank regarding the clauses in the GBC and/or the
Specific Contracts shall be notified to the Client at least two months before
the proposed date for its application.

8.1.5. If, until the proposed date for applying the
changes, the Client does not notify the Bank in writing of not accepting the
changes, at any of the territorial units of the Bank or in the modalities
provided for in the specific Contracts, the Bank and the Client agree that the
silence of the Client values tacit acceptance of those modifications, if the
legal provisions in force do not regulate the contrary.

8.1.6. The continuance of the contractual relations
between the Bank and the Client is not possible in the absence of a Client's
agreement, tacitly or expressly, regarding the contractual changes notified by
the Bank.

8.1.7. The Bank will automatically apply the specific
legal provisions of imperative character regarding the banking services /
products, including for the credit products, insofar as they differ from those
established in the specific Contracts, without having to modify these GBC.


8.2. Notifications

8.2.1. Any requests, notifications, approvals,
communications ("the Notification") arising from these GBC and/or the
specific Agreements concluded between the Bank and the Client will be made by
the Bank in writing, the Notification can be submitted personally and/or
transmitted by post and/or or by fax and/or e-mail and/or SMS text message, at
the address (postal and/or e-mail), respectively at the contact numbers (fax or
mobile phone), as indicated by the Client through the communication channels made
available by the Bank to the Client for this purpose or by a message posted
within the Raiffeisen Online or Smart Mobile application, for the holders of
these services or by posting on the Bank's website with personalized access
(for example, the Electronic Statement Service).

8.2.2. The notification or any other communication is
considered received by the Client, (i) in the case of personal
remittance upon delivery, (ii) in the case of transmission by
fax/e-mail/SMS - on the date of generation by the apparatus used for
transmission, of the transmission report (iii) in the case of postal
dispatch - within 3 working days for the dispatches on the Romanian territory,
respectively within the term guaranteed by the postal and courier service
providers for shipments abroad and (iv) in case of transmission of the
message within the application Raiffeisen Online or Smart Mobile, for the
holders of these services or by posting on the website of the Bank with
personalized access (for example the Electronic Statement Service) - at the date
of posting the message in the application Raiffeisen Online / Smart Mobile or
dated the publication on the website of the Bank with personalized access -
Electronic Statement Service

8.2.3. Any written notification is considered validly
sent by the Bank through the mail circuit, as the case may be by
fax/e-mail/SMS, if it has been sent to the last postal and/or e-mail address,
respectively to the last fax numbers or mobile phone communicated to the Bank
by the Client.

8.2.4. The Bank uses in its relationship with its
Customers a single postal address for sending any correspondence (the
customer's home address or the correspondence address indicated by the Client),
in relation to all the products/services contracted by them (except the monthly
statement of Current Account, in in case the Client has requested his
communication to a different address). The bank will send the correspondence to
the last postal address indicated by the Client. The bank reserves a maximum
period of 30 calendar days for the operation of a possible change of the postal

8.2.5. Any notification or other communication
received by the Bank on a day after 16.00 of a working day, will be considered
received on the following working day. Exceptions from this are the operations
and documents regarding the payment services to which the deadlines are

8.2.6 (1) The client and the Bank agree that the
answers to the complaints/appeals regarding the payment services will be sent
by the Bank through one of the communication modalities provided in art. 8.2.1
above, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided by the payment
services legislation.

(2) The replies to the complaints/appeals, other than
those regarding the payment services, will be sent to the Customers within the
terms and conditions provided by the special laws or within a reasonable term
if the law does not impose a certain response time.


8.3. Applicable law. Disputes. Language of the contract.

8.3.1. The relations between the Bank and the Client
are governed by the Romanian legislation. Any disputes will be settled
amicably. When this is not possible, the Client may call on extrajudicial
mechanisms for the alternative settlement of disputes with the Bank or can be
addressed to the courts, according to the procedural rules in force.

8.3.2. In order to amicably resolve any disputes
regarding the lending activity, payment services and/or the processing of
personal data, the Client may appeal to extrajudicial settlement procedures by
notifying, according to the law, the National Authority for Consumer
Protection, as the case may be (office at Bdul Aviatorilor no. 72, district 1,
Bucharest, Tax code 24268010, Public Relations tel. 0759045333, e-mail, the National Bank of Romania
(office at Str. Lipscani no. 25, district 3, Bucharest, code 030031, Tax code
361684, tel. 021.313.04.10/021.315.27.50) or the National Supervisory Authority
for Personal Data Processing (office at B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru no.
28-30, district 1, Bucharest, tel. 318.059.211 , e-mail: If the
Client decides to resort to alternative dispute resolution with the Bank, he
may submit a request in this regard to the Alternative Dispute Resolution
Center in the Banking field (CSALB), office at in municipiul Bucharest, Str.
Sevastopol 24, 2nd floor, district 1, postal code 10992, Romania, telephone 021
9414, website address or he may
apply to the mediation procedures reglemented by the legislation on mediation
and organisation of the profession of mediator.

8.3.3. These GBC are concluded in Romanian and
English; any notifications or communications arising from this contract will be
made in Romanian.


8.4. Guarantee of bank deposits

8.4.1 The Bank is a participant in the Romanian Bank
Deposit Guarantee Fund ("RDBGF"), therefore the Client's money held
in bank accounts opened with the Bank is guaranteed within the limits set by
the RDBGF and under the conditions established by the legal regulations in
force in the field of deposit guarantee.

8.4.2 The level of compensation paid by the Deposit
Guarantee Fund shall be determined by deducting from the sum of all eligible
deposits held by the Customer who is a guaranteed depositor with the Bank on
the date on which the deposits became unavailable, the total amount of the
Bank's outstanding claims against that Customer on that date.

8.4.3 The Bank shall provide information on the
guarantee of deposits by the RDBGF and the list of non-guaranteed deposits by
posting it on its website at all its offices and by providing the Depositors'
Information Form in paper and electronic format (


8.5. Restrictions and interdictions

8.5.1. If a law prohibits the Client from fulfilling
any of its obligations towards the Bank (or any part of the respective
obligation) in the currency in which it is established, or prevents any funds
in that currency from being remitted to the Bank, the Client will fulfil its
obligation or the respective part of it, making the payment to the Bank (at the
Bank's choice and in the manner indicated by the Bank) in that other currency
that the Bank will indicate.

8.5.2. The Client will pay a sufficient amount in
that other currency so as to enable the Bank to purchase an amount equal to the
payment obligation of the Client or the respective part thereof, in the
currency in which it is established, calculated at the relevant spot rate as
determined by the Bank. For this purpose, the Bank shall have the right to
debit any of the Client's accounts, at its discretion, with the amounts owed by
it, without prior notice to the Client, and the Client expressly authorizes the
Bank, by the present, to sign the payment orders, the instructions and other
documents that may be necessary for the above mentioned operation to be
performed in full and accordingly.


8.6. Cumulative and non-exclusive remedies

Each of the rights/remedies/guarantees granted to the Bank
on the basis of this document and/or the specific Contracts concluded between
the Bank and the Client, may be exercised/executed by the Bank in the order
chosen by the Bank, at its total discretion, regardless of the date of
birth/constitution of these rights/remedies in his favour, and will be
additional to all other rights and remedies granted to the Bank by virtue of
any other agreement, any other guarantees or laws.


8.7. Deductions or withholdings required by law

If a deduction or withholding must be made, according to the
law, from a payment of the Client to the Bank, the Client will pay a higher
amount, so that after any such deduction or withholding, the Bank will receive
and benefit from an equal net amount with the amount he would have received if
no deduction or deduction had been made.


8.8. Assignment. Novation. Transfer.

The Bank may transfer in any way (assignment, novation,
delegation or any other mechanism for transmitting the rights and obligations
recognized by law), in whole or in part, any of its rights and obligations
arising from the GBC/Specific Contract. The contract will be considered as
concluded for the benefit and will give rise to a valid and enforceable
obligation for a buyer or a person who takes over the assets of the Bank, a
successor of the Bank or any assignee or agent thereof. The client may not assign/novate/transfer/delegate
to any third person, at any time, without the prior written consent of the
Bank, his rights and obligations arising from this Contract.


8.9. Transmission risk

If the Bank, at the Client's request, transmits sums of
money, securities/trade effects/merchandise delivery documents to a certain
recipient, using for this purpose third parties as intermediaries, the
transmission is at the Client's risk. Any loss resulting from the Bank's use of
postal, telephone, telex, fax, e-mail, SWIFT, courier or other means of
communication or transport for this purpose will be borne by the Client with
the Bank's exemption from any liability in this regard.


8.10. Other final clauses

At any time of the contractual relationship, the Client has
the right to receive, on request, on paper or on any other durable medium, a
copy of these GBC.





9.1. The undersigned, Client, personally or, as the
case may be, through or assisted by the Legal Representative, or by the
Trustee, declare that: (tick, as appropriate, 9.1.a or 9.1.b):


  The bank offered me a
copy of the GBC, in English and in a clear form, and that I was informed about
the 15-day deadline I have at my disposal to decide if I accept the GBC on the
above mentioned issues. As a result of the fact that I have read, understood
and agree with the prior information made available by the Bank, I express my
agreement regarding the reduction of the 15-day deadline and wish to sign the
GBC today.


  The bank offered me,
15 days before the signing date of these GBC by the undersigned, a copy of this

  on paper

  by e-mail 

9.2. This contract (General Conditions for the
Conduct of Banking Operations, consisting of 9 Chapters  60  pages), having the following content:
1. Introduction; 2. General principles; 3. General conditions applicable to the
accounts; 4. Provisions regarding the payment operations; 5. Contractual provisions
relating to the issue and use of the Card; 6. Special services offered
by the Bank through the Call Center of Raiffeisen Bank; 7. Terms and conditions
for the Direct Debit Service 8. Final provisions; 9. The Client’s Statements
and the Parties’ signatures, is signed by the parties in 2 copies, being
concluded today, ___________________.

The client states that the Bank has
communicated a copy of the GBC, according to its request:

  on paper

  by e-mail, at the
address indicated by the Client and registered in the Bank's records

  through the Electronic
Statement Service or Internet banking/mobile banking services, as the case may

These GBCs replace the previous
versions, except the section "Granting of credits" within them, which
remains in force and continues to apply in relation to the clients who have
taken loans during the period when these versions were in force.








(surname, name)

(Client’s surname, name, Personal code; must be
filled in)




(Client’s signature)






(Proxy/legal representative’s surname, name, Personal
code, to be filled in when necessary)




(Proxy/legal representative’s signature)

Date: _______________

Date: _______________


Documente utile
Documente de informare
Glosar de termeni cont de plati:







Depozitele constituite la Raiffeisen Bank sunt protejate de către:

Fondul de Garantare a Depozitelor Bancare – FGDB.1)

Plafon de acoperire:

(suma efectiv garantata din totalul depozitului)


Echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR per deponent per bancă2).

Valoarea minima de la care se platesc compensatii pentru depozitele aferent carora nu a avut loc nicio tranzactie in ultimele 24 de luni este stabilita de catre Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare.

Dacă aveti mai multe depozite plasate la

aceeaşi bancă:


Toate depozitele plasate la aceeaşi bancă sunt însumate si valoarea totală este supusă plafonului de acoperire stabilit la echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR.2)

Daca aveti un cont comun cu altă persoană –

Contul comun este contul deschis pe numele a

două sau mai multe persoane, fiecare având

calitatea de titular:

Se aplică plafonul de acoperire stabilit la echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR separat, pentru fiecare titular al contului.3)

Perioada de punere la dispozitie a

compensatiilor cuvenite în caz de

indisponibilizare a depozitelor:

7 zile lucrătoare de la data la care depozitele au devenit indisponibile.4)

Moneda de plată a compensatiei:

RON (lei)

Date de contact Raiffeisen Bank:


Calea Floreasca nr. 246 C, sector 1, Bucuresti, cod 014476

Telefon: +4021.306.1000

Date de contact FGDB:


Adresa: Str. Negru Voda nr.3, Bucuresti, cod: 030774, Tel: 021.326.60.20


Site-ul web al FGDB este

Informatii suplimentare:


1)      Schema responsabilă de protecţie a depozitului dumneavoastra

FGDB este schema de garantare a depozitelor statutară oficial recunoscută în Romania

2)      Plafonul general de acoperire

În cazul în care un depozit este indisponibil deoarece o instituţie de credit nu este în măsură să îşi îndeplinească obligaţiile de plată conform condiţiilor contractuale şi legale aplicabile, plata compensaţiilor către deponenţi se face de către schema de garantare a depozitelor. Fiecare compensaţie are un plafon maxim stabilit la echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR per instituţie de credit. Acest lucru înseamnă că toate depozitele de la aceeaşi instituţie de credit sunt agregate pentru determinarea încadrării în plafonul de acoperire. De exemplu, dacă un deponent deţine un cont de economii în valoare de 90.000 EUR şi un cont curent în care are 20.000 EUR, acesta va primi doar echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR.

3)      Plafonul de acoperire aplicabil conturilor comune

În cazul conturilor comune, plafonul de acoperire stabilit la echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR se aplică fiecărui deponent.

Exceptie: In cazul depozitelor plasate într-un cont ai cărui beneficiari sunt două sau mai multe persoane în calitatea lor de membri ai unei asociatii lucrative, asocieri sau grupări de aceeasi natură, fără personalitate juridică, sunt însumate si tratate ca si când ar fi fost plasate de un singur deponent, pentru calculul limitei de 100.000 EUR.

În anumite cazuri astfel cum sunt acestea prezentate mai jos, depozitele sunt acoperite peste echivalentul in lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR, pentru o perioada de 12 luni de la data la care suma a fost creditata in cont la institutia de credit in cauza sau de la data la care depozitele pot fi transferate legal la o alta institutie de credit:

a)      depozitele care rezultă din tranzacţii imobiliare referitoare la bunuri imobile cu destinaţie locativă;

b)      depozitele rezultate din evenimentul pensionării, disponibilizării, căsătoriei, divorţului, din situaţia de invaliditate sau deces al deponentului;

c)      depozitele rezultate din încasarea unor indemnizaţii de asigurare sau a unor compensaţii pentru daune rezultate din infracţiuni sau pentru condamnări pe nedrept.

In aceste cazuri, plafonul de garantare este stabilit si reconsiderat periodic de BNR si publicat pe site-ul său oficial.

Deponentii persoane fizice au obligatia de a informa Banca completand formularul pus la dispozitie în orice unitate a Băncii si prezentând, dacă este cazul, documentele justificative solicitate de aceasta, ori de cate ori urmează să încaseze în cont sume provenind din sursele mentionate la lit. a) – c) de mai sus

Informaţii suplimentare sunt disponibile la

4)      Plata compensaţiilor

Schema de garantare a depozitelor responsabilă este Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare, cu sediul in Str. Negru Voda nr. 3, corp A3, et. 2, Sector 3, Municipiul Bucuresti, cod: 030774, avand numarul de telefon 021/326.60.20, adresa de e-mail si adresa site-ului web Aceasta vă va pune la dispoziţie compensaţiile cuvenite (până la echivalentul în lei al sumei de 100.000 EUR) în termen de 7 zile lucrătoare de la data la care depozitele au devenit indisponibile. În situaţia în care nu este cert dacă o persoană are dreptul de a primi compensaţia sau în cazul în care depozitul face obiectul unui litigiu, termenul de punere la dispoziţie a compensaţiei se prelungeşte până la clarificarea situaţiei ori, după caz, până la soluţionarea litigiului.

Dacă nu v-a fost pusă la dispoziţie compensaţia în acest termen, vă recomandăm să contactaţi schema de garantare a depozitelor, întrucât termenul în care puteţi pretinde plata compensaţiei poate fi limitat. Informaţii suplimentare sunt disponibile la


Alte informatii importante:

·        Plata compensatiilor se face de către FGDB, prin intermediul băncilor mandatate, în cazul în care Banca nu este în masură să-si îndeplinească obligatiile de plată conform conditiilor contractuale si legale aplicabile.

·        Nivelul compensatiei se determina prin deducerea din suma tuturor depozitelor eligibile detinute de deponentul garantat la respectiva institutie de credit la data la care depozitele au devenit indisponibile a valorii totale a creantelor exigibile la aceeasi data ale institutiei de credit asupra respectivului deponent. Compensatia = Suma depozitelor garantate + dobânda cuvenită – rate, comisioane, alte datorii către Bancă, exigibile la data indisponibilizării depozitelor. Compensaţia de plătit este limitată la nivelul plafonului de acoperire aplicabil.

·        Dreptul deponentilor garantati de a primi compensatiile cuvenite se prescrie la îndeplinirea termenului de 5 ani de la data la care FGDB pune compensatiile la dispozitia deponentilor. Prin excepţie în cazul în care procedura falimentului instituţiei de credit depăşeşte termenul de 5 ani prevăzut anterior, dreptul deponenţilor garantaţi de a primi sumele reprezentând compensaţii cuvenite se prescrie la data închiderii procedurii falimentului.

·        Echivalentul în lei al plafonului de acoperire şi, respectiv, al sumelor în valută care se iau în considerare la determinarea compensaţiilor se calculează prin utilizarea cursurilor de schimb valutar pentru valutele respective, comunicate de Banca Naţională a României în data la care depozitele au devenit indisponibile.

·        Pentru depozitele constituite în alte valute decât cele pentru care Banca Naţională a României comunică cursuri de schimb valutar, echivalentul în lei al sumelor în valută care se iau în considerare la determinarea compensaţiilor se calculează pe baza cursului de schimb oficial al respectivei valute comunicat, la data la care depozitele au devenit indisponibile, de banca centrală emitentă a respectivei valute, raportat la euro sau, dacă acesta nu este comunicat în raport cu euro, raportat la dolarul american.








1. Depozite ale unei institutii de credit făcute în nume şi cont propriu, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 64 alin. (2) din Legea 311/2015 privind schemele de garantare a depozitelor si Fondul de Garantare a depozitelor bancare.

2. Instrumente care se încadrează în definitia fondurilor proprii, astfel cum acestea sunt definite la art. 4 alin. (1) punctul 118 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 575/2013.

3. Depozitele rezultate din tranzactii în legătură cu care au fost pronuntate hotărâri judecătoreşti definitive de condamnare pentru infractiunea de spălare a banilor, potrivit legislatiei în domeniul prevenirii şi combaterii spălării banilor. Încadrarea depozitelor în această categorie se realizează de schema de garantare a depozitelor, pe baza informatiilor primite de la autoritătile competente, de la institutia de credit ale cărei depozite au devenit indisponibile ori de la lichidatorul desemnat de instantă, după caz.

4. Depozite ale institutiilor financiare, astfel cum sunt acestea definite la art. 4 alin. (1) pct. 26 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 575/2013.

5. Depozite ale firmelor de investitii, astfel cum acestea sunt definite la art. 4 alin. (1) pct. 2 din Regulamentul (UE) nr.575/2013.

6. Depozitele pentru care identitatea titularului nu a fost verificată până la momentul când acestea devin indisponibile, potrivit legislatiei în domeniul prevenirii şi combaterii spălării banilor.

7. Depozite ale asiguratorilor si reasiguratorilor, astfel cum sunt acestia definiti in Legea nr. 236/2018 privind distributia de asigurari.

8. Depozite ale organismelor de plasament colectiv, astfel cum sunt acestea definite de legislatia pietei de capital.

9. Depozite ale fondurilor de pensii.

10. Depozite ale autoritătilor publice centrale, locale şi regionale.

11. Valori mobiliare de natura datoriei emise de institutia de credit, precum şi obligatii care izvorăsc din acceptări proprii şi bilete la ordin.

Depozit cu rata de dobanda fixa, capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta.
Depuneri ulterioare multiple si o retragere partiala.
Constituire exclusiv prin canale digitale - Raiffeisen Online /Smart Mobile)
Termen de maturitate6 luni
Suma minima de deschidere500 LEI
Rata anuala a dobanzii4,80%
Procentul maxim pentru retragerea partiala20%
DEPOZITE LA TERMEN                                                                               
Suma minima de constituire500 LEI
DENUMIRE DEPOZITPerioada de constituireRata de dobanda
(constituire exclusiv prin canale digitale - Raiffeisen Online /Smart Mobile)
Depozit cu rata de dobanda fixa, plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta.3 luni4.60% (*)
Depozit cu rata de dobanda fixa, plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta.12 luni4.90% (*)
OFERTA SPECIALA: Depozit rata de dobanda fixa, cu virarea soldului si dobanzii in cont curent la scadenta.4 luni5,30%
Depozit rata de dobanda fixa, cu virarea soldului si dobanzii in cont curent la scadenta.24 luni5,00%
(*)+0.30% bonus de dobanda , clienti ce indeplinesc urmatoarele conditii:
- Clientii persoane fizice ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip Zero Simplu, ZeroTot sau Standard, ce incaseaza salariul intr-un cont deschis la Raiffeisen Bank, cu conditia sa existe in ultimele 3 luni cel putin un virament de tip salariu (descrierea viramentului de tip salariu trebuie sa contina: salar.../lichidare);
Nota: un client ce are prima incasare de salariu eligibila pe conditiile mentionate mai sus, poate vizualiza depozitele cu bonus de dobanda, in aplicatie, in maxim 2 luni de la prima incasare de salariu.
- Clientii persoane fizice ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip Premium si care inregistreaza incasari medii lunare mai mari sau egale cu 2,000 EUR echivalent, in ultimele 3 luni, cu exceptia clientilor segmentati Premium Invest*) si FWR**);

*) Segmentul Premium Invest cuprinde clientii ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip Premium  si care inregistreaza sold la final de lunii anterioare  >= 60.000 EUR echivalent;
**) Segmentul FWR cuprinde clientii ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip FWR  si care inregistreaza sold la finalul lunii anterioare
>= 250.000 EUR echivalent;
Depozitele cu bonus pot fi vizualizate, in aplicatiile digitale, alaturi de produsele din oferta standard.
Nota: Pentru depozitele in lei de peste echivalentul a 50.000 EUR rata de dobanda poate fi negociata.
Pentru depozitele la termen de 6 si 12 luni lichidate inainte de maturitate dobanda bonificata este:  0,00%
Pentru depozitele in LEI, la termen de 24 luni lichidate inainte de maturitate dobanda bonificata este:                    
Inainte de 12 luni de la constituire0,00%
Intre 12 luni si 24 de luni de la constituire0,50%
CONTURI DE GARANTII GESTIONARI - termen de depunere 12 luni
Rata anuala a dobanzii4,90%
Rata anuala  a dobanzii (*)
(*pentru fiecare fractiune din suma depusa care se incadreaza intr-o transa valorica)
50,001 - 300,0003,00%
Exemplu de calcul: In cazul unui cont de economii cu o suma de 400.000 lei, rata de dobanda se aplica astfel: pentru primii 50,000 lei se aplica dobanda de pe prima transa valoarica, pentru urmatorii 250,000 lei se aplica dobanda de pe transa a doua de dobanda iar pentru restul de 100,000 lei se aplica dobanda de pe transa a treia de dobanda.  
Perioada de intrare a conturilor de economii in stare "dormant"180 zile
Comisionul standard pentru retragerea de numerar prin intermediul cardului de debit, in functie de costurile/beneficiile pachetului de cont curent detinut de Client. 1% minimum 10 Lei

Rata dobanda anuala
Limita minima - 150 LEI
Depozit cu dobanda fluctuanta, plata lunara a dobanzii in cont curent si reinnoire automata (constituite inainte de 23.01.2012)1 luna, 3, 6,12 luni0,01%
Depozit dobanda fluctuanta, plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta si reinnoire automata (constituite inainte de 22.01.2010)1 luna0,01%
3 luni0,01%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata/capitalizare la scadenta (constituite in perioadele 22.07-30.09.2009 si 10.11-30.12.2009)4 luni0,01%
Rata dobanda anuala
Limita minima - 500 LEI
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata/capitalizare la scadenta, cu depuneri ulterioare si o retragere partiala in max 20% din valoarea depozitului (depozite deschise inainte de 10.03.2021)4 luni0,40%
Bonus procentual anual 0,00%
Suma maxima la care se aplica bonusul5,000 Lei
Rata dobanda anuala
Limita minima - 500 LEI
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata/capitalizare la scadenta (constituite inainte de 14.01.2015)1 luna0,01%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata/capitalizare la scadenta (constituite inainte de 09.03.2016)3 luni0,01%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata dobanzii la scadenta (constituite inainte de 10.03.2021 - atat in agentie cat si prin canale digitale)6 luni0,40%
12 luni4,90%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata dobanzii la scadenta (constituite inainte de 01.07.2020)6 luni0,40%
12 luni4,90%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata dobanzii la scadenta, fara reinoire automata (constituite inainte de 13.06.2018)18 luni0,60%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata dobanzii la scadenta, fara reinoire automata (constituite inainte de 10.03.2021)24 & 36 luni1.25% - depozite standard constituite in agentie
1.50% - depozite constituite prin canale digitale
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata dobanzii la scadenta (constituite inainte de 01.07.2020)6 Luni0,40%
12 Luni4,90%
Pentru depozitele la termen lichidate inainte de maturitate dobanda bonificata este:  Inainte de 12 luni de la constituire0,00%
Intre 12 luni si 24 luni de la constituire0,50%
Limita minima - LEIRata dobanda anuala
Depozit cu dobanda fluctuanta si transfer lunar al dobanzii/plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta (const. inainte de  24.07.2006, respectiv 27.05.2003 in cazul dep. la 9 luni)1 luna, 3,6, 9,12 luni150 LEI0,01%
Depozit cu dobanda rata fixa  si plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta (constituite inainte de 24.07.2006)1 luna si 3 luni150 LEI0,01%
Carnet de economii cu dobanda fluctuanta, plata lunara a dobanzii (constituite inainte de 15.04.2006)3,6,12 si 36 luni100 LEI 0,01%
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata/capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta (promotie 20.08-30.09.2008)2 luni4.000 LEI0,01%
Cont BONUS cu reinnoire automata si plata lunara a dobanzii (constituite inainte de 19.03.2011)1 luna100 LEI 0,01%
4.000 LEI0,01%
Pentru depozitele la termen lichidate inainte de maturitate dobanda bonificata este:  0,00%
CONT DE ECONOMII "ACCES PLUS" - deschise inainte de 22.06.2009
Rata anuala a dobanzii<=50,0002,50%
50,001 - 300,0003,00%
Comision lunar de administrare cont de economii Acces Plus0 lei
CONT DE ECONOMII "SUPER ACCES PLUS" - deschise exclusiv prin agentiile RBRo, inainte de 01.07.2019
Rata anuala a dobanzii<=50,0002,50%
50,001 - 300,0003,00%
Comision lunar de administrare cont de economii Super Acces Plus0 lei
PLAN DE ECONOMII PENTRU COPII "CRESTEM IMPREUNA" - deschise inainte de 08.02.2017
Rata anuala a dobanzii4,90%
Comisionul standard pentru retragerea de numerar prin intermediul cardului de debit, in functie de costurile/beneficiile pachetului de cont curent detinut de Client. 1% minimum 10 Lei

Depozite standard in valuta
(constituire exclusiv prin canale digitale - Raiffeisen Online /Smart Mobile)
Rata dobanda anuala(%)
Limita minima - EUR/USD
Depozit in EUR cu rata de dobanda fixa, reinnoire automata si plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta 1 luna1,00%
3 luni1.4% (*)
6 luni2,10%
12 luni2.3% (*)
Depozit in USD cu rata de dobanda fixa, reinnoire automata si plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta 3 luni2,55%
6 luni2,80%
12 luni3,30%
Pentru depozitele la termen de 3, 6 si 12 luni lichidate inainte de maturitate dobanda bonificata este:  0,00%
(*) +0.30% bonus de dobanda pentru clientii eligibili, clienti ce indeplinesc urmatoarele conditii:

- Clientii persoane fizice ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip Zero Simplu, ZeroTot sau Standard, ce incaseaza salariul intr-un cont deschis la Raiffeisen Bank, cu conditia sa existe in ultimele 3 luni cel putin un virament de tip salariu (descrierea viramentului de tip salariu trebuie sa contina: salar.../lichidare);
Nota: un client ce are prima incasare de salariu eligibila pe conditiile mentionate mai sus, poate vizualiza depozitele cu bonus de dobanda, in aplicatie, in maxim 2 luni de la prima incasare de salariu.
- Clientii persoane fizice ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip Premium si care inregistreaza incasari medii lunare mai mari sau egale cu 2,000 EUR echivalent, in ultimele 3 luni, cu exceptia clientilor segmentati Premium Invest*) si FWR**);

*) Segmentul Premium Invest cuprinde clientii ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip Premium  si care inregistreaza sold la final de lunii anterioare  >= 60.000 EUR echivalent;
**) Segmentul FWR cuprinde clientii ce detin un pachet de cont curent de tip FWR  si care inregistreaza sold la finalul lunii anterioare >= 250.000 EUR echivalent;
Depozitele cu bonus pot fi vizualizate, in aplicatiile digitale, alaturi de produsele din oferta standard.
Nota: Pentru depozitele de peste echivalentul a 50.000 EUR, rata de dobanda poate fi negociata.
Comisionul standard pentru retragerea de numerar prin intermediul cardului de debit, in functie de costurile/beneficiile pachetului de cont curent detinut de Client. 1.5% minimum 1 EUR/USD
Rata anuala  a dobanzii
(deschidere exclusiv prin canale digitale - Raiffeisen Online /Smart Mobile)
Indiferent de sold0,50%
Perioada de intrare a conturilor de economii in stare "dormant"180 zile
Comision de administrare cont de economii in EUR/USDFara comision

Limita minima - EURORata dobanda anuala
Depozit pe baza de contract cu rata fixa de dobanda si plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta - constituite inainte de 04.06.20071 luna500 EUR0,01%
3 luni0,01%
6 luni0,01%
12 luni0,01%
Limita minima - USDRata dobanda anuala
Depozit pe baza de contract cu rata fixa de dobanda si plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta - constituite inainte de 04.06.20071 luna500 USD0,01%
3 luni0,01%
6 luni0,01%
12 luni0,01%
Rata dobanda anuala
Limita minima - 500 EUR/USD
Depozit cu dobanda fixa si plata/capitalizare la scadenta (constituite inainte de 14.01.2015) - in USD1 luna0,01%
Rata anuala a dobanzii pentru depozitele lichidate inainte de maturitate0,00%
CONT DE ECONOMII "ACCES PLUS" IN EURO - deschise inainte de 22.06.2009
Rata anuala a dobanziiIndiferent de sold0,50%
Comision lunar de administrare cont de economii Acces Plus0 EURO
PLAN DE ECONOMII PENTRU COPII "CRESTEM IMPREUNA" - deschise inainte de 08.02.2017
Suma minima de deschidere500 EURO
Rata anuala a dobanzii2,30%
FLEXIDEPOZIT - EURO -  constituite inainte de 26.09.2017                                                                                  
Depozit la termen de 4 luni cu rata de dobanda fixa, reinnoire automata si plata sau capitalizarea dobanzii la scadenta
Suma minima de deschidere500 EURO
Rata anuala a dobanzii0,01%
Bonus procentual anual0,01%
Suma maxima la care se aplica bonusul3.000
Procentul maxim pentru retragerea partiala20%
constituite inainte de 26.09.2017
Rata dobanda anuala(%)
Limita minima - 500 EUR
Depozit in EUR cu rata de dobanda fixa, cu virarea soldului si dobanzii in cont curent la scadenta, fara reinnoire automata.18 luni0,01%
24 luni0,01%
36 luni0,01%
Pentru depozitele la termen de 18, 24 si 36 luni lichidate inainte de maturitate dobanda bonificata este:                    
Inainte de 12 luni de la constituire0,00%
Intre 12 luni si 24 de luni de la constituire0,01%
Intre 24 si 36 luni de la constituire0,01%
Comisionul standard pentru retragerea de numerar prin intermediul cardului de debit, in functie de costurile/beneficiile pachetului de cont curent detinut de Client. 1.5% minimum 1 EUR/USD

Performantele fondurilor administrate de
SAI Raiffeisen Asset Management SA
Fonduri de investitii         
Denumire fond Data lansariiValoarea la zi a unitatii de fondValoarea activului net (Mil)Performanta* (%)  
     YTD1 AN3 ANI anualizat  
Raiffeisen RON PLUS sept.08                       220,18011.141,644,72%8,53%2,56%  
Raiffeisen RON FLEXI iun.11                       153,0507631,194,26%6,13%2,97%  
Raiffeisen EURO FLEXI apr.23                          10,4728103,212,44%3,64%#N/A  
Raiffeisen EURO PLUS oct.09€ 133,5327€ 183,584,88%10,50%-0,30%  
Raiffeisen DOLAR PLUS oct.10$1.401,0951$61,455,55%11,34%1,23%  
Raiffeisen EURO OBLIGATIUNI oct.13€ 27,0523€ 37,955,12%13,9%-2,3%  
Raiffeisen ROMANIA DIVIDENDCLASA Aaug.07                       140,0375544,0716,9%24,7%15,7%  
 CLASA Efeb.24                          11,250622,3112,51%    
Raiffeisen CONSERVATOR RON mar.18                       132,4317342,806,50%10,89%4,8%  
Raiffeisen CONSERVATOR EURO mar.18                          26,864430,405,87%11,11%0,0%  
Raiffeisen MODERAT RON mar.18                       136,9248€ 209,207,02%11,64%5,1%  
Raiffeisen MODERAT EURO mar.18                          28,6055€ 34,387,66%14,27%0,8%  
Raiffeisen SUSTAINABLE MIX oct.20                    2.223,4769€ 1,667,02%13,27%-11,1%  
Raiffeisen  SUSTAINABLE EQUITYfeb.20                    3.616,039418,3012,71%19,66%3,5%  
Fond de pensii facultative         
Raiffeisen ACUMULARE iul.08                          31,5792255,635,92%10,51%5,4%  
Pentru a afla mai multe informatii sau a obtine prospectele de emisiune, formularele de subscriere si rascumparare ale fondurilor, va puteti prezenta la cea mai apropiata unitate teritoriala a Raiffeisen Bank sau la sediul societatii, puteti utiliza serviciul Raiffeisen Direct la telefon 0800 802 02 02, apel gratuit din reteaua Romtelecom, sau accesa
Investitia in fonduri poate presupune perceperea unor comisioane de subscriere si/sau rascumparare dupa caz; Informatii detaliate despre tarife si comisioane se gasesc in prospectele de emisiune
Raiffeisen Acumulare este un fond de pensii facultative constituit in conformitate cu Legea nr. 204/2006 autorizat prin Decizia C.S.S.P.P.( in prezent A.S.F. ) nr. 210/17.06.2008; Codul de inscriere in Registrul A.S.F – sectorul de pensii private. : FP3 – 1082
SAI Raiffeisen Asset Management S.A. • Calea Floreasca nr.246D, sector 1 • Bucure[ti • Cod 014476 • Telefon +40 21 306 1711 • Fax +40 21 312 0533  • •  Cod unic de înregistrare RO18102976 • Înregistrat` la Registrul Comer]ului Nr. J 40/18646/2005 • Capital Social 10.656  milioane RON •Inregistrata la Registrul CNVM PJ05SAIR/400019/08.02.2006 • Inregistrata de Autoritatea pt. Supravegherea prelucrarii datelor cu Nr. 4112